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Old 03-28-2013, 04:13 PM
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KianRockz KianRockz is offline
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Default Kian's Steelbook Store/Trade (including RARE Steels)

Hey Guys, This is my Steelbook Trade/Sell shop. Please stick to topic. I am just trading for G1 Steels.

I am also trading for really unrare/common Steelbooks. Just PM me or reply with the Steels you have for trade

Title: SSX Steelbook
Platform: Xbox360/PS3 G1 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 80Eur
Condition: Really good/almost new

Title: Kens Rage Fist of The North Star Steelbook
Platform: Xbox360/PC G1 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 80Eur
Condition: Really good/almost new

Title: Gears of War Judgement EB Games exclusive
Platform: Xbox360/PC G1 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade!
Condition: new mint

Title: Tomb Raider Steelbook
Platform: Both
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 15Eur
Condition: new mint

Title: Metal Gear Rising Steelbook
Platform: Both
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 15Eur
Condition: new mint

Title: Battlefield 3 (Europe)
Platform: Xbox360/PC G1 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 15 Euro
Condition: New

Title: London 2012 (Europe)
Platform: Xbox360/PC G1 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 20 Eur
Condition: New

Title: Dishonored (Europe)
Platform: Xbox360/PC G1 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! 20EUR
Condition: New

Title: Call of Duty Collection (Europe)
Platform: Jumbo G1 size
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 25 EUR
Condition: New


Title: Little Big Planet (Europe)
Platform: PS3, G2 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 30EUR
Condition: New

Title: Medal of Honor (Europe)
Platform: PS3, G2 sized / 20EUR
Price: Looking for a Trade!
Condition: New

Title: Battlefield 3 (Europe)
Platform: PS3, G2 sized / 20 EUR
Price: Looking for a Trade!
Condition: New

Title: Resistance (Europe)
Platform: PS3, G2 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 30 EUR
Condition: New

Title: Batman Arkham City Joker (Europe)
Platform: PS3, G2 sized
Price: Looking for a Trade! / 25 EUR
Condition: New

Last edited by KianRockz; 03-28-2013 at 04:24 PM.
Old 03-29-2013, 08:23 PM
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KianRockz KianRockz is offline
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Default Re: Kian's Steelbook Store/Trade (including RARE Steels)

Old 03-30-2013, 02:15 AM
mattybell2117 mattybell2117 is offline
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Default Re: Kian's Steelbook Store/Trade (including RARE Steels)

Do you own a steelbook for Gears of War Judgement, Starcraft 2, Sim City, or God of War Ascension (all futureshop exclusives)? If not, I'm interested in a couple of your steelbooks. All my steelbooks are sealed btw.

Old 03-31-2013, 04:26 PM
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KianRockz KianRockz is offline
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Default Re: Kian's Steelbook Store/Trade (including RARE Steels)

Old 04-29-2013, 05:30 PM
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KianRockz KianRockz is offline
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Default Re: Kian's Steelbook Store/Trade (including RARE Steels)

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