G'day from OZ - ZeeAussie
G’day from Melbourne, Australia!
Firstly I like to say, what a wonderful website this is, I actually stumbled upon it while I was looking for stuff related to video games etc... and behold me I found this website which I must say is actually pretty good with information in regards to what’s coming up with bonus items etc.. So I just thought I’ve been lurking around but haven’t posted anything, so today I thought, why not and say G’day. Will probably will post a few pics of my collection that I have at the moment, it’s nothing spectacular with press kits etc… but I guess I call myself a hobbyist more than a collector as I like playing the games I received rather than keep them sealed. At the moment I’m packing up everything and trying to log what I have as kids and games don’t mix from time to time, especially when they like to chew the box… A little bit about myself, I’m an old school gamer, playing video games since the 1970’s. First game I played was probably Popeye or Parachute on the old Game and Watch, can’t remember it’s been awhile. Seen lots of changes and missed a few things along the way as life got in the way. I actually took a break from gaming due to my career, travelling a lot and really didn’t have the time to play or buy anything. Now being more settled I’ve rediscovered my gaming passion again and just slowly building up a collection of sorts. Not really fussed about being one system or one brand, if I see something I like and it’s at the right price I’ll buy it regardless of what other people think. I’m pretty keen on my Japanese shmups as I always get excited for some bullet hell for some reason Speaking of Japanese, I do like their style of box arts and collections that they get, they do tend to have some pretty cool things that outside of Japan doesn’t have. Anyways, I hope to be a part of this great looking site and put in a few quotes from time to time, keep up the good work guys/gals. Last edited by ZeeAussie; 07-31-2016 at 07:01 AM. Reason: link disabled |
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