Originally Posted by Twisted
Why did SCANAVO and Microsoft team up and introduce a NEW steelbook size case? for GEARS OF WAR 5!?..it is almost CD size case like in nature..i don't think they would scale the factory up and do development work on that particular size case unless it had more uses for it in mind..my theory is..in order to cut down on costs, of course less resources being used for developing games cases and the "metal" being utilized, i think the NEXT GEN game cases design and size will mimic this new steelbook design for the new "G4" sized release..the one i am referring to comes with a pin and a steelbook sized like a CD case https://www.ebgames.com.au/product/x...240164-gears-5
I would agree that the next gen cases will probably be the smallest they can fit a game in. Microsoft is looking to eliminate all physical releases anyways so the smallest physical case they can release, the better (much cheaper to manufacture and can ship/store many more for less cost)
Originally Posted by ihadmail
I agree it’s not a G3, neither was the Pokémon Steelbook. Here’s a pic for reference:
It looks the same dimensions to me as the mini Steelbook EB Games is offering.
To be honest, I'm not sure why they didn't use this size for the Switch, considering the size of a Switch game...