It appears that Zavvi have fucked up my order, but in a good way

. I cancelled one copy when i thought we were getting stickerbooks,i even got an email saying that the order had been cancelled,but it appears that they have shipped 2 anyway.
So if one is a steelbook i can hold onto the other one and flog it next year. Prostitutes dont pay for themselves you know

whilst typing that last line a royal mail van(thought it was yodel?) showed up with just the one copy(its a steelie), so i better get onto those useless morons at Zavvi for a refund because they've charged me for 2
PS3 Collector from cold,bleak and miserable Scotland
2 wee kids(1@3)

and trying to find time to learn guitar

BEST FORUM EVER! OFFICIAL(because I said so)