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Old 05-16-2013, 03:02 PM
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Default What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

The topic comes up from time to time asking "should this release be in the database?" So here are some clarifications as to the criteria used to determine if a game should be in the database or not

These are the criteria that must be met for a new entry into the database:
All criteria MUST be met or the release will not be added.

1. The release must be a physically tangible release.

2. The release must include some form of stand-alone playable game code (this includes a disc, cartridge, download code, or other medium).

3. The packaging or content of the release must differ from the "standard edition" release in some way (this may be as minor as alternate cover art).

4. If the difference in package is due to a lower price point re-release (eg: a "platinum hits" re-releases, or console bundles) It must also include content that differs from the "standard edition".

5. Pre-Order bonuses included with a release are not considered part of the release unless the pre-order bonuses is some form of alternative packaging (such as a SteelBook) or somehow physically attached to the release.

Just to be clear here is how "standard edition" and "game" is defined for the sake of the database criteria:

"standard edition": A standard edition release is defined as the most highly distributed variant of a game. In instances where this is not clear it should be considered the most "basic" or "featureless" variant of a game.

"game": A game is defined as a piece of interactive software, uniquely identified by it's name, it's hardware platform, and it's release region. ie: a game with the same name released on 2 separate consoles are considered different games, and their release variants should not be compared when considering addition into the database.

Last edited by twistedsymphony; 05-16-2013 at 03:39 PM.
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Old 05-19-2013, 11:28 AM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

Does something line this deserve a database entry?or does it fall under the "standard edition" rule

Sorry for asking what may seem like an obvious question
But if this deserves an entry then a lot of games deserve entries that do not currently have them,
All that is different in this edition is what looks like an award or sticker on the box art, it is NOT a sticker it is printed onto the inlay? Box art, there is no other DLC or anything that differentiates this edition from a standard game copy

And feel free to remove this post if you wish to keep this information thread clean and simple

I see that this edition complies with point 4
Please feel free to delete this post

Last edited by LowlyAssassin; 05-19-2013 at 11:41 AM.
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Old 05-19-2013, 11:35 AM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

Czech Republic gets xzone edition from shop xzone. Its not a preorder bonus, this editions are available after release as well if its not sold out. Usually a steelbook, but sometimes a ring for example in GoW Ascension. Its not packed in any special box, you'll get it alone. Is it good to be in DB? Thats why I sent you the PM, because there is a lot of these czech edition.

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Old 05-20-2013, 04:46 AM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

So its fine to have information missing like original purchase price, release date and where it could be bought from and still be entered into the database?
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Old 05-20-2013, 07:40 AM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

Originally Posted by kittychloe View Post
So its fine to have information missing like original purchase price, release date and where it could be bought from and still be entered into the database?
release date usually manages to get found, price if no original rrp can be found it gets left blank, but that is rare, better to have an addition without price than none at all

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Old 05-20-2013, 12:24 PM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

awesome now all i need is the base block to add things and time and boredom
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Old 05-21-2013, 03:04 PM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

One question,which maybe stupid. The original xbox had what is clased some limited or collectors editions however they had no DLC,just extras or different packaging. Should these be included in the database? I only ask as theres a couple missing(possibly more) from the database. For example there was a Medal of Honor Limited edition that came in a special package with a limited edition xbox controller(PAL)
There are no stupid questions,only stupid answers & stupid people that give them

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Old 05-21-2013, 03:09 PM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

Originally Posted by HIPPEEDUDE View Post
One question,which maybe stupid. The original xbox had what is clased some limited or collectors editions however they had no DLC,just extras or different packaging. Should these be included in the database? I only ask as theres a couple missing(possibly more) from the database. For example there was a Medal of Honor Limited edition that came in a special package with a limited edition xbox controller(PAL)
yeah if it is packaged together in a bundle example halo 3 odst pal controller edition

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Old 05-21-2013, 04:04 PM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

Originally Posted by kittychloe View Post
So its fine to have information missing like original purchase price, release date and where it could be bought from and still be entered into the database?
Originally Posted by Platfus View Post
Czech Republic gets xzone edition from shop xzone. Its not a preorder bonus, this editions are available after release as well if its not sold out. Usually a steelbook, but sometimes a ring for example in GoW Ascension. Its not packed in any special box, you'll get it alone. Is it good to be in DB? Thats why I sent you the PM, because there is a lot of these czech edition.
The next big feature I would like to add to the site is open up the database so anyone can create new entries. These member entries would be reviewed by the Proprietors before they would officially added to the database (seen publicly)... I have no timeline for this change but I'm hesitant about adding new Proprietors because of this.

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Old 05-21-2013, 04:22 PM
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Default Re: What Gets Added to the Database? Rules & Criteria for Additions

Originally Posted by Twistedsymphony View Post
The next big feature I would like to add to the site is open up the database so anyone can create new entries. These member entries would be reviewed by the Proprietors before they would officially added to the database (seen publicly)... I have no timeline for this change but I'm hesitant about adding new Proprietors because of this.
good idea, how complete is the idea? have a few questions but not needed if it is only in the early stages

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