Originally Posted by kennyrh
Well, although we know more now than we did, I'm still a bit confused. Firstly I think i understand why my original order was never updated - probably to more easily identify the original 4k pre-orderers.
We're assuming that the original 4k are getting the PS3 STEELbook that was probably already produced before the goalposts were moved. But that doesn't explain the dusty copies because there was no t-shirt or artbook in the original LE . . .unless, of course, they pre-packaged the original steelies and stored them but then had to wait for the PS3 stickerbooks for the late-comers to be produced.
Make any sense . . .
Were you one of the original 4000 who got a steelbook mate. If you were I'd wait before sending it back. You might end up with a stickerbook.
I was yeah so won't be sending it back. Just wondering how they can still have that number unsold considering how limited this should be!