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Old 09-10-2019, 01:55 AM
DLJUK DLJUK is offline
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Default Re: WTB: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Dice Edition Steelbook

Originally Posted by Spect3r View Post
I actually overlooked this.

The listing linked below is for the full edition (you can read it on the Item description).
That guy is also a member here, probably if you contact him through here you can even get it cheaper since he can avoid the ebay fees.
I actually had something of my own sell of significant value unexpectedly (nothing relating to collecting or gaming), so it gave me the funds to pay his price...
Allowed me to buy from the person you linked. Still stand by it being extremely over-priced and pretty distasteful to mark up the price 10x, but I guess a lucky turn of events means I have it on its way to finish off having every MEC item out there (that I know of).

Also eBay had a 10% off £100+ purchases, so his ends up being cheaper than Mike's lower off anyway when you factor in canada to UK shipping + import fees.

Thanks for helping though.
Old 09-10-2019, 01:59 AM
DLJUK DLJUK is offline
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Default Re: WTB: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Dice Edition Steelbook

Originally Posted by Mike1888 View Post

My auction has only been up since the end of July. I remember why I listed it - Spec mentioned it had been going for a lot and when I searched it up, it seemed it had become quite scarce with only 1 person selling it. Myself not being a steelbook collector, I thought it would be a good time to sell (is this scalping or extortion?). Even if it had been 6 months, my strategy for selling very rare items is generally price high and wait - eventually, someone will buy it outright or make a good offer. After all, the steelbook is extremely rare and I already have the lowest price available. My listing has over 100 views and 5+ watchers, which is more than I'm used to for this kind of item. That I paid so little for it, or that you missed out, is irrelevant to me. As Spec mentioned, the steelbook is among the rarest. I am grateful he told us about it, another friend ordered it for me, and now I own it. I value it highly and I actually think 300 CAD is an appropriate price.

Anyways, I do not understand the fixation on retail price. Most steelbooks were originally free preorder bonuses; collectibles fluctuate with little regard for what the original buyer paid at retail. Or are you just salty that other people capitalized on a deal that you missed? In collecting, you need to exercise a degree of vigilance: if you don't hear about something in time before it sells out, you have to pay up if you really want it. All of us have been on the side having to pay the inflated price, as well as the side spotting a rare item and profiting. The amount of whining about scalpers, high-priced ebay items, not limit 1 per customer, etc on this forum is tiresome. I am glad that there are a lot of legitimately rare, sought after items that make good investments in this hobby. Its fun to search for them and it feels rewarding to own them. I think missing out on an item causes too many collectors to turn into proponents of mass production because they can't afford the item at value or can't stomach someone else profiting off them.

Apologies for turning your WTB thread into a platform for my thoughts on the hobby, but you did call me out in the OP for scalping/extortion.

Good luck on your search.

Didn't mean to come off as rude even though I know I probably did. Just been trying to get it for a long time now and I never seem to see it budge from that £200 price, that added to there being a post where someone sold multiple on here for under half of that, it's like I shot myself in the foot without even knowing, because I managed to miss those ones being sold.

Thanks to eBay having a 10% off for £100+ UK purchases, and the well timed turn of events of something of my own unrelated to gaming/collecting selling for a significant amount of money I ended up buying off the other guy on eBay.

Again goodluck selling yours, I guess you do have a point that selling collectors stuff, price high and wait works eventually, I've done it myself in the past...just annoying to be on the worse end of those deals as someone who really doesn't collect much, just wanted a MEC collection.
Old 09-10-2019, 03:36 AM
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Default Re: WTB: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Dice Edition Steelbook

Originally Posted by Mike1888 View Post
In collecting, you need to exercise a degree of vigilance: if you don't hear about something in time before it sells out, you have to pay up if you really want it. All of us have been on the side having to pay the inflated price, as well as the side spotting a rare item and profiting. The amount of whining about scalpers, high-priced ebay items, not limit 1 per customer, etc on this forum is tiresome. I am glad that there are a lot of legitimately rare, sought after items that make good investments in this hobby. .
I agree with you about there being legitimately rare items. But if they release 1000 and allow 1 person to buy all 1000, who's going to even care to try and collect it? Yeah sure, from an "investment" side (ie, scalping and reselling) it's good because you can make a living, but that just kills it for the real collectors. If a person has no intention of collecting it, they shouldn't buy it. It's one thing for someone to buy one and resell it; when you let people buy 10 at a time then there's no chance for real people to obtain things and takes the joy out of it - and when the joy's gone, the collecting is gone.
Old 09-18-2019, 10:48 PM
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Default Re: [CLOSED] WTB: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Dice Edition Steelbook

Only just seen this thread today.

Just wanted to wade in on this, the listing which was purchased was from my ebay listings. As Mike1888 has rightly said, as collector's we have all be on the receiving end of having to pay overly inflated prices because we have missed out on items which we have really wanted. Unfortunately that is the way we have to play the game. There have been items which I have missed out on completely and had to go without because I can't stomach to pay the price for them anymore. That's just the way the cookie crumbles.

With regards to this particular edition, I did buy up a number of these as investment opportunity. I have no shame in admitting to this. At the same time though, I also helped a number of member's on the forum here acquire some of these at cost price when they were still available on amazon. I am sure these member's might speak up. As well as helping with forwarding of the Mirror's Edge with the White statue to members. I have been an active member here for years and have always been willing to help people acquire things when asked.

I am sorry that you feel that you had missed out on this item last year and that you felt that my price was unreasonable. Unfortunately for you, this price was dictated by what people have been paying for them during the time that my listing have been up. As my stock of them has been getting low, I have gradually increased the price of what I have been selling this edition for. The one which is still listed on ebay is my last one for sale and I have one more which I will keep for my collection.

Also, as Spect3r said, this particular edition was only supposed to be available to developers and people who were directly involved in the game. That makes this edition and particularly the Steelbook very rare. These CEs were commissioned by Project Triforce and it seems that when they ultimately bit the dust, their remaining assets and stock were hoovered up by brokers, hence why they made it onto Amazon when they did. The particular broker was selling them based on the "current" going rate at the time for the standard edition which GAME was also knocking out for £20. Had the standard CE been at RRP still, then these would likely also have been sold at the same price. I would estimate that there are fewer of this steelbook made than there was of the original Mirror's Edge Steelbook. The fact that they were sold for £20 with the DICE edition is inconsequential.

With regards to Project Triforce going bump, the scrapped Batman Arkham Knight Batmobile Edition also made it out into the wild at approximately the same time. Incase you might be interested.

Anyway, I hope that you are ultimately happy with the item.
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Last edited by Cosmic_Link; 09-18-2019 at 11:05 PM.
Old 11-03-2019, 06:09 PM
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Default Re: WTB: Mirror's Edge Catalyst Dice Edition Steelbook

Originally Posted by defiler View Post
I agree with you about there being legitimately rare items. But if they release 1000 and allow 1 person to buy all 1000, who's going to even care to try and collect it? Yeah sure, from an "investment" side (ie, scalping and reselling) it's good because you can make a living, but that just kills it for the real collectors. If a person has no intention of collecting it, they shouldn't buy it. It's one thing for someone to buy one and resell it; when you let people buy 10 at a time then there's no chance for real people to obtain things and takes the joy out of it - and when the joy's gone, the collecting is gone.
i understand you. But i must agree with Cosmic (He is one of the friendliest and helpfulliest User in this Forum). Sometimes you must pay a little More for your Collection than normal, because you didnt know that this Limited Edition is on the Market. i myself payed a lot of Money for some real LE and i buy sometime more of One LE because i Refinance my really Expensive Collection. Whinning about Scalpers i never, Sometimes i think the should go to ....
but mostly i Prefer them because i get what i need or i Want! Without the Scalpers your 1000 Units Would be sold to 1000 Real Collectors you would never get it yourself. Is it Egoistic yes, but i love to collect to!
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