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Old 04-19-2013, 10:56 AM
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Default Re: Tales of Xillia Collector's Edition coming to PAL and NTSC regions

Originally Posted by Cosmic_Link View Post
Nope, never got the email. I need to contact them somehow, but it appears that after a brief talk with their UK CS, I need to contact the France CS. >.< Kinda sucks as it is international and possibly a premium number! >.<
Update on this:

I contacted the France CS and it appears that they are pretty clueless on the matter and then gave me a number for the UK CS, which when I called it was just a recorded message fobbing you off and telling you to contact them via twitter. >.< I have instead emailed them at

Here's hoping that I will receive a response soon. Whatever happened to that days where you could call a CS centre and have a moan to somebody over the phone rather than having to wait for somebody to reply to you before moaning may commence....?

It also appears that the Paypal payment option has been removed from the site and they have limited orders to 1 per person so I can't even make another order!
Originally Posted by comaamen86 View Post
scottish stereotypes, they have no public transport network and instead use pub crawls and off licences as a commuting route to the dole office
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