View Full Version : Possibly one of the rarest and most controversial limited editions ever
04-24-2013, 07:09 AM
Hey everyone just letting those interested know that dead island and zombie bait edition is not being scraped and actually being released in extremely limited quantities to interested collectors. These are the words of developer deep silver not me, how rare is extremely limited? I don't know. For those who don't know this was the edition that caused a shit storm earlier in the year when it was announced. It contained a limb less woman's torso in union jack bikini. I've seen worse I don't understand the issue. They originally opologized and discontinued production. Well it's for sale tomorrow. I normally wouldn't but have a feeling this could be a good one to hold onto. You can only order from the UK or Australia. I live in the states and pre ordered it earlier. 126 dollars shipped. Let me know what you guys think. The us version or any others don't come with the limbless lady's bust, ha literally.
here is link to ign article.
04-24-2013, 07:47 AM
Hey everyone just letting those interested know that dead island and zombie bait edition is not being scraped and actually being released in extremely limited quantities to interested collectors. These are the words of developer deep silver not me, how rare is extremely limited? I don't know. For those who don't know this was the edition that caused a shit storm earlier in the year when it was announced. It contained a limb less woman's torso in union jack bikini. I've seen worse I don't understand the issue. They originally opologized and discontinued production. Well it's for sale tomorrow. I normally wouldn't but have a feeling this could be a good one to hold onto. You can only order from the UK or Australia. I live in the states and pre ordered it earlier. 126 dollars shipped. Let me know what you guys think. The us version or any others don't come with the limbless lady's bust, ha literally.
here is link to ign article.
While notthat rare, it is definitely controversial.
Also, next time, post in the CE discussion section, specifically, the Dead Island Riptide thread. Memorabilia is for statues, figurines, posters, etc.
04-24-2013, 08:10 AM
Do you know how many there are? I figured extremely limited means it's rare especially coming from the publisher. But maybe not. I don't feel so bad consider they are selling almost triple what I paid on ebay, I guess we'll find out numbers later
04-24-2013, 08:27 AM
Do you know how many there are? I figured extremely limited means it's rare especially coming from the publisher. But maybe not. I don't feel so bad consider they are selling almost triple what I paid on ebay, I guess we'll find out numbers later
Only number I've heard is 8000 units which is limited but not crazy so
I'm also not sure if that's a regional number (I.e. 8000 for uk, 8000 for Germany, 8000 for Australia) or 8000 worldwide
Personally I think it's a regional number but I'm sure Vhal will correct me :)
04-24-2013, 08:36 AM
Hmmm... it releases in 2 days and is not sold out yet (as opposed to the last of us postpandemic which sold out 5 months in advance).
why is zavvi discounting such a limited exclusive on pre-order? (aliens colonial marines ce was discounted on pre-order also) Why is a big retail powerhouse like amazon carrying this edition if it is so scandalous?
Reminds me of the so called rare MetalGear Reveangence Limited Zavvi Edition with the white raiden
that they keep discounting and discounting ...
I'm probably wrong because I never know what's going to become rare...I hope you're right OP, and hit this one out of the park in a couple of weeks.
04-24-2013, 09:18 AM
Those are good questions, it's possibly discounted because of controversy, yeah I bought mine through amazon. It could have been a publicity stunt, originally I don't collect many collectors editions only a few a year, this one I was passing on, cause I thought they were not selling this version. Many others probably will buy for this reason. I don't know, what is a normal worldwide release. How many song birds are out there. With thus I don't know. I heard each country hot different ones such as Australia would get the bikini painted in thier flag rather than union jack and they would get the least amount. But that was probably just a rumor.
04-24-2013, 09:23 AM
Only number I've heard is 8000 units which is limited but not crazy so
I'm also not sure if that's a regional number (I.e. 8000 for uk, 8000 for Germany, 8000 for Australia) or 8000 worldwide
Personally I think it's a regional number but I'm sure Vhal will correct me :)
Surprisingly, this is one fact I don't actually know :) They originally said limited to 8000 and exclusive to Europe, but now AUS has it too, so not sure what's up anymore.
Also, the bikinis ARE different, so maybe it's 8000 of each bikini? There are four so far I know of:
British flag.
AUS Flag - confirmed on a video.
French flag - only seen promo pics, still needs to be confirmed.
American Flag - from Austria - seen pics of them being painted, haven't seen a "bought copy" yet though.
Raging that the bikinis are different, as I will need to hunt each variant down in order to complete my Dead Island collection :rotf: xx
04-24-2013, 04:30 PM
Surprisingly, this is one fact I don't actually know :) They originally said limited to 8000 and exclusive to Europe, but now AUS has it too, so not sure what's up anymore.
Also, the bikinis ARE different, so maybe it's 8000 of each bikini? There are four so far I know of:
British flag.
AUS Flag - confirmed on a video.
French flag - only seen promo pics, still needs to be confirmed.
American Flag - from Austria - seen pics of them being painted, haven't seen a "bought copy" yet though.
Raging that the bikinis are different, as I will need to hunt each variant down in order to complete my Dead Island collection :rotf: xx
I know of the American and Australian bikini flags but have the french or british flags been seen in any unboxing videos yet or just promo stuff?
04-24-2013, 06:55 PM
Surprisingly, this is one fact I don't actually know :) They originally said limited to 8000 and exclusive to Europe, but now AUS has it too, so not sure what's up anymore.
Also, the bikinis ARE different, so maybe it's 8000 of each bikini? There are four so far I know of:
British flag.
AUS Flag - confirmed on a video.
French flag - only seen promo pics, still needs to be confirmed.
American Flag - from Austria - seen pics of them being painted, haven't seen a "bought copy" yet though.
Raging that the bikinis are different, as I will need to hunt each variant down in order to complete my Dead Island collection :rotf: xx
Yeah might be 8000 of each bikini although I have my doubts the UK bikini is limited to 8000 as it still hasn't sold out on any of the 3 stores there
lol Dead Island is a very unforgiving game for collectors
Just look at the database entry :rotf:
And I'm pretty sure I found another 2 editions :P
Albeit they only offer some pre-order bonuses so more like bundles
04-24-2013, 07:19 PM
Thread Moved & Posts Deleted.
Rudeness towards another member who merely pointed out that you had posted in the wrong section will not be tolerated.
04-24-2013, 08:57 PM
Which country got the USA bikini flag? because AFAIK they didn't release this version in the US.
04-24-2013, 08:59 PM
Which country got the USA bikini flag? because AFAIK they didn't release this version in the US.
The US will not get one, game released yesterday here and they would most certainly advertise it if they were planning on it
Flags go something like this:
UK stores should get UK bikini flags
Aussie Stores should get Aussie Flags
French stores should get French flags
Austrian stores should get American Flags????
Not sure on the other countries but they are all pictured with American Flags
Chances are the slovakia and netherlands store are getting theirs from the Austrian batch
04-24-2013, 09:46 PM
Yes, Slovakia is getting US bikinis what I know. But as I said, only austrian export.
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04-25-2013, 08:37 AM
Where? I want it
Yes, Slovakia is getting US bikinis what I know. But as I said, only austrian export.
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
04-25-2013, 09:26 AM
Thers a link about page back.
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04-25-2013, 09:43 AM
OMG I am blind !! :nosleep:
I still don't see it - only UK shops. I mean link on Slovakia shop with US version
Thers a link about page back.
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04-25-2013, 10:04 AM
Sry, wrong thread :( here ya go
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04-25-2013, 11:04 AM replied on my email that edition will be with UK flag and not with US :nea:
04-25-2013, 11:07 AM
On their photo was US flag so I thought so.
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04-25-2013, 11:14 AM
There are two pictures - UK flag and US flag. Now he send me another email that he will know it for sure tomorrow - after they received this edition physically.
04-25-2013, 11:37 AM
Ok, then let me know how much would be shipping :)
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
04-29-2013, 10:12 AM
So it comes with UK flag on :(
If you are still interested postage is 15 euros
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