View Full Version : It has to be limited, it has to have a certificate of authenticity, etc.
Okay, I've been hearing guys say that to be called a serious CE collector, you need to value how limited the CE is first and foremost. So, having a CE that comes with only the game and a piece of paper that says you have heaven's luck on your side, because only 500 exist and you have #1; is much more "special" than having, say, a CE that comes with a lot of top-class, high-quality stuff but is produced at 150,000.
I don't get it. Now before you start calling me a cunt or anything, hear me out.
Assume you're a collector who collects because he just likes to. And if a franchise you love is releasing the next game with a CE, then you'll get the CE because you're a fan and you wants nothing but the best. So you don't really care whether or not a CEs limited or not. If the CE is topnotch, then you'll buy it, even if it was produced at 150,000.
So my question now is, assume that you don't plan on selling your CE ever (or for a long time), why should you worry if whether or not your CE is well, limited? The Bioshock 2 SE is still regarded as how a CE should be, and while it's not limited, it's still "special." Even if the price plummeted to a Grant or a Jackson, I believe CEs like the Gears of War 3 EE, the Killzone 3 HE and Bioshock 2 SE were still worth their original MSRPs.
Anyway, I'm not one of those people who call collectors "elitist nerds," that collectors are insecure enough to need a ficticious boost of self-worth by owning some extra crap that are only owned by 499 other insecure losers. I just don't really care about how rare my CE is. If I feel it makes me happy, then I'll buy it, even if the price will be slashed to half in a month. That being said, I'd love to have the Uncharted 2 FHE, but I won't pay $3000 just because it's limited to 200 or something. I'd love to own it because I definitely see the appeal: it's Uncharted, and Uncharted 2 is probably last decade's best game.
So again I ask, without including the thought of resale value or bargain bins, why do you need your CE to be limited or rare just so that you can be happy about it?
Sorry for the long post. :tomato:
06-09-2012, 12:57 PM
For me it just has to say 'collectors edition' or 'limited edition' on it. The difference in the box alone and the extras you get compared to the standard edition is enough for me. Numbered items are just that extra bit special but even then it makes no odds what number I have. There are very few Zelda items that are known to be literally limited in number even if it says so on the box so that's the only way I've ever known.
06-09-2012, 01:13 PM
I've been hearing guys say that to be called a serious CE collector, you need to value how limited the CE is first and foremost.
To me what defines a "serious" collector is more about dedication than anything else. Anyone who puts in the time and effort to learn about items that are available, and to build a collection that fits their particular collecting habits (regardless of value) is a "serious" collector.
06-09-2012, 01:23 PM
So again I ask, without including the thought of resale value or bargain bins, why do you need your CE to be limited or rare just so that you can be happy about it?
I read the whole post, but this is the main issue. The main reason I prefer that CE's are limited and numbered is not so much for the resale value, it's that I don't want them to plummet to unbelievably stupid prices within weeks of buying it. Just makes me feel ripped off! >.<
If I know a CE is REALLY limited, I know the chances of it dropping in price are low, so I will pick it up at launch, otherwise I will wait it out for a potential price drop. Collecting Video game CEs is an expensive hobby as we all know, so if I can save cash somewhere, I will! :P
Most of the CE's I have are pretty run of the mill and aren't as limited as the more expensive ones. I think the most limited CE I have is my Risen 2 Keg! XD
So long as there is sufficient, good quality content included to make it worth the price tag, I'm not too fussed about it being numbered or such, but it does make it that bit more special. Also if something is numbered and limited, I'd be preapred to pay a bit more than usual for a numbered and truly limited edition.
06-09-2012, 01:25 PM
So long as there is sufficient, good quality content included to make it worth the price tag, I'm not too fussed about it being numbered or such, but it does make it that bit more special. Also if something is numbered and limited, I'd be preapred to pay a bit more than usual for a numbered and truly limited edition.
Well put Cosmic!
06-09-2012, 01:25 PM
numbered or coa i can take or leave, as soon as i get a ce i usually open like a rage induced chimp so there is half the value gone right there
06-09-2012, 01:31 PM
numbered or coa i can take or leave, as soon as i get a ce i usually open like a rage induced chimp so there is half the value gone right there
LOL nice
06-09-2012, 01:34 PM
numbered or coa i can take or leave, as soon as i get a ce i usually open like a rage induced chimp so there is half the value gone right there
06-09-2012, 02:26 PM
Collecting for value purposes or future "investment" is pretty stupid IMO, you should collect what you want for the whole point of collecting - not finicial reasons.
ESP where as recently where the collectors market is getting bigger every other person it's buying multiple copy's of new CEs keeping them sealed for resale purposes in the future..... and considering there's more than a few people doing this give it a few years when a) no ones interested in them or b) your going to have every other person selling sealed copys thus sealed copys won't be rare lol
06-11-2012, 02:48 AM
I will be completely honest. I first started buying collectors edition because 1 I have always been the type that if there are two versions of a game I always have to get the best one and for resale value since I don't open any of them up. But then after about 2 years collecting I started telling myself that really half of the games I own won't be worth anything because they are mass produced, because peoples mentality is that it will be worth money just like the Nintendo ones. But what people don't understand is that durning the Atari and Nintendo times no one really had the mentality of collecting that's why if you find something sealed or at least brand new from that era it's worth a lot of money. Not like now that everyone now usually collects them to try to make an extra buck, because honestly you know how many people think the same way we do now, oh if I keep this sealed it will be worth money. If you wait let's say 20 years to sell your game you will most likely see another 20,000 or even more at the same time unless is one that is very limited. Also during the Nintendo days how many games came out with a collectors edition maybe 5 of them not like now that every game comes out with one and they mass produced them. That's why the ones that are actually limited and I don't mean limited to 30,000 , I mean limited will be worth more money that's why I try to collect those and also I like the idea that I am one of the few who has it and who ever is on here and has there collector sealed and tells me they are not doing it for resale value then that's bullshit because then why will you have it sealed it the first place. This is my honest opinion so I hope no one takes it the wrong way.
06-11-2012, 06:38 AM
I will be completely honest. I first started buying collectors edition because 1 I have always been the type that if there are two versions of a game I always have to get the best one and for resale value since I don't open any of them up. But then after about 2 years collecting I started telling myself that really half of the games I own won't be worth anything because they are mass produced, because peoples mentality is that it will be worth money just like the Nintendo ones. But what people don't understand is that durning the Atari and Nintendo times no one really had the mentality of collecting that's why if you find something sealed or at least brand new from that era it's worth a lot of money. Not like now that everyone now usually collects them to try to make an extra buck, because honestly you know how many people think the same way we do now, oh if I keep this sealed it will be worth money. If you wait let's say 20 years to sell your game you will most likely see another 20,000 or even more at the same time unless is one that is very limited. Also during the Nintendo days how many games came out with a collectors edition maybe 5 of them not like now that every game comes out with one and they mass produced them. That's why the ones that are actually limited and I don't mean limited to 30,000 , I mean limited will be worth more money that's why I try to collect those and also I like the idea that I am one of the few who has it and who ever is on here and has there collector sealed and tells me they are not doing it for resale value then that's bullshit because then why will you have it sealed it the first place. This is my honest opinion so I hope no one takes it the wrong way.
100% nail on the head
06-11-2012, 08:58 AM
a really large nail head
06-11-2012, 11:32 AM
Everyone has answered the question. If you're going to collect, you should collect from the heart and not for your pocket. I understand that collecting can be an investment but honestly, if you're only going to collect because it's practical and for money, then I think you're the type of guy who's too lazy to get a real job. No offense.
So, let's pretend that something like the Street Fighter 25th Anniversary Box Set or the Uncharted 2 Fortune Hunter Edition is produced at somewhere near 100,000 units. Still be better to me than, as you have said, a 150-only CE that comes with the game, a piece of paper that confirms that you do own one of only 150 units, and maybe a 30-page artbook. Why? Because I collect them for my own happiness. And I want the best from my beloved games.
I don't know about hunting down truly limited CEs because you're too insecure about yourself and the only thing that will give you a boost of self-gratitude is owning a CE that only 49 others do, though. I still think the main reason for that is resale value. Like it or not, it exists, and we can't do anything to stop it from existing.
06-11-2012, 11:54 AM
For me, collecting isn't always about whether or not something is ultra limited.
I started collecting because my boyfriend collected, and he wasn't exactly the best at hunting down a specific CE he was looking for, so he'd tell me what it was and I'd find it for him. After about a year of this, he'd only collected a small amount and I was starting to get interested in CEs myself. We used the main page on this site to find out what was due for release (as we never knew there was a forum) and then about a month after I decided to start collecting, I found the forum, signed up and never looked back XD
I'm quite bad for collecting though, in the sense that, no matter what it is that's due for release, I'll preorder it. I just preorder everything, and then if it gets to nearer the release date and I can't afford it, I cancel the things I least want (instead of just buying them anyway to sell on to make money back).
I also have the view that if somebody keeps things sealed, it's for resale value. I know a few people on here that keep things sealed because they think they look better sealed, so of course there is that point of view too, but probably 99% of sealed collectors do it for resale value alone.
I really dislike resellers. I mean, fair enough, people who sell their OWN things, because they have to, for instance: needing the money, lack of space, found a better condition copy and selling the old one, etc, but people who buy purely to sell on kinda annoy me (I say kinda, it REALLY annoys me LOL) :rotf:
I mean, of course, I've been lucky this whole year (since it's only just been a year since I began collecting) in that, all of the CEs I've really wanted, I've managed to get (with one or two exceptions), but even if it's a CE I've managed to get ordered, or whatever, when I see all the listings on ebay, it ticks me off because I feel really bad for all the people who missed out because of bastard resellers >.< (sorry, going off on one!)
Anyway, the perfect CE for me would consist of: a nice steelbook, digipak or tin (not standard game case), a nice big artbook (think Skyrim CE), a nice statue or figure, a little tidbit or two of items related to the game (a coin, a pendant, a diary, etc), a physical CD soundtrack, a pass for all future DLC (I mean, if you're spending all that extra cash on a CE, this should be a given!), all packaged in a nice outer box. And heck, if it's numbered too, that's a bonus.
But if I was to choose between a CE filled with all of that ^ (minus the numbering) and a CE with just a standard game, in a flimsy box, with some DLC and a numbered COA (even if limited to something crazy like 5) then I'd most definitely go for the one filled with stuff!
It takes a lot more than just a numbered bit of paper to sway me :haha: xx
06-11-2012, 12:10 PM
some CE's now are laughable - here is the game you were going to buy anyway but with a 10 page leaflet with some art on it, a cardboard box and some shitty DLC you'll never ever redeem as you'll forget about it the minute you put it back in the box - £60.
06-11-2012, 01:52 PM
The perfect CE comes In a book with stickers and a jack in the box (that actually plays a song)
Rarity doesn't bother me I just want atleast 2 of everything one catalogued one for people to enjoy
06-11-2012, 03:41 PM
i often look at ce from a value perspective as overall i buy to play the game, but i love extra tat aswell
in comparison borderlands loot and max payne 3 both same rrp but i am pretty confident borderlands has the better value
my top 3 though
are alan wake xbox 360 £39.99 on release
anno 1404 £29.99 on release
and soon to be
far cry 3 £49.99 can even be found cheaper f you look around
all provide nice extras, without over-inflating cost
I found "serious collector" on the dictionary and this it what says. vhal_x
06-11-2012, 06:04 PM
Still we have a couple of resellers around the forums.
The most important things were said, you should buy what you like.
But i prefer to pay 100€ on release for a CE that i know it's worth my money (Good contents and rather limited) that to pay 100€ for a CE that 1 month later is half the price.
06-12-2012, 09:05 AM
I found "serious collector" on the dictionary and this it what says. vhal_x
LOL! Or maybe "woman with serious CE addiction problems" :rotf: xx
LOL! Or maybe "woman with serious CE addiction problems" :rotf: xx
:banana: :haha:
06-20-2012, 04:10 PM
for me, I don't "collect" in the sense of i MUST keep everything mint and sealed, as If I see a collectors/special/limited edition with stuff I like, I will buy it. I mean I have some stuff that I will keep forever unopened, (like my ME:3 N7 edition signed by the voice of liara and ashley) but i play most of my CE's. Im extremely careful with my stuff, (I have been told that my disks look unused) so yeah. I mean, having numbered stuff, or Certificates of authenticity is nice and all, but not part of the collecting "thing" for me.
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