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Old 02-01-2012, 10:49 AM
Saturn Saturn is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

So chances to receive this damage is above 80% then. I AM PISSED and I still did not get it. But I am pissed1 I'll never order anything special from Zavvi again if it really comes in a bad condition!
Old 02-01-2012, 11:00 AM
ChrissyCooza1 ChrissyCooza1 is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Iv had nothing but problems with this pre-order, I got a payment problem email and chose to resolve it, the I got another one so I looked over all my details and everything was correct then I got a phone call from Llyods TSBs Fraud Helpline saying that they have been declining the payment to Zavvi because it was a suspicious amount of money, they were promptly told to f**k off because I have used the same details with Zavvi for larger amounts before without any problems so stop causing grief (and yet when money did go missing from my account two years ago they did nothing for me and im still waiting for £80 they promised me), I have resolved it again with Zavvi and it says 'processing' and it hasnt changed since yesterday... bloody banks in the UK are nothing but a pain in the arse.
Old 02-01-2012, 11:17 AM
MartyMcFly MartyMcFly is offline
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Thumbs up Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Matrix6 View Post
Thanks for the video unboxing video unboxing Marty, it was very detailed and informative

As for the packaging of the game, it's a little disappointing for Konami to be cheap and package it in flimsy cardboard. I think the US LE is far more presentable and had used a sturdy hard cardboard for theirs. The contents sure are far more important than the packaging box, but that serves to protect the contents inside...and in this case, it may not if anything falls on top of it!
No problem Matrix6, thanks very much for the kind words

I would usually be really annoyed and acting pretty OCD about the damage to the box, but to be honest you can tell Konami didn't put a lot of effort into making it durable - Zavvi's packing certainly didn't help, but I personally think that the art book, steelbook and t-shirt will all be better served being stored elsewhere anyway. (How many of you with damaged boxes have sent it back? I figured if they sent it damaged once, it could just end up coming back again but a lot worse, perhaps with the items inside damaged this time. I'll keep the box but won't be using it to store the items or for display purposes.)

Also, I'm not sure if this has already been confirmed/refuted, but somebody commented on my YouTube video unboxing and said they had received a sticker book within their PS3 version of the Limited Edition?!
Old 02-01-2012, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

I had the same problem as chriss above when I tried to order a 3ds. Think I had payment troubles 5 or 6 times even after phoning them up. I also had the fraud department of bank of scotland in touch with me twice during the whole process.

I would have cancelled the order but I really wanted that 3ds.

So thats stickerbooks almost confirmed for the rest of us. Boo hiss etc
PS3 Collector from cold,bleak and miserable Scotland

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Old 02-01-2012, 11:40 AM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

@Marty Do you mean this comment on your Youtube vid;

"I also got mine early, i personally love the Box and will keep it, Art Book is great worth £20 alone (same price as the Ashley Wood Art Book) Very angry that my Steelbook is a very flimsy sticker book. The actual one looks much nicer.

smish34 12 hours ago"
That comment doesn't confirm that they got a PS3 version.
Old 02-01-2012, 11:41 AM
goonergaz goonergaz is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

pants - so it looks like I'll have to pick up a 'real' steelie off eBay

hopefully we'll get a different barcode so we can be sure without opening
Old 02-01-2012, 11:42 AM
goonergaz goonergaz is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Matrix6 View Post
@Marty Do you mean this comment on your Youtube vid;

That comment doesn't confirm that they got a PS3 version.
someone asked and he said PS3
Old 02-01-2012, 11:51 AM
MartyMcFly MartyMcFly is offline
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Unhappy Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

Originally Posted by Matrix6 View Post
@Marty Do you mean this comment on your Youtube vid;

That comment doesn't confirm that they got a PS3 version.
I asked for clarification afterwards:

@smish34 I agree the art book is very nice! (Was your sticker book for the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360 version?)

AltMagOnline 12 hours ago

@AltMagOnline For the PS3

smish34 10 hours ago

Sorry to be the bearer of bad news if this is true!
Old 02-01-2012, 12:02 PM
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide


It's like Outer Haven all over again!!!
Old 02-01-2012, 12:06 PM
goonergaz goonergaz is offline
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Default Re: Metal Gear Solid Ultimate HD Collection Zavvi World Exclusive only 4000 worldwide

just snagged a real one off eBay
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