View Full Version : Hello

09-30-2011, 02:24 AM
Hello, I was looking some information on a game and found this site. Decided to register since its a great looking site.

I don't have a single game to show off but never too late to start a collection, I hope.

I wondering how most of the members here fund these purchases, because they seem to be collectively expensive after several purchases. Do you guys work normal 9-5 jobs or finance these from other ventures?

09-30-2011, 02:43 AM
Welcome to the forums ^_^
Im not sure how the other members do it but I dont have an official job. I just go to school and make video game themed items to sell online. My boyfriend has been helping me while he's taking a break from graduating before getting a job. Now, that's when that happens...all funds from my store will go to video games.haha..so pretty much everything and anything I can find will be mine/ours.

Just got to know how to budget money well. I mean we dont have real jobs yet we're buying video games constantly. I just dont get it I have a friend that has a job, gets a refund check for college and his gf's parents pays all their bills including gas yet they never have money nor anything to show for it wtf.

09-30-2011, 06:15 AM
Just depends on the situation for funding your addiction to collect. Some people like myself are in a very precarious position with money. Some are just lucky. Living at home or in a mortage free house; no bills etc...I think you'll find everyone has a unique situation that is remarkably different than the next...

09-30-2011, 01:33 PM
:welcome:Hello and welcome!

09-30-2011, 02:09 PM
Welcome! It's never too late to start :)

09-30-2011, 03:25 PM
Welcome - Like other say never too late to start.