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12-15-2014, 03:19 PM

Okay, so some might not care much about Nintendo's newest "thing" - the amiibo figures, but others may. I figured I'd open up a thread where we can discuss/rant/etc. about these figures. I'm going to reserve the first few posts just in case we want to turn this into a thread with release dates/pictures/etc. on the first page, but for now I figure it'd just be better than bumping the Smash Bros. Bundle Thread or Random Thoughts thread ;)

12-15-2014, 03:19 PM
**Reserved 1**

12-15-2014, 03:20 PM
** Reserved 2 **

12-15-2014, 03:25 PM
So, anyone else in the US collecting these things? And is supply/demand as crazy and nutty overseas as it is here in the US? It's a whirlwind of chaos, especially with the recent launch of Wave 2a (Zelda/DiddyKong/LittleMac).

TRU/GS released theirs on Friday. SOME Targets did. Others and Walmart released theirs on Sunday (yesterday) and BestBuy is refusing to until the 17th (for one or two of the figures) and the 19th for the other(s).

The 10 stores I visited all sold out of Diddy Kong and Little Mac within the first hour of operation. :banghead: A few of the stores (because I asked) confirmed it was the same guy in my area who bought ALL of them (obviously for reselling purposes). It's a real nightmare and stress, especially this time of year.

12-15-2014, 03:30 PM
All 12 amiibos reviewed (+the best way to open them!)

12-15-2014, 03:31 PM
Thankfully I'm not going too overboard with these. Gonna pick up the odd one or two for my favourite characters and that's about it. I've so far got, Mario with the UK SSB pack, Link and Zelda in the post, Samus and Marth for Christmas from my mum and Pit and Luigi from my Sis for Christmas. Hoping to try and pick up a couple of others, but I think I'll wait it out and hope for a bit of a price drop in the new year. lol

12-15-2014, 03:49 PM
Yeah, I started thinking to just get a few of the figures that I wanted, but I knew I'd end up wanting to get all of them. So now here I am trying to get these things before ebay hawkers snag them all.

I did just find out now that there are notable packaging differences between the European and US amiibo. I've got to decide now how much the "collector" in me cares.

EU Version (http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/dir_3244/image_324451_fit_940.jpg)
US Version (http://scene7.targetimg1.com/is/image/Target/16478081?wid=410&hei=410)

Looks like they have "Super Smash Bros. Collection" listed there (I wonder what it'll say for NON-Smash Amiibos?) and then the "N0.#" for each amiibo with its name on the right side.

I think I really like the European packaging better (surprise, surprise) because:
1) they're numbered and would be useful for ordering them and
2) I like how there's a possibility there will be different "collections" so you can have different poses from different collections theoretically rather than the US where we'll likely just have 14 marios that all say "Mario".

12-15-2014, 06:00 PM
Yeah, I started thinking to just get a few of the figures that I wanted, but I knew I'd end up wanting to get all of them. So now here I am trying to get these things before ebay hawkers snag them all.

I did just find out now that there are notable packaging differences between the European and US amiibo. I've got to decide now how much the "collector" in me cares.

EU Version (http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/dir_3244/image_324451_fit_940.jpg)
US Version (http://scene7.targetimg1.com/is/image/Target/16478081?wid=410&hei=410)

Looks like they have "Super Smash Bros. Collection" listed there (I wonder what it'll say for NON-Smash Amiibos?) and then the "N0.#" for each amiibo with its name on the right side.

I think I really like the European packaging better (surprise, surprise) because:
1) they're numbered and would be useful for ordering them and
2) I like how there's a possibility there will be different "collections" so you can have different poses from different collections theoretically rather than the US where we'll likely just have 14 marios that all say "Mario".

Buy them all Knight. :spiteful:

12-15-2014, 06:09 PM
Im not collecting all of them.. Only the one I likes :p
But pretty much all Mario characters, Zelda characters, Kirby characters and Pokemon characters is the ones Im going for :)
And right now I got Zelda, Link, Yoshi, Pikachu and Kirby :)

Then also just bought Marth that Im thinking of selling on eBay because it is "defect".. The sword is very bended :P


12-15-2014, 06:26 PM
Im not collecting all of them.. Only the one I likes :p
But pretty much all Mario characters, Zelda characters, Kirby characters and Pokemon characters is the ones Im going for :)
And right now I got Zelda, Link, Yoshi, Pikachu and Kirby :)

Then also just bought Marth that Im thinking of selling on eBay because it is "defect".. The sword is very bended :P


There was a slight bend in the sword on my Marth too... lol

12-15-2014, 06:27 PM
Yeah, I was going to say that if its NOT bent, its more likely to be a "rare variant" ;) Luckily I was able to pick the nicest one when I got mine (there were a bunch there at the time before media outlets started telling everyone how rare it was)

12-15-2014, 06:28 PM
Yeah, I started thinking to just get a few of the figures that I wanted, but I knew I'd end up wanting to get all of them. So now here I am trying to get these things before ebay hawkers snag them all.

I did just find out now that there are notable packaging differences between the European and US amiibo. I've got to decide now how much the "collector" in me cares.

EU Version (http://cdn.medialib.computerandvideogames.com/screens/dir_3244/image_324451_fit_940.jpg)
US Version (http://scene7.targetimg1.com/is/image/Target/16478081?wid=410&hei=410)

Looks like they have "Super Smash Bros. Collection" listed there (I wonder what it'll say for NON-Smash Amiibos?) and then the "N0.#" for each amiibo with its name on the right side.

I think I really like the European packaging better (surprise, surprise) because:
1) they're numbered and would be useful for ordering them and
2) I like how there's a possibility there will be different "collections" so you can have different poses from different collections theoretically rather than the US where we'll likely just have 14 marios that all say "Mario".

Another notable difference with the packaging is that from what I see on the videos of American's who are removing the foil sticker from inside the box, the US sticker comes off easier than our's... -_- One of mine, I couldn't get the sticker off with a small metal stick like somebody else did... >.< It was like they used the strongest glue in the world that holds the foil sticker on our Amiibos. >.<

12-15-2014, 06:30 PM
Another notable difference with the packaging is that from what I see on the videos of American's who are removing the foil sticker from inside the box, the US sticker comes off easier than our's... -_- One of mine, I couldn't get the sticker off with a small metal stick like somebody else did... >.< It was like they used the strongest glue in the world that holds the foil sticker on our Amiibos. >.<

Oh, hadn't heard that difference yet. So you're also using the methodology of pulling the foil out from the bottom of the package? I've been trying to decide if I just want to go ahead and do the other (knife along the sides) method so I can actually take the figures and move the figures around rather than having a giant stack of boxes near my gaming setup, but I haven't pulled that trigger yet.

12-15-2014, 06:32 PM
A bit or much like mine? xD

But like this one sold for 48 pounds

And it not even near bended like mine xD

12-15-2014, 06:35 PM
A bit or much like mine? xD

But like this one sold for 48 pounds

And it not even near bended like mine xD

Yeah, but I don't think its the bend that is causing that to sell mate, its the fact that its a Marth figure. Those are going for around $70-$100 on average over here because they're sold out everywhere. I could be wrong, but if someone is REALLY interested in a severe bend, then yours could be worth even more than that.

12-15-2014, 06:41 PM
I don't find it hard to find Marth..
There was like 6 more or something in the Toysrus I was in :)

12-15-2014, 06:43 PM
Oh, hadn't heard that difference yet. So you're also using the methodology of pulling the foil out from the bottom of the package? I've been trying to decide if I just want to go ahead and do the other (knife along the sides) method so I can actually take the figures and move the figures around rather than having a giant stack of boxes near my gaming setup, but I haven't pulled that trigger yet.

I don't know really it just seems that it was near impossible to get the foil off mine it was literally welded to the bottom. >.<

Yeah, but I don't think its the bend that is causing that to sell mate, its the fact that its a Marth figure. Those are going for around $70-$100 on average over here because they're sold out everywhere. I could be wrong, but if someone is REALLY interested in a severe bend, then yours could be worth even more than that.

The bend on mine is more like the one in the listing.

Also is this true?

Nintendo announced that they are "discontinuing Marth, Wii Fit Trainer, and Villager Amiibos."

12-15-2014, 06:43 PM
I don't find it hard to find Marth..
There was like 6 more or something in the Toysrus I was in :)

Yeah, but over here in the States its highly sought after. In fact people are buying the ones from Europe and Japan because its so rare over here now.

12-15-2014, 06:49 PM
Yeah, but over here in the States its highly sought after. In fact people are buying the ones from Europe and Japan because its so rare over here now.

Crazy :p
Just tell me if you want a lof of them to sell in the USA xD

12-15-2014, 06:58 PM
Crazy :p
Just tell me if you want a lof of them to sell in the USA xD

I had contemplated it (as it'd fund my other amiibo purchases down the road for sure), but then I'd just be participating in the very thing that I hate about these right now - and that's resellers buying all the stock out from under fans/collectors.

I guess its a bit different getting NOT rare ones from some place and selling them here, but still, seems like quite the murky grey area for me at the moment. It'd be like I'm Luke turning to the power of the Dark Side... :starwars:

12-15-2014, 07:00 PM
I guess its a bit different getting NOT rare ones from some place and selling them here, but still, seems like quite the murky grey area for me at the moment. It'd be like I'm Luke turning to the power of the Dark Side... :starwars:

Lol sometimes you gotta do things to find your collecting habit. We've all done it. :P

12-15-2014, 07:05 PM
Lol sometimes you gotta do things to find your collecting habit. We've all done it. :P

Actually, just realized that I might be able to do both - help out some fellow gamers who I know are looking for these at a more reasonable price than eBay AND make a few $'s to fund a couple of amiibo myself. :think:

PM sent Theto!

12-15-2014, 07:42 PM

So much shit...

12-15-2014, 10:50 PM

Seeing all these "custom" amiibo is throwing me back to my tabletop RPG days when I painted all my own figures (was really fun and they came out amazing).

I liked the Deity Link, Daisy, and Wolf amiibo best!

12-16-2014, 12:01 AM
Ive been buying them

12-16-2014, 12:52 PM
Ive been buying them

Have you had any trouble getting them all? Or are you just picking the ones you like?

StayFree( ' 3')
12-16-2014, 01:39 PM
I posted this when it was first posted thinking it might go for around $100...but damn, 25k!?!


These "rare defects" are starting to become just as common as the regulars...

http://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_trksid=p2047675.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.Xamiibo+le gless&_nkw=amiibo+legless&_sacat=0

12-16-2014, 01:45 PM
Yeah, those legless Peaches appear to be a pretty common flaw apparently, but some of the others are hilarious -- like this one:


Really? A piece of string? :rotf: :facepalm: And its conveniently placed in the back of it where there are openings where someone could actually put a piece of string inside it? :facepalm:

StayFree( ' 3')
12-16-2014, 01:52 PM
Yeah, those legless Peaches appear to be a pretty common flaw apparently, but some of the others are hilarious -- like this one:


Really? A piece of string? :rotf: :facepalm: And its conveniently placed in the back of it where there are openings where someone could actually put a piece of string inside it? :facepalm:

will probably go for 30k. I'll probably throw my money at one of these when I see one with mario's face on princess peaches body. :thumb:

12-16-2014, 03:18 PM
A flawed amiibo is worth more than my whole collection... I think it's a good time for us to stop collecting start sitting in front of best buy every morning...

12-16-2014, 04:22 PM
A flawed amiibo is worth more than my whole collection... I think it's a good time for us to stop collecting start sitting in front of best buy every morning...

Ken.. when you see a statue / figurine Nathan Drake head on a Lara Croft body in China, remember to buy it and bring it back to America. Put your signature on it, and sell it on eBay. $$$$! StayFree probably will be the highest bidder, since there is a signature on it. ;)

12-16-2014, 05:01 PM
Have you had any trouble getting them all? Or are you just picking the ones you like?

ive had them all at one point or another so far. i recently sold my marth villager and trainer on ebay. i was very stupid and returned 2 villagers to target and did not try harder to find more marths. so i sold the ones i had to feel less stupid lol. so far i found 5 diddys and 8 lmacs. hoping they become rare but i dont think they will like the people on cag do. most of them are dumb, freakout over nothing and think these are so hard to find lol.

I most likely will return all the amiibos i have that are common like mario and all, i dont find them very fun to collect except for like the cool/rare ones. like shulk and rosalina im looking very forward too, but the rest i find quite boring. marth was pretty cool but even he i was willing to let go of for the right price.

just picked up 2 more diddys at a target in south jersey lol.

12-16-2014, 06:01 PM
Ken.. when you see a statue / figurine Nathan Drake head on a Lara Croft body in China, remember to buy it and bring it back to America. Put your signature on it, and sell it on eBay. $$$$! StayFree probably will be the highest bidder, since there is a signature on it. ;)

I will ask my whole family to sign it to rise the price :spiteful:

12-16-2014, 06:37 PM
I will ask my whole family to sign it to rise the price :spiteful:

Yeah, got myself Diddy and Little Mac earlier today via TRU website. I currently am lacking access to a vehicle during the day where I'm at, so can't get out like I used to at the moment.

Yeah, alot of people on CAG definitely go into freak-out-mode, but I can understand. It's frustrating how difficult some of these are to come by for certain areas. I think Nintendo got a HUGE boost in sales on these once media outlets started saying that WFT/Marth/Villager were being discontinued -- the general sentiment beforehand by "most" people was that they'd all be around and easily available so people could jump in and get them whenever, but as soon as they found out that it wasn't going to work that way, everyone (including resellers) ran to these things.

12-16-2014, 06:43 PM
Yeah, got myself Diddy and Little Mac earlier today via TRU website. I currently am lacking access to a vehicle during the day where I'm at, so can't get out like I used to at the moment.

Yeah, alot of people on CAG definitely go into freak-out-mode, but I can understand. It's frustrating how difficult some of these are to come by for certain areas. I think Nintendo got a HUGE boost in sales on these once media outlets started saying that WFT/Marth/Villager were being discontinued -- the general sentiment beforehand by "most" people was that they'd all be around and easily available so people could jump in and get them whenever, but as soon as they found out that it wasn't going to work that way, everyone (including resellers) ran to these things.

Yeah that definitely holds true for wave 1, but i cant honestly think that its going to hold true for wave 2 and on, except for maybe the exclusives and ike. i mean, lmac and diddy being worth 100? if that happens then im just going to buy multiples of every amiibo just to be prepared. But i mean i just picked up 2 more diddys at target a half hour ago, and best buy hasnt even got there wave 2's out for sale yet.

12-16-2014, 06:51 PM
Yeah that definitely holds true for wave 1, but i cant honestly think that its going to hold true for wave 2 and on, except for maybe the exclusives and ike. i mean, lmac and diddy being worth 100? if that happens then im just going to buy multiples of every amiibo just to be prepared. But i mean i just picked up 2 more diddys at target a half hour ago, and best buy hasnt even got there wave 2's out for sale yet.

Yeah, I think the street date mixup that's going on with Wave2 is really pushing those ebay values. But the fact that you can get a few at the store near you doesn't mean that's the case for everyone -- no store within 100 miles of me for Target/Walmart/TRU/GS has one apparently. And others are in the same boat, so its THAT type of unavailability that forces people to jump and shout that its "so rare", and as soon as someone sees limited availability you better believe they'll take advantage of it and toss them up on eBay. I'm just amazed that there isn't more undercutting of some of these "rare" amiibo prices on eBay -- usually with so many resellers you'd think the economics would prove that prices would have to decrease -- but haven't seen much of that yet.

Maybe once BB gets out their Wave2's there'll be a TON of stock in the market and things will go back to a relative normal... but guess we'll have to wait and see.

12-16-2014, 07:24 PM
Yeah, I think the street date mixup that's going on with Wave2 is really pushing those ebay values. But the fact that you can get a few at the store near you doesn't mean that's the case for everyone -- no store within 100 miles of me for Target/Walmart/TRU/GS has one apparently. And others are in the same boat, so its THAT type of unavailability that forces people to jump and shout that its "so rare", and as soon as someone sees limited availability you better believe they'll take advantage of it and toss them up on eBay. I'm just amazed that there isn't more undercutting of some of these "rare" amiibo prices on eBay -- usually with so many resellers you'd think the economics would prove that prices would have to decrease -- but haven't seen much of that yet.

Maybe once BB gets out their Wave2's there'll be a TON of stock in the market and things will go back to a relative normal... but guess we'll have to wait and see.

i think throughout the month stores will be getting more and more of all of wave 2. i wouldnt sweat it too much.

12-17-2014, 06:06 AM
I just got into these when I found out that Nintendo wont be producing them in large numbers. I didnt really have money at the time of launch.

I'd really like a Marth and Villager for my collection (in box). I'm hoping they re release them soon over here in the US. I know I could import for about $20usd a piece, but the packaging is different and I know it'd bug me.

12-18-2014, 04:55 AM
i remember the first days of amiibo release my local toys r us had tons of villager..like at least around 50....but who knew?..they would become such a hot commoditie,.,,they had marth too..actually they had at least 50 of each of the 1st batch release...i'm NOT collecting these at all..because i think there would be an infinite number of these...imagine how many releases over the next 2 to 3 years?..well over 100 figures i would think...and NINTENDO sent surveys to some people asking about how interested they would be in "color variants"?..and "store exclusive limited editions"..even like where you'd go to a GAMESTOP..and line up at midnight..and in the morning they'd release 25 per store, of a different color, and that'll be it kind of thing etc..just to keep the buzz alive around amiibo and get people talking/trending about it..and bring in more buyers/collectors...

12-18-2014, 07:33 PM
Good or bad news depending on your feelings about amiibo: looks like StarFox and the new Zelda will support amiibo

Zelda Wii U and Star Fox Wii U News (http://www.scooptendo.com/zelda-wii-u-star-fox-support-amiibo/)

12-19-2014, 03:01 AM
TRU/GS released theirs on Friday. SOME Targets did. Others and Walmart released theirs on Sunday (yesterday) and BestBuy is refusing to until the 17th (for one or two of the figures) and the 19th for the other(s).
I got my Zelda from Best Buy on Sunday 12/14. Maybe because it was a preorder? That's when the e-mail said to come pick it up.

i remember the first days of amiibo release my local toys r us had tons of villager..like at least around 50....but who knew?..they would become such a hot commoditie,.,,
I called it on October 30 yo!
So the lamest characters will end up being the most valuable in the future? Quickly, someone predict the future value in 5 years of the rarest amiibo---I'm trying to figure out how many Villagers I should preorder. :roll:

Limited shelf space for their amiibos. More like, too many characters in Smash Bros. am I right?
But yeah I'm not collecting these for all the same reasons Twisted. All I have now is Link and Zelda, and I have Toon Link and Sheik preordered. I'm only planning to pick up Zelda and EarthBound characters.

12-23-2014, 10:37 PM
Greetings, ive contemplated getting the amiibo to only the ones i wanted but after seeing how nicely theyre sculpted i had to do like pokemon and gotta catch em all. I am currently living in Australia but was born n raised in the states, the amiibo craze is barely starting to hit now. I prefer getting the amiibos here as opposed to the states. I got wave 1 & 2 complete, although i was lucky to get nearly all of wave 1 on the shelf a day after release all minus Marth which i had to pay a premium for. Wave 2 preordered luckily and have in hand.

Wave 3..., idk where to start. I luckily preordered all the figures that were going to be "exclusive" to retailers (dumb idea imo) back in the states. The rest i decided to preorder and have those shipped to my usa address. The store i preordered the rest were...toys r us. Now if you havent been reading of this youll know that tru sent a massive wave of cancelled preorders due to technical matters. Tru are trying to correct the situation by reinstating orders ONLY if you paid by cc, if you paid by paypal they couldnt legally reinstate your order why idk.

Anyway in the next few days they are supposedly going to resend an email to be able to reorder them again. I feel its too late to order them at this stage and ill miss out on the figures but the discount they had fir buy one get one 40%off. So after i got the cancellation i went nuts trying to preorder the ones im missing. I went to the eb games here, they said as of 9am that morning preordered placed prior would get their figures the rest were sol. They said they had limited amount available online so i rushed back home to order. Was able to get all but ike which was sold out.

Went searching online and preordered at walmart which had all including ike. I placed the order and so thats where i am right now i have half guaranteed whereas the others its up in the air due to demand. I have 2 sets of preorders placed in case one gets cancelled. I dont know what tru are planning to do but if they allow me to order guaranteed figures discounted ill cancel the others but at this point i really dont trust tru, so im wondering wth to do with all of these orders. I hate that amiibo have taken off, happy for Nintendo but not for regular customers/fans looking to get a hold of their favorite fjgure due to scalpers.

Sorry for the long post lol

12-24-2014, 12:22 AM
Sorry for the long post lol
Nah decent rant. The mess you're going through with these is exactly why I won't be collecting them all though. Good luck with that. ;) :thumb:

12-24-2014, 08:00 AM
I was one of the stupid ones who thought this will be like skylanders rererereleasing so I missed getting an amiibo or two. Glad some of these will have some collector value.

12-24-2014, 01:45 PM
Greetings, ive contemplated getting the amiibo to only the ones i wanted but after seeing how nicely theyre sculpted i had to do like pokemon and gotta catch em all. I am currently living in Australia but was born n raised in the states, the amiibo craze is barely starting to hit now. I prefer getting the amiibos here as opposed to the states. I got wave 1 & 2 complete, although i was lucky to get nearly all of wave 1 on the shelf a day after release all minus Marth which i had to pay a premium for. Wave 2 preordered luckily and have in hand.

Wave 3..., idk where to start. I luckily preordered all the figures that were going to be "exclusive" to retailers (dumb idea imo) back in the states. The rest i decided to preorder and have those shipped to my usa address. The store i preordered the rest were...toys r us. Now if you havent been reading of this youll know that tru sent a massive wave of cancelled preorders due to technical matters. Tru are trying to correct the situation by reinstating orders ONLY if you paid by cc, if you paid by paypal they couldnt legally reinstate your order why idk.

Anyway in the next few days they are supposedly going to resend an email to be able to reorder them again. I feel its too late to order them at this stage and ill miss out on the figures but the discount they had fir buy one get one 40%off. So after i got the cancellation i went nuts trying to preorder the ones im missing. I went to the eb games here, they said as of 9am that morning preordered placed prior would get their figures the rest were sol. They said they had limited amount available online so i rushed back home to order. Was able to get all but ike which was sold out.

Went searching online and preordered at walmart which had all including ike. I placed the order and so thats where i am right now i have half guaranteed whereas the others its up in the air due to demand. I have 2 sets of preorders placed in case one gets cancelled. I dont know what tru are planning to do but if they allow me to order guaranteed figures discounted ill cancel the others but at this point i really dont trust tru, so im wondering wth to do with all of these orders. I hate that amiibo have taken off, happy for Nintendo but not for regular customers/fans looking to get a hold of their favorite fjgure due to scalpers.

Sorry for the long post lol

Hey bud, a lot of us are in the same boat. While I think TRU will do their best to honor the pre-orders that were made with them, I seriously doubt they'll honor the discount that you (and I and others) were able to take advantage of during that sale. While you might not trust TRU (understandably so) they're pretty much the most robust (stock-wise) supplier here in The States. None of the other retailers even come close to having the level of stock that they do (maybe with the exception of the Nintendo World Store in NYC but they don't do online orders).

The only more reliable company I'd trust (pre-order wise) would be Gamestop since I've NEVER ONCE had them not be able to deliver on a pre-order, they have a good idea of what they've got in stock and how many pre-orders they've got, the issue with them is that they won't have any (or nearly any) extra stock for those who are trying to do an in-store purchase, but that shouldn't effect you at all.

Ryu Kazama
12-30-2014, 11:29 PM
If anyone needs a Marth, I have one or two spare (one has a slightly damaged box, though!)

12-30-2014, 11:30 PM
- double post

12-30-2014, 11:31 PM
If anyone needs a Marth, I have one or two spare (one has a slightly damaged box, though!)

Interested. Can you PM me the details please? I'm looking for a US version and sealed for collection purposes.

Ryu Kazama
12-30-2014, 11:41 PM
Ah. Before I PM, mine are UK versions, so the back description is slightly different to US, from what I know.

12-31-2014, 12:40 AM
Ryu, please reserve me a Marth if you don't mind? I'm in London if it helps? Plus, we've met a couple of times before. :)

PM me if that's OK?

Ideally the one without the dent please. :)

Ryu Kazama
12-31-2014, 11:04 AM
Ryu, please reserve me a Marth if you don't mind? I'm in London if it helps? Plus, we've met a couple of times before. :)

PM me if that's OK?

Ideally the one without the dent please. :)

That can be arranged can also just meet you locally to save on shipping. I will drop you a PM.

01-02-2015, 03:49 PM
So I pre-ordered the Lucario amiibo from ToysRUs, my order was cancelled a few days ago, and TRU sent me a code to pre-order other amiibos for 10.99. I pre-ordered Pit and Captain Falcon, but I just received an cancellation email for these two a few minutes ago... They let me pre-order the new ones as apology, and then cancelled my pre-order of the new ones...

This is my first and last time buy from TRU...

01-02-2015, 04:31 PM
So I pre-ordered the Lucario amiibo from ToysRUs, my order was cancelled a few days ago, and TRU sent me a code to pre-order other amiibos for 10.99. I pre-ordered Pit and Captain Falcon, but I just received an cancellation email for these two a few minutes ago... They let me pre-order the new ones as apology, and then cancelled my pre-order of the new ones...

This is my first and last time buy from TRU...

Yeah, a lot of others on Reddit are saying the same thing. They really screwed things up this time, that's for sure. Stinks that some people like yourself are on the amiibo roller-coaster with these. Maybe they'll just start giving them to you for free now?? Its funny though because they can't really cancel in-store orders like this (they can just not hold some if they wanted to), but in-store pre-orders seems to have been saved from the massive cancellation fests from what I've heard.

Either way, I just pre-ordered all the non-exclusives at GS as well as I'm tired of trying to hunt things down and didn't want to have to wait outside the door at TRU when they launch (or a week before as that's how they've been releasing them it seems!). Got my in-store for Lucario, got a hook up for Rosalina, and I'll have to hunt/fight/scavenge/send in a swat-team/etc. to get myself a MetaKnight.

Still sick that they've announced "even MORE retailer exclusives" with Wave4 and are excited about it-- seriously!?? :rant:

01-02-2015, 04:35 PM
Yeah, a lot of others on Reddit are saying the same thing. They really screwed things up this time, that's for sure. Stinks that some people like yourself are on the amiibo roller-coaster with these. Maybe they'll just start giving them to you for free now?? Its funny though because they can't really cancel in-store orders like this (they can just not hold some if they wanted to), but in-store pre-orders seems to have been saved from the massive cancellation fests from what I've heard.

Either way, I just pre-ordered all the non-exclusives at GS as well as I'm tired of trying to hunt things down and didn't want to have to wait outside the door at TRU when they launch (or a week before as that's how they've been releasing them it seems!). Got my in-store for Lucario, got a hook up for Rosalina, and I'll have to hunt/fight/scavenge/send in a swat-team/etc. to get myself a MetaKnight.

Still sick that they've announced "even MORE retailer exclusives" with Wave4 and are excited about it-- seriously!?? :rant:

I hate to admit it but GS seems to be the only place that won't cancel amigo orders:banghead:

01-02-2015, 04:41 PM
Still sick that they've announced "even MORE retailer exclusives" with Wave4 and are excited about it-- seriously!?? :rant:
waiting for announcement of Nintendo World Store exclusives

01-02-2015, 04:42 PM
I hate to admit it but GS seems to be the only place that won't cancel amigo orders:banghead:

Yeah, they're really the best with pre-orders - though they've had more practice than anyone that's for sure. The only bad thing (besides never any "deals" on them) is the fact that they always put the stupid price sticker on the cardboard. It comes off easy sometimes, but occasionally it'll peel the colors off... :facepalm:

01-02-2015, 04:46 PM
waiting for announcement of Nintendo World Store exclusives

Yeah, if they do that, they'll probably do it when either a) none of my friends are in college and able to swing by and get me one and/or b) when my daughter is being born or some other life event more important to me than these things...

I really wouldn't mind a "club nintendo" exclusive amiibo though - as long as it wasn't too many coins and such. I've got nothing else to really spend them on except the "new" 3ds cases they launched the other day. (I stopped getting poster sets from them as there's a guy locally who always buys them and then sells them on CL for $20, so its worth the $20 for me to just get them and save my coins).

01-02-2015, 04:52 PM
Yeah, if they do that, they'll probably do it when either a) none of my friends are in college and able to swing by and get me one and/or b) when my daughter is being born or some other life event more important to me than these things...

I really wouldn't mind a "club nintendo" exclusive amiibo though - as long as it wasn't too many coins and such. I've got nothing else to really spend them on except the "new" 3ds cases they launched the other day. (I stopped getting poster sets from them as there's a guy locally who always buys them and then sells them on CL for $20, so its worth the $20 for me to just get them and save my coins).
Ah yeah wasn't too keen on the SSB poster set myself, especially not for 700 coins. :facepalm: The Zelda game card case is the same as the one they had last year I already picked up. Club Nintendo amiibo would be a good idea. NWS amiibo would not be worth the trip.

01-02-2015, 04:56 PM
Just ordered Villager and Marth from Amazon.fr, if they have a nintendo world exclusive I'll just order an EU version

01-02-2015, 08:50 PM
Yeah im glad here in AU the amiibos arent tied to any one store, i luckily only need ike which im sure i can get after launch. TRU really dropped the ball for those in the states, i dont really have confidence my set of amiibos i reordered again will actually be fulfilled. I ordered ike at walmart hoping it sticks. Things just seem more of a mess in the states completing them as sets or even just getting the ones you want.

01-10-2015, 02:36 AM
Wave 3 is sold out as far as gamestop is concerned online. Hoping to find shulk at my gamestop!!

01-10-2015, 07:30 AM
Wave 3 is sold out as far as gamestop is concerned online. Hoping to find shulk at my gamestop!!

I'll keep an eye out for an extra Shulk when I go and pick one up for you if I can. Perhaps you could do the same for me with Meta Knight? I forgot to preorder him from BB :banghead:

01-10-2015, 08:01 AM
It is sad how hard it is for you in the USA to get the Amiibo..

Im happy to help anyone if needed :)

But yeah it is also starting here in Denmark that the holy trinity is getting hard to find some of them :) But I dont really care, only getting those Amiibo I want and not fan of any of those 3 games :p

01-10-2015, 10:48 AM
I'll keep an eye out for an extra Shulk when I go and pick one up for you if I can. Perhaps you could do the same for me with Meta Knight? I forgot to preorder him from BB :banghead:

I would gladly do the same for you KnightOfTruth but the nearest best buy to me is more than 68 miles away........
My little old city did have a best buy until it closed from not getting enough business. I'll keep a look out though if they have it up online though and thanks for looking out for me. :hug:

01-11-2015, 06:37 AM
It is sad how hard it is for you in the USA to get the Amiibo..

Im happy to help anyone if needed :)

But yeah it is also starting here in Denmark that the holy trinity is getting hard to find some of them :) But I dont really care, only getting those Amiibo I want and not fan of any of those 3 games :p

It is sad how hard it is for us to get Amiibos in the USA. In my town, its hard to find the basic (always to be sold) Amiibos. Although I must admit, it makes my collectors blood crazy with collecting these.

BTW, did anyone read the article about the guy who bought 100 Rosalinas because he, i think, hates the character and the fans? The article also mentions "he states that he intends to spend heavily on Lucina, Palutena, Robin, and Zero Suit Samus -- all out of a similar hatred and disdain that he has for Rosalina."

This guy clearly hates fire emblem...

Anyways, I was thinking. These Amiibo's are flying off the shelves. And I am glad Nintendo isnt mass producing these like Skylanders. I think its certainly possible for Nintendo to re-release the same characters just different poses.

01-11-2015, 06:06 PM
BTW, did anyone read the article about the guy who bought 100 Rosalinas because he, i think, hates the character and the fans? The article also mentions "he states that he intends to spend heavily on Lucina, Palutena, Robin, and Zero Suit Samus -- all out of a similar hatred and disdain that he has for Rosalina."

This guy clearly hates fire emblem...

If he really wanted to hurt nintendo he should have stolen like every stores rosalina amiibo's then burnt them.:twisted: He really helping nintendo the way he's doing it.lmbo although on the other hand it sucks for us who want them very bad.......:mad:

01-13-2015, 12:24 AM
I got into amiibo too late it seems. Got Link and Zelda. Now I want Toon Link and Sheik, but they are sold out EVERYWHERE (even local Gamestops). :(

01-13-2015, 12:38 AM
I got into amiibo too late it seems. Got Link and Zelda. Now I want Toon Link and Sheik, but they are sold out EVERYWHERE (even local Gamestops). :(

Once you get in it it is hard to get out of. I just need donkey kong, peach, mario, pikachu, villager, and the wii fit trainer as of now. I'm trying to resist the urge to rage through Gamestop and Walmart in my town.....

01-13-2015, 12:43 AM
Once you get in it it is hard to get out of. I just need donkey kong, peach, mario, pikachu, villager, and the wii fit trainer as of now. I'm trying to resist the urge to rage through Gamestop and Walmart in my town.....

I'm not looking to get them all. I just want Legend of Zelda figures.

01-13-2015, 02:59 AM
xhunter: Toon Link is currently available for Preorder at Walmart online.

Yeah I really wanted to avoid the amiibo's but I too am in it now. My walmart has either sold out of every single amiibo or they outright refuse to sell them.

01-13-2015, 03:27 AM
xhunter: Toon Link is currently available for Preorder at Walmart online.

Yeah I really wanted to avoid the amiibo's but I too am in it now. My walmart has either sold out of every single amiibo or they outright refuse to sell them.

Thanks for the heads up on Toon Link! :D

Now to find a Sheik and I'll be happy. I wonder if they will be releasing any more LoZ figures...

01-13-2015, 12:55 PM
Could anyone tell me when is the release date of wave 2? I preordered mine from Best Buy the they are still not shipped yet and the release date is 12/31/2015...

01-13-2015, 01:52 PM
Could anyone tell me when is the release date of wave 2? I preordered mine from Best Buy the they are still not shipped yet and the release date is 12/31/2015...

Wave 2 or Wave 3? Wave 2 came in two different phases (2a & 2b) and nearly all of the US retailers did not honor any street dates (BB was the only one I believe who did).

Wave 3 had a 12/31/2015 date to basically show it as "tentative", but its been recorded as 2/1/15 by TRU and 1/15/15 by another source I saw somewhere. So not sure there either.

01-13-2015, 10:40 PM
Wave 2 or Wave 3? Wave 2 came in two different phases (2a & 2b) and nearly all of the US retailers did not honor any street dates (BB was the only one I believe who did).

Wave 3 had a 12/31/2015 date to basically show it as "tentative", but its been recorded as 2/1/15 by TRU and 1/15/15 by another source I saw somewhere. So not sure there either.

Wave 2. I did got Zelda and another 2 or 3. But the rest never arrived

01-13-2015, 11:50 PM
Wave two consisted of Captain Falcon, Pit, Little Mac, Zelda, Luigi, and Diddy Kong. You should have gotten them all by now..

01-14-2015, 12:46 AM
Wave two consisted of Captain Falcon, Pit, Little Mac, Zelda, Luigi, and Diddy Kong. You should have gotten them all by now..

Oh okay thanks! I got all of them. I thought some of them from Wave 3 belong to Wave 2

01-14-2015, 02:24 PM
Just announced Wave 4: Robin, Lucina, Wario, Pac-Man, Ness, and Charizard.

Another special set of amiibo will be available March 20th including: Mario, Luigi, Peach, Yoshi, Bowser, and Toad.

01-14-2015, 02:25 PM
Wave 4: Robin, Lucina, Wario, Pac-Man, Ness, and Charizard.

Oh, Charizard. Nice. Have they done any Pokemon other than Pikachu at this point?

01-14-2015, 03:01 PM
Oh, Charizard. Nice. Have they done any Pokemon other than Pikachu at this point?

Lucario is the only other I know of.

01-14-2015, 03:06 PM
That Nintendo Direct rocked except for the new Amiibo announcements. I'm glad for Wave4 but a little peeved that they decided to go with releasing the same amiibo all over again so soon. The first bowser hasn't even come out yet and you'll have to buy a completely different one the next wave :facepalm: I mean seriously, this is going to be annoying having a new Mario figure every time they do a new Mario themed game. This is exactly what I was hoping WOULDN'T happen :(

01-14-2015, 03:13 PM
That Nintendo Direct rocked except for the new Amiibo announcements. I'm glad for Wave4 but a little peeved that they decided to go with releasing the same amiibo all over again so soon. The first bowser hasn't even come out yet and you'll have to buy a completely different one the next wave :facepalm: I mean seriously, this is going to be annoying having a new Mario figure every time they do a new Mario themed game. This is exactly what I was hoping WOULDN'T happen :(

I'm not recollecting the same figures unless they are in a better pose. The only one I getting out of the released are the new ones that have not seen the light of day.

01-14-2015, 03:47 PM
Yeah a bit wierd with the Super Mario series.. Because like 5 of the characters is allready in Smash edition.. I think I will get them all at some point, but not right now only Toad :)

And of the Wave 4 Im getting Charizard, Wario and Pac-man :)

Here is some pictures of the New Amiibos

01-14-2015, 03:50 PM
They need to put up the pre-orders for them. Too much is going on today.

01-14-2015, 04:06 PM
Yeah a bit wierd with the Super Mario series.. Because like 5 of the characters is allready in Smash edition.. I think I will get them all at some point, but not right now only Toad :)

And of the Wave 4 Im getting Charizard, Wario and Pac-man :)

What? Not getting the FE characters? I was going to get them anyway, but now that they can be used in the Project Steam (and you get a MM pin for pre-ordering it) I'm DEFINITELY pre-ordering that game too! (Wouldn't have otherwise though).

Also, sad we don't get female version of Robin :(

01-14-2015, 04:21 PM
Naaah.. Never played FE :p And not really interest in playing it :p

01-14-2015, 08:01 PM
Oh wow I totally missed that there was a thread for these. I think I already have all of the last waves, but I wasn't able to get any of the store exclusives except for Shulk preordered. I was going to hit target, then toys r us then best buy all on the 1st, thankfully they are all nearby.

As for the new waves, I think I am going to get the repeats too, but I am not so happy that they seem to be generic standing poses. I mean with all of Mario's outfits, I hate that hes generic.

01-14-2015, 11:31 PM
please post here when the new wave is available for preorder somewhere

I want that Ness amiibo

01-15-2015, 06:02 AM
This ign article states "Nintendo will begin restocking Marth amiibo for purchase at retailers."


01-15-2015, 09:58 AM
This ign article states "Nintendo will begin restocking Marth amiibo for purchase at retailers."

I'm thinking not Smash Bros. series Marth but something like a Fire Emblem series Marth.

Also I'm pretty sure some of you guys are missing some wave 3 amiibos. If you're not particular about region, amiami (http://slist.amiami.com/top/search/list?s_keywords=amiibo&submit=Search&pagemax=40) has the Japanese ones right now. Sheik, Rosalina, and Meta Knight, oh my.

01-15-2015, 10:47 PM
Ive ordered from them before. Sturdy packing due to heavy boxes for their size and an excess amount of paper. Weight is a problem and their shipping is more expensive than other jpy hobby shops. It easier/cheaper to just buy one off of ebay. Same price but english version.

01-16-2015, 06:16 AM
Ive ordered from them before. Sturdy packing due to heavy boxes for their size and an excess amount of paper. Weight is a problem and their shipping is more expensive than other jpy hobby shops. It easier/cheaper to just buy one off of ebay. Same price but english version.
Good to know. :thumb:

If you want Japanese wave 4 and Super Mario: http://www.nin-nin-game.com/en/194-japanese-import-wii-u-systems

01-16-2015, 09:21 AM
OK Brits, now available at GAME:

Wave 4 amiibos (sans Wario and Ness, for the moment) AND SMB/Classic series (http://www.game.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/RelatedGamesView?articleId=299839&catalogId=10201&langId=44&storeId=10151)

Ness amiibo (http://www.game.co.uk/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product2?msg=&showResultsPage=true&predictiveSearchURL=&langId=44&beginIndex=0&productId=324232&sType=SimpleSearch&pageSize=&resultCatEntryType=2&searchTerm=ness+amiibo&pageView=image&searchBtn=z&catalogId=10201&storeId=10151&ddkey=http:AjaxPredictiveSearchView)

01-18-2015, 01:09 AM
Amazon.com has listings for the Super Mario Bros. series now, not for preorder yet.

Luigi (http://www.amazon.com/Luigi-amiibo-Wii-U/dp/B00S7O6RG2/)
Peach (http://www.amazon.com/Peach-amiibo-Wii-U/dp/B00S7O6QWM/)
Bowser (http://www.amazon.com/Bowser-amiibo-Wii-U/dp/B00S7O6RJO/)
Yoshi (http://www.amazon.com/Yoshi-amiibo-Wii-U/dp/B00S7O6R62/)
Toad (http://www.amazon.com/Toad-amiibo-Wii-U/dp/B00S7O6R9E/)

Look who's conspicuously absent.

01-21-2015, 02:16 AM
Happy for those that can preorder wave 4 in their countries. All the US is giving out is "available Spring 2015." Still waiting for a preorder date. "Available" doesnt do any good when the preorders sell out.

01-21-2015, 02:31 AM
Happy for those that can preorder wave 4 in their countries. All the US is giving out is "available Spring 2015." Still waiting for a preorder date. "Available" doesn't do any good when the preorders sell out.

I'm waiting for them to go up on gamestop. Hopefully I don't have to wait much longer. I already have to murder people for the 4 exclusive amiibos from wave 3...:hammer:

Hopefully they become available online the day they are released. I'll be up a 12 midnight if I must

01-21-2015, 03:06 AM
I'm still hoping to find a Sheik. No luck so far. :(

01-21-2015, 03:21 AM
I'm still hoping to find a Sheik. No luck so far. :(

You'll find one luv. Just be patient even though I know how hard that can be.:boredo:

01-21-2015, 03:21 AM
You'll find one luv. Just be patient even though I know how hard that can be.:boredo:

Hah, yeah. Patience is hard when it is impossible to pre-order an item! I am hopeful stores near me will have them in stock once they release.

01-21-2015, 03:26 AM
Hah, yeah. Patience is hard when it is impossible to pre-order an item! I am hopeful stores near me will have them in stock once they release.

I'm sure they will, just be at the door when they open. I'll be doing that for shulk at my gamestop unless I manage to get him and the others online.:beer:

01-21-2015, 03:49 AM
I'm still hoping to find a Sheik. No luck so far. :(

I can watch for one to come back in stock and snag one for you if I see it.

01-21-2015, 05:01 AM
I can watch for one to come back in stock and snag one for you if I see it.

That would be much appreciated. I've been checking Gamestop.com, Bestbuy.com, and Amazon.com pretty regularly.

01-22-2015, 03:02 AM
Gamestop has Amiibo Pit available for Preorder again


01-22-2015, 04:02 AM
And now GameStop no longer has Pit available

01-22-2015, 12:32 PM
I'm still amazed that NO ONE has Wave4 available for pre-orders yet in the US. I wonder if Nintendo was forcing them to hold them back until Wave3 was launched?? :think:

01-22-2015, 07:43 PM
Probably. It makes sense, it's just that if ppl are so desperate to pick up the amiibos, as a business person, I'd wanna maintain that trend. Although majority would prob be resellers. Might make collecting these un-fun

01-22-2015, 08:09 PM
Looks like several TRUs got the Wave3 in stock today, if you didn't get a chance to pre-order some (or Lucario) call/swing by ASAP and pick them up. Seems like many stores have them on the floor already, but YMMV.

01-22-2015, 08:30 PM
Looks like several TRUs got the Wave3 in stock today, if you didn't get a chance to pre-order some (or Lucario) call/swing by ASAP and pick them up. Seems like most stores have them on the floor already.

Aw man you got me so excited, but no places near me got it. Now I am going to go crazy calling them everyday to make sure I don't miss them.

01-22-2015, 08:42 PM
Aw man you got me so excited, but no places near me got it. Now I am going to go crazy calling them everyday to make sure I don't miss them.

Really? That's interesting. Seems most stores around here (and elsewhere) got some - just some stores are not selling them til the 1st they say, while others said they're getting their shipment in on the 30th. So I guess if your store didn't get any in today, then perhaps the 30th would be when they will? But who knows?

Saw elsewhere that Nintendo apparently lifted the "street date" on these and stores can sell them whenever they get them in, so going to be a crazy next couple of weeks -- really hope my TRU holds my pre-orders (first time preordering through them so not sure).

I'm going to need a Meta Knight for sure and possibly a Rosalina if my other contact doesn't come through. If you (or anyone else) needs anything, post here and we can try and snag extras for each other -- worst case scenario you've got an extra that you can sell/trade or return to the store.

01-22-2015, 08:48 PM
Well those stores will get fined for putting them out early.
They are most likely holding back the next wave until the new ones that are about to come out hit the floor. Being patient sucks sometimes......
I ordered a lucario from europe because their are no Toys R Us's near me.

01-22-2015, 08:55 PM
Really? That's interesting. Seems most stores around here (and elsewhere) got some - just some stores are not selling them til the 1st they say, while others said they're getting their shipment in on the 30th. So I guess if your store didn't get any in today, then perhaps the 30th would be when they will? But who knows?

Saw elsewhere that Nintendo apparently lifted the "street date" on these and stores can sell them whenever they get them in, so going to be a crazy next couple of weeks -- really hope my TRU holds my pre-orders (first time preordering through them so not sure).

I'm going to need a Meta Knight for sure and possibly a Rosalina if my other contact doesn't come through. If you (or anyone else) needs anything, post here and we can try and snag extras for each other -- worst case scenario you've got an extra that you can sell/trade or return to the store.

I had a whole game plan for the Feb first to get my hands on the store exclusives. I was going to get to each store as they opened, they all open hours after each other and they are all literally in the same plaza where I am. But if they release them whenever, that'll be a hassle.

:beg: If someone stateside could help me with just the store exclusives that would be great in case I miss them. I was planning on buying multiples of the exclusives and then offering them here for cost + shipping for people here, but I didn't want to get anyones hopes up in case I miss them, or they only sell me 1. But if I can I will get as many as they will let me and let you guys know.

01-22-2015, 09:00 PM
I had a whole game plan for the Feb first to get my hands on the store exclusives. I was going to get to each store as they opened, they all open hours after each other and they are all literally in the same plaza where I am. But if they release them whenever, that'll be a hassle.

:beg: If someone stateside could help me with just the store exclusives that would be great in case I miss them. I was planning on buying multiples of the exclusives and then offering them here for cost + shipping for people here, but I didn't want to get anyones hopes up in case I miss them, or they only sell me 1. But if I can I will get as many as they will let me and let you guys know.

Well you are a kind person luv. If you manage to get a rosalina, meta knight, or shulk let me know because if I don't manage to get them i'll be coming to you.:hug:

01-22-2015, 09:04 PM
Well you are a kind person luv. If you manage to get a rosalina, meta knight, or shulk let me know because if I don't manage to get them i'll be coming to you.:hug:

Its not a problem, I need to get my feedback up anyways so I can participate in group buys, secret santa, etc.
Hopefully it works out as planned, and they comeon the 1st as scheduled. Ill let ya'll know who I manage to get extras of.

01-22-2015, 09:33 PM
Sounds like a plan! Target/BB are easier for me to get to than the others (well GS is as well, but not sure if they'll have any non-preorders available), but there's a TRU or 2 that I could travel to as well. I'll keep an eye out for those for both of you!

01-22-2015, 11:37 PM
My Toys R Us didn't get any today either. :shrug:

Can't believe TRU is selling some today but I have to wait till 2/13 for my preorders at GameStop. :(

01-22-2015, 11:56 PM
My Toysrus had LUCARIO's.

(Ill post a picture of the Lucarios. Phone downstairs and dont wanna go down with my eyes all red)

Short Version: My Toysrus had Lucario, Bowser, Toon Link on shelf with price. I had them in hand, went to check out, told there was a change in their system. Release date 1/30/15. They said they couldnt sell it to me. People would lose their jobs. Cant put it on hold. Manager picked them up, gave me attitude of too bad soo sad, took them away.

Long Version:
I went to check out and they refused to sell Amiibo Lucario to me! Why? They claim they put them out on the floor but then there was a change in their system. The release date is 1/30/15. They wouldnt put it on hold for me. I had it IN HAND. The worse part is IM SOO EMBARRASSED. At this point, Im soo upset about the way things were handled. First, let me say the way the 3 toysrus employees (1 at registar, 1 at the help desk (1 other was also there) handled the problem and were nice and very patient with me and explained things to me. Yes, I was nice back. HOWEVER the store manager came over and took them away, gave me attitude of dont even try, too bad soo sad. It was utterly embarrassing. I called toysrus on the phone and my option was to file a case but I didnt want the store to get in trouble or the 3 nice ones that helped. All I wanted was the item. But moments later... Im incredibly upset but not about the Lucario. Im upset and embarrassed and disgusted with the way the manager handled it. So

Can ANYONE help me get ahold of Top Management or someone at the top.
-Does anyone know what Toysrus Media Relations will do?

01-23-2015, 12:11 AM
My Toysrus had LUCARIO's.

(Ill post a picture of the Lucarios. Phone downstairs and dont wanna go down with my eyes all red)

I went to check out and they refused to sell Amiibo Lucario to me! Why? They claim they put them out on the floor but then there was a change in their system. The release date is 1/30/15. They wouldnt put it on hold for me. I had it IN HAND. The worse part is IM SOO EMBARRASSED. At this point, Im soo upset about the way things were handled. First, let me say the way the 3 toysrus employees (1 at registar, 1 at the help desk (1 other was also there) handled the problem and were nice and very patient with me and explained things to me. Yes, I was nice back. HOWEVER the store manager came over and took them away, gave me attitude of dont even try, too bad soo sad. It was utterly embarrassing. I called toysrus on the phone and my option was to file a case but I didnt want the store to get in trouble or the 3 nice ones that helped. All I wanted was the item. But moments later... Im incredibly upset but not about the Lucario. Im upset and embarrassed and disgusted with the way the manager handled it. So

Can ANYONE help me get ahold of Top Management or someone at the top.
-Does anyone know what Toysrus Media Relations will do?
lol aww :hug: :taunt:

So I guess that means there's hope Toys R Us will be honoring preorders instead of just putting everything they get on the floor immediately. At least you know when and where to check for canceled Lucario preorders. I hope they get an extra one in for you too. :thumb:

Maybe TRU Media Relations help you set up a press conference about the whole incident?

Deep breaths. :)

01-23-2015, 12:21 AM
lol aww :hug: :taunt:

So I guess that means there's hope Toys R Us will be honoring preorders instead of just putting everything they get on the floor immediately. At least you know when and where to check for canceled Lucario preorders. I hope they get an extra one in for you too. :thumb:

Maybe TRU Media Relations help you set up a press conference about the whole incident?

Deep breaths. :)

:hug:Thank you Iwatasan. Im better. Just dont think I can ever show my face at my toysrus again. Lol yes I am very sure that Toysrus will be honoring preorders which I think is wonderful.

I forgot to mention. There was another kid in front of me. He had multiples of almost all the new ones in his basket. One person at the help desk said they were able to save him a Lucario due to a special circumstance. I highly doubt he had a preorder slip because we were looking at amiibos at the same time.

Back to a slightly early convo I added here. Its official. Collecting these amiibo's is now somewhat post traumatic due to a Toysrus Manager. Theres nothing like having something valuable to you and highly sought after in hand taken away only to be ridiculed

01-23-2015, 01:17 AM
My Toys R Us didn't get any today either. :shrug:

Can't believe TRU is selling some today but I have to wait till 2/13 for my preorders at GameStop. :(

Might want to check back with your gamestop, mine changed the date for the ones I have there to Feb 1st.

01-23-2015, 01:31 AM
Might want to check back with your gamestop, mine changed the date for the ones I have there to Feb 1st.
Thanks, just called em and they said at the moment they expect the release date to be sometime the week of 2/13 but it could be sooner or later they don't really know and it could change at any time. How's that for a non-answer? :lmao:

GameStop.com is showing 2/13 though

01-23-2015, 02:29 AM
Thanks, just called em and they said at the moment they expect the release date to be sometime the week of 2/13 but it could be sooner or later they don't really know and it could change at any time. How's that for a non-answer? :lmao:

GameStop.com is showing 2/13 though

Aw man, why is everything with these amiibos a pain in my ass lol? This is gonna give me an ulcer trying to peg this stuff down,

01-23-2015, 02:50 AM
Yeah, I guess some store managers allowed them to be sold, others refused and put them back in the backroom til the 30th. Just made more painful this whole searching thing... :banghead:

01-24-2015, 12:22 AM
Aw man, why is everything with these amiibos a pain in my ass lol? This is gonna give me an ulcer trying to peg this stuff down,
I'm trying to figure out what I should write down as the release date for my Toon Link and Sheik amiibos. Yesterday was the first day TRU sold them at some stores. Today was the first day they sold at a store near me (sorry xhunter they sold out before I could grab you a Sheik). TRU "street date" is either 1/30 or 2/1, and GameStop is 2/13. But now I'm hearing GameStop will be selling as soon as they receive shipments, 2/13 is only a "shipment ETA." :think:

01-24-2015, 02:17 PM
I'm trying to figure out what I should write down as the release date for my Toon Link and Sheik amiibos. Yesterday was the first day TRU sold them at some stores. Today was the first day they sold at a store near me (sorry xhunter they sold out before I could grab you a Sheik). TRU "street date" is either 1/30 or 2/1, and GameStop is 2/13. But now I'm hearing GameStop will be selling as soon as they receive shipments, 2/13 is only a "shipment ETA." :think:

Thanks for trying.

This release date thing is frustrating. I have no idea when to start going to stores looking for Sheik because I have no idea when they are going to start selling them in stores!

01-24-2015, 04:29 PM
The TRU by me has started selling them, so far all they have is Bowser. But the clerk there was 100% sure that Lucario would not be sold until the 30th no matter what, because of preorders. So i hope thats right.

01-25-2015, 04:39 AM
I was told the 30th. Too bad this isnt a closed thread. This news I brought will make it harder to get Lucario. So as a member of this forum, heres what I would do. Call your Toysrus 26, 28, maybe 29. Ask when they will sell Lucario. Clearly they already have them in stores...behind lock and chain.

01-25-2015, 03:29 PM
Well Gamestop has release dates of certain amiibos set on their website.

01-26-2015, 11:59 PM
Bowser is now available at gamestop. Funny on google's news tab the creator of smash bros himself is having a hard time finding some.

01-27-2015, 01:10 AM
Nintendo World Store got some of Wave 3 including "retailer exclusives" Shulk, Rosalina, and Lucario today. Wonder if they'll sell out despite the huge blizzard?

Source (http://www.amiiboinquirer.com/2015/01/26/report-nintendo-world-store-in-nyc-received-retailer-exclusive-amiibo/)

01-27-2015, 02:07 AM
Yeah, my friend said there was over 50 people in line but the store said they had over 100 each so should still be a few tomorrow unless it got crazy from 4-5 before they closed early.

01-27-2015, 02:23 AM
Yup got another email from tru saying my discounted amiibo that i again ordered due to their technical issue was cancelled due to being "unavailable". Im done trying to order from the states, things are way too hectic there, thankfully waters are calm here in AU for at least the first 2 waves, will see what happens later this week if my orders hold through

01-27-2015, 02:54 AM
Yeah, my friend said there was over 50 people in line but the store said they had over 100 each so should still be a few tomorrow unless it got crazy from 4-5 before they closed early.
sounds like NWS got as many as each retailer got for their entire nationwide supply

no Meta Knights because as usual Best Buy oversold

01-27-2015, 07:55 PM
sounds like NWS got as many as each retailer got for their entire nationwide supply

no Meta Knights because as usual Best Buy oversold

Well if that's the case with best buy<_< i'll be getting a japanese version of it.....

01-27-2015, 11:25 PM
Well if that's the case with best buy<_< i'll be getting a japanese version of it.....
was joking :D

If you preordered it and you haven't gotten an email by now saying they canceled it, you should be good.

01-27-2015, 11:33 PM
was joking :D

If you preordered it and you haven't gotten an email by now saying they canceled it, you should be good.

Well I never got the chance to preorder it but I found someone online that would give me the other meta knight he had as well as rosalina for a good price.:beer:

01-27-2015, 11:37 PM
Well I never got the chance to preorder it but I found someone online that would give me the other meta knight he had as well as rosalina for a good price.:beer:

Right on. :thumb: There are still a few decent folk left.

01-27-2015, 11:39 PM
Right on. :thumb: There are still a few decent folk left.

Indeed luv :hug:

01-28-2015, 05:27 PM
Well I never got the chance to preorder it but I found someone online that would give me the other meta knight he had as well as rosalina for a good price.:beer:

That's awesome! Glad to hear! I'm hoping that BB gets some MK in today, had a friend who said he may be able to hold one for me and ring me out today possibly if they get any in. Otherwise i guess I'm gonna have to be a ninja and hit up target and BB on Sunday. Hopefully they'll both impose a 2/person limit so there'll be enough for those of us camping out in the morning and I can get an extra one for some of you on here who need one! :thumb:

So far haven't had any luck getting any of Wave3 - but gonna pick up TL and Bowser later today I think if I can! Hopefully GS will come through with all my POs.

01-28-2015, 05:28 PM
Any idea if Sheik is in stores at GameStop yet?

01-28-2015, 07:51 PM
Any idea if Sheik is in stores at GameStop yet?

As far as I know they don't have them yet. Mine doesn't yet.

01-28-2015, 08:10 PM
Ohh you mean this one? :D


You gonna hate me over I just went into my Toysrus when it was released.. And it was afternoon after free from school.. Asked for it, and they like yeah let me check, go in the back or yeah they are here.. Come out with a cart fill with all the new wave of amiibo :D

01-28-2015, 08:38 PM
Ohh you mean this one? :D


You gonna hate me over I just went into my Toysrus when it was released.. And it was afternoon after free from school.. Asked for it, and they like yeah let me check, go in the back or yeah they are here.. Come out with a cart fill with all the new wave of amiibo :D

Meanie O_O

01-28-2015, 09:22 PM
Youuuuu sonofabitch!

01-28-2015, 09:29 PM
Hah :D I even saw a few wii fit and Villager the other day :p And Marth is like all over the place xD

How is all collection so far? :)

Mine look like this :)


But gonna move some around over at my games and thinking of getting a 3d print some stands like this :)

01-28-2015, 11:37 PM
Checked with my local Target, the manager told me they will start selling Rosalina and other wave 3 amiibos on 02/01.

01-29-2015, 12:45 AM
The special Mario party Amiibo's are back on pre-order on amazon:


01-29-2015, 01:16 AM
And Toad is already out of stock...

01-29-2015, 02:42 AM
Hah :D I even saw a few wii fit and Villager the other day :p And Marth is like all over the place xD

How is all collection so far? :)

Mine look like this :)


But gonna move some around over at my games and thinking of getting a 3d print some stands like this :)

If you have WFT/Villager/Marth available all over the place, how come I don't see them in your collection? :P

Do you have your own 3D printer or would you order the stands from somewhere else? I've seen some cool 3D printed amiibo stands floating around. Seems like a great idea to me but maybe a bit expensive depending on the 3D print material/method.

01-29-2015, 11:10 PM
The latest news on Nintendo World's line today:


Also amazon has sold out of the toad amiibos. That is all. :)

01-30-2015, 02:37 AM
Anybody going to Target on Sunday for Sheik or Rosalina? I didn't think Rosalina would be easy to get without a preorder, but now I'm hearing some Targets will be getting lots and lots.

01-30-2015, 04:17 AM
Anybody going to Target on Sunday for Sheik or Rosalina? I didn't think Rosalina would be easy to get without a preorder, but now I'm hearing some Targets will be getting lots and lots.

I am, I am going to hit them all up Sunday morning and see what they have. The places around me have no idea whats going on, and seem like they are going to honor the 2/1 release date, so heres hoping.

01-30-2015, 04:45 AM
Yeah, from what I understand, for Target at least, 2/1 is considered a hard street date now.

01-30-2015, 02:19 PM
I'll visit Target on Sunday. If they have any extra Sheiks or Rosalinas, anyone want me to grab one for them??

01-30-2015, 02:21 PM
I'll visit Target on Sunday. If they have any extra Sheiks or Rosalinas, anyone want me to grab one for them??

I'm interested in rosalina!

01-30-2015, 03:16 PM
I was able to get my pre-ordered Lucario, Sheik, Toon Link, and Bowser yesterday from TRU. Still got another preorder for Lucario, so will happily get one to trade for a MK if anyone gets an extra. I plan on waiting out for Rosalina on Sunday though, so will try and snag an extra if someone needs one (or to trade towards a Villager still).

01-30-2015, 06:17 PM
TRU had Lucario by me, but they were all sold out by the time I got there. I'm pissed though cause the guy I talked to last night said they hadn't gotten it at all.

01-31-2015, 02:05 PM

Here's a quick summary of the video:

1.He got his Lucario amiibo from Nintendo World (I think), and met a nintendo rep

2. The rep told him that they will get a ton of Rosalinas

3. The next rare (or rarer) amiibo would be Shulk

4. At the end, he said the rep told him NONE of the amiibos is discontinued! That including Marth, Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer. Nintendo is still making them.

01-31-2015, 02:20 PM

Here's a quick summary of the video:

1.He got his Lucario amiibo from Nintendo World (I think), and met a nintendo rep

2. The rep told him that they will get a ton of Rosalinas

3. The next rare (or rarer) amiibo would be Shulk

4. At the end, he said the rep told him NONE of the amiibos is discontinued! That including Marth, Villager, and Wii Fit Trainer. Nintendo is still making them.

Well that's a good thing. Now I just wonder when i'll see them on the shelves at my gamestop then because I all I need now is shulk, wii fit trainer, and villager..:banana:

01-31-2015, 04:41 PM
Guess what y'all:D :

https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1903986_883926851672383_9039308382632665635_n.jpg? oh=fd41da1124de24c4d288b0b015151260&oe=5554E80F

01-31-2015, 04:50 PM
If you have WFT/Villager/Marth available all over the place, how come I don't see them in your collection? :P

Do you have your own 3D printer or would you order the stands from somewhere else? I've seen some cool 3D printed amiibo stands floating around. Seems like a great idea to me but maybe a bit expensive depending on the 3D print material/method.

Because Im not fan of those series and only collecting those Nintendo series that I like :) Not going for full amiibo collection :)

No dont own one.. But in talk with some that I know and those stand that fit for 8 amiibo would cost about 50 dkk he said :)

01-31-2015, 06:08 PM
Guess what y'all:D :

https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1903986_883926851672383_9039308382632665635_n.jpg? oh=fd41da1124de24c4d288b0b015151260&oe=5554E80F

Nice, did you find that at your local target?

01-31-2015, 07:15 PM
Nice, did you find that at your local target?

It's the EU version

02-01-2015, 01:04 AM
Yes, it's the EU version. I like to collect these but I decided that I would get some from different regions. My marth in my collection is a JP one. :)

02-01-2015, 01:13 PM
Just got out of my local Target with these


They have plenty of Rosalinas, I was the 13th and I think they still have around 10 left. The 12th in line took the last Sheik :( But fortunately I have it pre-ordered at Best Buy and it's already shipped

02-01-2015, 01:17 PM
Just got out of my local Target with these


They have plenty of Rosalinas, I was the 13th and I think they still have around 10 left. The 12th in line took the last Sheik :( But fortunately I have it pre-ordered at Best Buy and it's already shipped

Good job surviving!:beer:

02-01-2015, 01:19 PM
Good job surviving!:beer:

Thanks. It wasn't that bad really. Have you been to you local target yet?

02-01-2015, 01:24 PM
Thanks. It wasn't that bad really. Have you been to you local target yet?

My local target is miles away. I have all of mine preordered at gamestop. I just hope they have shulk because that was the only one I couldn't preorder..

02-01-2015, 01:45 PM
Just got out of my local Target with these


They have plenty of Rosalinas, I was the 13th and I think they still have around 10 left. The 12th in line took the last Sheik :( But fortunately I have it pre-ordered at Best Buy and it's already shipped

Congrats, I was able to get her too thankfully, I just got back. Now we there or not to go back out to Bestbuy in an hour to see if they got Metaknight

02-01-2015, 01:55 PM
Congrats, I was able to get her too thankfully, I just got back. Now we there or not to go back out to Bestbuy in an hour to see if they got Metaknight

I don't think meta knight is released today. My order from BB isn't shipped yet.

02-01-2015, 08:23 PM
Nice job snoop and Googlie :thumb:

xhunter you get a Sheik?

02-01-2015, 08:26 PM
My Target doesn't have any of the new ones stocked. Managed to snag a preorder of Sheik on GoHastings, though. So, I'll have a Toon Link and Sheik arriving eventually. Only two I wnatrd from new releases

02-02-2015, 05:37 PM
Got my Rosalina yesterday! Will recount the story later when I've got more time, but was an interesting expose on social behavior and psychology of people for sure. Wasn't able to get any extras and I passed on the Sheik since I had picked one up at TRU last Thursday and figured it'd be nicer to let the lady behind me grab the last one cuz she really wanted one.

I am a little nervous about getting Meta Knight though -- I never pre-ordered him (first mistake) and BB has been the worst for in-store stock levels for me (well except for Walmart haha).

02-03-2015, 01:52 AM
Thats nice of you Knight. Glad you got yourself a Rosalina!

02-04-2015, 07:18 PM
I'm sure some have already seen this on Twitter or elsewhere, but figured I'd post it here. I SURE hope that these are going to be rewards for CN or something - preferably getting BOTH of them if you're a platinum member, but I can see things going very bad either way.


02-04-2015, 07:47 PM
I'm sure some have already seen this on Twitter or elsewhere, but figured I'd post it here. I SURE hope that these are going to be rewards for CN or something - preferably getting BOTH of them if you're a platinum member, but I can see things going very bad either way.


Damn just spent all my coins... Hope it's not a new reward.

02-04-2015, 09:13 PM
Damn just spent all my coins... Hope it's not a new reward.

If its a platinum level reward you don't need to spend points on it, you just need to be a platinum member.

02-04-2015, 09:18 PM
If its a platinum level reward you don't need to spend points on it, you just need to be a platinum member.

Yeah I know. I just don't want it to be a reward redeemable using coins

02-04-2015, 09:18 PM
Would kinda hate it if they gave it away to people who had reach "platinum" for certain amount of years -- I didn't register til 2013 I think despite owning most of their 1st party games.

02-04-2015, 11:37 PM
SMB Series Amiibo are now available at Gamestop.com (possibly in store as well). Here's (http://www.gamestop.com/accessories/toad-super-mario-amiibo-figure/120252) the link to Toad.

02-04-2015, 11:40 PM
SMB Series Amiibo are now available at Gamestop.com (possibly in store as well). Here's (http://www.gamestop.com/accessories/toad-super-mario-amiibo-figure/120252) the link to Toad.

Ordered! Thanks!

02-04-2015, 11:55 PM
I think it's safe to say Gold and Silver Mario will have nothing to do with Club Nintendo. I say that because we know Club Nintendo is winding down, they've said on their recently updated rewards page that they've released all of the rewards and games that they're making available in conjunction with the discontinuation of Club Nintendo, and they've also already said that Elite Status gifts this year are going to be digital game downloads (like last year :().

No, my guess for these gold and silver amiibos is NWS exclusive (in the US at least). :haha:

Excellent, GameStop has SMB series, Amazon UK got wave 4 yesterday, Amazon.com should have wave 4 any time now! ...Right? :D

02-05-2015, 02:03 AM
Toad is already sold out from GameStop...

02-05-2015, 02:13 AM

Would any of you fine folks be willing to buy an extra Ness when wave 4 is announced, in case I don't make it to a computer in time?

If I get one, yours would be extra, but I doubt you'd have a hard time selling him (for a huge profit)

Anyone got my back? :beg:

02-05-2015, 02:14 AM
I got your back! Only one class this semester so I'll be free almost all the time.... Unless they start taking orders at night

02-05-2015, 02:21 AM
Cheers, thanks snoop! :hug:

Would not be surprised a bit if they picked a totally random time to open preorders, even in the middle of the night. We'll just have to take shifts. ;)

Anybody else? Worst case scenario you end up with an extra Ness that you can sell for 10x the price.

I really can see Ness in particular selling out in less than an hour, so if there's at least a few of us watching out for each other our odds are certainly better.

02-05-2015, 02:29 AM
Hello people of Amiibo, I present you:


02-05-2015, 02:41 AM
Knight scooped ya Letrico :)

I'm interested to find out more about these though!

02-05-2015, 02:42 AM
I have the feeling that Nintendo is going to release gold and sliver edition of many amiibos.

02-05-2015, 02:43 AM
Knight scooped ya Letrico :)

I'm interested to find out more about these though!

T_T. My picture is bigger :P

02-05-2015, 04:17 AM
i really believe the gold and silver will be a contest giveaway..meaning you'd keep entering codes from your games, and then Nintendo will give away 100 of each to lucky fans who win the contest promo type of thing..this way..people will keep doing surveys and Nintendo will gain marketing, but instead of shipping out thousands of prizes for redeeming points, they'd just have a total of 100 to send out..and because everyone is rabid crazy about amiibo's your gonna definitely spend the time doing game registration surveys in the hopes you'd be one of the 100 lucky winners etc..thats my theory..i see these as the "not for sale" types more like promo pieces...or COMIC CON style pieces...that'll really suck LOL..if it were San Diego Comic Con exclusive etc.

02-05-2015, 12:14 PM
On the top right corner of the packaging, there's a label said gold/sliver edition amiibo, so I think it'll be two new editions of amiibos that will be released in the future...

I think nintendo should've known many fans are pissed off by the supply of amiibos, they'll be stupid if they release a more limited one. Many people will stop buying amiibos if they do that

02-05-2015, 12:43 PM
On the top right corner of the packaging, there's a label said gold/sliver edition amiibo, so I think it'll be two new editions of amiibos that will be released in the future...

I think nintendo should've known many fans are pissed off by the supply of amiibos, they'll be stupid if they release a more limited one. Many people will stop buying amiibos if they do that


02-05-2015, 12:45 PM
What's your point man? Can't quite understand

02-05-2015, 01:00 PM
What's your point man? Can't quite understand
Just shared info about products certificates on Nintendo's site, what they later took down.

02-05-2015, 01:04 PM
Just shared info about products certificates on Nintendo's site, what they later took down.

Thanks man. Really appreciate that. I'm going to do some research on the company that produced the gold and silver ones

02-05-2015, 01:04 PM
Double post

02-05-2015, 09:14 PM
Thanks man. Really appreciate that. I'm going to do some research on the company that produced the gold and silver ones

Seems to say Nintendo was the manufacturer. Or do you mean the company that ran the safety tests?

I suppose you could try to call or e-mail that Eden Brandeis person for more info...

02-05-2015, 09:20 PM
Seems to say Nintendo was the manufacturer. Or do you mean the company that ran the safety tests?

I suppose you could try to call or e-mail that Eden Brandeis person for more info...

I meant the place they produced it

02-06-2015, 07:13 AM
gold and silver Mario amiibos kind of make sense in that these character variants appeared before in games..i don't think there would be a line of gold and silver amiibos..why would you buy a gold princes peach? or a silver toad?...so I still hold on to the theory these will be comic con releases or contest promo prizes in the US..LOL..but readily available for the rest of the world.hahahaha

02-06-2015, 07:41 AM
I probably wouldn't get these anyway as I'm not collecting Mario amiibos, but even if I was, I would never fill out surveys for a "chance" to win anything. I'd just save my money and wait for the eBay listings to appear. :shrug:

Seriously if Nintendo tries something like that I would hope their survey system would get spammed until their servers broke down. And knowing NoA that wouldn't take very long. :haha:

But no doubt, however limited they may be in the US they'll be easier to get elsewhere. :yes:

02-06-2015, 02:28 PM
Amiibo's the ban of my life.
I'm not collecting just one, but two for the bf.
Managed to get an extra marth for him as he only wants the Fire Emblem Characters.
I managed to snag a Toon Link and Rosalina ( which i may trade for Lucario)
Is it as rare overseas as it is here in the states to find them?

02-06-2015, 02:30 PM
None of the amiibos in Japan or EU is as rare as it is in the US

02-06-2015, 02:30 PM
Nope.. Not as rare here as in USA.. I saw some marths the other day..

02-06-2015, 02:32 PM
Amiibo's the ban of my life.
I'm not collecting just one, but two for the bf.
Managed to get an extra marth for him as he only wants the Fire Emblem Characters.
I managed to snag a Toon Link and Rosalina ( which i may trade for Lucario)
Is it as rare overseas as it is here in the states to find them?

The answer is no. Not even close.

Here's a picture form a store in Germany someone posted on Reddit before. Even NWS doesn't look like this -- just not enough of any of these (besides Peach, Kirby, and Pikachu) ANYWHERE in the states.


02-06-2015, 02:36 PM
Does no one else just think in the end they will all be common?

There are some rare ones in the UK, we also don't seem to get them any where near as fast as you guys do.

Stores have also started to put up the price and be a bit naughty.

02-06-2015, 02:46 PM
The answer is no. Not even close.

Here's a picture form a store in Germany someone posted on Reddit before. Even NWS doesn't look like this -- just not enough of any of these (besides Peach, Kirby, and Pikachu) ANYWHERE in the states.


I wanna cry when I see a pic like that. So jelly.
I wish they weren't such a money suck to import.
I would import all the ones I am missing Like Villager, Little Mac and Pit.

We are still waiting for the rest of Wave 3 here to release.
People here buy them up and then resell them for $50, its crazy.
Lucky the most I paid was $20 for a EU Marth.

02-06-2015, 02:48 PM
I'm jelly on your price..

Retail price in Denmark is 149 DKK = 25 dollars..

02-06-2015, 03:05 PM
I'm jelly on your price..

Retail price in Denmark is 149 DKK = 25 dollars..

Ya, here we pay $12.99 USD for one, that before any discounts like Best Buy.
So that's why it's s pricey to import.

02-06-2015, 07:51 PM
The answer is no. Not even close.

Here's a picture form a store in Germany someone posted on Reddit before. Even NWS doesn't look like this -- just not enough of any of these (besides Peach, Kirby, and Pikachu) ANYWHERE in the states.


That pic could be from the Saturn market here in the city ^^

It's really crazy that the amiibos are so damn rare in the US. :/
Is there any region lock coming with the amiibos ? Can EU amiibos be used on US consoles without any problems ?

02-06-2015, 07:56 PM
I think they rare because they cheap in first place and then there all these people that scalp..

I don't think any scalp in Europe..

There is no region lock.. Only difference is text on the box

02-06-2015, 08:01 PM
It's really crazy that the amiibos are so damn rare in the US. :/
Is there any region lock coming with the amiibos ? Can EU amiibos be used on US consoles without any problems ?

No region lock. I have a EU Marth.
They are not region locked. And since they are so cheap people buy mass amounts then resell for $50 because they have bought them all up.
Then when a gamer like me comes along that only wants a certain few we are either forced to buy at hijacked prices or import for $35 a piece.

I wish they were cheaper to import.

02-06-2015, 08:08 PM
No region lock. I have a EU Marth.
They are not region locked. And since they are so cheap people buy mass amounts then resell for $50 because they have bought them all up.
Then when a gamer like me comes along that only wants a certain few we are either forced to buy at hijacked prices or import for $35 a piece.

I wish they were cheaper to import.

Yaa, that sucks -.-

If theres anything I can do to help feel free to let me know. :thumb:

02-06-2015, 08:12 PM
How much do they cost for you in USD?
Looking for Villager, Pit, Little Mac, Ike, Shulk and Lucario and Mega Man?

02-06-2015, 08:14 PM
Mega man and shulk is not out in Europe yet

02-06-2015, 08:17 PM
Hey if you guys aren't following them already, sign up for notifications for Amiibo Inquierer, and Amiibo News on twitter. And then reddit.com/r/amiibo should be a go to they have instant updates on alot of things. I was able to get Sheik off of Walmart.com earlier cause they posted an announcement.

Some news from them are that wave 3a, should be available at walmart on the 9th, Sonic @BB on the 13th, Ike, MegaMan and Kind Dedede on the 20th, no word on MetaKnight yet.

02-06-2015, 08:23 PM
Toad is back in stock from GameStop.com!

02-06-2015, 08:36 PM
Link for the lazy http://www.gamestop.com/accessories/toad-super-mario-amiibo-figure/120252

02-06-2015, 09:27 PM
How much do they cost for you in USD?
Looking for Villager, Pit, Little Mac, Ike, Shulk and Lucario and Mega Man?

One amiibo costs 15€ here in Germany.

02-06-2015, 10:06 PM
I was able to get Sheik off of Walmart.com earlier cause they posted an announcement.

I'm pretty sure xhunter doesn't need a Sheik anymore, but was there anyone else who did? Looks like Wal-Mart has restocked Sheik 3 times today already (sold out at the moment but...)

02-06-2015, 10:51 PM
One amiibo costs 15€ here in Germany.

Is that about $17 USD?

02-06-2015, 10:57 PM
Yep (https://www.google.com/#safe=off&q=15+eur+in+usd). :)

02-07-2015, 02:24 PM
One amiibo costs 15€ here in Germany.

What figures do you have and how much to say import 4?

02-07-2015, 03:03 PM
What figures do you have and how much to say import 4?

I need to check the local store what figures are currently available. Which do you need ?

4 amiibos would cost me 60€ + shipping to you. Since the amiibo packages are quite large shipping would cost 15,90€ without insurance or 35,99€ with insurance & tracking number.
Maybe some more members are interested so that I can offer combined shipping. :think:

02-08-2015, 12:16 AM
Mainly ones I do not have. Wii fit trainer, villagers,pit and little.mac. how much cheaper for just the figures and cards. Don't really need the boxes.

02-08-2015, 02:10 AM
I just need Wii fit trainer and Villager how much would it cost plus shipping.

02-08-2015, 06:06 PM
If somebody is interested, I can help to export - we have in Estonia all Amiibos (no. 1-18), but price is 15,99eur...

02-08-2015, 06:11 PM
If somebody is interested, I can help to export - we have in Estonia all Amiibos (no. 1-18), but price is 15,99eur...

So in other words 18.09 dollars does that include shipping?

02-08-2015, 06:25 PM
So in other words 18.09 dollars does that include shipping?
No - that is local retail price.
Shipping depends of weight and destination - let me know, what you want (boxed or not) and I can send cost estimate of shipping.

02-08-2015, 06:40 PM
No - that is local retail price.
Shipping depends of weight and destination - let me know, what you want (boxed or not) and I can send cost estimate of shipping.

How much would a Wii fit trainer and villager amiibo brand new and boxed cost me. Plus shipping.

02-08-2015, 06:44 PM
How much would a Wii fit trainer and villager amiibo brand new and boxed cost me. Plus shipping.
2 x 15,99eur + shipping (tracked) is 14,50eur

02-08-2015, 06:44 PM
How much would a Wii fit trainer and villager amiibo brand new and boxed cost me. Plus shipping.

curious about this too.
Boxed and not boxed with cards

02-08-2015, 06:53 PM
2 x 15,99eur + shipping (tracked) is 14,50eur

I'll take those two. Could you pm me the details to pay you. I get paid tomorrow.:hug: I'll look at it when I get off work tonight.

02-09-2015, 08:27 AM
Is there anyone that has a Wii Fit Trainer (US version) that they are willing to sell or trade? This one is the only one I'm interested in and when they first released some guy went around to all the stores in our area and bought them all, Gamestop, Target, BestBuy, Walmart, Toys R Us; everywhere I could think of - obviously for scalping.
Any help would be appreciated. I understand I could go on eBay but some of the cheaper ones are up there for close to or over $100 and there's no way I'm paying that.

02-09-2015, 11:48 AM
GoHastings screwed me over on Sheik. Order got cancelled this morning. Don't really want to pay scalper prices for Sheik. Damn.

Anyone got an extra?

02-09-2015, 12:44 PM
Is there anyone that has a Wii Fit Trainer (US version) that they are willing to sell or trade? This one is the only one I'm interested in and when they first released some guy went around to all the stores in our area and bought them all, Gamestop, Target, BestBuy, Walmart, Toys R Us; everywhere I could think of - obviously for scalping.
Any help would be appreciated. I understand I could go on eBay but some of the cheaper ones are up there for close to or over $100 and there's no way I'm paying that.
At this point the only people with extra (North American) Wii Fit Trainers are the scalpers. You could import one from Europe still, or wait and see if maybe Nintendo decides to reprint her. Otherwise you gotta pony up.

GoHastings screwed me over on Sheik. Order got cancelled this morning. Don't really want to pay scalper prices for Sheik. Damn.

Anyone got an extra?
I just heard about GoHastings cancelling people's Sheik orders. :( Sorry dude. Keep an eye on Wal-Mart (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sheik-Amiibo-Wii-U/41488608?affilsrc=api&u1=&oid=223073.7200&wmlspartner=AKGBlS8SPlM&sourceid=14962387933191706440&affillinktype=14&veh=aff) today, that's probably your best bet at the moment. They were going in and out of stock there last Friday (should have snagged one for you man but I thought you were all set), and according to /r/amiibo Wal-Mart's release date for Sheik is (maybe?) today. If you have a Wal-Mart near you that's open right now you might give them a call and see what they have.

02-09-2015, 12:49 PM
At this point the only people with extra (North American) Wii Fit Trainers are the scalpers. You could import one from Europe still, or wait and see if maybe Nintendo decides to reprint her. Otherwise you gotta pony up.

I just heard about GoHastings cancelling people's Sheik orders. :( Sorry dude. Keep an eye on Wal-Mart (http://www.walmart.com/ip/Sheik-Amiibo-Wii-U/41488608?affilsrc=api&u1=&oid=223073.7200&wmlspartner=AKGBlS8SPlM&sourceid=14962387933191706440&affillinktype=14&veh=aff) today, that's probably your best bet at the moment. They were going in and out of stock there last Friday (should have snagged one for you man but I thought you were all set), and according to /r/amiibo Wal-Mart's release date for Sheik is (maybe?) today. If you have a Wal-Mart near you that's open right now you might give them a call and see what they have.

I'll keep an eye on it. Probably won't go to the store today since it is snowing all day. Thanks for the link.

At least my Toon Link is supposed to arrive today from Walmart.

02-09-2015, 12:51 PM
Aw man send a little snow my way :beg:

02-09-2015, 12:54 PM
I have seen sheik in stores in my area which is Arizona.
villagers are crazy pricey right now which is why I'm going to import mine.

02-09-2015, 12:57 PM
I have seen sheik in stores in my area which is Arizona.
That an offer to help or are you just taunting? :P

02-09-2015, 01:03 PM
I don't get paid till this weekend but I could.do some hunting. Plus this weekend Shulk and ike come out and I plan on searching all over for those. If I find a sheik I will get it for you.

02-09-2015, 01:10 PM
I don't get paid till this weekend but I could.do some hunting. Plus this weekend Shulk and ike come out and I plan on searching all over for those. If I find a sheik I will get it for you.
That's the spirit! I actually have my Sheik preordered at GameStop so I'm all set, I was actually asking for xhunter there.

Added Pit and Little Mac to my notifications for you but those are definitely long shots at this point.

02-09-2015, 01:14 PM
Well. Hoping I can find some rare ones to trade for Pit abd little mac and lucario. Friend works at gamestganestop so.hoping to score an extra Shulk for trading. I know I'll have to.import villager and wii fit trainer cause those are crazy rare.or too damn pricey for Me.

02-09-2015, 01:14 PM
I started my amiibo wall!!! Can't wait to have all of them.:bunny:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1507985_888904291174639_8913566935614702291_n.jpg? oh=a17e78e3fcf4a7e38d8573b5606dce24&oe=559552B9&__gda__=1432542584_45f930d17680e879354b5cf0d900a05 2

02-09-2015, 01:16 PM
You don't take yours out the package?
My first one which was marth before I knew ot was rare, sits on my desk at work next to my sylveon.

02-09-2015, 01:22 PM
Well. Hoping I can find some rare ones to trade for Pit abd little mac and lucario. Friend works at gamestganestop so.hoping to score an extra Shulk for trading. I know I'll have to.import villager and wii fit trainer cause those are crazy rare.or too damn pricey for Me.
Last I heard, KnightOfTruth has an extra Lucario he's looking to trade for a Meta Knight if you can manage to get one from Best Buy on 2/20.

I started my amiibo wall!!! Can't wait to have all of them.:bunny:
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1507985_888904291174639_8913566935614702291_n.jpg? oh=a17e78e3fcf4a7e38d8573b5606dce24&oe=559552B9&__gda__=1432542584_45f930d17680e879354b5cf0d900a05 2
With the Smash Bros. Poster Set from Club Nintendo, very nice. :thumb: :D

You gonna get the v2 poster set?

02-09-2015, 01:23 PM
You don't take yours out the package?
My first one which was marth before I knew it was rare, sits on my desk at work next to my sylveon.

I keep my amiibos in the package as I'm just collecting these to do that what I showed in the picture. lol

02-09-2015, 01:25 PM
Last I heard, KnightOfTruth has an extra Lucario he's looking to trade for a Meta Knight if you can manage to get one from Best Buy on 2/20.

With the Smash Bros. Poster Set from Club Nintendo, very nice. :thumb: :D

You gonna get the v2 poster set?

I want to but I don't have enough coins to get it. I'd even buy it off someone...:sorry:

02-09-2015, 01:39 PM
Last I heard, KnightOfTruth has an extra Lucario he's looking to trade for a Meta Knight if you can manage to get one from Best Buy on 2/20.?

Then I guess I will need to hunt down some Meta Knights then.
Thanks a bunch

02-09-2015, 11:05 PM
Just snagged a Sheik for you xhunter.

02-09-2015, 11:14 PM
Awesome sauce. I hear 13th is the big day for wave 3. Lots of them are releasing. Hoping to find an extra to trade for ones I don't have like pit little mac ans lucario.

02-09-2015, 11:27 PM
Just snagged a Sheik for you xhunter.

:D :beer: YAY! Thank you so much! PM me with info whenever you have a chance.