ALIEN:Isolation collector from Germany
Hello to all members here!
Being new to this forum, I want to introduce myself with a few words. I am more an occasional gamer on the PC, mainly playing "Company of Heroes" over the last years. So I do not have the bandwith and experience in gaming like so many members here. And I was never into any first person adventure/war/horror game before October 2014. After seeing a few screenshots of ALIEN:Isolation, it was love at first sight. CA/Sega captured the atmosphere of the famous Ridley Scott movie "ALIEN" - which I am a huge fan since its release in 1979 - so perfectly, I bought the game short after release. Since then finishing several playthroughs on various difficulty levels and still not finding and end... Collecting memorabilia of the "ALIEN" movie for many years now, i decided to add "ALIEN:Isolation" also to my list. Before finding this place I did not know there is such a huge community of collectors among gamers. So I am happy to be here and always open for chatting or emailing over the A:I game and/or the "ALIEN" universe. My ALIEN:Isolation collection is not huge yet. But searching, browsing, waiting for new items is part of the fun and I hope to see the collection growing here over time. I will upload images of items step by step over the next days. Greetings, Snowpiercer |
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