View Full Version : The Nintendo Amiibo Discussion Thread
02-09-2015, 11:43 PM
:D :beer: YAY! Thank you so much! PM me with info whenever you have a chance.
PM sent. :)
I should mention I got it from and it's not scheduled to arrive until 2/20. So if you or anyone else has a chance to get one for you before then I can either cancel my order for it or sell it on, no problem. :thumb: Online ordering you never know what kind of condition you're going to receive it in. :blackeye:
02-09-2015, 11:45 PM
Ain't that the truth. My friend saw some at best buy but i didn't know it would be rare or I would have got one myself and an extra for a friend or trade bait.
02-09-2015, 11:54 PM
Awesome sauce. I hear 13th is the big day for wave 3. Lots of them are releasing.
Yep, that's what I hear too. GameStop has had that date set as their wave 3 street date for a while now and that's where I have mine preordered. But they've also said all along that they'll release them whenever they get their shipments in, even if it's before the 13th. So I just called my store to double check, and the clerk said Toon Link and Sheik are actually expected to arrive by tomorrow or more likely Wednesday, and Shulk could even be Thursday but no later than Friday.
So, if you're relying on GameStop to call you about your wave 3 preorders, you might wanna call them instead.
Hmm, I guess I'll have to be there at opening to ensure I get mine in good condition. I doubt they're going to have very many on hand and I don't want the damaged ones.
02-10-2015, 12:18 AM
So, if you're relying on GameStop to call you about your wave 3 preorders, you might wanna call them instead.
Hmm, I guess I'll have to be there at opening to ensure I get mine in good condition. I doubt they're going to have very many on hand and I don't want the damaged ones.
That's why my friend works at Gamestop to keep me informed.
02-10-2015, 03:15 AM
I may be able to get an extra Shiek, lucario and Shulk. If I can, they would be for trade only (Metaknight, Marth and Wii Fit Trainer)
Please PM me with the offer. I'm going to pick them up tomorrow since the stores are closed now.
02-10-2015, 03:17 AM
I may be able to get an extra Shiek, lucario and Shulk. If I can, they would be for trade only (Metaknight, Marth and Wii Fit Trainer)
Please PM me with the offer. I'm going to pick them up tomorrow since the stores are closed now.
If you can get a Lucario I would so get a MetaKnight for you.
02-10-2015, 03:21 AM
If you can get a Lucario I would so get a MetaKnight for you.
Will do. The Toys R Us near me is supposed to get Lucario in tomorrow so I'll try both before and after work.
02-10-2015, 12:48 PM
I may be able to get an extra Shiek, lucario and Shulk. If I can, they would be for trade only (Metaknight, Marth and Wii Fit Trainer)
Please PM me with the offer. I'm going to pick them up tomorrow since the stores are closed now.
Yeah, from what I've heard/seen it seems like you Canadians are getting Wave3 released earlier than us! Seems like there's quite an abundance as well. Only one I'm worried about getting right now is Meta Knight so if anyone out there happens to snag an extra remember me! ;)
Also, Umbry that extra Lucario that I had already went to a buddy locally for cost (I just gave them my pre-order card that was prepaid), sorry. But if I come across another one in the wild, I'll remember you're looking for one!
02-10-2015, 12:51 PM
No prob. I think once wave 4 hits we may want to make a amiibo trade thread with what we have extra and what we need. I still need some from wave 1 and 2. May have to either import
02-10-2015, 08:09 PM
Just got an extra Sheik and Lucario - PM'd you already Umbry.
I'd like to trade Sheik if possible.
Also might be able to get another Fox, Toon Link and Donkey Kong.
02-10-2015, 09:03 PM
Got a text message about my GS preorders earlier today -- called them up and since they know me they were cool with not putting any of the GS stickers on the boxes (hate those things). Also doing a midnight release, but said they'd make sure mine are put to the side -- glad I don't have to worry now though they said they hadn't actually gotten them yet (which is weird based on the text message).
Still holding out for Wave4 and still got my TRU pre-orders for the others, so let me know if you guys need some of Wave 3b/c still before I cancel my PO at TRU.
02-10-2015, 09:08 PM
Got a text message about my GS preorders earlier today -- called them up and since they know me they were cool with not putting any of the GS stickers on the boxes (hate those things). Also doing a midnight release, but said they'd make sure mine are put to the side -- glad I don't have to worry now though they said they hadn't actually gotten them yet (which is weird based on the text message).
Still holding out for Wave4 and still got my TRU pre-orders for the others, so let me know if you guys need some of Wave 3b/c still before I cancel my PO at TRU.
GS sent me an email earlier said they put my Sonic to back-order, so could you save the Sonic for me if you have extra? Thanks.
02-10-2015, 09:11 PM
GS sent me an email earlier said they put my Sonic to back-order, so could you save the Sonic for me if you have extra? Thanks.
No prob Bud. I don't know if I've got 2 of those pre-ordered though. I think I pre-ordered one at GS, but then didn't at TRU because I figured he'd be somewhat common. If I do though, its yours! (I'll let you know once I do). Also, I don't think GS is releasing Sonic this week -- I think he's coming out next week for them as well.
02-10-2015, 09:14 PM
No prob Bud. I don't know if I've got 2 of those pre-ordered though. I think I pre-ordered one at GS, but then didn't at TRU because I figured he'd be somewhat common. If I do though, its yours! (I'll let you know once I do). Also, I don't think GS is releasing Sonic this week -- I think he's coming out next week for them as well.
Thanks man. Hope GS won't cancel my Sonic order. My Shulk is shipped and should be delivered on Friday. Hope it'll arrive without any damage.
02-10-2015, 09:16 PM
Got a text message about my GS preorders earlier today -- called them up and since they know me they were cool with not putting any of the GS stickers on the boxes (hate those things). Also doing a midnight release, but said they'd make sure mine are put to the side -- glad I don't have to worry now though they said they hadn't actually gotten them yet (which is weird based on the text message).
Still holding out for Wave4 and still got my TRU pre-orders for the others, so let me know if you guys need some of Wave 3b/c still before I cancel my PO at TRU.
If you have an Ike, King Dedede, Sonic or Mega man, please save one for me! Especially the first two!
02-10-2015, 09:19 PM
I didn't get to order Shulk but my friend works there, so I asked him to get me two, onwe for me and one for trade bait.
The only ones from this wave I have got are Toon Link (amazon) and Rosalina (
I am still waiting for Mega Man from amazon to ship and I can not wait.
If you live in the USA, try Cheapassgamer, It's how I track cheap games and lately for Amiibo tracking as well.
02-10-2015, 09:55 PM
I didn't get to order Shulk but my friend works there, so I asked him to get me two, onwe for me and one for trade bait.
The only ones from this wave I have got are Toon Link (amazon) and Rosalina (
I am still waiting for Mega Man from amazon to ship and I can not wait.
If you live in the USA, try Cheapassgamer, It's how I track cheap games and lately for Amiibo tracking as well.
Yeah, was checking out your trade thread on there the other day. Its nice when people use the same handles on different forums! ;)
I like the 2 different forums though -- its like two different families or cities. One is hectic and crazy and loud, there's lots of opportunities, but also lots of noise and randomness and then there's the other, where its not as noisy, everyone knows everyone, people are friendly, less-selfish, and though its a little slower, the air is nice to breathe and the pie is great!
02-10-2015, 10:02 PM
And I love pie.
02-10-2015, 11:45 PM
Sheik is up on gogogo
02-11-2015, 01:45 AM
xhunter did you get one? Sheik's still up there.
02-11-2015, 01:46 AM
xhunter did you get one? Sheik's still up there.
Just saw this! Snagged one. Order confirmed! :D
02-11-2015, 01:52 AM
Sweet. :D Wal-Mart already shipped the one I ordered for you apparently, but I should be able to return it, or easily sell it on if not. Since I'll have two in hand I can choose the one in better shape to keep and get rid of the other. :yes:
Since we're on the subject, anyone tried to return an amiibo before? I think I heard somewhere they can't be returned, but Wal-Mart's confirmation e-mail comes with return instructions and a barcode specifically for that purpose. :scratch:
02-11-2015, 01:55 AM
Sweet. :D Wal-Mart already shipped the one I ordered for you apparently, but I should be able to return it, or easily sell it on if not. Since I'll have two in hand I can choose the one in better shape to keep and get rid of the other. :yes:
Since we're on the subject, anyone tried to return an amiibo before? I think I heard somewhere they can't be returned, but Wal-Mart's confirmation e-mail comes with return instructions and a barcode specifically for that purpose. :scratch:
You could always refuse delivery if you are there when the delivery person shows up. It'll just be sent back to where it came from and you should get a refund.
02-11-2015, 05:11 AM
Super Mario series is up for pre order from Best Buy!
02-11-2015, 02:36 PM
My friend scored me a Shiek, since xHunter got one I think I am going to use it for trade bait to get Little Mac or Pit.
02-11-2015, 05:45 PM
Shulk ( up on GameStop
02-11-2015, 05:53 PM
Cant add it to my cart.
02-11-2015, 05:57 PM
Yeah it says unavailable again :/
02-11-2015, 06:04 PM
Ugh. :( They were probably just releasing a few canceled preorders. You guys both need one?
02-11-2015, 06:06 PM
My friend scored me a Shiek, since xHunter got one I think I am going to use it for trade bait to get Little Mac or Pit.
If you get your hands on a second Little Mac, please let me know!
02-11-2015, 06:09 PM
Yes I need a Shulk as I do not think my friend is going to be able to get me one.
We should make a trade list of what we have and need for trading so we can help each other out.
Yes, if I can find an extra I will let you know.
02-11-2015, 06:15 PM
Yes I need a Shulk as I do not think my friend is going to be able to get me one.
We should make a trade list of what we have and need for trading so we can help each other out.
Yes, if I can find an extra I will let you know.
I agree.
Need: Ness (US) (have a strong feeling he will sell out instantly once available so would be great to have some backup)
Have: 1 Sheik, 1 Shulk (probably), willing to get others
02-11-2015, 06:28 PM
N: Little Mac , Pit , Sonic , Ike , Lucario, Shulk ,
Rosalina, Shiek , Link, luigi
Can get others
02-11-2015, 07:12 PM
02-11-2015, 07:15 PM
Only have one question.....
Does your car have heated seats???
Lol just kidding
02-11-2015, 07:20 PM
02-11-2015, 08:01 PM
So if anyone lives near Meijers, they may have Megaman, Ike , sonic and king dedede there.
Also some Best Buys may have Meta Knights as well.
02-11-2015, 08:23 PM
Just got back from Best Buy, the employee told me its some kind of glitch that it shows up as in stock in their system, there's no release date yet, they are waiting for the release date from Nintendo right now
02-11-2015, 08:26 PM
Ya, I heard it's not til the 20th for Meta Knight.
But Meijers has Ike Mega Man and others.
And some Gamestops will have Shiek, Shulk, Toon Link and others.
02-11-2015, 08:36 PM
And some Gamestops will have Shiek, Shulk, Toon Link and others.
Mine did, but only enough to cover their preorders.
02-11-2015, 08:45 PM
Mine did, but only enough to cover their preorders.
I do not know if I will get a Shulk now.
I know I am getting a Sheik from my friend but do not know about Shulk. Arghhhhh
02-11-2015, 09:20 PM
I do not know if I will get a Shulk now.
I know I am getting a Sheik from my friend but do not know about Shulk. Arghhhhh
Mine didn't have any, I have it preordered, so I hope it comes through. I am still looking for lucario, and metaknight, I didn't have them preordered. I have an extra rosalina, and will look to get extra metaknights when BB finally gets it.
02-11-2015, 09:26 PM
He just texted me. They didn't get any extra. So no Shulk for me.
Sad face as i really wanted him bad.
02-11-2015, 09:30 PM
He just texted me. They didn't get any extra. So no Shulk for me.
Sad face as i really wanted him bad.
My friends at gamestop told me they are not getting any extra shulk's sadly either..
02-11-2015, 09:39 PM
I wanna go cry.
02-11-2015, 09:41 PM
I wanna go cry.
You aren't the only one.... T-T
02-11-2015, 09:44 PM
Guess it's wait til Friday for Ike, Sonic and others.
02-12-2015, 03:35 AM
My Sheik shipped from Gamestop today! That means I don't have to worry about the order being cancelled. YAY!
02-12-2015, 03:37 AM
My Sheik shipped from Gamestop today! That means I don't have to worry about the order being cancelled. YAY!
I'm Happy for you!!:thumb:
02-12-2015, 12:31 PM
Does anyone on here need any of the following:
Mega Man,
King DeDeDe
I don't have them in hand yet, but have duplicate pre-orders for them all and don't anticipate them being cancelled. I'd happily trade all 3 for a US Villager in-box, but if I can't find one, figured I'd make them available to you guys too? Let me know if you don't have pre-orders for them or something?
02-12-2015, 12:39 PM
I'd love the mega man. I'm gonna make an amiibo thread later today.
02-12-2015, 01:56 PM
Made an Amiibo Trading thread in the trade forum.
Make a post and add what you have and want.
02-12-2015, 03:03 PM
Anyone willing to import Amiibos from overseas?
02-12-2015, 06:58 PM
Just thought I'd mention it, but if any NA members (Canada included) get a chance at picking up an extra MK, please please please remember me! I'm going to swing by and talk with one of my manager friends at BB and see if there's an extra they can put aside for me, but not as close to any BB mgrs as other retailers, so unlikely. It seems like some people have already picked up one or two by having a manager override it (or ring up a separate amiibo). Any luck with any of you guys/gals yet?
02-12-2015, 07:00 PM
None here..gonna ask a friend to try tomorrow and see.
02-12-2015, 08:42 PM
Just an FYI, but Shulk is available for web-in-store now. Head over to your local GS and they should be able to order one for you. Its NOT available online though, only in-store for shipment. Not sure how long it'll last, but figured I'd let you all know!
02-12-2015, 08:50 PM
Just an FYI, but Shulk is available for web-in-store now. Head over to your local GS and they should be able to order one for you. Its NOT available online though, only in-store for shipment. Not sure how long it'll last, but figured I'd let you all know!
Just called my store, they said they are not able to do it
02-12-2015, 08:54 PM
Just called my store, they said they are not able to do it
I just did it over the phone for my store here in NY. I would call another store maybe they are uninformed.
02-12-2015, 08:58 PM
Mine can order one but they will not ship til May 1st.
Which I do not mind waiting for.
Thx Knight
02-12-2015, 09:01 PM
Mine can order one but they will not ship til May 1st.
Which I do not mind waiting for.
Thx Knight
I didn't ask when it would be shipping, I was just excited to be able to order it. Thanks for the heads up.
02-12-2015, 09:54 PM
Yeah, forgot to mention -- ship date is May. Still, its better than none at all right? Also, snoopyloopynintendoluiken - I'd definitely give another store a call, they should still be doing it right now. Haven't heard any shutting it down yet. Yours might not do it over the phone, but web in-store should be available.
02-12-2015, 09:56 PM
Yeah, forgot to mention -- ship date is May. Still, its better than none at all right? Also, snoopyloopynintendoluiken - I'd definitely give another store a call, they should still be doing it right now. Haven't heard any shutting it down yet. Yours might not do it over the phone, but web in-store should be available.
Looks like we can make a thread for my names lol
I'll go to the store in a few mins
02-12-2015, 09:56 PM
Looks like we can make a thread for my names lol
I'll go to the store in a few mins
Was just riffing on ya cuz your post in the random thread about it haha! :D
02-12-2015, 10:15 PM
Hey everyone, he's now available on as well for the May release pre-order. Here's the link -- Shulk Online Order (
02-12-2015, 10:35 PM
Ordered another one! Guess it's true that all amiibos will be reproduced
02-12-2015, 10:36 PM
None of my nearby GameStops take preorders over the phone either, and some of the employees are definitely unaware of "web-in-store," so it may take a little persistence.
Knight, did you notice that's a new page for Shulk today? Here's the page he was sold on yesterday (, and here's the page from today ( With a release date 3 months out, this sounds like they're making more, and by the product image it's not a "version 2" reprint or anything it's exactly the same.
Bodes well for other scarce amiibos maybe?
02-12-2015, 11:13 PM
None of my nearby GameStops take preorders over the phone either, and some of the employees are definitely unaware of "web-in-store," so it may take a little persistence.
Knight, did you notice that's a new page for Shulk today? Here's the page he was sold on yesterday (, and here's the page from today ( With a release date 3 months out, this sounds like they're making more, and by the product image it's not a "version 2" reprint or anything it's exactly the same.
Bodes well for other scarce amiibos maybe?
Yeah, that's why I linked to the new one in the post a few posts above, its dated May as opposed to the other "online only/sold out" one. I don't think its necessarily a "reprint" though. Gamestop is always doing strange things with their stock. They might have just been promised more stock that hasn't been delivered yet, either that or just wanted to spread some earnings into the next fiscal period (revenue recognition and all) with their existing held stock. None of the other "exclusive" retailers have done this, nor have any other amiibo, so I'm assuming its purely a GS management thing, but I could be wrong. Guess we'll find out in a few months.
02-13-2015, 12:00 AM
I don't think its necessarily a "reprint" though. Gamestop is always doing strange things with their stock. They might have just been promised more stock that hasn't been delivered yet, either that or just wanted to spread some earnings into the next fiscal period (revenue recognition and all) with their existing held stock. None of the other "exclusive" retailers have done this, nor have any other amiibo, so I'm assuming its purely a GS management thing, but I could be wrong. Guess we'll find out in a few months.
Pffft, sold out now. Maybe you're right about the quarterly earnings thing, I didn't think of that. I wonder how much profit a load of amiibos earns them? Gotta be pretty low margin. Still hoping sooner or later they'll reprint these for everyone who missed out though.
02-13-2015, 12:54 AM
Did anyone get any extra shulk's. I'll buy one from ya.
02-13-2015, 09:24 PM
Ike is up on Target
Edit Its sold out already
02-13-2015, 09:30 PM
Ike is up on Target
Sold out already.
02-13-2015, 09:32 PM
Sold out already.
Damn that was fast!
02-13-2015, 09:34 PM
Ya, I tried to order one.
I ordered one from UK for $20 shipped.
At least I will get one.
02-13-2015, 09:38 PM
Ya, I tried to order one.
I ordered one from UK for $20 shipped.
At least I will get one.
Megaman was also up, keep refreshing they seem to be going in and out.
02-13-2015, 09:41 PM
Im getting a megaman from Amazon.
I need Ike.
02-14-2015, 01:24 AM
The sonic from my cancelled TRU order is shipped... And they charged me for all 3 cancelled amiibos I ordered... Weird...
02-14-2015, 03:27 AM
The sonic from my cancelled TRU order is shipped... And they charged me for all 3 cancelled amiibos I ordered... Weird...
If you get a sonic or megaman that you don't need, please let me know!
02-14-2015, 03:29 AM
If you get a sonic or megaman that you don't need, please let me know!
Sure. I ordered a Sonic from GS as well, but it was put as back order because they can't fulfill my order. I'm glad TRU sends me one as I wasn't sure if I can get one from GS. If my GS order comes through as well, I'll sell you one
02-14-2015, 05:41 PM
If any need help with some Amiibo this is my local Toysrus :)
02-14-2015, 05:49 PM
Can you help me please?
Ike Lucario Marth and Pit
No villager or Wii Fit Trainer.
That is such a pretty site
02-16-2015, 08:18 PM
Went amiibo hunting this weekend.
Picked up Peach, Bowser, Sheik x2 and an extra Toon Link for trade.
Didn't find anything awesome though.
02-16-2015, 08:32 PM
Just got my shulk in perfect condition. It's weird that USPS delivered 3 packages in 2 separate times today. Aren't they supposed to be closed today?
02-16-2015, 08:49 PM
Just got my shulk in perfect condition. It's weird that USPS delivered 3 packages in 2 separate times today. Aren't they supposed to be closed today?
No UPS is not closed today but USPS should be. I got my stuff today from gamestop. Still mad at gamestop though. :hammer:
02-16-2015, 08:57 PM
No UPS is not closed today but USPS should be. I got my stuff today from gamestop. Still mad at gamestop though. :hammer:
I know. I got my packages from USPS, not UPS.
GS sucks, won't order from them if it's not their exclusive.
02-16-2015, 08:58 PM
Btw meta knight is available to order from Best Buy
02-16-2015, 09:05 PM
Sold out in like a minute. I tried to get one. Did you get one snoop?
02-16-2015, 09:16 PM
Sold out in like a minute. I tried to get one. Did you get one snoop?
I ordered one a long time ago :)
02-16-2015, 09:27 PM
I ordered one a long time ago :)
lol :ghey:
I know Knight and some others still want one though :poke:
02-16-2015, 10:44 PM
I did not.
02-17-2015, 11:26 AM
Whoop whoop moneytrain leaves soon :D
02-17-2015, 02:08 PM
Here's an English version of the investor's meeting with Nintendo. He didn't really specify much on the whole "limited edition" thing, but it was an interesting read nonetheless. Also sounds hopeful that begging and pleading with Nintendo to reprint certain amiibo may be somewhat effective ;)
02-18-2015, 06:48 AM
CONFIRMED GOLD MARIO AMIIBO WAL MART EXCLUSIVE IN USA. TO BE RELEASED ALONGSIDE MARIO PARTY 10 ON MARCH 20TH. this is gonna suck, because wal mart does a shitty job with exclusives in demand, and there employees are clueless in my area, and will most likely sell them days before march 20th, depends on whenever the stocker decides to put them on the pegs.
02-18-2015, 06:50 AM
and since these are hot commodities, I expect employees to get first dibs at I think I will NEVER see this on the shelf at my wal mart. I seen this happen before at my local wal demand hot toys etc..been cherry picked before being stocked..
02-18-2015, 06:53 AM
attention wal mart shoppers
02-18-2015, 07:05 AM
Confirmed in USA or Wal-Mart North America?
If confirmed for here in Canada, I'd be willing to try to get my hands on some for trade with our community here.
02-18-2015, 07:32 AM
where is the kind sir or madam that would initiate a group buy for all us non muricans (pls) :P ?
02-18-2015, 12:13 PM
CONFIRMED GOLD MARIO AMIIBO WAL MART EXCLUSIVE IN USA. TO BE RELEASED ALONGSIDE MARIO PARTY 10 ON MARCH 20TH. this is gonna suck, because wal mart does a shitty job with exclusives in demand, and there employees are clueless in my area, and will most likely sell them days before march 20th, depends on whenever the stocker decides to put them on the pegs.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO....Anywhere but their..:suicide:
02-18-2015, 12:38 PM
and since these are hot commodities, I expect employees to get first dibs at I think I will NEVER see this on the shelf at my wal mart. I seen this happen before at my local wal demand hot toys etc..been cherry picked before being stocked..
Yeah, that's exactly what I'm fearful of. We've got a lot of Walmarts around but these things will be gone before they hit the sales floor guaranteed.
I used to have a few friends/family who worked at different walmarts around the country, but think they've all left.
02-18-2015, 01:38 PM
I bet here in Denmark would be easy to get it :D
02-18-2015, 02:49 PM
Wow, its sad but hilarious reading all the sad and hateful comments on reddit about this supposed Walmart Exclusive...
Time-killer Hilarium (
02-18-2015, 03:19 PM
Amigos are basically very expensive paid for PLC
Physical loadable content
02-18-2015, 03:52 PM
Amigos are basically very expensive paid for PLC
Physical loadable content
To some perhaps, but I don't even care about what they unlock (heck most of mine stay sealed), I just care that I can finally have a figure of some of my favorite Nintendo characters which have never been represented before -- and all in the same size/scale for once as well!
02-18-2015, 05:56 PM
I wonder which retailer will get the silver one?
02-18-2015, 06:43 PM
I wonder which retailer will get the silver one?
Probably Hess Gas or McDonalds :banghead:
02-18-2015, 07:11 PM
I really hope Nintendo can let Amazon have exclusive ones. Everyone will have the equal chance to get them, and no one will have to wait in line for hours
02-18-2015, 07:49 PM
I just traded my Rosalina for a Shulk.
I like Amiibos cause they have fire emblem figures that aren't crazy pricey.
02-18-2015, 09:31 PM
Wow. So much for trusting that GS has everything on lockdown. I'm still missing Ike and Sonic because I left the ones I saw at TRU for someone else since I had mine PO'd at GS.
02-18-2015, 10:01 PM
Did you order yours after 12/26?
P.S. I've been calling Best Buys today and so far none of them have extra Meta Knights for Friday. :(
Edit: Yep, every store within 100 miles, same story. Currently in stock: only enough for preorders, will not sell until Friday. Friday afternoon shipment: some stores may be getting more, no quantity information until the shipment arrives. So in my area, lining up at the crack of dawn would be totally useless. I'll sit home and F5 for preorder cancellation restocks.
02-19-2015, 11:14 PM
No, turns out I ordered it 12/13/14 so I'm safe there! Got a call a little while ago saying Ike will be available to me on 2/25/15, but DeDeDe will be sometime in the Summer -- glad I had him PO'd at TRU and already picked him up!
Also, when I see displays like THIS it makes me sad to be collecting these things sealed -- so many possibilities!
02-20-2015, 01:01 AM
No, turns out I ordered it 12/13/14 so I'm safe there! Got a call a little while ago saying Ike will be available to me on 2/25/15, but DeDeDe will be sometime in the Summer -- glad I had him PO'd at TRU and already picked him up!
Also, when I see displays like THIS it makes me sad to be collecting these things sealed -- so many possibilities!
OOOOOOO. Lovely display Knight! I got the same phone call as well......but at least I have wii fit trainer, shulk, and meta knight on the way. Hope they figure out something with the west coast labor strikes soon.:sorry:
02-20-2015, 04:40 PM
Just to let anyone from the UK know that Wii fit trainer is now back on sale from Amazon for £13, there are also a few others that have not been in stock like Sonic and Mega Man.
I bought the wii fit trainer that they had in stock, but they have more coming in tomorrow it says.
Thanks for the heads up Stevo! Does anyone know if there are import costs from the UK to USA?
Not gonna lie. I POed 2 Ikes. It says customers will only be allowed to buy one even if they ordered more. Customers have the option of a refund or "can roll their reservation over to another product." My thought is, a valuable po for a valuable po. Anyone think they have Wave 4 in their computers?
Wow. So much for trusting that GS has everything on lockdown. I'm still missing Ike and Sonic because I left the ones I saw at TRU for someone else since I had mine PO'd at GS.
02-20-2015, 05:42 PM
Thanks for the heads up Stevo! Does anyone know if there are import costs from the UK to USA?
Not gonna lie. I POed 2 Ikes. It says customers will only be allowed to buy one even if they ordered more. Customers have the option of a refund or "can roll their reservation over to another product." My thought is, a valuable po for a valuable po. Anyone think they have Wave 4 in their computers?
No, no Wave4 POs in the system yet. Some places (on their own accord) were taking phantom pre-orders for Wave4 and saying that they would put your pre-order on whatever amiibo it was you wanted when they actually were in the system, but I wouldn't even trust the best employees/mgrs to remember to do that or to do it right for that matter, but YMMV.
02-20-2015, 06:03 PM
I was able to snag a MK today though! :woohoo:
02-20-2015, 06:14 PM
I was able to snag a MK today though! :woohoo:
Nice! I waited in line before the Best Buy opened for 2 hours in -23C cold just to have the employees say " What's a Meta Knight? We have a Mega Man."
Then they told me the no Best Buy has any in the region.
02-20-2015, 06:19 PM
My best friend checked and no Meta Knights or anything.
The rarest they had was Sheik so SOL.
02-20-2015, 08:06 PM
Nice! I waited in line before the Best Buy opened for 2 hours in -23C cold just to have the employees say " What's a Meta Knight? We have a Mega Man."
Then they told me the no Best Buy has any in the region.
My best friend checked and no Meta Knights or anything.
The rarest they had was Sheik so SOL.
Ouch! Hopefully you didn't lose any appendages/limbs Laz! And sorry to hear that Umbry! :(
I was able to get out there afterall and since I was the first person to get out of his car, I was first in line (the other guys came out as soon as they saw me get out of the car)! They had 8 MK overall and within an hour or two (up to 15 minutes before they opened) there was only 7 of us out there -- they brought the tickets about 10 minutes before opening and told us there was 8 so we all lucked out. 5 minutes before they opened, the parking lot filled up and we're all cheering for whoever can make it to us 1st to grab the last ticket. Was pretty fun!
Now need my Ike & Sonic from GS and I'll be at 28/29 (stupid Villager!!).
02-20-2015, 08:12 PM
Now need my Ike & Sonic from GS and I'll be at 28/29 (stupid Villager!!).
I'm jealous that you got it! If you need sonic, there are tonnes at my local EB Games - I can get one easily for you. Ike...not so easy.
02-20-2015, 10:54 PM
I have so many I need.
But Ike will be here from UK.
I was hoping my friend would get some but no luck.
Oh well.
Ryu Kazama
02-21-2015, 01:58 PM
For UK guys I have spares of the most recent wave (Sonic, Shulk etc). Some of the boxes have slight dings (Meta Knight, Sonic, Shulk and Megaman off the top of my head), but if you intend to open them then it should not be a total bother.
02-21-2015, 02:01 PM
Well went to my gamestop and they told me all of mine would be coming the 25 or sooner except my king dede. I'm just glad their coming my way soon.:thumb:
For those that PO'ed Amiibo Ike, watch out for a phone call because my Ike became available today which is 2 days before it was supposed too. Check so that yours doesnt become available to the public.
Toon Link is Now available on Toysrus ting
Aside from that. It seems collecting Amiibo's have become incredibly ugly. Check out Nintendo Life "Tales From the Front Line of amiibo Collecting." Here's just one story.
"...story from poster 'Drclaw411':
I went to Target today. My first half of wave 3 pre-orders from Amazon (Bowser, Sheik, Toon Link) all say I won't get them until March 2nd. So I went to Target after checking stock online, all three in stock. I get there and see many of them in a shopping cart behind the counter in electronics. I ask for them. The person behind the counter told me this: "I'll be honest with you. I have these reserved for myself to throw on eBay, I'll be buying them at the end of my shift." I asked if I may please buy one of each, and she said "Sorry, no. These things are money." I was just about to ask for the manager, until I realized that this lady IS the manager. I straight up asked her if she's going to be buying all the Rosalinas on the 1st. Her response: "Honestly, I'm not working on the 1st. I am going to try and be here to buy them all, but my son has a doctor's visit that morning and it's really hard to find a doctor on a Sunday so I can't cancel. So we'll see if I make it. Best thing to do is call and ask if I've bought them yet."
02-24-2015, 12:59 AM
For those that PO'ed Amiibo Ike, watch out for a phone call because my Ike became available today which is 2 days before it was supposed too. Check so that yours doesnt become available to the public.
Toon Link is Now available on Toysrus ting
Aside from that. It seems collecting Amiibo's have become incredibly ugly. Check out Nintendo Life "Tales From the Front Line of amiibo Collecting." Here's just one story.
"...story from poster 'Drclaw411':
I went to Target today. My first half of wave 3 pre-orders from Amazon (Bowser, Sheik, Toon Link) all say I won't get them until March 2nd. So I went to Target after checking stock online, all three in stock. I get there and see many of them in a shopping cart behind the counter in electronics. I ask for them. The person behind the counter told me this: "I'll be honest with you. I have these reserved for myself to throw on eBay, I'll be buying them at the end of my shift." I asked if I may please buy one of each, and she said "Sorry, no. These things are money." I was just about to ask for the manager, until I realized that this lady IS the manager. I straight up asked her if she's going to be buying all the Rosalinas on the 1st. Her response: "Honestly, I'm not working on the 1st. I am going to try and be here to buy them all, but my son has a doctor's visit that morning and it's really hard to find a doctor on a Sunday so I can't cancel. So we'll see if I make it. Best thing to do is call and ask if I've bought them yet."
That's just people being greedy and it's just plain sad.:nono:
At my Gamestop the manger told all her employees that the new amiibos that hit the store are for reserves only and if she caught them selling them to regular customers or themselves she would fire them. She said unless you pre-ordered them they aren't yours. I love her sooo much right now.:v:
02-24-2015, 05:51 AM
wait till we get those wal mart exclusive gold mario and the rumoured unconfirmed amazon exclusive silver mario..i just mentioned it to a wal mart employee today just asking if they would do a midnight launch for the gold mario amiibo..he had no clue, but i could tell that he was gonna cash in, because he was snickering and drooling at the mouth, and kept say "so yea?..really? wal mart?..we gonna get'em first right here?".."just us!?"..etc..and he mentioned he was gonna "make sure he works that night, cuz otherwise he won't get a chance to "see what i was talking about"..but i doubt, all he'll do is "see them"..i can see them and the rest in the department talking about it, texting friends, and relatives and family that night of release, ..i even seen 1 customer slip cash in the pocket of a stocker about 2 years ago and this stocker would set something aside like a hot hasbro/mattel toy and text the customer."it's here, i got yours"..the stocker actually bragged about it to me, told me..if i give'em a tip, if he's in ,he'd text me when it gets in because i asked about a wal mart exclusive hot wheels toy..but if i give him a bigger tip, he'd hold on to it for me.i said what if i gave you cash, and you did'nt work that day, he said, "don't worry, they got my back".and i tried mentioning it to a manager..and he just blew me off, but the manager did radio and ask that stocker about what i said, and the manager said to me "he says your going all wrong about it, he was just trying to help you out since you were asking about it and no we don't hold stuff for customers, everything on the floor is for sale" etc..i was looking for some wal mart exclusive mattel items..i NEVER saw it. ONLY on ebay.
02-24-2015, 01:19 PM ting
Aside from that. It seems collecting Amiibo's have become incredibly ugly. Check out Nintendo Life "Tales From the Front Line of amiibo Collecting." Here's just one story.
"...story from poster 'Drclaw411':
I went to Target today. My first half of wave 3 pre-orders from Amazon (Bowser, Sheik, Toon Link) all say I won't get them until March 2nd. So I went to Target after checking stock online, all three in stock. I get there and see many of them in a shopping cart behind the counter in electronics. I ask for them. The person behind the counter told me this: "I'll be honest with you. I have these reserved for myself to throw on eBay, I'll be buying them at the end of my shift." I asked if I may please buy one of each, and she said "Sorry, no. These things are money." I was just about to ask for the manager, until I realized that this lady IS the manager. I straight up asked her if she's going to be buying all the Rosalinas on the 1st. Her response: "Honestly, I'm not working on the 1st. I am going to try and be here to buy them all, but my son has a doctor's visit that morning and it's really hard to find a doctor on a Sunday so I can't cancel. So we'll see if I make it. Best thing to do is call and ask if I've bought them yet."
I think DrClaw originally posted that on CAG - we all encouraged him to call corporate on the manager because it was not only a violation of Target policy, but also a real scummy way to treat customers and your position as manager in general. IIRC, he had no trouble whatsoever getting Rosalina that morning, she was not working there that day, but I don't recall what else, if any, was the resolution on it.
But yeah, Walmart exclusive is going to be ridiculous, ESPECIALLY at my local Walmarts where there's not even any space for amiibo. There's been a lot of talk about it being included in the "bundle" of Mario Party 10 though, and so many people have been pre-ordering it there through Walmart now (before it gets crazy) just in case. I'm contemplating doing that as well as I can just return it if it turns out to be "regular" and keep my cheaper Amazon version.
02-24-2015, 10:38 PM
Well got my Ike, Sonic, and Megaman today. I'm happy! Just got to wait on King dede
02-25-2015, 12:26 AM
Well got my Ike, Sonic, and Megaman today. I'm happy! Just got to wait on King dede
I was able to pick mine up yesterday when I just went in and asked if they had them. today i got a text saying the ones I picked up yesterday will be available tomorrow lol. I guess the automated system is a little slow. My DDD wasn't in yet, and the employess said that he doesn't think he will get any until the second wave are supposed to come out in spring.
Now that just leaves Lucario, and Meta Knight that I need.
02-25-2015, 12:36 AM
I was able to pick mine up yesterday when I just went in and asked if they had them. today i got a text saying the ones I picked up yesterday will be available tomorrow lol. I guess the automated system is a little slow. My DDD wasn't in yet, and the employess said that he doesn't think he will get any until the second wave are supposed to come out in spring.
Now that just leaves Lucario, and Meta Knight that I need.
I just need the villager.......................................<_<
I just need the villager.......................................<_<
Never thought the village or the wii fit trainer would be popular figures lol
I was thinking about my visit to Gamestop when I picked up Amiibo Ike. Any adults here (18+) get any weird looks or vibes when you pick up Amiibo's? I mean, looking at you as if you were a Scalper... because you are an adult? It happened to me at Toysrus and Gamestop. Almost as if the sigh was to say "oh an adult...poor kid wont get the toy."
02-25-2015, 08:31 AM
Wii fit only popular because it was said there was not many of em.. Then people went crazy over it...
Naaah dont get those looks.. Also not so big problems with Amiibo here... Here kids acutally can get the amiibo they want with out big problems.. Only there is hard to find now is Wii Fit pretty much.. Then also has been some problems with Dedede, Meta Knight and Shulk, but not like impossible to get em.. They are in stock in a lot of Toysrus and online at Fona :)
02-25-2015, 01:04 PM
Wii fit only popular because it was said there was not many of em.. Then people went crazy over it...
Naaah dont get those looks.. Also not so big problems with Amiibo here... Here kids acutally can get the amiibo they want with out big problems.. Only there is hard to find now is Wii Fit pretty much.. Then also has been some problems with Dedede, Meta Knight and Shulk, but not like impossible to get em.. They are in stock in a lot of Toysrus and online at Fona :)
Its nothing personal at all Thetof91, but every time I read about the abundance of amiibo over there there's a part of me deep down that wants to go and punch someone at NOA in the face... just sayin! ;)
Got the last 2 from Wave3 that I needed yesterday - Ike & Sonic. Got 28/29 now (Villager WILL be mine!!). Also, Ike looks pretty awesome! Probably the best looking character so far - the details on him were great!
02-25-2015, 01:37 PM
Its nothing personal at all Thetof91, but every time I read about the abundance of amiibo over there there's a part of me deep down that wants to go and punch someone at NOA in the face... just sayin! ;)
Got the last 2 from Wave3 that I needed yesterday - Ike & Sonic. Got 28/29 now (Villager WILL be mine!!). Also, Ike looks pretty awesome! Probably the best looking character so far - the details on him were great!
Me and you are in the same boat Knight just villager!Can't wait to have them all!:rotf:
Never thought the village or the wii fit trainer would be popular figures lol
I was thinking about my visit to Gamestop when I picked up Amiibo Ike. Any adults here (18+) get any weird looks or vibes when you pick up Amiibo's? I mean, looking at you as if you were a Scalper... because you are an adult? It happened to me at Toysrus and Gamestop. Almost as if the sigh was to say "oh an adult...poor kid wont get the toy."
No, I've never gotten any weird looks and my gamestop except to ask what are amiibos from other people...It's just been me and one other guy pre-ordering them.
02-25-2015, 01:46 PM
Never got weird looks as I know most of the people that work at my local gamestop so they know me and know what I like.
I hate that stuff is so rare here. I need so many right now.
Villager, WFT, Pit Little Mac Fox Captain Falcon
King Dedede Meta Knight Sonic
Waiting for my UK Ike to get here.
02-25-2015, 02:27 PM
A friend just gave me a Meta Knight (US version) for free, if I successfully got all wave 4 pre-ordered, I'll sell it for $13 if anyone's interested.
02-25-2015, 02:44 PM
You cant preorder Wave 4 yet? The wave with Charizard and that?
I pretty sure already can order at GameStop here :) Have just not done it yet :p
02-25-2015, 02:45 PM
A friend just gave me a Meta Knight (US version) for free, if I successfully got all wave 4 pre-ordered, I'll sell it for $13 if anyone's interested.
I would love to buy it please.
02-25-2015, 02:45 PM
I would love to buy it please.
I'll let you know when the wave 4 is up for pre-order :)
02-25-2015, 02:46 PM
You cant preorder Wave 4 yet? The wave with Charizard and that?
I pretty sure already can order at GameStop here :) Have just not done it yet :p
No, not in the US
02-25-2015, 08:51 PM
@Knight & eternix
Every time someone says all they need is a Villager I remember this post ( and wish I'd been serious. I preordered zero. :(
A friend just gave me a Meta Knight (US version) for free, if I successfully got all wave 4 pre-ordered, I'll sell it for $13 if anyone's interested.
What happens if you don't get all of wave 4?
02-25-2015, 09:32 PM
@Knight & eternix
Every time someone says all they need is a Villager I remember this post ( and wish I'd been serious. I preordered zero. :(
:facepalm: Yeah -- I think we were all under that assumption but figured we'd have a little MORE time than we had. But I guess I can blame YOU now for knowing the future and not doing anything about it -- way to go Professor X!
Also, Walmart of Canada just confirmed (on Twitter) that they will be having the Golden Mario Amiibo, but will NOT be doing pre-orders for them! :banghead: :suicide: :facepalm: :rant:
02-25-2015, 11:06 PM
What happens if you don't get all of wave 4?
I'll try to trade my Meta Knight for my missing one in wave 4
02-25-2015, 11:08 PM
I'll try to trade my Meta Knight for my missing one in wave 4
Ah, thought you might say you'd give up and sell all of your amiibos. :haha:
02-25-2015, 11:09 PM
Ah, thought you might say you'd give up and sell all of your amiibos. :haha:
Haha, not now. But maybe someday in the future.
02-26-2015, 01:58 AM
Also, Walmart of Canada just confirmed (on Twitter) that they will be having the Golden Mario Amiibo, but will NOT be doing pre-orders for them! :banghead: :suicide: :facepalm: :rant:
OMG!!!!! :banghead::suicide::hammer::jason:
02-26-2015, 03:47 AM
Well... maybe we'll luck out and they'll be so widely available like the Smash Mario amiibo ;)
02-26-2015, 02:33 PM
Well great, not only are there no pre-orders for it, but also not all Walmart stores are getting them -- only 3,000 Walmart stores according to the press release! :banghead:
REDMOND, Wash.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Mario has always been golden in the minds of his fans. On March 20, Nintendo will launch the Super Mario amiibo—Gold Edition, a shiny gold-colored Mario figure that arrives on the same day as the Mario Party 10 game for the Wii U console. The Super Mario amiibo—Gold Edition will be sold exclusively at 3,000 Walmart stores in the U.S. at launch at a retail price of $12.96.
Nintendo’s amiibo are interactive toys that come to life in compatible games in different ways. This new golden figure represents the third Mario amiibo. The other two Mario amiibo are:
• The original ‘fireball’ Mario from the Super Smash Bros. series.
• A new ‘wave’ Mario from the Super Mario series available on March 20, for a limited time bundled only with Mario Party 10.
The new gold-colored Mario amiibo is compatible with multiple games that support amiibo. For example, Mario Party 10 features a new amiibo Party mode that players can only access by tapping their compatible amiibo figures on the Wii U GamePad controller to customize them and bring them into the game as board pieces. Players can also save items to their amiibo, then use them strategically. Or players can train their amiibo to supercharge its stats and expand its abilities in Super Smash Bros. for Wii U or Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 3DS. The full list of compatible games and amiibo can be found at
Also, here's the official Nintendo Page for the Golden Mario Amiibo (
02-26-2015, 03:51 PM
Still waiting for news about it in Europe.. Have not seen anything about in Europe yet..
And I dont think any info on the silver one yet?
02-26-2015, 04:21 PM
WOAH!! Gold Mario available for pre-order now! GO GO GO!@
Edit: I only grabbed one, but probably shoulda grabbed more I guess for some of you. Get it while its up though!
02-26-2015, 04:31 PM
Wonder how fast it will say sold out :p Or they just going to take to many orders xD
Also think this is funny
The content may be mature. You must be 17 years old to purchase this item.
02-26-2015, 04:38 PM
Wonder how fast it will say sold out :p Or they just going to take to many orders xD
Also think this is funny
The content may be mature. You must be 17 years old to purchase this item.
Well darn, that was quick. Looks like its sold out now. Sorry for those who weren't able to make it in in time. :(
Also yeah, I literally "lol'd" when I saw the maturity warning on it.
02-26-2015, 04:48 PM
Was too slow.
Oh well.
02-26-2015, 04:56 PM
Man, people waste no time there -- quite a few auctions already for $100+ (
02-26-2015, 05:11 PM
Did any one get extra. I missed your pm knight because of work.....
02-26-2015, 05:16 PM
Did any one get extra. I missed your pm knight because of work.....
Its alright Eternix, they sold out probably about a minute after I clicked "send" to you all. :(
Also, I only grabbed 1 because I didn't want them to pull a GS and cancel my preorder or something because I had 2 on the order. Turns out they had a limit of 2/order anyway.
Still amazed that it looks like a NOA-only thing? We haven't seen these for any other countries yet right?
02-26-2015, 05:54 PM
Nope.. No info yet here in Denmark.. Going to my GameStop tomorrow to see if they got any information..
02-26-2015, 06:20 PM
Nintendo Europe is f***ing us all as well.
I pre ordered the last wave at two retailers here in France, and got screwed by both, two days after release.... Which mean shulk, meta knight and king Dede were oos every where.
Amiibo are the only things I can collect right know and I'm seriously considering selling them all.
Just hope they will be back in stock in a few month.....
02-26-2015, 06:20 PM
I think all gold Mario amiibos but Knight's were listed on eBay...
More than 70 listings, and some of the listings have a quantity of more than 1...
02-26-2015, 06:39 PM
I think all gold Mario amiibos but Knight's were listed on eBay...
More than 70 listings, and some of the listings have a quantity of more than 1...
Walmart limited it to 2 per order, but I've read that some people went back and ordered multiple times. I wonder if they'll catch that and cancel some of those? I didn't even try to order 2 primarily because I didn't want them to decide later that it was only 1 per person and cancel orders that had more than 1. :(
Also Vinny, I didn't realize other countries were experiencing shortages too -- how's the realm? I'm assuming its populated by resellers like the US site, but maybe you'll have some luck on there if its not?
02-26-2015, 06:51 PM
I have just got repsonse from Nintendo Denmark.. They have not heard anything about Gold Mario coming to Europe..
Maybe the silver will come to Europe?
02-26-2015, 07:44 PM
Available again from!
02-26-2015, 07:56 PM
Available again from!
and looks like they're gone again.
02-26-2015, 07:57 PM
and looks like they're gone again.
Shame.. I ordered one as well. Really don't want my order to be cancelled. Although they allow 2 per order, I don't want to risk it...
02-26-2015, 08:18 PM
and looks like they're gone again.
Darn it!!!:tumbleweed:
02-26-2015, 09:03 PM
Finally got all US version Amiibos for wave 1, 2, and 3 :banana:
Paid $30 for Villager and $65 for Marth, and got the rest for MSRP
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
02-26-2015, 09:06 PM
Finally got all US version Amiibos for wave 1, 2, and 3 :banana:
Paid $30 for Villager and $65 for Marth, and got the rest for MSRP
Wave 1
Wave 2
Wave 3
I H.A.T.E you.........:hammer:
02-26-2015, 09:10 PM
I H.A.T.E you.........:hammer:
Which ones are you missing?
02-26-2015, 09:11 PM
Which ones are you missing?
Just villager...................................:banghe ad:
02-26-2015, 09:13 PM
Finally got all US version Amiibos for wave 1, 2, and 3 :banana:
Paid $30 for Villager and $65 for Marth, and got the rest for MSRP
Congrats bud! Only missing Villager myself. When did you pay $30 for Villager? Was it early on?
02-26-2015, 09:13 PM
Just villager...................................:banghe ad:
Man... That sucks... As far as I know villager is not the most expensive one. How much are they on eBay now?
02-26-2015, 09:14 PM
Congrats bud! Only missing Villager myself. When did you pay $30 for Villager? Was it early on?
Yeah, it was when it was first sold out, got it from Amazon for $30
02-26-2015, 09:16 PM
70+ now within the US.................
02-26-2015, 09:18 PM
70+ now within the US.................
Just did a quick search on eBay, US versions are going for 100+ right now... That's crazy...
02-26-2015, 09:19 PM
02-27-2015, 01:32 AM
Walmart is teasing people saying pre-order but then the item is out of stock.........if it works for someone get it for me....:beg:
02-27-2015, 04:39 AM
the gold mario already sold out on wal on-line store this morning, was available for 15 mins as widely reported on the internet before selling out.
02-27-2015, 05:01 AM
the gold mario already sold out on wal on-line store this morning, was available for 15 mins as widely reported on the internet before selling out.
It was available again around 3pm EST and then again tonight.
02-27-2015, 05:52 AM
let's all ask this guy for help on obtaining these Nintendo gems, since he's doing his part asc%3D29310%26meid%3D962e8d01ea734140a586fad24c73d 2fa%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D22%26mehot%3Dp p%26sd%3D261373011885
02-27-2015, 05:53 AM
let's all ask this guy for help on obtaining these Nintendo gems, since he's doing his part asc%3D29310%26meid%3D962e8d01ea734140a586fad24c73d 2fa%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D22%26mehot%3Dp p%26sd%3D261373011885
Damn that's cheap!
Edit: just did a quick search on ebay, looks like they are much cheaper than last week... Wonder how this guy got so many..
02-27-2015, 05:56 AM
does anybody have the direct link to the wal mart mario gold amiibo sale page?
02-27-2015, 05:58 AM
does anybody have the direct link to the wal mart mario gold amiibo sale page?
02-27-2015, 03:30 PM
What the hell is wrong with Toys R Us? First, I pre-ordered Lucario, they cancelled my pre-order, but offered me a chance to pre-order wave 3 amiibos. Then, I pre-ordered 3 wave 3 amiibos, one of each, they cancelled my pre-order again, but send me a code to reduce my next order by $15. yesterday, I ordered a Pikachu amiibo from their website because mine is not mint and the code will expire on 02/28/2015, this morning I received an email said my Pikachu order was cancelled...
02-27-2015, 03:40 PM
Toys R Us is evil.:twisted: I did not even bother ordering through them because a lot of people were having problems with them.......:poke:
02-27-2015, 03:42 PM
Toys R Us is evil.:twisted: I did not even bother ordering through them because a lot of people were having problems with them.......:poke:
The code they give me is one time use only, so I can't use it again even they've cancelled my order...
Really hope there is no TRU exclusive in the future...
02-27-2015, 03:57 PM
The code they give me is one time use only, so I can't use it again even they've cancelled my order...
Really hope there is no TRU exclusive in the future...
if their is an exclusive to that place again I will order it from overseas...
02-27-2015, 03:59 PM
let's all ask this guy for help on obtaining these Nintendo gems, since he's doing his part asc%3D29310%26meid%3D962e8d01ea734140a586fad24c73d 2fa%26pid%3D100010%26rk%3D6%26rkt%3D22%26mehot%3Dp p%26sd%3D261373011885
Damn that's cheap!
Edit: just did a quick search on ebay, looks like they are much cheaper than last week... Wonder how this guy got so many..
Amazon did not have a limit when they were first available -- you could add hundreds to your order. I imagine that's probably what he did.
02-27-2015, 09:02 PM
It just went up again and I was sooo close to getting it..........
King Peter
02-28-2015, 01:43 AM
Damn these thing are everywhere, Eb games, Wallmart, target. Too bad, I'm not collecting them or else I would have had all 3 waves of them.
Too bad eb is not listing all of them on their website. I've easily saw Cheik, Megaman, Sonic, Diddy Kong and a few other in one of their store today. Browser is not really popular though :P
02-28-2015, 01:56 AM
Guaranteed to make you NA Amiibo hunters laugh... or cry... or both! :D
Not USA but for this country. Idk anything about this site. Im not buying here but maybe someone will buy these amiibos
Amz Japan has wave 4 for po
(Looks like Wario is the only available for retail price)
Now when on earth is wave 4 going to open for North America....
03-01-2015, 04:56 PM
It is from Switzerland :)
03-02-2015, 07:07 AM
Not USA but for this country. Idk anything about this site. Im not buying here but maybe someone will buy these amiibos
Amz Japan has wave 4 for po
(Looks like Wario is the only available for retail price)
Now when on earth is wave 4 going to open for North America....
may be i ll try buying them o_o money seems to flow out of my hands this year .... D:
03-02-2015, 02:11 PM
I ordered from a site called Entertainment Earth. Never heard of it but a guy that does a podcast i like said use it. Still waiting for my Pit Little Mac and Captain Falcon.
I got my Ike from Amazon.UK and pre ordered Charizard from them as well. They had Wario and Pac-Man but not into those.
Ike was $20 and Charizard is liek $21. Worth it if pre orders sell out.
03-02-2015, 02:28 PM
Yeah, I've purchased a few things from EE before, don't recall any major issues with their shipping or anything like that. I don't think I'd trust their pre-orders with Amiibo personally, but I suppose its a good backup just in case! :thumb:
03-02-2015, 03:39 PM
From the official Twitter account of eBay
03-02-2015, 06:14 PM
What the hell is wrong with eBay? Promoting scalpers? I have no comments...
03-02-2015, 06:21 PM
Not only that but they're promoting selling things that aren't even in-hand yet (pre-orders). :facepalm: They win troll of the week award for sure!
03-02-2015, 06:26 PM
Not only that but they're promoting selling things that aren't even in-hand yet (pre-orders). :facepalm: They win troll of the week award for sure!
eBay allows seller to sell pre-orders as far as I know. But sellers have to put pre-order in the title of the listing and the release date can't be more than a month (can't be sure, but there's a time frame) later when the listing begins.
03-02-2015, 06:27 PM
BTW I wasn't even following eBay on Twitter, it was a recommendation by Twitter...
03-02-2015, 07:02 PM
I am getting a little fed up with Nintendo. Almost everything they release seems impossible to get. I don't find funny walking around all the time looking for stupid Amiibo or stuff they decide to release in limited quantities, just because they are already sold out even before I know the preorders were open in any store. This sucks. It happened with everything, now it's happening with the zelda cover plates.
03-02-2015, 08:06 PM
I am getting a little fed up with Nintendo. Almost everything they release seems impossible to get. I don't find funny walking around all the time looking for stupid Amiibo or stuff they decide to release in limited quantities, just because they are already sold out even before I know the preorders were open in any store. This sucks. It happened with everything, now it's happening with the zelda cover plates.
Yeah, I can't understand this either... The only thing that is like a normal limited edition is the European Zelda MM LE... Other than that the quantity of stuff Nintendo released in the past a few months is super small
03-02-2015, 09:38 PM
Yeah, speaking of Nintendo stuff going out of stock really quickly, I missed out on the Xenoblades cover plates too. :( Really annoyed about that! >.< Got my fingers crossed for another store getting them, but I'm not holding much hope. :(
03-02-2015, 11:08 PM
Oh yeah, didn't mention it here, but NOA tweeted that Marth will be coming back in April.
03-02-2015, 11:54 PM
Oh yeah, didn't mention it here, but NOA tweeted that Marth will be coming back in April.
Now lets see how limited that will be.<_<
03-03-2015, 08:16 AM
03-03-2015, 04:14 PM
About time :ninja:nintendo
03-03-2015, 05:02 PM
That's funny. I keep forgetting to post amiibo-related things on here too. Thought I already posted this this morning, but I guess it was on another board. I guess that's what happens when you try to juggle to boards at the same time! ;)
03-05-2015, 08:10 AM
If any one in USA would be getting extra of the Gold Mario I would happy buy it :p
It does not seems like it is coming to Europe and it is only USA/Canada..
And I don't wanna pay crazy prices on eBay for it.. So it would only be if wanted to sell for a cheap price or maybe trade some amiibo :)
03-05-2015, 02:18 PM
If any one in USA would be getting extra of the Gold Mario I would happy buy it :p
It does not seems like it is coming to Europe and it is only USA/Canada..
And I don't wanna pay crazy prices on eBay for it.. So it would only be if wanted to sell for a cheap price or maybe trade some amiibo :)
I only have one pre-ordered (though still not even sure its valid since I can't check the order online right now), but I'll likely be trying to get one on the 20th (unless we're in the hospital) so if I can get an extra beyond that, its yours! :ok:
03-05-2015, 02:20 PM
I only have one pre-ordered (though still not even sure its valid since I can't check the order online right now), but I'll likely be trying to get one on the 20th (unless we're in the hospital) so if I can get an extra beyond that, its yours! :ok:
That would be really nice of you! :)
03-05-2015, 07:34 PM
Is it likely that Nintendo will be releasing any more Legend of Zelda amiibo?
03-05-2015, 07:34 PM
Is it likely that Nintendo will be releasing any more Legend of Zelda amiibo?
It's a sure thing
03-05-2015, 07:36 PM
It's a sure thing
I wonder what characters they will decide on.
03-05-2015, 07:44 PM
Pretty sure Ganondorf will come as it is playable in Smash :)
And I think that maybe Nintendo will make Zelda Amiibo series when the new Zelda came come out.. I will not be surprised if they do..
03-05-2015, 09:14 PM
If any one in USA would be getting extra of the Gold Mario I would happy buy it :p
It does not seems like it is coming to Europe and it is only USA/Canada..
And I don't wanna pay crazy prices on eBay for it.. So it would only be if wanted to sell for a cheap price or maybe trade some amiibo :)
I have an extra ordered, I'd be willing to trade it for another amiibo, if you have an extra Meta Knight, or Lucario.
03-05-2015, 09:18 PM
I have an extra ordered, I'd be willing to trade it for another amiibo, if you have an extra Meta Knight, or Lucario.
Pm sent :)
But I would prefer to buy one if possible :)
As price here in Denmark is a bit more expensive than USA :p Amiibo retail price is 149 dkk = 23 dollars :) And then plus shipping :)
03-05-2015, 11:36 PM
I also want one of those gold amiibo... I aready lost hope these will be available in Europe, let alone my country. If anyone is able to get a spare, I'd appreciate that.
Edit: tomorrow I'll go out and hunt for those amiibo in less known stores. I know some of the usual are not available but last time I checked there were still a few too links and lucarios around. I will let you know what I find.
03-06-2015, 02:07 AM
I would also like to get one golden Mario amiibo! I was ordering one to my gf's friends place in the states, but they got sold out before I was able to complete the checkout. :-/ I am open to trades and I have at least one extra Meta Knight (Rosalina, Lucario etc. if Japanese versions are ok), but would also prefer buying since the shipping costs from Finland tend to be very high..
03-06-2015, 04:01 AM
I'll hit up my two walmarts for people and see if I can manage to get some. In my town people don't seem to even know what they As far as I know it's just me and one other guy buying them when they first come out.
03-06-2015, 10:51 AM
How do people display your Amiibo btw? :)
Just got all mine displayed :)
It is disney infinity display boxes :p Pit is a bit to high to be in one :p
03-06-2015, 01:58 PM
I have them all caged in their original boxes.
Does anyone need European Lucario? In an hour or so I'll go hunting them and I think I know where to find one. But I'll only get it it someone needs one.
03-06-2015, 02:46 PM
Here's a little update on mine. Just waiting for my dede and meta knight right now... ?oh=c0e73583da928a215c60d4967a0093ca&oe=5575A652 ?oh=07cd7a0eaf9d116b5a205bcbc492e56f&oe=5586F227&__gda__=1438526638_50f7738bccd2f17a0fe6a4182220350 b ?oh=3ef38894436a48593fa56c74e2faf501&oe=55942FF7&__gda__=1434090319_05b1acecec36e4254a09b38c49f295e 0
03-06-2015, 04:22 PM
Lol that's commitment! ^^ Couldn't afford to buy them all even if I wanted to. RRP being about £12~ here makes it quite expensive. :( I just get the characters I really like. ^^ Have missed out on Robin, Lucina and Ness though. :(
03-06-2015, 05:27 PM
But those did not even come out yet. Are they already sold out?
03-06-2015, 05:29 PM
Yeah also like those you mention is not out yet? :D
03-06-2015, 05:48 PM
The 5th wave that includes ness, pacman, charizard, wario, lucina and robin only comes out by the end of April.
I saw 4 lucarios on my hunt, as well as Mega Man, Zelda and every other one except the uncommon ones (villager, wii fit, marth, little mac, rosalina and the rest of wave 4)
03-06-2015, 06:08 PM
The 5th wave that includes ness, pacman, charizard, wario, lucina and robin only comes out by the end of April.
I saw 4 lucarios on my hunt, as well as Mega Man, Zelda and every other one except the uncommon ones (villager, wii fit, marth, little mac, rosalina and the rest of wave 4)
I'm still waiting for the 5th to hit gamestop and amazon for pre-orders. I gave up on gold mario online but will try to get him in store. Hopefully :prepaired:
03-06-2015, 06:34 PM
The 5th wave that includes ness, pacman, charizard, wario, lucina and robin only comes out by the end of April.
I saw 4 lucarios on my hunt, as well as Mega Man, Zelda and every other one except the uncommon ones (villager, wii fit, marth, little mac, rosalina and the rest of wave 4)
Technically the community at large is referring to those not as the "5th Wave" but as the "SMB Wave". The "Ness" set is called "Wave 4".
Speaking of "waves", but looks like some South African site ( has JigglyPuff, Greninja, and 2 Splatoon amiibo available for pre-order... weird. So maybe those 2 pokemon would be "Wave 5", but then the Splatoon amiibo just throw everything for a loop haha.
03-06-2015, 07:15 PM
But those did not even come out yet. Are they already sold out?
Yeah also like those you mention is not out yet? :D
Yeah I know they're not out yet, but I missed out on the pre-orders and can't find anywhere I can still order them from... :(
03-06-2015, 07:33 PM
Yeah I know they're not out yet, but I missed out on the pre-orders and can't find anywhere I can still order them from... :(
Ahh in that way :)
Lucky no problems with that here in Denmark :p
03-06-2015, 08:38 PM
Ahh in that way :)
Lucky no problems with that here in Denmark :p
Yeah I'll hold out for a restock. Can't see them disappearing forever if I'm honest. Lol will prob be eating those words before long. Lol
03-06-2015, 11:22 PM
Here's a little update on mine. Just waiting for my dede and meta knight right now... ?oh=c0e73583da928a215c60d4967a0093ca&oe=5575A652 ?oh=07cd7a0eaf9d116b5a205bcbc492e56f&oe=5586F227&__gda__=1438526638_50f7738bccd2f17a0fe6a4182220350 b ?oh=3ef38894436a48593fa56c74e2faf501&oe=55942FF7&__gda__=1434090319_05b1acecec36e4254a09b38c49f295e 0
That looks awesome, I'm planning on opening all of mine, but I haven't brought myself to open the rarer ones yet. I want to take the cards, minus the plastic, and set them up on my wall in the same order they are in the character select screen in game.
03-07-2015, 03:10 AM
That looks awesome, I'm planning on opening all of mine, but I haven't brought myself to open the rarer ones yet. I want to take the cards, minus the plastic, and set them up on my wall in the same order they are in the character select screen in game.
Sounds neat! :thumb:
Loving your display eternix. Signs of a true super smash fan
03-09-2015, 05:40 PM
Technically the community at large is referring to those not as the "5th Wave" but as the "SMB Wave". The "Ness" set is called "Wave 4".
Speaking of "waves", but looks like some South African site ( has JigglyPuff, Greninja, and 2 Splatoon amiibo available for pre-order... weird. So maybe those 2 pokemon would be "Wave 5", but then the Splatoon amiibo just throw everything for a loop haha.
I don't know what the communities refer to them, but I personally refer to them as Smash Bros wave 5 because they belong to the 5th set of figurines released in Europe. The set number three(known as wave 3) as announced by Nintendo included 11 characters, but they were released on separate dates with a few weeks of difference. First came Toon Link, Lucario, Rosalina, Bowser, Ike and Sheik. Then came Shulk, Megaman, Sonic, Kind Dedede and Metaknight. To me, those are waves 3 and 4 of the smash bros series, according to the market release dates in Europe. Ness and company are the 5th SSB set being released over here and I find it confusing calling that 4th wave.
Anyway, Toad from the first super mario set seems to be already sold out in most places. Their availability over here in Portugal is a mystery because most amiibo are usually unavailable for preorder, stores don't even know what they will get until they finally arrive at their warehouses. And even when the amiibo do arrive, they don't really respect release dates because they still have too many 1st wave figurines on the shelves. They don't care if the figurines are different, they don't care about waves or release dates for these, so they will probably put them for sale at any random time. The 3rd wave of figurines was available several days before the release date and I easily got them on a random walk to the store. They had 10 rosalinas and I assumed they were only rare in the US for being store exclusives. We don't have store exclusives over here (well at least for now).
03-10-2015, 06:51 PM
Hope it fits to this thread, Amiibo wave 4 (for Smash Bros series) is live on german Amazon, 12,99€ each:
Thanks Nachtfalke for listing german wave 4. Walmart has mario party amiibos available for po including Toad
03-10-2015, 07:34 PM
Your welcome, Fox. :ok:
This is just crazy... Ness was sold out within 5 minutes, Lucina and Daraen hold maybe 5 minutes more.
Geeze. Guess I should have bought them while I had the chance. Guess I was being super duper stupid picky about going for NA version lol. Is it hard to get amiibos in Germany? Or do you think its a bunch of North American buyers that took German supply?
Im surprised at how popular Ness is. Im an original Earthbound (aka Mother) fan. I really dont think all the Earthbound fanatics are buying up all the Ness Amiibos. There are sites that are trying to guess which Amiibos are the rarest by their release dates or something. Ness was pointed at the top. All Im thinking is great. More competition.
At this point, with wave 4 pre orders selling out within 5-10 minutes in places outside North America, it would seem the only way to get a wave 4 amiibo is to be lucky and be on the site as it pops up. With all this time wasted on refreshing sites and checking, I think Id rather pay double than waste my time doing nothing.
03-10-2015, 07:56 PM
If rumors from NeoGAF are true, this wave was just manufacturing in january. The other ones were up to 2 months in production, so yeah, the rarest amiibo is probably one of this wave. Most likely Ness, if you ask me.
I guess I'm not the only one with that theory. I will bet that many reseller was waiting for this moment and bought huge stocks from amazon. Finding the not common amiibos is really not easy in germany. Rosalina, King Dede or Shulk for example are out of stock everywhere since weeks.
I build my own amazon link with all preorders in the next 12 months for all consoles. I'm checking it regularly so I never missed any items I want. The good thing is, that items show up there a couple of hours before you actually can preorder them. Like the amiibos today. Saw them first this afternoon. They went live @ ~6:50pm.
For Germany/UK/US/FR
Works perfectly. :)
Thats a great idea. I only have up tabs for amazon amiibo. So I have to wonder if Im doing it efficiently but probably not lol.
Another shocker to me is King Dede being hard to find. I just never realized he was so popular.
I will admit. I have sold a 4 amiibos together for sca..reseller price. BUT the money goes towards amiibos I missed out on and may miss out on. Unfortunately the resellers are soo massive that I have sold at meanie prices just to be able to buy amiibos I want. Its a hard admission to make but its become apart of collecting
03-10-2015, 08:29 PM
Tell me about it. Being late in collecting amiibos is pretty pricy. But I will wait for restock or a good opportunity. Did that for Meta-Knight and Villageer boy and will do for three amiibos I'm still missing.
Its ok though, it definitely makes collecting that more addicting. If you miss out, youll never have it type of drive. By the way. Nachtfalke, did you get some or all of wave 4? Hope you did:beg:
(I know this isnt amiibo but I figured some ppl playing super smash play with gamecube controllers so it kinda fits)
PO OPEN for Gamestop: Wii U GameCube Adapter w/ 1 Wii U Gamecube Controller
Today seems to be a hot day for Amiibos. Gold Mario was just available on walmart but is no more. I probably would have gotten one but as the page was loading, I watched a video on an ISIS defector for about 5 minutes. I was pulled in by the emotion and guilt of this man. Makes me see how much time Im wasting on these trivial toys.
03-10-2015, 10:37 PM
I didn't even smell the amazon preorders. It's going to be another nightmare getting this new wave I guess...
03-11-2015, 01:35 AM
I hope they post the US pre-orders tomorrow since I'm off work. It would be nice ^_^
Here is an Unboxing of the SMS amiibo.....:
I was hoping for today lol. Tomorrow Im in class from about 9 am to 5 pm
03-11-2015, 01:48 AM
I was hoping for today lol. Tomorrow Im in class from about 9 am to 5 pm
Oh my...:suicide:
03-11-2015, 03:34 AM
did you guys see the US WAL MART store memo circulating on-line?..GOLD MARIO. available 3/20 in store..only 4 to 6 available per participating to 1 per person..sorry no more to made available,..wal mart apologizes for the inconvenience nothing they can do..end memo.
03-11-2015, 03:36 AM
did you guys see the US WAL MART store memo circulating on-line?..GOLD MARIO. available 3/20 in store..only 4 to 6 available per participating to 1 per person..sorry no more to made available,..wal mart apologizes for the inconvenience nothing they can do..end memo.
Well, I'll be camping in walmart........:bunny:
03-11-2015, 04:02 AM
If anyone who ordered them online is able to get an extra figurine they don't mind to part with, I would like to take it. Thanks in advance.
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