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Old 06-11-2012, 02:22 PM
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Default Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

Hello, i am PrinceCola. I have been lurking around for a while, but made my account today. I was unsure where to post this...i am introducing myself, but i also have some questions

I have been a gamer as long as i can remember (I'm 17), but i have recently become interested in Collector and Limited editions.

I was wondering if you guys could tell me why/when you began collecting?

The thing is, i am wondering if it is worth starting collecting now...when i look back at earlier games and their CE it feels like i am to late.

Not sure what i want with this...maybe you could give me a little push.
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Old 06-11-2012, 03:50 PM
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

start small, pick a format(360, ps3 etc) or a game series, if you buy anything and everythin, thats fine also but i find if i stick generally to one thing it stops me buying everything i cant really afford

i collect mainly because it is fun, and adds more excitement to a game coming out that i was looking forward to anyway

i constantly pray for a supermonkeyball ce that comes with a live monkey.
that would be my ultimate

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Old 06-11-2012, 08:42 PM
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

I went through a similar stage as you, I wasnt sure if I should collect or not. I chose my favorite franchise (assassins creed) and started from there. I picked up one or two things and then it quickly escalated into something much bigger, it's surprising how addictive it becomes lol. I also thought I started a bit late, but I wasnt, there is always loads of new CE's coming out and it doesnt matter how much they are going to be worth at all, if you ask half the members on here I dont think any of them collect for future gain, it's just something we enjoy
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:39 PM
Likey Likey is offline
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

First of all, you have to realise you need a lot of money when you are collecting. So if you don't have a job then this can be a difficult hobby to take up.

As the others have said, pick and focus on one or two things otherwise you'll be all over the place.
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Old 06-11-2012, 10:56 PM
evilvort3x evilvort3x is offline
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

well mepersonally... im all over the place.... i love it though always finding new things etc, i got into steelbook collecting originally it was JUST g2 (ps3) now i collect g1 also so its tough to ignore stuff. i brought one steelbook and loved it!
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Old 06-12-2012, 12:10 AM
Evilhawk Evilhawk is offline
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

Im more like evilvort3x, im all over the place and buy collectors edition i like. Although i cornered it down to PS3 only making it partially cheaper. As others have said having a job is essential, although dont try to mix in game collecting and a driving license in Norway. Its a especially expensive combo, being an average person here using $4200 on it.

But my greatest tip is unless youre really into one game series, atleast corner it down one specific console or a specif thing like steelbooks.
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Old 06-12-2012, 01:43 AM
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

Basically when I got my first part-time job during university in late 2009. I didnt have to pay rent or that many bills at the time so I had a lot of disposable income. I started off first with ps2 games as they were cheap so I bought and hunted for as many as I could locally. After that, I then raided ebay sellers in Europe for the Europe only titles and that amounted to my collection now.

As for CEs, I started to collect them in 2010 as they were becoming more noticable since the release of this generation's consoles.
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Old 06-12-2012, 03:13 AM
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

I'm a collector, period. I happen to also love games. So it didn't take much for me to get started. ... Is it worth it? Hell yes! I get a lot of enjoyment out of my collection and time spent finding out about new things.

As far as what to collect; well, I think it is just a matter of perspective and your own personal preferences for collecting. Unfortunately (for me) I didn't figure out what my preferences were until I'd been collecting for a while. You may have to spend some time/money before you figure out where your passion(s) really lie.

Last edited by toxicatom5; 06-12-2012 at 03:22 AM.
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Old 06-12-2012, 09:26 AM
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

I started collecting roughly a year ago, and I collect pretty much anything and everything.

I don't have a lot of money, so what money I do have, I tend to scrimp and save for a few weeks and then blow it all on a few things, or in busier months, I order as much as I can, as it goes along.

If you keep a close eye on when money goes into your bank, and when money is due out (for example, for rent and bills, if you have any of those) and then work your "CE spending money" around that, it becomes quite easy to keep track of.

I have a habit of preordering everything I see that I like, and then working them into my budget, and then if, nearer the release date, I can't afford everything I've preordered, I cancel the ones I least want.

I also felt that I started collecting late, as being only 19 (nearly 20), I obviously missed all the things from years ago. But there are so many new CEs coming out practically every month that you soon realise it's never too late to start

And you can always browse ebay and sometimes find older CEs for a bargain (as a lot of sellers might not know what they have )

Hope I helped xx
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Last edited by vhal_x; 06-12-2012 at 11:07 AM.
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Old 06-12-2012, 11:05 AM
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Default Re: Why did you guys start collecting games? I want to start collecting myself...

I think I've pretty much been collecting games since the Megadrive era. I still have the majority of what I bought with my pocket money. I have also sold a few games here and there which I've usually regretted and then bought again. There was no particular instant when I decided I was going to start collecting, it was something that just happened.

I love collecting stuff, and my main collections are games & CE's, steelbooks, game guides and action figures (both game & movie). I also collect movies (Blu-ray/DVD) but I'm not as passionate about them.

The biggest problem is having space and money. For me space is more of a concern as some of the bigger CE's (Skyrim, Halo Reach, Gears of War 3) are bloody huge! I am self employed running a rather successful small business, but I do have a family and a mortgage to take care of, so money isn't as freely available as it once was. I do generally buy games, etc that I really want, others I'm not so fussed about I usually wait until they've dropped in price.
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