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Old 02-01-2012, 04:26 PM
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Raasclark Raasclark is offline
Raasclark's Flag is: England Birmingham
Join Date: Feb 2012
Posts: 331
Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Hi guys,

Been lurking for a long while (so long my orginal account has been deactivated, thus the '1' lol) and thought I'd give you my story...

Ordered one of the original 4000. After the change and the lack of mention of limited numbers with the new change, I decided to cancel.

Then when I heard the numbers were limited again, ordered an Xbox copy and a PS3 copy.

Then found out the news about the steelbooks (by you lovely people no doubt) and heart sinking ensues...

Got my xbox copy last Saturday, very early I know, and of course, stickerbook.

Got my email confirmation for delivery for my PS3 copy on Monday, so should expect this tomorrow. But in turn will be gutted I'll have this opened rather than sealed (could really do with an x-ray scanner right about now).

When I get it, I'll be able to tell you if post 4000 people got a steelbook. And if it is, my xbox is going right back for an exchange : )