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10-07-2011, 12:49 PM
Bring up your son/daughter to become a gamer/collector?
My son, who hasn't even hit one yet, already owns a Toy Story 3 Limited Edition, and for his birthday, I have preordered him the Lion King Limited Edition, and for his Christmas, am getting him the Toy Story Limited Edition Collection.
Is that weird? Obviously, that's not all we'll be giving him, we've also bought toys and clothes, etc, but is it weird to buy CE versions instead of standard ones for him?
I just figured, that we'd be buying him movies and stuff anyway, so why not get him the nicer, better versions? Since he LOVES Toy Story anyway, and we don't actually own Lion King yet, but both of us loved it as a child so hope that he will too...
Opinions? (And please don't get nasty if it's not what you'd do, just state why)
Sorry for the bit in brackets, it's just because I'm a member of a mother-baby forum and things can randomly get pretty nasty in there, but everyone here is so nice so I'm not really expecting any nastiness to come of this :) xx
10-07-2011, 12:53 PM
Also, he won't be sitting playing with the boxes as he'd ruin them :rotf:, but they will be displayed in his room on shelves (as opposed to being within mine & my partners collection) xx
10-07-2011, 01:08 PM
And I'd buy him limited edition games lol, first babygrow I bought him was a custom one that said 'I would own you on PS3'
I like that you raise up your son with the old Disney movies. Myself grew up with these movies and I think they are a great gain for every kid especially with all the crap you can see nowadays in the TV....
Disney has a long and prestigious history so why not buying him something special from the time you and probably your parents grew up with.
I'm still angry about my parents that they never bought the Disney movies on VHS :D I have to do it now for myself (of course I'm not buying old VHS cassettes):lmao:
So the hell ya, spoil your kid with Disney movies. If he doesn't like his stuff later it can be gifted to me :spiteful:
10-07-2011, 01:24 PM
I don't have children, nor do I plan on having any.
This is something I never really thought about but I think it's a fantastic idea for a few reasons.
1. It teaches them to respect their possessions, and keep them in good condition. which is something that I would say nearly all children lack, and something that a vast majority of adults lack too. I'm not talking about making them materialistic, but respect for their own belongings will culture a respect for the belongings of others.
2. It will give them something valuable that they'll appreciate more as they get older. So often we see things that were common when we were children and got destroyed and eventually tossed along the way, where those who respected and preserved them end up with what is literally an artifact worth a substantial amount more than it's original price. People dump money into things for their kids, most of them are happy to play with cardboard boxes, if you're going to spend money on them it might as well be something that still has value once they're older.
I think a lot of it will eventually be determined by your child's personality though.
As a kid I loved Legos, I would always ask my grandparents for 1 elaborate set every year... I would piece it together and then I would set it on a shelf for display, I also kept the boxes despite my mother's insistence that they were worthless and should be thrown out to save space. I was quite happy when I graduated college and was able to sell my pristine lego collection for several grand and buy myself a car. Sadly I still have a stack of manuals and matching models that are nearly worthless without their boxes... the few that my mother got to behind my back.
10-07-2011, 01:35 PM
I don't have children, nor do I plan on having any.
This is something I never really thought about but I think it's a fantastic idea for a few reasons.
1. It teaches them to respect their possessions, and keep them in good condition. which is something that I would say nearly all children lack, and something that a vast majority of adults lack too. I'm not talking about making them materialistic, but respect for their own belongings will culture a respect for the belongings of others.
2. It will give them something valuable that they'll appreciate more as they get older. So often we see things that were common when we were children and got destroyed and eventually tossed along the way, where those who respected and preserved them end up with what is literally an artifact worth a substantial amount more than it's original price. People dump money into things for their kids, most of them are happy to play with cardboard boxes, if you're going to spend money on them it might as well be something that still has value once they're older.
I think a lot of it will eventually be determined by your child's personality though.
As a kid I loved Legos, I would always ask my grandparents for 1 elaborate set every year... I would piece it together and then I would set it on a shelf for display, I also kept the boxes despite my mother's insistence that they were worthless and should be thrown out to save space. I was quite happy when I graduated college and was able to sell my pristine lego collection for several grand and buy myself a car. Sadly I still have a stack of manuals and matching models that are nearly worthless without their boxes... the few that my mother got to behind my back.
Yes, see that is how we want him to grow up, respecting his possessions rather than destroying them, and as both myself and boyfriend are collectors, we can see our son growing up that way too... And by giving him these things at a young age, we can teach him early that they are expensive and are to be valued, and that he can't just throw them around like they're worthless.
Most children (especially in our area) just do not give a shit about anything, they destroy things, both their own and other peoples'. It infuriates me the lack of respect that they have, and growing up with a lot of people who are like that, also puts me into a rage :rotf:
So we are going to do our best to bring our son up, to do as you said, and treat items with respect, etc. He will also be taught that he can't have everything he wants, as CEs are of course expensive, but hopefully by being brought up with them from a young age, he will appreciate that they do cost a lot of money, therefore if he asks for some for his birthday, he may get less presents than he would if he just wanted a bunch of action figures, etc.
And obviously, if he grew up not wanting to collect, we wouldn't force him, as he is free to do as he pleases (within reason of course) :haha: xx
10-07-2011, 01:44 PM
I like that you raise up your son with the old Disney movies. Myself grew up with these movies and I think they are a great gain for every kid especially with all the crap you can see nowadays in the TV....
Disney has a long and prestigious history so why not buying him something special from the time you and probably your parents grew up with.
I'm still angry about my parents that they never bought the Disney movies on VHS :D I have to do it now for myself (of course I'm not buying old VHS cassettes):lmao:
So the hell ya, spoil your kid with Disney movies. If he doesn't like his stuff later it can be gifted to me :spiteful:
Yeah, I've not seen many of the old Disney movies to be honest, as my parent's never really bought me them either (no idea why, 'cause I did get a lot of things when I was younger?) But the ones I have seen, I loved and want my son to love too (and yes I fully agree that the new Disney stuff is utter crap, I mean - High School Musical? Seriously!?)
And I've seen more old Disney movies since I've grown up, and love them all, so want him to grow up loving Disney too, and not just loving the new shite they put out every year :haha:
And nah, if he doesn't like it it's mine, all mine :rotf: muahahahaha xx
10-07-2011, 01:45 PM
And I'd buy him limited edition games lol, first babygrow I bought him was a custom one that said 'I would own you on PS3'
Yeah, we were gonna get him one saying "Future Gamer" but as much as we loved it, I had already spent way too much on baby clothes (we have enough to last him till he's 18 months, and he's already outgrown tonnes of unworn stuff haha)!
I did however buy him a custom Pikachu one :blush::rotf: xx
10-07-2011, 07:37 PM
I probably won't ever have any kids of my own, either, but I see nothing wrong with this idea anyway. Maybe its because I love Disney movies myself, too. Besides, if you were going to buy the movies anyway you might as well get the nicer versions.
Oh for waste of money but not giving any statement....
Most of the things people doing is in some way waste of money each in its own way. I think it is all a way of how much you do something. I think it's okay to buy his kid special edition of Disney movies or special Lego Editions
(I loved playing lego <3 sometimes I think about sneaking up to the attic to play a few hours with my lego stuff :D)
But your kid should also learn that things which are not coming in a special package or with special goodies can also be great and should be treated with the same respect.
10-07-2011, 10:03 PM
Oh for waste of money but not giving any statement....
Most of the things people doing is in some way waste of money each in its own way. I think it is all a way of how much you do something. I think it's okay to buy his kid special edition of Disney movies or special Lego Editions
(I loved playing lego <3 sometimes I think about sneaking up to the attic to play a few hours with my lego stuff :D)
But your kid should also learn that things which are not coming in a special package or with special goodies can also be great and should be treated with the same respect.
Yeah it was gu8, as the vote was public so everyone could see :surrender:
Yeah, I will of course, be teaching him to respect everything he owns, he won't always get CEs of things, but if I'm wanting to buy a certain something for him, and there happens to be a CE of it, then that is what I'll buy.
I've bought him some building blocks for his Birthday/Christmas (not Lego as those are too small for a 1 year old) and those aren't special editions, and he also has tonnes of toys that are just standard toys :)
Obviously he will be taught to take care of all of his items, such as, if he ruins something, then he will be less likely to get something as special next time (if you get what I'm saying).
I feel like I'm rambling, but yeah, I want him to take care of all of his things, not just his special editions xx
10-07-2011, 10:16 PM
Whoops, realised two people voted waste of money, bbki was the other one :shrug:
Tbh, who cares if others see it as a waste of money, I don't - it's not like I'm gonna go "ooh AJ, you're one now, here play with the wooden box, yeah that's okay that you've just chewed it in half, aww 'cause it's so cute watching you" :rotf:
It's so he has something to grow up with, much the same as how some women buy their daughters expensive jewellery to put away for them when they're older, so yeah, AJ can enjoy the movies whilst he's young and have the CEs on display in his room
And he can enjoy the actual CEs when he is older (and I can enjoy them for now) :rotf: :D xx
10-07-2011, 10:25 PM
Yeah, we were gonna get him one saying "Future Gamer" but as much as we loved it, I had already spent way too much on baby clothes (we have enough to last him till he's 18 months, and he's already outgrown tonnes of unworn stuff haha)!
I did however buy him a custom Pikachu one :blush::rotf: xx
I been trying to find somewhere that does custom game baby grows but no such luck yet, i think he'd look good with a master chief baby grow on lol
10-07-2011, 11:15 PM
Try eBay, that's where I found the Pikachu one :) xx
10-07-2011, 11:25 PM
I tried once or twice before he was born but they didnt have much n
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