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Old 06-19-2012, 11:19 AM
inspectahlol inspectahlol is offline
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Default Newbie wants to start - which country-versions?

Hello together,

I am long-term avid gamer, work myself in the industry and recently started to collect limited/special/collectors editions of games. I really appreciate the existence of such a page/board.

One day in the future I might sell my collection. What I ask myself is: Which versions are most likely being saleable then? What I mean is, what country/age rating versions should I collect? Usually I keep them all sealed, so I don't mind the language of the game itself.

I am from Europe, so importing the ESRB (US) ones is expensive. Alternatives would be BBFC (UK), USK (Germany) or PEGI (Europe) and some others.

What is your opinion?

Best regards,

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Old 06-19-2012, 12:45 PM
narg narg is offline
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Default Re: Newbie wants to start - which country-versions?

if you collect PC game, its does not matter which you will take, if you want collect, PC game will be always playable in future!

PS3/XBOX game, I think will be better buy EU versions due to PAL system for TV, USA have NTSC and game will be uncompatible for playing in EU TV.

But if you want collect games and keep it sealed, I prefer games with lots of "real" bonuses, I dont buy CE with dlc stuff only (like Dungeon siege 3)
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Old 06-19-2012, 01:34 PM
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Default Re: Newbie wants to start - which country-versions?

Out of all the PAL versions currently UK PAL BBFC version seem to be worth the most. But since they are being phased out for PEGI versions I would just get English language versions because of bigger market.

Nearly all the UK games come with multiple menu languages anyway.

For PC i don't think it makes too much difference
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Old 06-19-2012, 03:34 PM
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Default Re: Newbie wants to start - which country-versions?

Originally Posted by narg View Post
if you collect PC game, its does not matter which you will take, if you want collect, PC game will be always playable in future!

PS3/XBOX game, I think will be better buy EU versions due to PAL system for TV, USA have NTSC and game will be uncompatible for playing in EU TV.

But if you want collect games and keep it sealed, I prefer games with lots of "real" bonuses, I dont buy CE with dlc stuff only (like Dungeon siege 3)
Depends, if you use an HDMI cable then that's not a problem.

Like gurpswoo1 said UK BBFC > PEGI > USK
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