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Old 02-01-2012, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

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Old 02-01-2012, 03:23 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

I'm afraid I might still receive a stickerbook for the PS3 if they're exclusive to the original 4k orders. Unfortunately there was a problem with the payment and the shipping of my order was delayed. The original order number was kept, but I hope they did not replace my order. It's zavvi after all and I don't trust them that much.
Old 02-01-2012, 03:25 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

I'm actually wondering whether they would go to so much effort to produce two different types of SteelBook. Maybe they did. Maybe that's why they were listed as a "SteelBook variant" - Maybe there are several different collectible variations out there?

Like I said in a previous post, the distributor would have no way of knowing the difference in contents regardless of whether you were an original 4,000 order or a new order, unless the barcodes were different...

Something else which springs to mind - Do you think anyone would take the time and effort to buy a bulk load of these, and split the contents and sell separately? I considered this myself, as some people specifically want the SteelBook, whereas others want the T-shirt, soundtrack, and / or the artwork book individually...
Old 02-01-2012, 03:27 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Saturn View Post
I'm afraid I might still receive a stickerbook for the PS3 if they're exclusive to the original 4k orders. Unfortunately there was a problem with the payment and the shipping of my order was delayed. The original order number was kept, but I hope they did not replace my order. It's zavvi after all and I don't trust them that much.
Interesting. I also had problems and delays with the payment for the original PS3 orders, yet my X360 orders I placed recently went through fine. I too don't trust Zavvi one bit, especially as they're renowned for dodgy selling practices.
Old 02-01-2012, 03:29 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix View Post
Something else which springs to mind - Do you think anyone would take the time and effort to buy a bulk load of these, and split the contents and sell separately? I considered this myself, as some people specifically want the SteelBook, whereas others want the T-shirt, soundtrack, and / or the artwork book individually...
Happens very frequently now doesn't it? I've seen it done for Nano Edition, Skyrim CE, etc. So yeah, why not?
Old 02-01-2012, 03:31 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

They could tell them apart by keeping them in different parts of the warehouse. Also,mine was dispatched yesterday and i'm outside the original 4000.
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Old 02-01-2012, 03:58 PM
kennyrh kennyrh is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Gemini-Phoenix View Post
Something else which springs to mind - Do you think anyone would take the time and effort to buy a bulk load of these, and split the contents and sell separately? I considered this myself, as some people specifically want the SteelBook, whereas others want the T-shirt, soundtrack, and / or the artwork book individually...
I guess it would depend on whether or not the steelbook goes to those outside the 4k club. If not I'm guessing that could be quite lucrative given that goonergaz paid over £70 for the steelbook alone.
Old 02-01-2012, 04:00 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by kennyrh View Post
I guess it would depend on whether or not the steelbook goes to those outside the 4k club. If not I'm guessing that could be quite lucrative given that goonergaz paid over £70 for the steelbook alone.
no, I paid £70 for the whole lot - I just know that the steelbook is a real one...will arrive Friday and I can finally relax!!

also I would add that it's not worth it if they are stickerbooks - you'd probably clear:

£25 for the game
£25 for the book
£10 for the t-shirt
£15 for the stickerbook

if however they are real steelbooks then it's probably worth it...but it's debateable as there will be at least 8K in circulation and potentially 13K WW

Last edited by goonergaz; 02-01-2012 at 04:03 PM.
Old 02-01-2012, 04:26 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Hi guys,

Been lurking for a long while (so long my orginal account has been deactivated, thus the '1' lol) and thought I'd give you my story...

Ordered one of the original 4000. After the change and the lack of mention of limited numbers with the new change, I decided to cancel.

Then when I heard the numbers were limited again, ordered an Xbox copy and a PS3 copy.

Then found out the news about the steelbooks (by you lovely people no doubt) and heart sinking ensues...

Got my xbox copy last Saturday, very early I know, and of course, stickerbook.

Got my email confirmation for delivery for my PS3 copy on Monday, so should expect this tomorrow. But in turn will be gutted I'll have this opened rather than sealed (could really do with an x-ray scanner right about now).

When I get it, I'll be able to tell you if post 4000 people got a steelbook. And if it is, my xbox is going right back for an exchange : )
Old 02-01-2012, 04:34 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Matrix6 View Post
"Steelbook, or Stickerbook?" - Shakespeare
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