View Full Version : TOns of differnt clear folders from Japan.

11-26-2012, 07:43 PM
With the topic of all the clear folders from Japanese here a crap ton you cane easly find in Japan nothing limited to Just assassins creed just to show how common these things really are.







http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTVv7ugMR7OMbthg8KYSgd2uGyrDuguz UsXxduC10D14CDMczy9CWMbjl2n



http://t2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQwIQcndyn37oNZmkR9BV8dOEt2WDoeX 4z06RlVLE0aWPPVFiR_XZcnTtPK5w


http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTy5wg487BjmHVwYi64_Zq3C_NzOwlvj yvZqc6v3IY9IN2yF1ZawXpcDE6y










I could go on and on showing crap tons of these but im sure by now everyone gets the idea there nothing really that special at least in Japan.

11-26-2012, 07:56 PM
Yes, Yes I am now well aware that Japan loves clear file folders but like anything if you cannot find more of the specific product you're looking for *cough* AC Tokyo Art Folders *cough*cough* then they are indeed rare and hard to find.

Steelbooks are made in the thousands but some still become valuable.

Granted I think you would be hard pressed to find a collector that would be more interested in clear files than steels

The question with specific clear files is how easy to obtain are the specific ones you want?

So while the general concept of Japanese clear files for every little thing is accurate, specific clear files could be hard to find.

Btw that batman arkham city one is epic :D

11-26-2012, 09:23 PM
I bet there quit easy to find in Japan again japanese just dont seem like buy resail type of people to me. I bet there are some other lesser known Japanese auction sites out there that have the AC ones. The big isue is there no really big standard outless like most of the world has with ebay. There is no ebay of Japan yes you can actually go to the ebay japan homepage but you click anything you just get taken to regualt old english ebay.com. Once i get a hold of 1 of my Japanese friends i can get links to some of the lesser known auctions sites and other nice media outlets i bet these things are much easier to find then you think. I bet you can find crap ton of these all over the place in Akirabaha. Even if they are buy and resale type of people i don't notice tons of Japanese people buy stuff just to resale like the crap you find with ebay and stuff.

11-26-2012, 11:45 PM
Would like a couple of the Okami ones and a Kingdom Hearts one! :drool:

Please keep us updated with easier ways to locate and purchase these items, Geralds, as they are indeed very nice! ^^

11-26-2012, 11:48 PM
Would like a couple of the Okami ones and a Kingdom Hearts one! :drool:

Please keep us updated with easier ways to locate and purchase these items, Geralds, as they are indeed very nice! ^^

Well i know you can get the kingdom hearts 3d one off of amazon Japan the others im not so sure about. I have asked 2 of my Japanese friends about these and they just replayed back wtf are these anyway are these fake do they even exist then i asked them if they lived in tokyo they both said no and im like go figure no wonder you haven't the slightest clue what these things even are.

11-27-2012, 12:00 AM
Well i know you can get the kingdom hearts 3d one off of amazon Japan the others im not so sure about. I have asked 2 of my Japanese friends about these and they just replayed back wtf are these anyway are these fake do they even exist then i asked them if they lived in tokyo they both said no and im like go figure no wonder you haven't the slightest clue what these things even are.

It's pretty funny that your friends think so little of these when some of us would love to have a lot of them. :)

I guess maybe some of these might be hard to get just because Japan doesn't care about non-japanese games at all and therefore non-japanese game clear files don't sell very well?

11-27-2012, 01:04 AM
It's pretty funny that your friends think so little of these when some of us would love to have a lot of them. :)

I guess maybe some of these might be hard to get just because Japan doesn't care about non-japanese games at all and therefore non-japanese game clear files don't sell very well?

Well if have a Japanese friend who lives in Tokyo I bet I can get much better accurate information. Well that not true 100% as it all depends on how these were givin away some are just give aways at tokyo game show others are sold some are preorder bonuses some are event give away.

11-27-2012, 01:54 AM
Heres a set of over 80 anime themed folders http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m107434235

a gundam one http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h139113973

http://page7.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/g79157317 an angle and deamons one from the movie

http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e128973410 theres a set of sengoku basara ones

Theres some nexion themed 1 http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n115081894

http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b124918424 theres a tokyo game show exclusive 1

http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b140507251 hmv japan exclusives

http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h147187939 more evon gilion oens

http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n108624947 a 1 piece one

11-27-2012, 06:40 AM
what exactly are these?..like posters?..or folders you can file paper work in?

11-27-2012, 07:04 AM
There are folders that open at the side made out of a semi-translucent plastic

They are apparently a very common thing for merchandising for pretty much everything and anything in Japan

Here's a video of me showing the Assassin's Creed clear files that I got:


Only way I can think of really showing what they are

11-27-2012, 04:43 PM
Ya pretty much what swiftdeath said but saddly i have looked and your going to have a hard time find any that are not akb48 related in general. I spent hours looking threw hundreds of these and omg wtf with all the AKB48 ones and thew few little odd ball ones here and there ><. So while a common thing yes in Japan the gameing related ones are going to be the harder ones to come by if i could get more information though ill be sure to let everone know as i know people are interested.

11-27-2012, 08:20 PM
Ya pretty much what swiftdeath said but saddly i have looked and your going to have a hard time find any that are not akb48 related in general. I spent hours looking threw hundreds of these and omg wtf with all the AKB48 ones and thew few little odd ball ones here and there ><. So while a common thing yes in Japan the gameing related ones are going to be the harder ones to come by if i could get more information though ill be sure to let everone know as i know people are interested.

Thanks for the effort, it's much appreciated :)

That's kind of why I was hesitant about searching through all of amazon.co.jp as it has like 15000 clear files for sale :P

Lol about AKB48. I do not understand them at all. Somehow there's 91 members??? and I think they all just dance and sing? Didn't really look to into it but that's a huge musical group. Guessing they're probably jpop

I found a couple of sites that I believe state that my clear files were orignial & exclusive merchandise made just to be sold at the art exhibition

I'll post the links in the AC Art folder thread.

11-27-2012, 09:08 PM
The sad thing is you can not make a yahoo auctions account so you can do like ebay and save the search to just get emails when some pop up. AKB with all its freeking sub goods liek SDN48 ect.. are over 100 members stong but the main group themself is like 48 to 67 at the max there even in the book of world records for being the largest pop group in the world. I could go on and on about AKB48 that is one strange a freeking hell pop group.

11-27-2012, 09:12 PM
The sad thing is you can not make a yahoo auctions account so you can do like ebay and save the search to just get emails when some pop up.

Ugh ^ this is soooooo annoying!

If only I could have an yahoo auctions account and an ebay japan account it would make me get a lot more stuff from japan.

I don't even think you can search ebay japan without an active account although it could be my searches just kept returning 0 results.

And yes from the little I've read about AKB, they are a pop group the size of an entire orchestra

11-27-2012, 09:15 PM
Ugh ^ this is soooooo annoying!

If only I could have an yahoo auctions account and an ebay japan account it would make me get a lot more stuff from japan.

I don't even think you can search ebay japan without an active account although it could be my searches just kept returning 0 results.

And yes from the little I've read about AKB, they are a pop group the size of an entire orchestra

There is no ebay japan if you go to ebay.co.jp thats just a home page click on anything you get taken to the global ebay.com site. Unless there was one sense i last checked a few years ago.

11-27-2012, 09:18 PM
There is no ebay japan if you go to ebay.co.jp thats just a home page click on anything you get taken to the global ebay.com site.

Ah that might explain why I was having technical difficulties

I'm pretty sure the global ebay.com site no longer exists as there was a lot of complaints about its disappearance a month or two back

11-27-2012, 09:20 PM
Ah that might explain why I was having technical difficulties

I'm pretty sure the global ebay.com site no longer exists as there was a lot of complaints about its disappearance a month or two back

lol no ebay.com still there. Well I Just checked ebay.co.jp ya i think in the future there going to have an ebay of Japanese. You used to go the Ebay japan and you would just click on anything instantly get taken to ebay.com now its more funtionable but still not a real auction site as no matter the search you will always turn up 0 finds. Same thing goes with ebay china.

11-27-2012, 09:49 PM
lol no ebay.com still there. Well I Just checked ebay.co.jp ya i think in the future there going to have an ebay of Japanese. You used to go the Ebay japan and you would just click on anything instantly get taken to ebay.com now its more funtionable but still not a real auction site as no matter the search you will always turn up 0 finds. Same thing goes with ebay china.

Oh I thought you were talking about the global ebay site, the aggregate worldwide site that a lot of people liked, it wasn't the same site as the US ebay

11-27-2012, 10:06 PM
Here we are some gaming related one i have found

Mega man - http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m102095794

Street fighter - http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u37341388

Sengoku basara http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e132545061

DOA : http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n118345214

King of Fighters - http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/155225612

Tales of - http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r95574277

Trinity - http://page10.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/m99228381

Rune factory - http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n118853454

Shinning - http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h170785144

Disgaea - http://page5.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/e129170640

xensaga: http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/164514403

Dragon quest - http://page13.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/r96667055

End of eternaty - http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/160837356

hatsun miku - http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u42972237

Kingdom hearts - http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/161113644

Donkey kong - http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w80487214

Mario- http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f122340249

Some final fantay - http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h170711468

Monster hunter http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b135713930

IdolM@ster - http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/166897179

Vitura on - http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/140641411

Dragonball - http://page11.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/n107721880

Yakuza - http://page4.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/d137255273

Jojo's bizara adventure - http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w81123409

Capcom - http://page2.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/b130930458

Aquapazza - http://page19.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/x243162624

Dynasty worriors - http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w77496679

Metal gear - http://page18.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/w75654477

Playstation branded 1 - http://page16.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/u43599895


Ryu Kazama
11-27-2012, 11:00 PM
Clear Files. Saw tons in Japan. Saw enough in Japan Centre, too. I guess it's for school kids to keep their homework and other precious documents in. Tend to avoid them myself though.

11-27-2012, 11:03 PM
Clear Files. Saw tons in Japan. Saw enough in Japan Centre, too. I guess it's for school kids to keep their homework and other precious documents in. Tend to avoid them myself though.

see lol these a quit common in japan just like i would have figured.

12-07-2012, 12:47 AM
Being in Japan for a couple of months, yeah, they are quite common. And as Ryu said, it's mainly for document keeping.

Would like a couple of the Okami ones and a Kingdom Hearts one! :drool:

Please keep us updated with easier ways to locate and purchase these items, Geralds, as they are indeed very nice! ^^

As geralds has pointed out; the KH ones are fairly easy to find (ebay, yahoo japan auctions, amazon jp etc.) ad I managed to grab the Okami one a while ago on yahoo auctions. The Okami one is a promotional clear file so you may have a bit more trouble finding it.

12-07-2012, 02:05 AM
Isn't that special you don't have and can't get?

So for me a Japanese folder would be something special because I can't get it anywhere beside from Japan.

12-07-2012, 02:58 AM
Well ya i can see that for sure you do not have access to them so it make sence.