View Full Version : Calling all Secret Santas!
11-04-2011, 03:00 PM
Everyone involved in the Secret Santa is to write a short statement, to maybe describe what they like and what kind of collector they are or whatever...
Just because a few people have requested that this be made.
Now, do not feel like you MUST get whatever your secret santa posts, it is just for a general idea incase you get stuck.
And remember, price limit is approximately £10 (or whatever that equates to in your own currency) plus postage (for people posting further than within their own country, you may slightly reduce the cost of your "present" in order to compensate for shipping.
The limit is in place so that you do not spend a lot and only receive something small back. You can of course spend more if you want, but I'd advise against it as you may only receive a small item (worth much less) back.
And finally, if you have something in your collection that you'd like to give them instead of (or with) a shop bought present, feel free to do so (of course make sure the item you are giving is not in shameful condition LOL!
Anyway, there we have it, post your small statements below :) xx
11-04-2011, 03:02 PM
I am Vanessa. I like most things to do with games, so I'd be happy no matter what I receive to be honest. However, if you are stuck for ideas, I like Pokemon, and quirky promo items from games :) xx
11-04-2011, 03:49 PM
My name is Gee and I love anything to do with Zelda, Metal gear solid and Final Fantasy. Mainly collect Games, Guides and soundtracks.
11-04-2011, 05:05 PM
Hello my name is Steve, and I am an alcoholic, I mean addict... Uh collector. I like long walks on the beach... Enough silliness I collect a lot of older generation games the biggest chunks of my collection is N64 Atari 2600 and Xbox 360. If it's video gaming im interested so it's hard to go wrong for me. If you are really stuck, you can't go wrong with an nes or a snes game. I only have a handful of games for each. I'm also a huge M.a.s.h. Fan :D
Hello my name is Katrin but you can call me Kat :)
I like everything that has to do with JRPG's. I'm collecting games for Xbox 360, guides and from time to time Soundtracks. It's not really hard to find something for me it must only be cute :thumb:
11-04-2011, 06:19 PM
Hamish - fan of nintendo64 and final fantasy 9/majora's mask. Also like any thing anime related and a big fan of anime /japanese games art books.
11-04-2011, 11:04 PM
I really am big into Grand Theft Auto, MGS, and Resistance lately, but anything about any Playstation game I will like, so yeah, not picky. :)
11-05-2011, 05:06 AM
I'm Anto, and it should be kind of obvious what my main collection is. inFamous~~ There is a wanted items page on my website for inFamous, but i have no idea the going rate of most of it.
Other series I like is Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, Fallout......aaaaand I've recently taken a (rather large) liking to Deus Ex: Human Revolution.. :D
11-05-2011, 10:00 PM
Im Robi
Very big handheld gamer, lov all things Pokemon and Dragon Warrior/Quest and Final Fantasy
I lov anything not made in the states or that i dont have. check out the intro thread and ull see the list of stuff i do have.
Lov figures of those games but happy with whatever
Queen of Mudcrabs
11-06-2011, 01:13 PM
I love everything related to The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell and the Thief-series. I also like anything artwork-related. But it doesn't really matter what you give me. I like absolutely everything ^^
11-06-2011, 02:36 PM
My name is Michael, at this moment in time i own only a Playstation 3 so that is what i collect for. What i like is anything related to that platform, anything collectible, i especially like promo items & Merchandise :thumb: i own lots of funny items from franchises i love so it doesn't have to be too serious. :haha:
Anyway these are some of my favourite titles/franchises :
Uncharted :beg:
Grand Theft Auto :beg:
Metal Gear Solid :beg:
God of War :beg:
Red Dead Redemption :beg:
Gran Turismo
WarHawk :beg:
I think anything R* Games related is awesome actually :beg::beg::beg:
Just call me banky my real name is long and hard to read and write
Anything would be fine by me.
let your imagination run wild :D
11-06-2011, 07:43 PM
My name is Mike. I enjoy most game franchises, so, like bbki, anything is fine :)
11-07-2011, 06:10 AM
sorry vhal can u PM me that address again, deleted my inbox :sorry:
11-07-2011, 08:40 AM
Pm'd :) xx
11-07-2011, 12:07 PM
I am E.H.
I have no preference just as Santa neither has except for love and joy to all and to all good children :) A gift of something that came from thoughts is a gift worth appreciating. That is all. Thanks :)
I am Vanessa. I like most things to do with games, so I'd be happy no matter what I receive to be honest. However, if you are stuck for ideas, I like Pokemon, and quirky promo items from games :) xx
okies :beach:
My name is Gee and I love anything to do with Zelda, Metal gear solid and Final Fantasy. Mainly collect Games, Guides and soundtracks.
okies :beach:
Hello my name is Katrin but you can call me Kat :)
I like everything that has to do with JRPG's. I'm collecting games for Xbox 360, guides and from time to time Soundtracks. It's not really hard to find something for me it must only be cute :thumb:
okies :beach:
Hamish - fan of nintendo64 and final fantasy 9/majora's mask. Also like any thing anime related and a big fan of anime /japanese games art books.
okies :beach:
I really am big into Grand Theft Auto, MGS, and Resistance lately, but anything about any Playstation game I will like, so yeah, not picky. :)
okies :beach:
I'm Anto, and it should be kind of obvious what my main collection is. inFamous~~ There is a wanted items page on my website for inFamous, but i have no idea the going rate of most of it.
Other series I like is Resistance, Ratchet & Clank, Fallout......aaaaand I've recently taken a (rather large) liking to Deus Ex: Human Revolution.. :D
okies :beach:
I love everything related to The Elder Scrolls, Fallout, Assassin's Creed, Splinter Cell and the Thief-series. I also like anything artwork-related. But it doesn't really matter what you give me. I like absolutely everything ^^
okies :beach:
My name is Michael, at this moment in time i own only a Playstation 3 so that is what i collect for. What i like is anything related to that platform, anything collectible, i especially like promo items & Merchandise :thumb: i own lots of funny items from franchises i love so it doesn't have to be too serious. :haha:
okies :beach:
My name is Mike. I enjoy most game franchises, so, like bbki, anything is fine :)
okies :beach:
11-16-2011, 08:43 PM
Just a reminder that presents will have to be sent soon! Let me know when you have sent your present and let me know the tracking number :) Thanks xx
11-16-2011, 10:52 PM
Was there a date set to have the items sent out? My assumption was we would be sending out closer to Christmas :P
11-16-2011, 11:27 PM
Well im waiting for mine to arrive so i cant send it prefer to send it as close to Christmas as possible anyway
11-18-2011, 02:54 AM
if anyone is sending their gifts inside the US there is still plenty of time to mail gifts out. not sure about international mail dates at this time...and obviously i don't know domestic mail prices for other countries.
11-18-2011, 10:30 AM
For the UK here is the information and postage tool:
This is of course dependant on weather, if it snows 2-3 weeks before Christmas expect huge delays and missing post as always.
HIHI I already have a gift for my secret santa.....what might it be :D
11-18-2011, 03:16 PM
Ayiu glad you got your gift sorted, I had so much trouble finding a gift for my secret Santa because mine has everything already.
Just stumbled over mine by pure luck. But all the best to you finding something nice =) I'm sure your secret santa will like it :)
I can't wait for pictures what everyone got..Christmas time hurry up :bunny:
11-18-2011, 06:35 PM
I'm struggling to find something for my Secret Santa :facepalm: I know roughly what I'm looking for though, arrrghh! :haha: xx
11-18-2011, 10:16 PM
We shouldn't over think what we'd loike to get for our 'secret santa'. We have a limited edition budget and we're only really doing this for a collector's fun!:bunny::bday:
11-18-2011, 10:17 PM
I have gotten something for mine, I think they will like it, I just hope they don't already have it.
11-18-2011, 11:14 PM
Yeah, I'm hoping my Secret Santa likes mine :blush: I always feel like I'm shite at picking presents :facepalm: Hopefully they don't look at the stuff I've got them and be like "what the fuck is this shit!?" :rotf: xx
11-18-2011, 11:41 PM
Well, i've received a gift wrapped prezzie already from my secret santa lol it arrived yesterday...what could it be? and from whom? hmm
Well, i've received a gift wrapped prezzie already from my secret santa lol it arrived yesterday...what could it be? and from whom? hmm
lol that's very early.
I have to be careful if I keep it too long I will change my mind and keep it for myself :D and my secret santa will get nothing :lol:
11-23-2011, 01:03 AM
Yea I have an idea of what I want to get but I hope I can find it fitting in the budget I want...and also that it will be something they actually want/don't already hgave. OOPS.
11-23-2011, 11:15 AM
Yeah, I hope my Secret Santa likes my present, I'm so worried as I couldn't find anything even near budget of the types of things I definitely know they will like, but I have no idea if they will like what I've got them, ahhh, it's so nerve wracking :rotf: xx
11-23-2011, 11:22 AM
and also that it will be something they actually want/don't already have
This is my biggest worry, I guess we will know in the soon.
11-24-2011, 05:32 AM
I'm gonna grab one more thing for my Secret Santa and then send it off, but I'm so scared incase they don't like my gift :banghead: I mean, I know nobody on here would be mean and slag the gift they've been given (at least outright on the forum) but I'm still shitting myself :rotf: I hate feeling like this, I just really hope they like it xx
11-25-2011, 03:06 AM
I have got my gift and will be sending it soon, i have it all under control :bananayes:
11-25-2011, 03:20 AM
Got my gift (that im giving) today in the mail and it came smashed!
Good thing I have a plan b
Queen of Mudcrabs
11-25-2011, 10:27 PM
I have my gift prepared. I jyst have to tear myself away from Skyrim long enough to ship it off xD
I am also 99 persent sure that my gift is something that my victim doesn't already own ^^
12-01-2011, 06:01 PM
The gift I ordered got lost in transit -_-
12-01-2011, 06:13 PM
Unlucky, I was expecting something like that to happen to me, but luckily it didn't - will you have time to order another xx
12-04-2011, 09:09 AM
I wish I had noticed this thread earlier :/ but in good news about to send mine out.
12-05-2011, 01:34 AM
Big news for those in the UK.
The MET office has issued a severe weather warnings for the UK or officially known as a amber warning.
See here:
The worst affected areas are Scotland and north England. It is also expected to get worst.
Also please note the customs are already delayed in most countries due to massive increase in traffic. Parcel force UK are already 4-7 days behind and the weather is going to make it worst for anyone importing or exporting to the UK.
12-12-2011, 10:29 AM
Received my present! :D Keep the PM's coming guys, as soon as you send/receive, let me know :D xx
12-18-2011, 11:35 PM
Ive received my present from my secret Santa and it's in a very festive wrapping =) Not that many sleep to I get to see what it is. The parcel Ive sent also has a hint if you are trying to guess who your Santa is.
12-18-2011, 11:43 PM
As you know Vhal, my Secret Santa has received theres...and i have received mine
So giving and receiving is Complete from me :thumb:
12-23-2011, 10:42 AM
I have received my Secret Santa gift and to be honest, I could not be happier. It was actually a book I was looking to add to my collection. :D I sure hope my Secret Santa enjoys what I sent him.
12-23-2011, 12:13 PM
I have received my Secret Santa gift and to be honest, I could not be happier. It was actually a book I was looking to add to my collection. :D I sure hope my Secret Santa enjoys what I sent him.
:) You have opened a little early, have you figured out who's it's from yet.
12-23-2011, 12:19 PM
Actually I have no clue, either way I hope they see this and know I really do like and appreciate it. However I didn't open it, my dad opened it thinking it was something for him LOL.
12-23-2011, 12:33 PM
However I didn't open it, my dad opened it thinking it was something for him LOL.
:rotf:- Brilliant.
12-23-2011, 12:36 PM
Yeah I thought it was pretty funny too. Normally he gets all the packages and when I came home from work I saw it on my desk with the package opened with a note from my dad saying my bad. lol
Queen of Mudcrabs
12-24-2011, 07:29 AM
So when do you guys plan on opening your presents?
12-24-2011, 11:32 AM
I'm opening mine tomorrow :D xx
12-24-2011, 11:41 AM
I am technically reopening it tomorrow. I decided to rewrap it. :D
12-24-2011, 12:24 PM
I normally open mine on Christmas day :)
Queen of Mudcrabs
12-24-2011, 03:06 PM
Then I will wait until tomorrow too ^^
Here in Norway we normally open the presents on the 24th.
12-24-2011, 03:07 PM
I didn't get mine yet :(
Queen of Mudcrabs
12-24-2011, 03:15 PM
It will probably arrive before new years :)
12-24-2011, 03:26 PM
Yeah, not too worried ^^
12-24-2011, 10:35 PM
Yeah same here, didn't get mine either, presumed it turn in near year.
12-25-2011, 09:06 AM
I got mine. It looks like someone went through my wanted list ;) I lobe it btw its in amazing condition.
12-25-2011, 09:08 AM
I love my present :D It will take pride of place on my wall, next to all my other Batman stuff :D <3 xx
12-25-2011, 09:17 AM
I love my present :D It will take pride of place on my wall, next to all my other Batman stuff :D <3 xx
I demand pics!
12-25-2011, 09:21 AM
I'm wearing mine. That is all. :D
Queen of Mudcrabs
12-25-2011, 12:24 PM
I'm wearing mine. That is all. :D
I'm also in love with my present and it will take pride place next to my other Assassin's Creed items <3 Thanks Secret Santa I know who you are :lmao:
12-25-2011, 07:05 PM
I'm also in love with my present and it will take pride place next to my other Assassin's Creed items <3 Thanks Secret Santa I know who you are :lmao:
Do tell? Or are we waiting.....thank you secret santa im very happy with mine i also know who you are lol :barsong:
Do tell? Or are we waiting.....thank you secret santa im very happy with mine i also know who you are lol :barsong:
pssst, don't tell anybody about our dirty little secret :beer:
12-25-2011, 11:01 PM
Batman-thong? know I only wear that on Friday/Saturday nights :batman:
This one I can wear every other day :beach: know I only wear that on Friday/Saturday nights :batman:
This one I can wear every other day :beach:
pictures :rotf:
12-27-2011, 02:16 AM
So are we revealing who we were yet?
12-27-2011, 04:59 AM
I think we should wait a little while longer as some people have not received there items yet.
12-27-2011, 05:14 AM
I know who mine was and mine knows i am theirs :surrender:
01-02-2012, 08:05 AM
woops ive been gone a bit... though i know who my secret santa is now. LOL.
01-02-2012, 08:14 AM
Who is it lol?
Mine was Gurpswoo1 :beer:
- By the way i already thanked Gurpswoo1 PM style, just wanted to add that just in case anybody thinks im a Humbug
01-02-2012, 09:24 AM
Mike1888 :D
01-02-2012, 10:30 AM
Mine was Ayiu :D xx
Edit: I mean my Secret Santa (the person who bought my gift) was Ayiu :) xx
01-02-2012, 02:47 PM
I had BBKI the first gift I got him got lost in the mail and the 2nd never got delivered :/ (he recieved the package but it was empty -_-) So the third should be arriving any moment now.
01-02-2012, 03:27 PM
I had Matrix as mine, so i'm glad he is happy with the item/s I sent. As for the person who is my Secret Santa sorry but I dont know who you are but the gifts were great. Loved the Batman :batman: set. I already had the Disgaea figurine you sent but this one i can leave sealed :ok:
01-02-2012, 04:00 PM
It was meeeee HentaiSenpai :) Glad you liked the Batman set :) and damn, I kinda thought you'd have it but I took a risk, at least you'll have an open and a sealed one then :) xx
01-03-2012, 12:19 AM
I got mine. It looks like someone went through my wanted list ;) I lobe it btw its in amazing condition.
...That would have been me. :D glad you like!
Queen of Mudcrabs
01-20-2012, 09:54 PM
I was never a very good detective but with my methods of elimination I have come to the conclusion that my secret santa was either Fatty or Matrix. I don't have any proof of who it is so I'll just throw in a guess and say Fatty was my secret santa. Am I right?
Btw, I LOVE the present! It took a while for me to find poster clips (or whatever they are called ^^') so I wouldn't have to put tape on the poster but it was well worth the wait!
We definitely have to do a secret santa this year too!
01-20-2012, 09:57 PM
Haha, you were wrong ;) It was Matrix6 :D That is one awesome poster :D
And yes, we definitely do!
I still have to hear from a few people so please let me know if you've yet to receive your gifts people! xx
01-20-2012, 10:15 PM
I got mine, I love it.
I have zero idea on who it's from though, the shipping label was ripped and missing a few details. Surprise it got to my house with the little information left.
Yeah Mos, glad you liked it.
01-20-2012, 10:17 PM
What did you get Gee? :D xx
01-20-2012, 10:24 PM
Got a GTA Vice City soundtrack - love it!
CE.o secret santa, a great success?
01-20-2012, 10:28 PM
I'm actually really proud of how well this all went :D I know that there is one (maybe two?) people still to receive gifts (unless they have received since they last messaged me) but gifts are/should be well on their way :D
We will definitely do it again next year, maybe plan it so we can have everyone paired up at the middle of October/start of November so we have plenty of time to "stalk" our people and get an idea of what they'd like, and of course track it down :)
Also, if we can get even more people involved, although it'll be more work keeping it all noted down, but I'd be happy to do the sorting again, unless someone else wants a shot? But, yeah, if we get more people involved, then hopefully everyone can nominate where they'd like to send to (either their own region, or abroad, eg: Europe or US) and whatever :) xx
01-20-2012, 10:36 PM
What did you get Gee? :D xx
I got a Zelda Like Mini chest with mini potion bottles inside, there is a code inside but haven't figured out what it's for yet.
Got a GTA Vice City soundtrack - love it!
Nice, everyone seems to be getting great gifts.
I'm actually really proud of how well this all went I know that there is one (maybe two?) people still to receive gifts (unless they have received since they last messaged me) but gifts are/should be well on their way
We will definitely do it again next year, maybe plan it so we can have everyone paired up at the middle of October/start of November so we have plenty of time to "stalk" our people and get an idea of what they'd like, and of course track it down
Also, if we can get even more people involved, although it'll be more work keeping it all noted down, but I'd be happy to do the sorting again, unless someone else wants a shot? But, yeah, if we get more people involved, then hopefully everyone can nominate where they'd like to send to (either their own region, or abroad, eg: Europe or US) and whatever xx
Yeah I totally agree with this, I never imagined it would be this successful, everyone put in a huge effort to find a gift that would be appreciated.
Thanks for the idea and all the work you put in, It's much appreciated.
+1 Vanessa. :notworthy:
01-20-2012, 10:41 PM
*graciously accepts the bowing* :P
Let's all hope the 2012 Secret Santa goes as well :D xx
01-20-2012, 11:29 PM
I agree, I'd definitely call this a profi...I mean, success! With limited time and planning, it was a really great effort from everyone and for Vanessa organizing it all on her own <3 :notworthy: :beer:
I was never a very good detective but with my methods of elimination I have come to the conclusion that my secret santa was either Fatty or Matrix. I don't have any proof of who it is so I'll just throw in a guess and say Fatty was my secret santa. Am I right?
Btw, I LOVE the present! It took a while for me to find poster clips (or whatever they are called ^^') so I wouldn't have to put tape on the poster but it was well worth the wait!
We definitely have to do a secret santa this year too!
:tomato: Happy to hear you like it. I do like where you've carefully placed it, it's definitely more masculine looking on a pink wall :banana:
Haha, you were wrong ;) It was Matrix6 :D That is one awesome poster :D
And yes, we definitely do!
I still have to hear from a few people so please let me know if you've yet to receive your gifts people! xx
Thanks dobber :P Guilty as charged but I'm not responsible for any assassinations :2cool:
01-20-2012, 11:36 PM
By the way Vhal I did send mine out and he did get it in case he never pmed you lol. I do love the Uncharted: Drake's Journal I got. A really fun read.
01-20-2012, 11:48 PM
Oh, I think HentaiSenpai was my secret Santa?! ;)
Thank you! This would have gone great with my [no longer existing] FFVII CE:v:
I'm afraid I can't seem to fit into it any longer, something happened during the xmas holidays and now my tummy is ballooning?! :S
01-21-2012, 01:25 PM
OMG! Matrix, you're pregnant! Congrats!
I kid, I kid :) xx
Queen of Mudcrabs
01-26-2012, 01:52 PM
there is a code inside but haven't figured out what it's for yet.
I don't know what that piece of paper inside that bottle is all about. I found that bottle in Lake Hylia and thought I'd just throw it in with the rest ;)
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