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Old 01-31-2013, 05:22 PM
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Default Re: Hitman Absolution

I have also taken some comparison pics of the NTSC and EU Professional Editions. Mainly for those who care. XD When I saw the unboxing video for the NTSC version I was dying to get one and now I have one thanks to a great member here! ^o^ Thank you mate!

Anyway, here's some pics comparing the 2 editions!

First off the outer box, which doesn't look any different from the front, but in hand it is slightly thicker and significantly heavier. Also the rear of the box is different too.

You can see the NTSC one is slightly thicker

The NTSC one is also different on the back.

The NTSC copy of the Professional Edition come with a nice box inside a slipcase. Then the digipak slides out of the side of the box like a boxset DVD would.

The PAL CE comes in a glossy clamshell box with no slipcover.

Some more pics of the digipak:

Now some pics of the PAL CE:

As you can see there are some differences with each CE. The main one would be the art book. Each version of the professional edition comes with it's own artbook, but te artbooks are different for both regions. Here's a pic of the 2:

PAL on the top and NTSC on the bottom.

I have also taken a pic of pages in the artbooks to show they are different. Both were on page 33 and as you can see, they're different!

PAL on right, NTSC on left.

Aswell as the artbooks being different, the manuals are different too. The Pal version got a book, even though it was small it was still a book of sorts. The NTSC version literally came with a flier! lol Pal on the left open on the first page, NTSC on the right open.

One more thing that you might have noticed is that the disk arts are different too. Another thing which wasn't photographed was that the NTSC copy didn't have a code in for the Contracts online mode. Whether that is just my copy is missing it, I don't know. lol

I know the images aren't great, but it's the least I can do since I lost my camera. >.< Phone photos should be fine!

Personally I think the NTSC version is heaps better than the PAL one. I'm sure everybody else will agree with me.

Just thought people would like to see a comparison since I was on about wanting a NTSC CE for a while now! XD
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Last edited by Cosmic_Link; 01-31-2013 at 05:30 PM.
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