View Full Version : E3 2012 discussion
06-03-2012, 06:40 AM
what are you looking forward to, discuss what has been announced, here are a few pre e3 trailers that intrest me
lego lord of the rings
Any PlayStation 4 News
Assassins Creed 3 Gameplay or news of a North American CE (PLEASE!!!)
The Last of Us Gameplay
Fortnite Gameplay
And Super secret games to be announced
06-03-2012, 05:09 PM
and maybe some PS4 info.
06-03-2012, 08:06 PM
and maybe some PS4 info.
no and no, you get only black ops 2 updates this year and like it:thumb:
06-03-2012, 08:17 PM
I gotta agree there been waiting for news long enough now
Also news of gears of war 4
06-03-2012, 08:48 PM
I gotta agree there been waiting for news long enough now
Also news of gears of war 4
yeah a new gears title is in the pipeline, i would honestly be shocked if gta 5 was announced, there is no way it will be out for october as talked about on various sites, i wish i was wrong on this though
06-03-2012, 08:51 PM
no and no, you get only black ops 2 updates this year and like it:thumb:
lol god no!
yeah a new gears title is in the pipeline, i would honestly be shocked if gta 5 was announced, there is no way it will be out for october as talked about on various sites, i wish i was wrong on this though
You mean release date announced? The first trailer came out last year! :thumb:
06-03-2012, 08:57 PM
a live demo of this beauty
that's all I need.
And a new mirror's edge :(
06-03-2012, 09:00 PM
yeah meant release date, the new need for speed, same people that made hot pursuit? if so i am going to quite little dance in the corner now
06-03-2012, 09:03 PM
The same people who made the best arcade racing franchise out there. :bananayes::bananayes::bananayes::bananayes:
06-04-2012, 12:03 AM
They better announce a release date for beyond good and evil 2.
However I think it will be Nintendo with Wii U with a redesigned 3DS. Some zelda news and maybe Donkey Kong country returns 2.
Sony - Price drop for Vita and PS3. Metal Gear solid Rising and The last Guardian. maybe a new SKU.
Microsoft - Halo 4, Maybe Gears 4. The most wanted will be Xbox 720 but it might be too soon. What I really want is Rare to do something worthwhile. Where is Killer instinct or Perfect dark.
06-04-2012, 12:59 AM
I'd also like to see some more gameplay of Hitman Absolution. I think that game looks absolutely incredible.
06-04-2012, 10:42 AM
Nintendo Pre E3 Wii U video presentation:
06-04-2012, 11:13 AM
Nintendo Pre E3 Wii U video presentation:
intresting kit, the presenter looks and talks like he is being held hostage and reading from a ransom autocue.
06-04-2012, 12:38 PM
U know the presenter is the boss from nintendo right! haha
06-04-2012, 03:27 PM
spiderman new gameplay trailer
06-04-2012, 09:08 PM
I'm currently watching it now.
EA Conference is running live now.
06-04-2012, 09:09 PM
EA Press conference is on Spike right now, Dead Space 3 co-op...amazing!!
06-04-2012, 11:04 PM
nfs most wanted october 30th :woohoo:
06-04-2012, 11:07 PM
all the gta v rumour here is something intresting, its part of e3 pre-order points deal, but i dont want to read between the lines to much
Get Triple Reward Points!
Preorder any E3 game between 4th & 10th June 2012 and you will receive Triple Reward Points!
06-04-2012, 11:15 PM
resi 6 gameplay
need for sspeed most wanted gameplay
black ops 2 gameplay
dead space 3 gameplay
splinter cell blacklist gameplay
06-05-2012, 12:24 AM
Wow. How good does Watch_dogs look!? :drool: xx
06-05-2012, 02:14 AM
Wow. How good does Watch_dogs look!? :drool: xx
Ubisoft really surprised me with that 1, looks incredible.
Splinter Cell Black List really disappointing me though. Doesn't look like Splinter Cell at all.
06-05-2012, 02:50 AM
Looking forward to Dog_Watch & 3eyond w/Ellen Page <3
AC3 PS3 console bundle
FC3 4-player co-op
06-05-2012, 03:34 AM
really psyched for Watch Dogs, as well as The Last Of Us. Both titles look real unique. Surprisingly enough Ubisoft actually tickled my fancy this year. FC3 and AC3 both look pretty good. All that along with sony all stars on Vita, and my what I absolutely can't wait for CS:GO release date and price. August 21st and only $15 per system? I'll have to buy it on all 3!!
Still excited to see Star Wars: 1313 and wishing for GTA V news.
EDIT: forgot I'm also really excited about the update for SW:TOR that was announced. Sounded really awesome. Now to go back to leveling my character....
I'm not a fan of post apocalyptic games/zombies, but Last of Us looks amazing!
AC3 awesome environment and Splinter Cell for surprising reveal.
But at the end of the day, personally the return of SimCity is just satisfying.
Any news for Rainbow Six Patriots?
06-05-2012, 08:36 AM
no and no, you get only black ops 2 updates this year and like it:thumb:
Agreed want a big box edition with a steelbook fo sho!
06-05-2012, 11:01 AM
As a 36o fan, pretty sad
06-05-2012, 12:42 PM
As a 36o fan, pretty sad
Yeah, I own both a 360 and PS3. Normally I can say Microsoft and sony were about head to head but this year I actually think Microsoft got pwned by Sony. Next year will be the meal ticket though. I'm pretty sure that both next gen consoles will be announced.
06-05-2012, 02:22 PM
Yeah, I own both a 360 and PS3. Normally I can say Microsoft and sony were about head to head but this year I actually think Microsoft got pwned by Sony. Next year will be the meal ticket though. I'm pretty sure that both next gen consoles will be announced.
Microsoft's last 2 E3's have just been terrible to put it nicely. XD I wonder how Nintendo's showing will go. After seeing Microsofts, Nintendo's cant be that bad.
06-05-2012, 02:41 PM
Microsoft's last 2 E3's have just been terrible to put it nicely. XD I wonder how Nintendo's showing will go. After seeing Microsofts, Nintendo's cant be that bad.
Agreed. I bet after today that as far as rankings the company's showings it'll be Nintendo 1st, Sony 2nd, then Microsoft 3rd. I say Nintendo first because they are bringing out a new console. 'course when Sony and Microsoft bring out a new console it'll be different.
Interesting thing though. I watched both the Microsoft and the Sony press conferences and from what I saw in the Sony conference. . . They essentially HAVE a Wii U but with even MORE possibilities. When they are the announcement that the ps vita could be used in conjunction with the ps3 as a controller of sorts for games that's essentially (not exactly) the same thing as a wii u. I want Nintendo to do well though either way because if the wii u bombs than things will REALLY not be looking well for Nintendo and they are an amazing company that as far as gaming goes came before Xbox and ps. I love that the wii u is FINALLY supporting 3rd party games.
06-05-2012, 05:43 PM
Agreed. I bet after today that as far as rankings the company's showings it'll be Nintendo 1st, Sony 2nd, then Microsoft 3rd. I say Nintendo first because they are bringing out a new console. 'course when Sony and Microsoft bring out a new console it'll be different.
Interesting thing though. I watched both the Microsoft and the Sony press conferences and from what I saw in the Sony conference. . . They essentially HAVE a Wii U but with even MORE possibilities. When they are the announcement that the ps vita could be used in conjunction with the ps3 as a controller of sorts for games that's essentially (not exactly) the same thing as a wii u. I want Nintendo to do well though either way because if the wii u bombs than things will REALLY not be looking well for Nintendo and they are an amazing company that as far as gaming goes came before Xbox and ps. I love that the wii u is FINALLY supporting 3rd party games.
If the price is high for the console it will flop since their market had tons of kids/casual games and low income families could afford it. I like that Wii U is HD but that controller shouldn't of been the main attraction to it. I cant see how they can make that controller cheap, controllers arent meant to take a beating. Can you imagine if kids drop this and you have to buy a new one? It looks pretty big especially for a small kid to hold properly. Also, it still cant play DVDS/blu-rays, really Nintendo? I sometimes dont understand them.
06-05-2012, 07:28 PM
The one that has annoyed me so far and not just at E3 really - everyone and his dog keeps harping one about next gen - is this game going to be on next gen etc - and i'm getting really sick of it - next gen isn't happening yet and might not happen for years, what is the big deal, why the rush?
The Wii-U (WTF is that name) isn't next gen - it is what the original Wii should have been - plain and simple...
I wouldn't be surprised and i personally think that the next-gen won't be revolutionary but small steps in certain areas i think tech will be like for the foreseeable future - i think we have reached the point where tech just can't jump between iterations like it could before - we have reached the apex of what is currently possible - games couldn't really look much better than they already do - look at the likes of the Witcher 2, BF3 even Crysis 2 then to future games like Star Wars 1313 - this is truly as good as it gets and all this next-gen bull is getting to me...
Everyone in the games industry seems to want some sort of second coming or Rapture but in what sense - do they even know what they want?- it's similar to Blu Ray, i know there is 4k but that is years off and even then what difference will it make - make it look better, clearer - how do you define better, some of the blu rays out now look incredible how much better can they look before you don't see the difference? if the aim is to replicate real life it's almost there - you can't make something look better than it actually did in real life?
06-05-2012, 11:38 PM
I'm quite upset with the lack of Valve that appeared on Spike/GT coverage of E3. Gaben was supposed to be on and then they ended their programming :(
Just coming back from show and gotta say this year is pretty lame for me
Nothing interesting to see
Resident evil 6 play like crap (Graphic is good BTW) I really love the game but aiming is too far off and ammo is too scarce compare to horde of zombie coming to kick your ass.
Most of the time I have to bashing melee to get through.
DOA 5 Great control silky smooth like DOA 3 and graphic is very detailed and female face look unique now.
Hitman really awesome
For CE I gotta say prepare to be rape by shipping because Street Fighter Box is really really big and awesome.
And for Alien Colonial Marine ...meh
06-06-2012, 03:21 AM
Thanks for the pics man. Post more if you have :)
DOA 5 Great control silky smooth like DOA 3 and graphic is very detailed and female face look unique now.
What about the tits physics? :spiteful:
I'm still waiting for a Soul Calibur X Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach volleyball :D
Did you play Metal gear rising? Most wanted 2? Tomb Raider? Last of Us?
I don't know if they have demos for these games there.
Ah.. I play dude (Bayman and hayate) so that is no juggling around sorry...
But not a lot of revealing costume when I play (probably DLC later on)
MGS rising is a closed section demo so you have to wait in line for like 45 min so I skip that.
the rest is just some of Wii u game and I didn't see any last of us on the show floor
I probably check it out again on Thursday.
06-06-2012, 05:12 AM
@bbki Thanks for the pics :notworthy: The SF Anni looks awesomely huge! Worth getting every 25 years I reckon :hug:
I'm enjoying watching the live stream from PlayStation, gives us an insight of what it's like there [a bit], especially when we don't have a change of visiting :)
06-06-2012, 05:45 AM
I was mostly impressed with Watch Dogs this year. Totally taken by surprise by that.
Also looking forward to Beyond and The Last of Us.
Reaaaaaaally disappointed there was no surprises from Sony this year. The only kind-of surprise (Beyond) was leaked in full a few hours before the conference. :| Oh well. Better luck next year. LOL.
06-06-2012, 10:51 AM
Sony won E3 this year hands down. Nintendo and Microsoft press conferences were painful. EA was probably the weakest. Ubisoft felt like a dominating presence throughout E3.
06-06-2012, 01:43 PM
i like what i have seen from e3, i dont buy into the whole who was better, gimme next gen, im just intrested in the games coming out soon, liked the look of resi, ac3 nfs mw, etc
lot to look forward to this winter
and luigis mansion 2
06-06-2012, 07:28 PM
It was probably the worst conference Nintendo ever did, there wasn't much new they have really showed and it was way too much Mario.
Microsoft and Sony wasn't so very exciting for me either, it was better than Nintendo their conference in my opinion because of the Halo 4 trailer and The Last of Us Gameplay trailer, also the Smartglass was very interesting.
From all the press conferences, Ubisoft wins in my opinion, totally with Watch Dogs, Rayman Legends and Assassin's Creed III, totally amazing games. :>
06-06-2012, 08:30 PM
Sony definitely won for best. Although Ubisoft was close too. Their damn hosts really ruined it for them. Sony showed a bunch of cool games, but I was bored as hell by the wonderbook. Ubi just had sick games
06-06-2012, 09:42 PM
Looking forward to watch dogs as well as last of us too plus re6 and few others =p
From Square-Enix
Although looks awesome, it probably would be coming like .... never **stares at FF7 PS3 Tech Demo ( (from 2005 E3)**
Speaking of which FF13 Versus F***ing where!? =/
06-06-2012, 10:16 PM
Holy crap - that is stunning! :D
06-06-2012, 11:53 PM
loving the resi 6 gameplay drip feed, looks awesome leon in the uni reminds me of classic resi
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