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Old 06-07-2020, 09:45 PM
SBCollectorAl SBCollectorAl is offline
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

Originally Posted by Spect3r View Post
So if they make fake Future Packs is ok but Steelbooks is not?
Why? Because you collect one and not the others?
And Custom work as long as properly marked as custom is not plagiarism

You do not see, but many here do see a difference, myself included.
I have bought CUSTOM made steelbooks from other people before and will probably buy again.
I dont buy anything of these guys (Custom or not), but i will not condemn anyone that buys their CUSTOM work.
Where do you read that I wrote it is okay if they will make fake Future Packs, it wouldn't be also okay if they will do that.

They use the exact same design for their cases as Scanavo they copy it and make profit with that and that is plagiarism.

Otherwise they would use a different design.
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Old 06-07-2020, 09:49 PM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

If I'm honest, I agree with both sides. I personally would not buy Fantasybox cases for games which have blatantly ripped off the Steelbook design. It just wouldn't sit right for me. However, as per @NipRing's comment, I would have no issue with buying a custom case for games which would not normally have a steelbook case with it. However, I cannot see how they can justify the prices which they are charging for these cases on the Fantasybox site. Most of the ones I have looked at being €40-50 each, plus €19 p&p.

The main thing I do have a problem with is the misrepresentation of the product which is being sold by dishonest resellers on third party sites, like ebay. This is then causing the issues which we face with genuine collector's paying top money for a product which they believe to be an original piece. Then as I proved in my previous messages, when you ask the seller's about the product that they are selling they straight up lie to you about it to make a sale. I am happy to see that there are a number of these Fantasybox cases on ebay which have been marked as custom Fantasybox. Don't have any issue with this. However, that particular seller which I linked in my previous post is an asshole! He had already been left a negative feedback by a customer stating that the item was a custom and not a steelbook, and the seller has replied back to the feedback with this:

Reply by durim_alb87. Left within past month.
You are a liar and bad Person without education !!!!!
At the end of the day, it's upto the individual what they choose to spend their money on, and if they are happy to have something that looks like the original, then so be it.
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Old 06-07-2020, 09:50 PM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

Originally Posted by Spect3r View Post
So if they make fake Future Packs is ok but Steelbooks is not?
Why? Because you collect one and not the others?
And Custom work as long as properly marked as custom is not plagiarism

You do not see, but many here do see a difference, myself included.
I have bought CUSTOM made steelbooks from other people before and will probably buy again.
I dont buy anything of these guys (Custom or not), but i will not condemn anyone that buys their CUSTOM work.

I understand that you mean custom when talking about ones with unique design. But they are still unofficial fakes. Both scanvo and futurepack pay licensing fees to use artworks from the games and Fantasybox does not.

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Old 06-07-2020, 10:34 PM
Ob7ivi0n Ob7ivi0n is offline
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

Let people buy their custom Steelbook in peace.

Let’s all agree however that selling custom as “real” steelbooks is NOT ok.
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Old 06-07-2020, 10:54 PM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

Originally Posted by SBCollectorAl View Post
Where do you read that I wrote it is okay if they will make fake Future Packs, it wouldn't be also okay if they will do that.

They use the exact same design for their cases as Scanavo they copy it and make profit with that and that is plagiarism.

Otherwise they would use a different design.
My bad, i misread what you posted.
Anyway, doesnt change my position.
I do not buy anything (custom or fake) from them, but, I do not condemn him for buying the custom ones.

I understand that you mean custom when talking about ones with unique design. But they are still unofficial fakes. Both scanvo and futurepack pay licensing fees to use artworks from the games and Fantasybox does not.
Like i said, i do not buy any from them, but i wont condem who buys the custom ones.

In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very unhappy and has widely been seen as a bad move.

Last edited by Spect3r; 06-07-2020 at 11:15 PM.
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Old 06-10-2020, 03:21 PM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

They are now literally showing up EVERYWHERE


In the beginning, the universe was created. This has made a lot of people very unhappy and has widely been seen as a bad move.
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Old 06-10-2020, 03:32 PM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

I am no legal expert but can they just use PS4 logo and game title and font without permission?

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Old 06-11-2020, 02:40 AM
L1Slayer L1Slayer is offline
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

Originally Posted by 0329liuken View Post
I am no legal expert but can they just use PS4 logo and game title and font without permission?
It's a huge topic and very tricky. It also differs from country to country. Also, I'm no expert myself, but I had some legal lessons on multimedia back when I was doing my bachelor.
I try to compress what I know as much as I can.

You can't use legal protected properties like the ones you described without permission. The same goes for Steelbooks. (Not just the artwork, but also the design. How they are build with their special spine)
Thing is, in many countries, it is allowed to copy them as long as you make them for yourself, or "few" copies for friends, family and such.
However: At the very latest, as soon as money is involved, it is illegal. (The line of when exactly depends on the country, but money involved = you are f**ked)
So every custom sold on eBay is illegal by law and if caught by customs could be destroyed.

But, besides a legal view, there is and should be a moral opinion as well.
If you do a few customs, with your own designs, or even when using someone elses artwork that is diffrent to those used officialy, you are hardly doing any damage to anyone. (it would also be nice to state who the artwork artist is)
On another note: The reason why Let's Players are allowed to do what they do is, they are promoting games for 0 expense of publishers. So they are tolerated, even supported. (This might even change in the future and is the reason why they try to fight for more rights, but that's another topic)
The same could be said for custom steels, reeling in more fish for scanavo.
However, If you go all Fantasybok, dishing out higher quantities and copying designs that were used officially by Scanavo, that will probably hurt them.

Personally, I have no problem with customs and bought one for FF7R myself. (not a fantasybok )
As long as these guys sell a few, with their own or at least not officially available designs, I don't see any harm done. (Especially since the creative industry can be pretty unfair towards artists)
I do have a problem with the following criterias:
- Mass production
- copying an official design (from an available steelbook, futurepak or what ever)
- disguising the fact of it being custom. Not just giving no mention of it in the auction, but also or especially selling high value steels in sealed condition. (Bloodborne for example) Our only method of exposing fantasyboks is due to their inlay. If you can't see that before you buy, it's bad. And it get's even worse if you are a sealed collector and learn about it years later, maybe when trading it for something else.

Off Topic fun fact: In germany, if you take a picture with your smartphone, it's your photo and you own all rights to it (with some restrictions in relation to privacy)
It is similar in many countries. However, if you take a photo of the Eiffel Tower in paris, you get jack shit. The owner of the tower gets most rights instead. This is one of few crazy exceptions that are getting more and more.

Last edited by L1Slayer; 06-11-2020 at 02:28 PM.
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Old 06-11-2020, 04:01 AM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

Originally Posted by L1Slayer View Post
It's a huge topic and very tricky. It also differs from country to country. Also, I'm no expert myself, but I had some legal lessons on multimedia back when I was doing my bachelor.
I try to compress what I know as much as I can.

You can't use legal protected properties like the ones you described without permission. The same goes for Steelbooks. (Not just the artwork, but also the design. How they are build with their special spine)
Thing is, in many countries, it is allowed to copy them as long as you make them for yourself, or "few" copies for friends, family and such.
However: At the very latest, as soon as money is involved, it is illegal. (The line of when exactly depends on the country, but money involved = you are f**ked)
So every custom sold on eBay is illegal by law and if caught by customs could be destroyed.

But, besides a legal view, there is and should be a moral opinion as well.
If you do a few customs, with your own designs, or even when using someone elses artwork that is diffrent to those used officialy, you are hardly doing any damage to anyone. (it would also be nice to state who the artwork artist is)
On another note: The reason why Let's Players are allowed to do what they do is, they are promoting games for 0 expense of publishers. So they are tolerated, even supported. (This might even change in the future and is the reason why they try to fight for more rights, but that's another topic)
The same could be said for custom steels, reeling in more fish for scanavo.
However, If you go all Fantasybok, dishing out higher quantities and copying designs that were used officially by Scanavo, that will probably hurt them.

Personally, I have no problem with customs and bought one for FF7R myself. (not a fantasybok )
As long as these guys sell a few, with their own or at least not officially available designs, I don't see any harm done. (Especially since the creative industry can be pretty unfair towards artists)
I do have a problem with the following criterias:
- Mass production
- copying an official design (from an available steelbook, futurepak or what ever)
- disguising the fact of it being custom. Not just giving no mention of it in the auction, but also or especially selling high value steels in sealed condition. (Bloodborne for example) Our only method of exposing fantasyboks is due to their inlay. If you can't see that before you buy, it's bad. And it get's even worse if you are a sealed collector and learn about it years later, maybe when you try trade to it for something else.

Off Topic fun fact: In germany, if you take a picture with your smartphone, it's your photo and you own all rights to it (with some restrictions in relation to privacy)
It is similar in many countries. However, if you take a photo of the Eiffel Tower in paris, you get jack shit. The owner of the tower gets all rights instead. This is one of few crazy exceptions that are getting more and more.

Thanks for the information, very interesting.

Personally I don’t mind if they make a few with custom artwork, but I don’t like the ones they are making that’s exactly the same as the original ones.

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Old 07-02-2020, 10:02 PM
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Default Re: Fake steelbooks

So what do you guys make of this? From the same seller that I called out previously for selling Fantasybox cases, but the case internal image clearly shows the Steelbook logo inside the case. Now, would somebody really go as far as to fit a genuine Steelbook of it’s internals and then put a custom tin and spine around it for advertising one and the rest are sold with Fantasybox internals?

This is not an official design, right?
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