Re: 180+ Review/Preview Discs (Many Debug) + Collectables For Sale
Liuken, I'm not saying you're a lier or items received and you're hiding. I didn't even said your name in this post. However it's probably the most normal thing people can't trust another person exactly. I'm telling it's not just me, we all have this at sometime. Here in this forum we're all strangers to another. And we just message each other on internet. So don't feel offended, I hope I made a clean explain here.
I'm just curious what's happened to the stuff I bought, oilywaters doesn't respond. I don't even care the $30 I bought lastly. The point is Oilywaters doesn't care and that drives me mad. Let's wait oilywaters about this. What he says is the direction I go next about this case.