Originally Posted by v1sav1s
Ah, wish one of those events paid a visit here!
They mostly dont and majority of them are all in tokyo because they trying to convince Japanese people to try out western games and non rpgs. RPGS are the top selling genre of video games in Japan like i dout you ever going to see this kinda avertizement or promotion for crap like final fantasy or Dragon Quest as those are already exstreamly high sellers in Japan but you can find this crap for like halo resident evil, even call of duty of stuff like this in Japan. I used to think americans were heavy advertizers and try hard to get people to buy things but then i saw what Tokyo does and they seriously wont give up i was like wtf there not even try over here in America. There is a good enough reason why Tokyo is the city that spends the most money in the world for pretty much anything.