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Old 06-09-2012, 01:23 PM
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Default Re: It has to be limited, it has to have a certificate of authenticity, etc.

Originally Posted by DB5 View Post
So again I ask, without including the thought of resale value or bargain bins, why do you need your CE to be limited or rare just so that you can be happy about it?
I read the whole post, but this is the main issue. The main reason I prefer that CE's are limited and numbered is not so much for the resale value, it's that I don't want them to plummet to unbelievably stupid prices within weeks of buying it. Just makes me feel ripped off! >.<

If I know a CE is REALLY limited, I know the chances of it dropping in price are low, so I will pick it up at launch, otherwise I will wait it out for a potential price drop. Collecting Video game CEs is an expensive hobby as we all know, so if I can save cash somewhere, I will!

Most of the CE's I have are pretty run of the mill and aren't as limited as the more expensive ones. I think the most limited CE I have is my Risen 2 Keg! XD

So long as there is sufficient, good quality content included to make it worth the price tag, I'm not too fussed about it being numbered or such, but it does make it that bit more special. Also if something is numbered and limited, I'd be preapred to pay a bit more than usual for a numbered and truly limited edition.
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