View Full Version : When Getting An Item Autographed-Keep or Ditch The Shrink Wrap?

05-05-2012, 04:04 PM
What's up everyone? Ok, so when you are getting an item autographed/signed is it better to have it autographed on top of the shrink wrap (If the item has shrink wrap), or to remove the shrink wrap and have the person pen directly onto the game box/case/paper? I always like keeping all of my games completely sealed. But I would think that for the purpose of autographing it would make more sense to have the shrink wrap off the item so that the ink could be penned directly onto the item. I've seen some games that have been autographed on top of the shrink wrap and it looks like it's easier to scratch off, and that the autograph fades more readily, etc. The autograph also looks more brilliant or sharp when it's directly on the item (IMO). And I'm not talking about someone's personal opinion. I am talking about from a collector's standpoint and from a future value standpoint. . .

Is it better to get an autograph on top of the shrink wrap?


Is it better to take the shrink wrap off and get the autograph directly on the item?

What do you guys think? Thanks!

05-05-2012, 05:15 PM
Is it better to take the shrink wrap off and get the autograph directly on the item?


If you tear the shrink wrap, you are fucked.

Open the game, take out the paper box art and get it signed there.

But if I have a brand new Dead Space Ultra Limited edition, no way in hell I'm opening that. In that case, just buy a custom acrylic box to keep it in good condition.

05-05-2012, 08:41 PM

If you tear the shrink wrap, you are fucked.

Open the game, take out the paper box art and get it signed there.

But if I have a brand new Dead Space Ultra Limited edition, no way in hell I'm opening that. In that case, just buy a custom acrylic box to keep it in good condition.

Thanks for the advice man. I appreciate that. I was unsure if you really should take the shrink wrap off or not. Alright, let's take a different example though........

You have that Dead Space Ultra Limited edition and have the chance to have the game producer/director, creative arts director, etc, etc sign it. Do you actually deface one of the Holy Grails of collecting and take the shrink wrap off to have them sign it? Or would you have them sign over top of the shrink wrap. For a really rare game as the Dead space ultra limited would it be different then? DON'T take off the shrink wrap even for signatures?

05-05-2012, 09:06 PM
Really it's all up to you. Yeah if you keep something sealed it will hold more value then an open item, but if you have a game that is very popular and sold very well and you have the opportunity to have it autographed by the developer it will be more valuable then just having it sealed. Like for a good example if you try to buy the 160gb uncharted limited edition ps3 bundle you could easily get it between the $300-$500 range. But I opened up mine and got it signed by the whole team and now I have had crazy prices thrown at me, and also it just doesn't look as good to have it done on the shrinkwrap. Why do you think when developers are giving away an autographed game they always open it up and sign the sleeve because it does not look as good and I also think that it won't stick as well on the long run.

05-05-2012, 10:56 PM
It depends on the item, if it's a console = on the faceplate, standard game = on the box art, and if we are talking about a rare edition then the decision is more personal.

Me? No way I'm taking off the shrink wrap, and since the shrink wrap is weaker than the cardboard box, I have to add another layer of protection (with the acrylic case). That's what I'd do, sealed and signed.

05-06-2012, 05:29 AM
But I opened up mine and got it signed by the whole team and now I have had crazy prices thrown at me, and also it just doesn't look as good to have it done on the shrinkwrap.

Me? No way I'm taking off the shrink wrap

Hehe, see this is why I have been wondering what people believe as a whole because I feel the same way as both of you do. Hmmmmm I guess if it's an edition that is valued at about $400-$500USD or less it's probably a good idea to have it signed straight on the item itself. If it's something like...Dead space Ultra limited, an original sealed Nintendo game, then it's probably best to keep it sealed and if you get signatures just get them on the wrapper. That's what I am kind of taking away from this I guess.

Thanks for your thoughts guys. Guess there's really no cut and dry way to answer as it's mostly personal. hehe