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08-22-2015, 07:40 PM
It will look amazing I am sure. I would kill to be able to unbox one on my youtube channel... but I cannot afford one sadly.

I've never done an unboxing video but might be an interesting item to start with. Is there a link to your youtube channel in your profile?

RE affording it, I'm actually not sure about whether I should afford it. My kids think they're awesome and my wife thinks I'm crazy (she's probably right on many levels). But I've paid that much for a few statues like my artist proof Attakus Ezio or even Purearts Connor (because import was so costly) which I enjoy looking at every day and never regret it.


08-22-2015, 07:44 PM
I've never done an unboxing video but might be an interesting item to start with. Is there a link to your youtube channel in your profile?

RE affording it, I'm actually not sure about whether I should afford it. My kids think they're awesome and my wife thinks I'm crazy (she's probably right on many levels). But I've paid that much for a few statues like my artist proof Attakus Ezio or even Purearts Connor (because import was so costly) which I enjoy looking at every day and never regret it.


Sure: https://www.youtube.com/user/chev327fox/videos

Yeah if you can afford it and it makes you happy that is all that matters (well and as long as it does not cause issues with the "Mrs." in your case). :D

08-23-2015, 04:24 AM
Got my Warframe Excalibur statue this week! #20/1111


08-28-2015, 06:25 AM
New Darksiders 2 Death 10" (26 cm) PVC Statue:

Finally an affordable one (80 euro I believe), and I actually like the style better then the Triforce one. This one is more comic book style looking.

Was shown off at Gamescom:



https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11694832_890802784346989_252752359757659002_n.jpg? oh=5c54bf31f003feb93078287f476ca040&oe=56646AB9

https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11796342_890802844346983_3534635717382825865_n.jpg ?oh=6b02a256ade5f2b268eed64da3fbcfce&oe=566DCF5B

https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11825217_890802851013649_4136939241294159310_n.jpg ?oh=2ef4608d9f1251946427ed6e1db9bea2&oe=567BD423

08-28-2015, 06:52 AM
That looks sweet! Hopefully they also release a matching War statue as well.

08-28-2015, 06:53 AM
I hope so too but I doubt it. They made this to promote the Deathinitive Edition I believe.

Toasty the Baker
08-30-2015, 08:40 PM
Bethesda just tweeted this:


Looks like ThreeZero will be making a BoS figure for Fallout 4.

08-31-2015, 03:04 PM
Bethesda just tweeted this:


Looks like ThreeZero will be making a BoS figure for Fallout 4.

Sweet... probably not going to be affordable though :(

09-01-2015, 11:54 PM
New Darksiders 2 Death 10" (26 cm) PVC Statue:

Finally an affordable one (80 euro I believe), and I actually like the style better then the Triforce one. This one is more comic book style looking.

Was shown off at Gamescom:



https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11694832_890802784346989_252752359757659002_n.jpg? oh=5c54bf31f003feb93078287f476ca040&oe=56646AB9

https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11796342_890802844346983_3534635717382825865_n.jpg ?oh=6b02a256ade5f2b268eed64da3fbcfce&oe=566DCF5B

https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/s720x720/11825217_890802851013649_4136939241294159310_n.jpg ?oh=2ef4608d9f1251946427ed6e1db9bea2&oe=567BD423

I see agent 47!!!!

Who has this! Where do they have it! Where is mine!

09-02-2015, 12:03 AM
The Darksiders 2 Statues is not up for sale! You can get one here for €79.98 if you are interested, already ordered mine:


More pics:


I see agent 47!!!!

Who has this! Where do they have it! Where is mine!

Same company makes it... not sure when that one releases. Ask these guys if they will carry it (PM them, they respond): https://www.facebook.com/GameLegends.de

09-02-2015, 12:54 AM

Now I just gotta get someone with a Facebook account to hit them up for me.

09-13-2015, 11:42 AM
Some gaming figures I saw at STGCC 2015 (Singapore Toy, Game & Comic Convention)

Dante from Devil May Cry 1/4 Statue





Rastan 1/6 Statue - a classic arcade game



Nariko from Heavenly Sword 1/4 Statue


Mortal Kombat Klassic figures




09-14-2015, 03:03 PM
Who is making the Heavenly Sword one?

09-15-2015, 12:22 AM
H.M.O collectibles. I believe Sculptor is the same person who did the Assassins creed developer busts. Same for the Dante one. He has also worked plenty with XM Studios

09-15-2015, 06:36 AM
Thanks for Sharing Dr Jengo.

Dante and Nariko both statues are really cool.. :drool:

09-22-2015, 03:08 PM
The Last of Us Clicker Statue by Gamingheads. Exclusive one is the one on the right, with a gas mask on.


09-22-2015, 03:14 PM
These statues look awesome !
"Product not available" when clicking on the links though

09-22-2015, 03:15 PM
These statues look awesome !
"Product not available" when clicking on the links though

It should be available when Gamingheads sends out the email :)

09-22-2015, 03:24 PM
Very gross :D

The clicker bust seems okay but this just seems worse (I just mean on the gross scale :D ). Why not a much better Joel and Ellie statue (as in much better and rarer then the Tri-Force one).

09-22-2015, 03:34 PM
Very gross :D

The clicker bust seems okay but this just seems worse (I just mean on the gross scale :D ). Why not a much better Joel and Ellie statue (as in much better and rarer then the Tri-Force one).

Yeah I'd prefer a Joel and Ellie one as well, but it's better than nothing lol.

IMO the bust from Gear store is more gross.

09-22-2015, 03:43 PM
Yeah I'd prefer a Joel and Ellie one as well, but it's better than nothing lol.

IMO the bust from Gear store is more gross.

Just a matter of opinion :D

I have to say that gas mask version is really nasty.

09-22-2015, 03:45 PM
Just a matter of opinion :D

I have to say that gas mask version is really nasty.

Yeah if you're talking about the look of the statue this one is more gross than the bust, but the bust has green stuff fallen down, my girlfriend won't even let me display it lol

09-22-2015, 03:48 PM
Yeah if you're talking about the look of the statue this one is more gross than the bust, but the bust has green stuff fallen down, my girlfriend won't even let me display it lol

That sucks.

09-22-2015, 04:56 PM
Oh that's something nice ! Still hoping for a Crash Bandicoot statue someday.

09-22-2015, 05:17 PM
Oh that's something nice ! Still hoping for a Crash Bandicoot statue someday.

Keep hoping, one word why it will not happen... Activision (ie money). Activision only acts when there is sure fire money involved.... and lots of it.

11-06-2015, 09:22 AM
Before I sleep... for MGS Fans.. Limited to 50. This is a garage kit, came unpainted.


11-12-2015, 10:36 AM
Dragon’s Crown figure (1:6-scale) - 17,064 yen


11-23-2015, 04:57 PM
Hey no shit. $500 Kratos (http://gear.playstation.com/en-us/kratos-statue.html)


11-23-2015, 07:01 PM
Hey no shit. $500 Kratos (http://gear.playstation.com/en-us/kratos-statue.html)


But you get free T-shirt ;)

11-24-2015, 07:13 AM
More details on the Kratos please guys! Can't view the link in my country.

Unfortunately, no shipping to Singapore means forwarding it will be a lot in terms of shipping :facepalm:

11-24-2015, 07:15 AM
More details on the Kratos please guys! Can't view the link in my country.

No shipping to Singapore means forwarding it will be a lot in terms of shipping :facepalm:

The listing is taken down. I can view it from the US either, and I couldn't find it in the God of War section

11-24-2015, 11:03 AM
More details on the Kratos please guys! Can't view the link in my country.

Unfortunately, no shipping to Singapore means forwarding it will be a lot in terms of shipping :facepalm:


11-24-2015, 04:40 PM
If there are any Megaman fans out here, Zero was just launched a few moments ago from F4F. (sorry no link)

11-25-2015, 04:47 PM
The listing is taken down. I can view it from the US either, and I couldn't find it in the God of War section

It is back up (looks like they wanted to update pictures):


11-25-2015, 05:17 PM
The Kratos Statue is back up with new pics. Also they are giving an early adopter discount of $100 off and a free God of War Shirt (you have to have the shirt in your bin at checkout it says).

It is just like the premium format type statues and has actual cloth and leather clothing... and another awesome thing is it has real metal chains like the Delsin statue.

I said this before but I found it amazing, Gary said ti is even larger then 1/4 scale. I have never had a statue this big so if I end up getting one I am not sure where to put it :D

The price is actually quite amazing, 1/4 scale statues like this (of this quality) sell for $1,000 or more (usually more). The great thing is Sony's Fabrication Studio is more about giving amazing quality statues to help their brand... rather then other studios who are selling basically solely for profit.



11-26-2015, 01:27 AM
Thanks for the pics and link guys. This looks really awesome!

11-26-2015, 01:37 AM
Thanks for the pics and link guys. This looks really awesome!

I will have an unboxing review at some point ;)

11-26-2015, 01:52 AM
The teaser by Sony is up for the Kratos Statue:


11-26-2015, 01:07 PM
This is shipping out on Dec 4 itself? That's fast! Any idea when does the $100 discount offer ends?

11-26-2015, 02:23 PM
Any idea when does the $100 discount offer ends?
I think that's pre-order discount.

11-26-2015, 03:53 PM
Yeah I think the $100 off and the shirt is before it ships on the 4th. Gary can confirm though.

11-26-2015, 03:55 PM
Yeah I think the $100 off and the shirt is before it ships on the 4th. Gary can confirm though.

The free shirt won't work. It does show $20 discount in cart, but when you check out, it asks you to use multi address shipping, you need to pay shipping for the statue and the shirt. And in the final checkout step the shirt will be back to its normal price plus shipping

11-26-2015, 04:04 PM
The free shirt won't work. It does show $20 discount in cart, but when you check out, it asks you to use multi address shipping, you need to pay shipping for the statue and the shirt. And in the final checkout step the shirt will be back to its normal price plus shipping

I will tell Gary... I mean making a ticket will not solve this :D

11-28-2015, 05:12 PM
Hey guys! My unboxing, hope you like it ;) Skip to 6:38 if you just want to see it fully set up an the closeups.

Special thanks to Gary for this amazing opportunity to unbox this early, I am extremely grateful!

God of War The Definitive Collection 26" 1/3 Scale Kratos Statue Unboxing & Review


11-28-2015, 08:29 PM
How much did you pay for this?

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11-28-2015, 11:48 PM
How much did you pay for this?

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It is $499.99 + shipping from the PlayStation Gear Store. :thumb:

11-29-2015, 10:25 AM
Jesus, do you think it was worth it

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11-29-2015, 04:49 PM
Jesus, do you think it was worth it

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Well normally I could not afford one... but I do think it is worth it compared to what 1/3 scale statues of this quality usually sell for. It all depends on whether you buy statues of this size, quality, and rarity or not.

Most 1/3 scale statues like this are closer to $1000... or sometimes even more.

11-29-2015, 06:15 PM
If I had the money I'd buy one, most of my items are quite small like 9" etc

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11-29-2015, 06:24 PM
If I had the money I'd buy one, most of my items are quite small like 9" etc

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Yeah that is the issue for a lot of people... regardless of how good a deal it is, it is still a lot of money for a lot of us.

Same here, all my other statues are like 10 to 12 inches or so. Now I have this HUGE Kratos that is actually almost 27 inches... it is insane how big he is, it is very impressive and imposing.

11-29-2015, 06:26 PM
Yeah that is the issue for a lot of people... regardless of how good a deal it is, it is still a lot of money for a lot of us.

Same here, all my other statues are like 10 to 12 inches or so. Now I have this HUGE Kratos that is actually almost 27 inches... it is insane how big he is, it is very impressive and imposing.

It looks really well designed.. I need the God of War Collectors edition with the statue before anything though.

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11-29-2015, 07:31 PM
It looks so badass. If it was more limited and there was a payment plan option it'd be tempting. It's like $800 CAD with shipping :suicide:.

Did anyone get Kintaro? If so what version?

11-29-2015, 07:44 PM
It looks so badass. If it was more limited and there was a payment plan option it'd be tempting. It's like $800 CAD with shipping :suicide:.

Did anyone get Kintaro? If so what version?


That looks awesome, how big is it?

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11-29-2015, 07:55 PM
That looks awesome, how big is it?

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21" high, 24" wide. Page is here: http://www.popcultureshocktoys.com/mortal-kombat-kintaro-exclusive-bloody.html

11-29-2015, 08:02 PM
It looks so badass. If it was more limited and there was a payment plan option it'd be tempting. It's like $800 CAD with shipping :suicide:.

Yeah it is so awesome looking.

500 worldwide is pretty limited (150 is going to EU directly eventually... so 350 for US/CA... though I know for a fact some of those will be forwarded to EU for this who do not want to wait or risk the 150 that are going to EU eventually).

No question a lot of money, but in comparison to other statues of that size it is a really good deal. I have said this before with my Delsin Rowe Statue... Gary's team (Sony Fabrication Arts Group) make the best statues I have ever had by far.

Shipping is like 80 to Canada I was told? Just to give some context to that... the box is 32"x 23" x19" and weighs 48lbs according to the shipping label. That is pretty good shipping cost for that.

That box is almost impossible to grab and move around... it was quite the process :D

Did anyone get Kintaro? If so what version?

That does look really cool too. I remember always thinking of him as "Tiger Goro" when I was a kid.

11-29-2015, 08:23 PM
Yeah it is so awesome looking.

500 worldwide is pretty limited (150 is going to EU directly eventually... so 350 for US/CA... though I know for a fact some of those will be forwarded to EU for this who do not want to wait or risk the 150 that are going to EU eventually).

No question a lot of money, but in comparison to other statues of that size it is a really good deal. I have said this before with my Delsin Rowe Statue... Gary's team (Sony Fabrication Arts Group) make the best statues I have ever had by far.

Shipping is like 80 to Canada I was told? Just to give some context to that... the box is 32"x 23" x19" and weighs 48lbs according to the shipping label. That is pretty good shipping cost for that.

That box is almost impossible to grab and move around... it was quite the process :D

That does look really cool too. I remember always thinking of him as "Tiger Goro" when I was a kid.

Agreed, I don't mean the cost to be too much for the statue, just a lot in general to pay at once. It is a great value. To me limited to 500 is too much but you may be right, will be interesting to see how quickly it sells out.

Yes it is 80 which is a very nice and surprisingly low shipping price, 580 US = 775 CAD.

Yeah Kintaro is sweet. I was lucky enough to get the bloody EX version and also got an e-mail notifying me I was fast enough to get an AP.

11-29-2015, 09:20 PM
Agreed, I don't mean the cost to be too much for the statue, just a lot in general to pay at once. It is a great value. To me limited to 500 is too much but you may be right, will be interesting to see how quickly it sells out.

Yes it is 80 which is a very nice and surprisingly low shipping price, 580 US = 775 CAD.

Yeah Kintaro is sweet. I was lucky enough to get the bloody EX version and also got an e-mail notifying me I was fast enough to get an AP.

Yeah I agree.

I think if it was posted on a statue site like Gaming Heads or Sideshow it would be gone already. The issue is getting is noticed by the big statue collector crowd I think. I still think it will sell out rather fast... the exclusive edition of the Throne statue was limited to 500 (the regular one was 1,250... so 1,750 in total) and that sold out very fast (but it was on Gaming Heads and the PS Store). I still think it will sell out in a bit.

Nice, glad you got it. Looks like it will be nice.

Life Is Prime
11-30-2015, 12:31 AM

I forgot to mention this way, way, way back. I had spoken to the company that made the Darksiders II Death statue (the one shown at Gamescom that you now appear to own) and they told me that War was not in the plans, as Death was to commemorate the release of the remastered edition. So, yeah.

As for Kratos, my heart jumped when I saw the posting on the Twitter account earlier in the week. The price is much, yes, and I'm not rich. The thing for me is much less the cost and more the size. Where does one put such a thing? I think the tallest figure I owned was 14" or a little over. This is just insane.

Would it kill them to make a smaller size? Sure, the detail is not as high. So what? Gentle Giant had a Black Widow statue from The Winter Soldier that sold out and they have made a second run, or half the size or so, with a cheaper price tag. They are basically making affordable and space-saving alternatives to their giant, collector editions. This is the best Kratos stance and sculpt I have seen, and yet I can't do it. All that's left for me is the Ultimate Kratos by NECA Toys releasing sometime late December, and I would trade over that for a smaller one of this. <--- Mr. Gary Barth I hope you are reading this and can convince folks.

Side note: Prepare ladies and gents, for God of War 4!

11-30-2015, 12:40 AM

I forgot to mention this way, way, way back. I had spoken to the company that made the Darksiders II Death statue (the one shown at Gamescom that you now appear to own) and they told me that War was not in the plans, as Death was to commemorate the release of the remastered edition. So, yeah.

Thanks for the info, I appreciate it even if it feels like a knife in the heart :D :D

I assumed this though. I knew it was marketing push to try and help the re-master... but I secretly hoped for War too.

As for Kratos, my heart jumped when I saw the posting on the Twitter account earlier in the week. The price is much, yes, and I'm not rich. The thing for me is much less the cost and more the size. Where does one put such a thing? I think the tallest figure I owned was 14" or a little over. This is just insane.

Would it kill them to make a smaller size? Sure, the detail is not as high. So what? Gentle Giant had a Black Widow statue from The Winter Soldier that sold out and they have made a second run, or half the size or so, with a cheaper price tag. They are basically making affordable and space-saving alternatives to their giant, collector editions. This is the best Kratos stance and sculpt I have seen, and yet I can't do it. All that's left for me is the Ultimate Kratos by NECA Toys releasing sometime late December, and I would trade over that for a smaller one of this. <--- Mr. Gary Barth I hope you are reading this and can convince folks.

Side note: Prepare ladies and gents, for God of War 4!

I hear you. There are a good amount of collectors who like really big statues and some people who like smaller ones. Honestly I do not have the space, I had to move stuff around and clear an entire display table off for him (though it is worth it... he is amazing). I think Gary and the Devs wanted to make a big on this time is all.

I agree on the pose as well... I love it. I do not like super action type poses as they tend to look awkward at certain angles.

Going to PM you with an idea/suggestion ;)

11-30-2015, 06:05 AM
Noted ;-)

I've always wanted to do a really big statue, and I figured that Kratos was the perfect subject. From now on, I'll stick with smaller scale and make them more affordable. However, you have to admit, $499 for a 1:3 scale mixed media statue is pretty darn reasonable. ;-)

I hope you all had a great Holiday and if you have ideas for statues or collectibles you'd like to see produced in the future, feel free to post them on here or email me directly at gary_barth@playstation.sony.com. They can be based on new games or classic games, but it has to be properties that SCEA makes (sorry, no Destiny guns or Battlefront snow speeders...as much as I'd like to make them). And remember, these aren't vanity projects, so the ideas have to be for statues that will be popular enough to support making a 500-1000 units.



I forgot to mention this way, way, way back. I had spoken to the company that made the Darksiders II Death statue (the one shown at Gamescom that you now appear to own) and they told me that War was not in the plans, as Death was to commemorate the release of the remastered edition. So, yeah.

As for Kratos, my heart jumped when I saw the posting on the Twitter account earlier in the week. The price is much, yes, and I'm not rich. The thing for me is much less the cost and more the size. Where does one put such a thing? I think the tallest figure I owned was 14" or a little over. This is just insane.

Would it kill them to make a smaller size? Sure, the detail is not as high. So what? Gentle Giant had a Black Widow statue from The Winter Soldier that sold out and they have made a second run, or half the size or so, with a cheaper price tag. They are basically making affordable and space-saving alternatives to their giant, collector editions. This is the best Kratos stance and sculpt I have seen, and yet I can't do it. All that's left for me is the Ultimate Kratos by NECA Toys releasing sometime late December, and I would trade over that for a smaller one of this. <--- Mr. Gary Barth I hope you are reading this and can convince folks.

Side note: Prepare ladies and gents, for God of War 4!

11-30-2015, 11:51 AM
Noted ;-)

I've always wanted to do a really big statue, and I figured that Kratos was the perfect subject. From now on, I'll stick with smaller scale and make them more affordable. However, you have to admit, $499 for a 1:3 scale mixed media statue is pretty darn reasonable. ;-)

I hope you all had a great Holiday and if you have ideas for statues or collectibles you'd like to see produced in the future, feel free to post them on here or email me directly at gary_barth@playstation.sony.com. They can be based on new games or classic games, but it has to be properties that SCEA makes (sorry, no Destiny guns or Battlefront snow speeders...as much as I'd like to make them). And remember, these aren't vanity projects, so the ideas have to be for statues that will be popular enough to support making a 500-1000 units.



You should do a Call of duty one, from the older cod's though 4/mw2 etc. There's barely any statues for the game so it'd be really unique. 7-9" should be good

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11-30-2015, 12:38 PM
You should do a Call of duty one, from the older cod's though 4/mw2 etc. There's barely any statues for the game so it'd be really unique. 7-9" should be good

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Did Sony buy CoD brand O_O

11-30-2015, 12:50 PM
Did Sony buy CoD brand O_O

Oh. Oh right...well sort of I guess I mean PS4 is a primary console for cod now

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12-01-2015, 07:39 AM
Sorry, I can't do CoD as its a third party licensee.


12-01-2015, 02:34 PM
Sorry, I can't do CoD as its a third party licensee.


What about SOCOM? Not sure what you could do, or if it would sell very well but just putting it out there. Would be cool to have a nice collectible for such a revolutionary series.

12-01-2015, 03:12 PM
I was sitting here scratching my head wondering what Sony properties I was interested in when I realized that Sony still owns the rights to the "Wild Arms" series right!?!? Man, I can't even begin to express how much I'd LOVE to purchase something from that series. Any type of collectible replica, small figures (a trio from the first game would be so great!), or something nodding to the "arms" or "golems" or anything at all really from those games!

I'd buy a $300 statue that had Rudy with an "arms" pose, Jack and hanpan looking all "thiefy" and Cecilia with a book open (or heck, even sitting atop the Golem, but that'd probably be a more expensive statue). Or, it could be done smaller scale to something like what Nintendo did for their 2010 CN Gift here:

These games had quite a big following, and maybe with SCEA releasing them on PSN it could be timed to work out with the reveal/launch or something? The WA series still has quite a big following, though I'm not sure you'd see extremely expensive statues sell very well for it - though I bet the nostalgia factor alone is strong with them!

12-02-2015, 02:28 AM
Noted ;-)

From now on, I'll stick with smaller scale and make them more affordable.

Hi Gary,

as someone who bought and is waiting on my God Of War statue to arrive, I hope you don't follow what you said above, just because some people think it's too big or can't afford it.

Should every statue you make be this size and price? Of course not. But if it makes sense with some of Sony's premier characters, I would hate to see you choose not to make it, because of a few pieces of negative feedback you received. I'm sure lots of people you may never hear from on a forum, will love the statue.

Just my 2 cents anyway. I also own your Delsin Rowe statue (did skip the Journey one though as the game doesn't interest me). Really like your work and hope you continue making great statues

SCEA franchises I would purchase statues from:
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Folklore
- God Of War
- Heavenly Sword
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Infamous
- Jak and Daxter
- Killzone
- Knack
- Lair
- LittleBigPlanet (standard Sackboy only)
- Ratchet & Clank
- Resistance
- Sly Cooper
- Starhawk
- Syphon Filter
- The Order 1886
- Uncharted


12-02-2015, 03:44 AM
- Resistance

Seconded. RFoM is one of my favourite games of all time and there is no merchandise for it. Ideas:
chimera skull as seen on the cover:
RFoM Hale statue
Chimera bust

Life Is Prime
12-02-2015, 05:34 AM
Hi Gary,

as someone who bought and is waiting on my God Of War statue to arrive, I hope you don't follow what you said above, just because some people think it's too big or can't afford it.

Should every statue you make be this size and price? Of course not. But if it makes sense with some of Sony's premier characters, I would hate to see you choose not to make it, because of a few pieces of negative feedback you received. I'm sure lots of people you may never hear from on a forum, will love the statue.

Just my 2 cents anyway. I also own your Delsin Rowe statue (did skip the Journey one though as the game doesn't interest me). Really like your work and hope you continue making great statues

SCEA franchises I would purchase statues from:
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Folklore
- God Of War
- Heavenly Sword
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Infamous
- Jak and Daxter
- Killzone
- Knack
- Lair
- LittleBigPlanet (standard Sackboy only)
- Ratchet & Clank
- Resistance
- Sly Cooper
- Starhawk
- Syphon Filter
- The Order 1886
- Uncharted


Hey now. I believe there has been a misunderstanding. My feedback was not meant to be perceived as negative. I am not stating that Mr. Barth - and the entire product development team - should disown any more high-valued items on the basis of size and price. My concern is that thus far, a number of character collectible merchandise has been targeted to those collectors that prefer large-scale items. Don't get me wrong. I am floored by the statue. My pockets, though, are not up to snuff and never will be. If you look at the God of War brand on the PlayStation Gear Store, the only affordable Kratos you will see is the POP! vinyl, and I am not fond of those little things. There is the DC Direct figurine of Kratos from a few years back that has long been sold out even before the site was put up, and right now NECA's action figure release is coming up. But what if someone doesn't want articulation? What if someone cringes at the sight of joints and ball pegs? What they want another alternative to the DC Direct figurine (and the God of War Ascension CE "statue"). What if I desire something from the amazing work Mr. Barth and his team are capable of? I would like to see both sides, both ends on the spectrum, satisfied. Or at the very least a choice meet at the middle (say $200 to $250 at most).

And I agree with Mike1888. I've only played the first game, Resistance: Fall of Man, so I am not sure of the other entries. Nevertheless, the Chimera - of assorted class structures - are very interesting specimens concept-wise, and I would like to see them put to some use.

Also, Flower and Flow. I enjoyed those two more than Journey. Still, would be cool if there were mini "statues" for each game, so that one could create a That Game Company collection.

12-02-2015, 05:09 PM
I hope you all had a great Holiday and if you have ideas for statues or collectibles you'd like to see produced in the future, feel free to post them on here or email me directly at gary_barth@playstation.sony.com.


I would love to see some statues made for The Order 1886.

Besides the diorama for Bloodborne, how about some bosses from Bloodborne too? I dont mind you make just the weapons too, like what Tri-Force did.

How about the Last Guardian? Game's not released yet, but that will be something cool to have.

12-02-2015, 05:21 PM
I was sitting here scratching my head wondering what Sony properties I was interested in when I realized that Sony still owns the rights to the "Wild Arms" series right!?!? Man, I can't even begin to express how much I'd LOVE to purchase something from that series. Any type of collectible replica, small figures (a trio from the first game would be so great!), or something nodding to the "arms" or "golems" or anything at all really from those games!

I'd buy a $300 statue that had Rudy with an "arms" pose, Jack and hanpan looking all "thiefy" and Cecilia with a book open (or heck, even sitting atop the Golem, but that'd probably be a more expensive statue). Or, it could be done smaller scale to something like what Nintendo did for their 2010 CN Gift here:

These games had quite a big following, and maybe with SCEA releasing them on PSN it could be timed to work out with the reveal/launch or something? The WA series still has quite a big following, though I'm not sure you'd see extremely expensive statues sell very well for it - though I bet the nostalgia factor alone is strong with them!
Hi Jon,

Great suggestion! Let me talk to some folks here are the office and see what kind of response I get.


12-02-2015, 05:27 PM
Knight's name is Jon too?

Or Gary you misquoted? Haha..

12-02-2015, 05:32 PM
Hi there,

No, I know there is a large contingent of 1:4 collectors out there. I just meant that I probably won't do a 1:3 scale again be cause they are so hard to handle shipping-wise. Also, I don't believe TGS has a payment plan set up so its a lot harder for people to pay for those big statues in one shot.

I like your suggestions. I know some licensees like Gaming Heads are making some of these, but let me take a poll around the office and see what people think would sell.


Hi Gary,

as someone who bought and is waiting on my God Of War statue to arrive, I hope you don't follow what you said above, just because some people think it's too big or can't afford it.

Should every statue you make be this size and price? Of course not. But if it makes sense with some of Sony's premier characters, I would hate to see you choose not to make it, because of a few pieces of negative feedback you received. I'm sure lots of people you may never hear from on a forum, will love the statue.

Just my 2 cents anyway. I also own your Delsin Rowe statue (did skip the Journey one though as the game doesn't interest me). Really like your work and hope you continue making great statues

SCEA franchises I would purchase statues from:
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Folklore
- God Of War
- Heavenly Sword
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Infamous
- Jak and Daxter
- Killzone
- Knack
- Lair
- LittleBigPlanet (standard Sackboy only)
- Ratchet & Clank
- Resistance
- Sly Cooper
- Starhawk
- Syphon Filter
- The Order 1886
- Uncharted


12-02-2015, 05:52 PM
I love R:FOM! Wouldn't a 14-18" Chimera with light up eyes and those thingies on its back be cool? Have it holding a Bullseye?

Hmmmm.... ;-)


Hi Gary,

as someone who bought and is waiting on my God Of War statue to arrive, I hope you don't follow what you said above, just because some people think it's too big or can't afford it.

Should every statue you make be this size and price? Of course not. But if it makes sense with some of Sony's premier characters, I would hate to see you choose not to make it, because of a few pieces of negative feedback you received. I'm sure lots of people you may never hear from on a forum, will love the statue.

Just my 2 cents anyway. I also own your Delsin Rowe statue (did skip the Journey one though as the game doesn't interest me). Really like your work and hope you continue making great statues

SCEA franchises I would purchase statues from:
- Beyond: Two Souls
- Folklore
- God Of War
- Heavenly Sword
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Infamous
- Jak and Daxter
- Killzone
- Knack
- Lair
- LittleBigPlanet (standard Sackboy only)
- Ratchet & Clank
- Resistance
- Sly Cooper
- Starhawk
- Syphon Filter
- The Order 1886
- Uncharted


Seconded. RFoM is one of my favourite games of all time and there is no merchandise for it. Ideas:
chimera skull as seen on the cover:
RFoM Hale statue
Chimera bust

12-02-2015, 05:57 PM
Hey Life,

It's all good, I think we're on the same page here. I plan to offer a wide range of scaled statues, but 1:3 scale is just really hard to handle and very expensive for most fan's budgets, not only the base cost, but shipping as well.


Hey now. I believe there has been a misunderstanding. My feedback was not meant to be perceived as negative. I am not stating that Mr. Barth - and the entire product development team - should disown any more high-valued items on the basis of size and price. My concern is that thus far, a number of character collectible merchandise has been targeted to those collectors that prefer large-scale items. Don't get me wrong. I am floored by the statue. My pockets, though, are not up to snuff and never will be. If you look at the God of War brand on the PlayStation Gear Store, the only affordable Kratos you will see is the POP! vinyl, and I am not fond of those little things. There is the DC Direct figurine of Kratos from a few years back that has long been sold out even before the site was put up, and right now NECA's action figure release is coming up. But what if someone doesn't want articulation? What if someone cringes at the sight of joints and ball pegs? What they want another alternative to the DC Direct figurine (and the God of War Ascension CE "statue"). What if I desire something from the amazing work Mr. Barth and his team are capable of? I would like to see both sides, both ends on the spectrum, satisfied. Or at the very least a choice meet at the middle (say $200 to $250 at most).

And I agree with Mike1888. I've only played the first game, Resistance: Fall of Man, so I am not sure of the other entries. Nevertheless, the Chimera - of assorted class structures - are very interesting specimens concept-wise, and I would like to see them put to some use.

Also, Flower and Flow. I enjoyed those two more than Journey. Still, would be cool if there were mini "statues" for each game, so that one could create a That Game Company collection.

12-02-2015, 06:37 PM
Hey now. I believe there has been a misunderstanding. My feedback was not meant to be perceived as negative. I am not stating that Mr. Barth - and the entire product development team - should disown any more high-valued items on the basis of size and price. My concern is that thus far, a number of character collectible merchandise has been targeted to those collectors that prefer large-scale items. Don't get me wrong. I am floored by the statue. My pockets, though, are not up to snuff and never will be. If you look at the God of War brand on the PlayStation Gear Store, the only affordable Kratos you will see is the POP! vinyl, and I am not fond of those little things. There is the DC Direct figurine of Kratos from a few years back that has long been sold out even before the site was put up, and right now NECA's action figure release is coming up. But what if someone doesn't want articulation? What if someone cringes at the sight of joints and ball pegs? What they want another alternative to the DC Direct figurine (and the God of War Ascension CE "statue"). What if I desire something from the amazing work Mr. Barth and his team are capable of? I would like to see both sides, both ends on the spectrum, satisfied. Or at the very least a choice meet at the middle (say $200 to $250 at most).

And I agree with Mike1888. I've only played the first game, Resistance: Fall of Man, so I am not sure of the other entries. Nevertheless, the Chimera - of assorted class structures - are very interesting specimens concept-wise, and I would like to see them put to some use.

Also, Flower and Flow. I enjoyed those two more than Journey. Still, would be cool if there were mini "statues" for each game, so that one could create a That Game Company collection.

To be fair this was the only big statue from them so far (for us to buy). I think the perception is always now... so because it just came out it feels like this is what they do (when in fact all of the statues are 1/6 scale or less besides this one).

12-02-2015, 08:20 PM
Hi Jon,

Great suggestion! Let me talk to some folks here are the office and see what kind of response I get.


Knight's name is Jon too?

Or Gary you misquoted? Haha..

I'm hoping it wasn't a misquote and just a mis-typing of the name! If I wasn't wearing so much gear at the moment, I'd do a cartwheel or a flip over the fact that I might get a Wild Arms statue/figure! :swoon: :drool: :woohoo:

If it was a misquote... Knight/Jon is a sad panda. :(

12-02-2015, 09:01 PM
I love R:FOM! Wouldn't a 14-18" Chimera with light up eyes and those thingies on its back be cool? Have it holding a Bullseye?

Hmmmm.... ;-)


That would be cool. Sadly i never got super into Resistance (I got into 3 a little, and the Vita one). But i the statue is really great (which I am sure it will be) I might have to get one :D

Hey Life,

It's all good, I think we're on the same page here. I plan to offer a wide range of scaled statues, but 1:3 scale is just really hard to handle and very expensive for most fan's budgets, not only the base cost, but shipping as well.


Please do not go too small :D , 1/6 scale is a good size (like Delsin I think). Delsin's scale is a really good smaller end statue I think (and again it is the best detail of any that size I have ever seen).

12-02-2015, 10:25 PM
I love R:FOM! Wouldn't a 14-18" Chimera with light up eyes and those thingies on its back be cool? Have it holding a Bullseye?

Hmmmm.... ;-)


Oh my god...that would be epic.

Hey you probably answered this before but have you considered doing exclusive/rarer variants for your collectibles?

Life Is Prime
12-03-2015, 12:24 AM
To be fair this was the only big statue from them so far (for us to buy). I think the perception is always now... so because it just came out it feels like this is what they do (when in fact all of the statues are 1/6 scale or less besides this one).

That's true, and I understand that. The purpose of my comment was to point out that not everyone can afford or would prefer a large scale collectible. Basically, don't alienate fans with just premium items. Remember the little guys!

12-04-2015, 11:17 PM
I'm hoping it wasn't a misquote and just a mis-typing of the name! If I wasn't wearing so much gear at the moment, I'd do a cartwheel or a flip over the fact that I might get a Wild Arms statue/figure! :swoon: :drool: :woohoo:

If it was a misquote... Knight/Jon is a sad panda. :(

Knight, I think Gary will take care the both of us :barsong:

You can be the hot blooded italian Jon and I can be the Knight that is not a Nintendo fan :p


I just saw Flatout's unboxing for the GoW statue.. That beast is amazing. Simply amazing.. please do not stop making this type of big statue. I would throw in my money too if it was my favorite franchise. But like you had mentioned before, it needs to have a huge demand & fan base before you make this type statue. So I am hoping to see more from you guys in future for other characters

12-05-2015, 02:52 AM
New Mad Moxxie Statue (looks like Borderlands 1 Underdome) I hear is is 1/4 scale and the GameStop variant is only $120!!!!!!!!!! That is and amazing price. I guess it is made of resin (or porcelain) and PVC (Only the delicate parts will be made from PVC, the coat tails, belts, hair and hands).

I think there are 5,000 being made. Not sure if they are numbered but it is part of why the price is so good.


GameStop Exclusive Mad Moxxie Statue


You can see the scale better here:


Hansom Jack and Lilith 7" Busts



12-05-2015, 03:32 AM
New Mad Moxxie Statue (looks like Borderlands 1 Underdome) I hear is is 1/4 scale and the GameStop variant is only $120!!!!!!!!!! That is and amazing price. I guess it is made of resin (or porcelain) and PVC (Only the delicate parts will be made from PVC, the coat tails, belts, hair and hands).


GameStop Exclusive Mad Moxxie Statue


You can see the scale better here:


Hansom Jack and Lilith 7" Busts



Dammit, another GameStop exclusive I can't pre order lol

Could anyone help me out with this Moxxi statue please?


12-05-2015, 05:00 AM
Sorry, I'm getting old. ;-)


Knight's name is Jon too?

Or Gary you misquoted? Haha..

12-05-2015, 05:03 AM
All these are great suggestions. I just need to float it around and see what kind of response I get. I need to be able to sell a certain amount of them to make it worthwhile.


I'm hoping it wasn't a misquote and just a mis-typing of the name! If I wasn't wearing so much gear at the moment, I'd do a cartwheel or a flip over the fact that I might get a Wild Arms statue/figure! :swoon: :drool: :woohoo:

If it was a misquote... Knight/Jon is a sad panda. :(

12-05-2015, 05:06 AM
Wel, on certain IPs, it makes sense...like some of the more cartoony games. I'm working on a couple Tearaway statues right now that are about 8" tall. I think 12" would be a tad large for them.


That would be cool. Sadly i never got super into Resistance (I got into 3 a little, and the Vita one). But i the statue is really great (which I am sure it will be) I might have to get one :D

Please do not go too small :D , 1/6 scale is a good size (like Delsin I think). Delsin's scale is a really good smaller end statue I think (and again it is the best detail of any that size I have ever seen).

12-05-2015, 05:09 AM
Like adding a bloody Medusa's head that would lay on the 26" Kratos base, or a different set of weapons for my Bloodborne statue? Maybeeee ;-)

Oh my god...that would be epic.

Hey you probably answered this before but have you considered doing exclusive/rarer variants for your collectibles?

12-05-2015, 05:11 AM
Yup, most of my statues will be in a smaller, more affordable scale.


That's true, and I understand that. The purpose of my comment was to point out that not everyone can afford or would prefer a large scale collectible. Basically, don't alienate fans with just premium items. Remember the little guys!

12-05-2015, 05:13 AM
Well, they cost so darn much to ship...but occasionally I might make one. ;-) Thanks for the kind words. After 2.5" years, I'm just glad to see him finally on the market.


Knight, I think Gary will take care the both of us :barsong:

You can be the hot blooded italian Jon and I can be the Knight that is not a Nintendo fan :p


I just saw Flatout's unboxing for the GoW statue.. That beast is amazing. Simply amazing.. please do not stop making this type of big statue. I would throw in my money too if it was my favorite franchise. But like you had mentioned before, it needs to have a huge demand & fan base before you make this type statue. So I am hoping to see more from you guys in future for other characters

12-22-2015, 11:00 AM


12-22-2015, 11:26 AM
That is nice, sucks they are making it though as it is going to be UBER expensive.

12-23-2015, 06:36 PM

Nyx Select Scale Vehicle (http://www.projecttriforce.com/index.php?p=product&id=71&utm_source=MadMimi&utm_medium=email&utm_content=Pre+Order+The+Nyx+Select+Scale+Vehicle +And+Receive+Exclusive+In+Game+Content+for+EVE+Onl ine&utm_campaign=20151221_m128964568_Pre+Order+The+Nyx +Select+Scale+Vehicle+And+Receive+Exclusive+In+Gam e+Content+for+EVE+Online&utm_term=Eve_Nyx_Promo_Social__1__jpg_3F1450729312 )

Total Cost: $1,800 (Deposit: $100)

Item Number : Eve_NYX
License: EVE Online
Product Dimensions: 24” L x 12.489” W x 2.77” H
Product Weight: 20 lbs
Artist: TriForce Development Team
Estimated Shipping Date: December 2016

Really pricey.. but the figure actually floats..

12-31-2015, 09:24 PM
First 4 Figures - Alucard Castlevania: Symphony of the Night


At long last, Castlevania: Symphony of the Night‘s leading half-vampire will be immortalized in resin.
Licensed collectible manufacturer First 4 Figures has released a tantalizing sneak peak at their upcoming Alucard figure. While no details of a release date or price have been hammered out yet, if previous releases in First 4 Figures’ collection are any indication, this handsome representation of Castlevania’s undead warrior with serious daddy issues will likely drive a stake straight into the heart of your wallet.

Source: http://www.heypoorplayer.com/2015/12/31/alucard-figure/

01-02-2016, 11:16 PM
Star Fox Limited Edition Fox McCloud Stone Statue - GameStop Exclusive


The Limited Edition Fox McCloud Stone Figure brings the StarFox Universe to life! Fans will recognize Fox McCloud featured in his iconic flight suit, ready for battle. This 8" figure is made from resin stone and premium hand painted, making each figure beautifully detailed. With only 5,000 made, you'll want this hero on display to show admiration for the StarFox series.

8" Statue made of resin stone
Premium Hand Painted
Limited edition - only 5,000 made
Includes resin stone statue and statue base
Officially licensed

Source: http://www.gamestop.com/collectibles/toys/star-fox-limited-edition-fox-mccloud-stone-statue-gamestop-exclusive/126573#media

Life Is Prime
01-03-2016, 01:05 AM
Star Fox? Nice!

Now, where's Captain Falcon?

01-03-2016, 03:13 AM
Sweet! Thanks for sharing about Star Fox, but gah! What's up with these awful bases? They're just such an eye sore and really cheapen the look of these statues (the DarkHorse/F4F Zelda line is the other set I'm referring to). Also, if they're following the Zelda model, that circle in the middle should be the insignia for the ST team or something, but looks like its just a circle perhaps. :(

Might wait on this til it drops in price. 5,000 seems like a pretty large run size for this, but I'm glad somebody is making one! Been waiting for F4F to do theirs for ever now :)

01-04-2016, 03:00 AM
Sweet! Thanks for sharing about Star Fox, but gah! What's up with these awful bases? They're just such an eye sore and really cheapen the look of these statues (the DarkHorse/F4F Zelda line is the other set I'm referring to). Also, if they're following the Zelda model, that circle in the middle should be the insignia for the ST team or something, but looks like its just a circle perhaps. :(

Might wait on this til it drops in price. 5,000 seems like a pretty large run size for this, but I'm glad somebody is making one! Been waiting for F4F to do theirs for ever now :)

I agree, the base is ugly and makes it look cheap. The price is also quite high in my opinion. I think it would look much better and worth the price if the base was more detailed and if Star Fox was in a dynamic pose, like firing his gun or running.

01-05-2016, 04:03 PM
I know it's not a statue... But the full scale bionic arm of the Metal Gear Solid V Premium Package is now available separately in North America.

You can pre order here:

01-05-2016, 05:31 PM
I know it's not a statue... But the full scale bionic arm of the Metal Gear Solid V Premium Package is now available separately in North America.

You can pre order here:

Charge now or when it ships? I'd like to save some cash but I just might keep my bigbadtoy order to wait to pay until it ships.

01-05-2016, 08:06 PM


We've got two coupon codes up for use as well. You can get $25 off the regular edition with the code AMMYREG25 or $35 off the exclusive edition with the code AMMYEX35

01-05-2016, 08:07 PM
I know it's not a statue... But the full scale bionic arm of the Metal Gear Solid V Premium Package is now available separately in North America.

You can pre order here:

Nice. Can anyone who bought the JP PP speak to the quality of the arm?

01-05-2016, 08:23 PM
Was totally shocked and surprised by that Okami statue, but it is pretty amazing looking. Really stunning. Was nice that they also gave discount codes. Now hopefully we'll see those come back for some of the other statues the sell!

01-05-2016, 09:33 PM
Can someone comment on the initial payment from First4Figures? Thinking of pre-ordering but don't like how they said if the order is canceled the $20 will be retained =/

Also assuming won't be hit by customs since they have warehouse in the UK?

01-05-2016, 11:30 PM
Can someone comment on the initial payment from First4Figures? Thinking of pre-ordering but don't like how they said if the order is canceled the $20 will be retained =/

Also assuming won't be hit by customs since they have warehouse in the UK?

Yeah, it stinks, but I guess its their way of covering the costs of setting up a payment plan and all that. It also keeps people from just preordering for the sake of preordering.

They recently changed their policy regarding run sizes as well. It seems now that what they are doing (at least for the exclusive things, possibly all) is determining a run size based on the amount of reserves that go through within the first 2 (or 3?) weeks after its announced. Then they cut it off and determine the size at that point. Having the $20 non refundable deposit I guess kind of covers them on that end too from having too large a run size because of cancelled preorders.

At least the initial payment is a deposit that IS taken off your final total though. :shrug:

01-05-2016, 11:33 PM
Nice. Can anyone who bought the JP PP speak to the quality of the arm?

Can't even compare with the half scale. It's pretty awesome but it's still basically a bigger version of the small one in terms of the material quality. I love it! <3

01-05-2016, 11:47 PM
They recently changed their policy regarding run sizes as well. It seems now that what they are doing (at least for the exclusive things, possibly all) is determining a run size based on the amount of reserves that go through within the first 2 (or 3?) weeks after its announced. Then they cut it off and determine the size at that point. Having the $20 non refundable deposit I guess kind of covers them on that end too from having too large a run size because of cancelled preorders.

I like this idea. It makes it so everyone has a chance to get one (not going to sell out in 10 minutes), but also so that it becomes somewhat rare and valuable. Brutal shipping costs but preordered, the statue is just too nice to pass up.

01-05-2016, 11:56 PM
I like this idea. It makes it so everyone has a chance to get one (not going to sell out in 10 minutes), but also so that it becomes somewhat rare and valuable. Brutal shipping costs but preordered, the statue is just too nice to pass up.

Yeah, its tough because it only gives us 2-3 weeks to "safely" decide if we want it and also bad for anyone who happens to miss that window or doesn't find out about it til later, but much better than having something out of 2,500 or something crazy like that and certainly makes the ones we have "rarer" potentially. It just means you've got to follow their twitter/facebook/email and sign up for notification on threads like this for anything that you might be interested in... :whew:

01-06-2016, 12:42 PM
Yeah, it stinks, but I guess its their way of covering the costs of setting up a payment plan and all that. It also keeps people from just preordering for the sake of preordering.

They recently changed their policy regarding run sizes as well. It seems now that what they are doing (at least for the exclusive things, possibly all) is determining a run size based on the amount of reserves that go through within the first 2 (or 3?) weeks after its announced. Then they cut it off and determine the size at that point. Having the $20 non refundable deposit I guess kind of covers them on that end too from having too large a run size because of cancelled preorders.

At least the initial payment is a deposit that IS taken off your final total though. :shrug:

Thanks! Went with the pre-order, have a soft spot for Okami and for bigger statues (1/4 scale I believe).

So far an expensive 2016 lol. Lots of favourites games coming out with CE and also got this (exclusive edition) and Hot Toys Hulkbuster pre-ordered.

01-19-2016, 02:14 AM
First unboxing of 2016!

https://fbexternal-a.akamaihd.net/safe_image.php?d=AQB8t07AENxDHWWA&w=487&h=487&url=https%3A%2F%2Figcdn-photos-b-a.akamaihd.net%2Fhphotos-ak-xtp1%2Ft51.2885-15%2Fs750x750%2Fsh0.08%2Fe35%2F12545389_9515916149 17617_1835399875_n.jpg&ext=png2jpg

Got this close to the end of last year from a Black Friday sale. Will post pics soon!

01-21-2016, 09:34 PM
Assassin's Creed - Ezio "Leap of Faith" (http://store.ubiworkshop.com/assassins-creed/figurines/assassins-creed-ezio-leap-of-faith-figurine/). Limited to 350 Units, sold by Ubiworkshop. Not sure if its 350 units by Ubiworkshop alone, or worldwide. $59.99 (Not including tax and shipping)

http://cdn2.bigcommerce.com/server5600/5973c/products/544/images/4001/Ezio_LeapOfFaith_Figurine_Main_UWS__46647.14528096 85.1280.1280.png?c=2

01-21-2016, 09:50 PM
It will be 350 units to ubiworkshop. Theres no way that ubi make a pvc statue with a 350 run size for that price.

01-21-2016, 10:22 PM
I'll get one when the price drops here.

01-22-2016, 12:45 AM
My thoughts exactly

01-22-2016, 03:28 AM
https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/t31.0-8/12493645_1280361275323031_1173543135590917846_o.jp g

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/t31.0-8/12489275_1280362155322943_5959649190069959092_o.jp g

https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/t31.0-8/12593677_1280370231988802_4775476160578776817_o.jp g


https://scontent-lax3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xlf1/t31.0-8/12493625_1280370835322075_7965714979115085286_o.jp g


Pre-order at www.threezerostore.com starting from January 28th 9:00AM Hong Kong time

$380 USD

I am going to order that the damn second it's available.

01-22-2016, 06:50 AM
The price of $380 is including worldwide shipping but I wonder if it's cheaper without shipping? Like maybe I could get one from local store or something?

01-22-2016, 07:16 AM
I wouldn't rely on that plan if you really want one, who knows how long they'll last or how many there will be.

They're also doing other armor variants, so I guess this is going to cost a lot to collect all of them

I just hope they do a female one, the male guy has a shitty voice in the game and I really didn't like him

01-22-2016, 06:03 PM
Just checked with 3A Toys. One of their reps it is an 'Open' Pre-order. Not limited, but more like time exclusive.

01-24-2016, 05:54 PM


01-24-2016, 10:02 PM
Not sure if anyone can afford it here but note "Life Size" and $6,000;


Source: https://www.sideshowtoy.com/collectibles/terminator-t-800-endoskeleton-sideshow-collectibles-400060/

01-25-2016, 12:37 AM


Oh man.. this is going to be a quick sellout I think. There's 2 EX variants so might slow things to a more reasonable speed hopefully. Definite buy for me!

01-25-2016, 08:48 PM

Limited to 500 units each

Pre-order: https://bnextsume.narutostorm4.com/eu

01-25-2016, 09:08 PM
Oh man.. this is going to be a quick sellout I think. There's 2 EX variants so might slow things to a more reasonable speed hopefully. Definite buy for me!

Yeah really curious about the 2nd EX. Hoping it's not just a bloody version. I had planned to hold off on any more PCS statues with the state of the Canadian dollar and all but this is just too nice to pass up. Last one!

01-26-2016, 03:31 AM
Yeah really curious about the 2nd EX. Hoping it's not just a bloody version. I had planned to hold off on any more PCS statues with the state of the Canadian dollar and all but this is just too nice to pass up. Last one!

I wasn't too convinced about the Kintaro bloody EX. It looks good but didn't think it fit well with the rest of the Klassics. So, if it's bloody version again, I'll skip that and just go for the regular EX.

Haha it's never the last!

01-27-2016, 09:17 PM
Bloodborne Diorama

Very detailed statue, really like it!





01-28-2016, 02:22 AM
Fallout statue is up:


I got the exclusive one :D

01-28-2016, 09:19 PM
The regular edition is for sale on the Bethesda store now:


01-28-2016, 09:36 PM
Fallout statue is up:


I got the exclusive one :D

Thanks for the link, thinking of getting the exclusive version to. Do they take payment straight away?

01-28-2016, 09:48 PM

01-28-2016, 10:03 PM

01-29-2016, 01:35 PM
What is that fallout figure made of? I assume it doesn't have a base so it'll be more like an action figure than a statue :scratch:

01-31-2016, 06:09 PM
I wasn't too convinced about the Kintaro bloody EX. It looks good but didn't think it fit well with the rest of the Klassics. So, if it's bloody version again, I'll skip that and just go for the regular EX.

Haha it's never the last!

So it's a bloody hammer. Was kind of hoping for a cape maybe, but I guess I'll get it to go with my bloody kintaro.


01-31-2016, 08:27 PM
What is that fallout figure made of? I assume it doesn't have a base so it'll be more like an action figure than a statue :scratch:

They make like super high end action figures (so they are made from a plastic resin of some kind). Basically high end statue detail with the best action figure's articulation all in one package and more.

Pretty nice, though I am not a fan of figures these do an amazing job of hiding the joints. If this were $150-ish I might have thought about it... but the price they command for me is ridiculous for even the best figure. But that is just me.

02-02-2016, 05:04 AM
So it's a bloody hammer. Was kind of hoping for a cape maybe, but I guess I'll get it to go with my bloody kintaro.


Did you get the Bloody EX?
I went for the normal EX. I think they can do better than bloody EXs, was hoping for more switchout parts but oh well, this is going to be a beast anyway. The long wait begins..

02-03-2016, 02:43 AM
Did you get the Bloody EX?
I went for the normal EX. I think they can do better than bloody EXs, was hoping for more switchout parts but oh well, this is going to be a beast anyway. The long wait begins..

Yeah I got it. Was a bit worried because the site was crashing on me but I got my order in before they sold out, 3:35 timestamp. I really like how the blood is only on the hammer.

02-10-2016, 06:08 AM
Yeah I got it. Was a bit worried because the site was crashing on me but I got my order in before they sold out, 3:35 timestamp. I really like how the blood is only on the hammer.

Yup a nice touch with the blood on the hammer only. I'll probably regret it when it finally releases..

Next up.. Cyborgs!!

02-10-2016, 06:13 AM
Just unboxed this!

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Ninja%20Gaiden/Multiverse%20Studio%20Standard/Multiverse_Studio_Ninja_Gaiden_Std%2044_zpsfavfjkd 5.jpg

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Ninja%20Gaiden/Multiverse%20Studio%20Standard/Multiverse_Studio_Ninja_Gaiden_Std%2034_zps9n1hniv n.jpg

http://i1148.photobucket.com/albums/o563/JVeron004/Ninja%20Gaiden/Multiverse%20Studio%20Standard/Multiverse_Studio_Ninja_Gaiden_Std%2037_zpsqvs5ujy v.jpg

More pics & comments at my blog: http://bit.ly/1QqDd7q

02-10-2016, 04:36 PM
Yup a nice touch with the blood on the hammer only. I'll probably regret it when it finally releases..

Next up.. Cyborgs!!

I actually got an AP email for it as well! Feel very lucky to get an AP for such a great piece, and it'll match my kintaro AP nicely. :thumb:

Luckily for me I can pass on the cyborgs. Waiting on 1:3 reptile and klassic kitana.

02-11-2016, 12:52 AM
I actually got an AP email for it as well! Feel very lucky to get an AP for such a great piece, and it'll match my kintaro AP nicely. :thumb:

Luckily for me I can pass on the cyborgs. Waiting on 1:3 reptile and klassic kitana.

AP for Shao Kahn and Kintaro? Awesome stuff!

Man.. u passing on the Cyborgs? Been waiting for them for a long time. I'm getting all of the above though..

02-13-2016, 01:55 PM
Just unboxed this!

More pics & comments at my blog: http://bit.ly/1QqDd7q

oh i never saw that statue before, it really looks awesome! i love the base with all the body parts!

i saw on the box that there are multiple LEDs build inside the base, do you have pics when the LEDs are turned on?

there is a bloody version of that statue, that one also looks goooood! ^^

02-19-2016, 10:36 PM
Bloodborne Hunter Statue Exclsuive Puddle of Blood Version (Limited to 1200)

Can't be more disappointed with this. It's made of cheap plastic and it took me a while to put it together. The hands won't fit into the arms and the feet requires some effort to put into the base.

It is really nothing compares to the Diorama made by Gary's team... I paid around $310 shipped for it, the polystone diorama that's limited to 1000 is only around $250 shipped... Now I regret that I also purchased the standard version...




02-22-2016, 03:18 AM
Oh man.. I dont have either but I actually thought this looked a lot better. The Sony one seemed a little too plasticky. Pity about the hands though, not a good sign considering they want to sell spare weapons separately.

02-23-2016, 04:21 AM
If anyone if interested....ive done an unboxing of the Last of Us clicker bust. Just check the link. Got a pretty low number as well. Highly reccomend buying one before theyre gone

03-03-2016, 08:37 AM

03-03-2016, 06:24 PM

Preorders open at amiami :

http://www.amiami.com/top/detail/detail?gcode=FIGURE-017405&page=top%2Fsearch%2Flist%3Fs_keywords%3Dquiet%24pa gemax%3D40%24getcnt%3D0%24pagecnt%3D1

And to order from japan :


03-04-2016, 10:30 PM
Dark Horses shows some Witcher 3 PVC Statues on the Toy Fair 2016, also some other cool stuff like a Wolf Head Wall Sculpture. size is about 7-8 inch / 20cm and price is 30$...








here are more pics from the whole witcher 3 stuff


03-04-2016, 10:36 PM
Nice. Im really liking the base the figures are on. Although i am assuming the final product won't come with those. ..

03-05-2016, 03:13 AM
Nice. Im really liking the base the figures are on. Although i am assuming the final product won't come with those. ..

Yeah, that's exactly what I was thinking -- really loving those bases! I feel a base can really make or break a statue and these rock! Not holding my breath that they make the final cut though at those prices!

03-05-2016, 03:44 PM
Saw Game Legends post about them on twitter last week sometime (meant to post here and had the pages marked since but just never got around to it). They are okay... and a good fair price I think. Just have to wait and see if they are decent up close or not (cannot reply on the prototypes as we all know).

The Witcher Statue Geralt von Riva 20cm - http://www.game-legends.de/produkte/figuren-und-statuen/statuen/3216/the-witcher-statue-geralt-of-riva-20cm?c=2603

The Witcher Statue Triss Merigold 20cm - http://www.game-legends.de/produkte/figuren-und-statuen/statuen/3215/the-witcher-statue-triss-merigold-20cm?c=2603

For Triss I think these would have been more popular :D


03-08-2016, 01:01 AM
Wow the Witcher 3 collectibles look great and not too pricey as well! Wish they would pick up more licenses

03-11-2016, 10:44 PM
https://scontent-frt3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/t31.0-8/12823465_10153469899176732_8326535664986054587_o.j pg
Sneak peek of the Abysswalker statue by First 4 Figures. Sif and Ornstein statues are also in the works.

Release date is late q2 2016.

03-12-2016, 01:20 PM
Just got my hands on the new Ezio bust... it's awesome... made a video :)


03-16-2016, 07:29 PM

03-16-2016, 07:33 PM
i was very disapointed about bloodborne statues from GECCO , i'll pass for this DS statue...

03-17-2016, 05:02 PM
Dark Horses shows some Witcher 3 PVC Statues on the Toy Fair 2016, also some other cool stuff like a Wolf Head Wall Sculpture. size is about 7-8 inch / 20cm and price is 30$...


I desperately want to know where to get these in the UK, they look great, especially at that price point.

03-18-2016, 04:55 PM
available on cdp.pl for 500PLN (whole set of 5) https://cdp.pl/kompletny-zestaw-figurek-dark-horse-wiedzmin-3-gadzety.html .

03-20-2016, 12:03 AM
Darksouls 3 Bonfire unpainted Prototype



03-23-2016, 06:37 PM
Hand Made Objects Collectibles releasing a Heavenly Sword – Nariko statue.
the statue is limited to 199 worldwide, and is about 18 inches / 48 cm big


More pics here

03-24-2016, 12:49 PM
available on cdp.pl for 500PLN (whole set of 5) https://cdp.pl/kompletny-zestaw-figurek-dark-horse-wiedzmin-3-gadzety.html .

Thanks very much!

Still hoping they come to a UK shop right enough, would prefer to have somewhere I've ordered from before and save on shipping time to me if possible though. :)

03-24-2016, 04:00 PM
Thanks very much!

Still hoping they come to a UK shop right enough, would prefer to have somewhere I've ordered from before and save on shipping time to me if possible though. :)

forgot to say that they ship internationally for 60PLN but i'm not sure how long the delivery takes.

03-25-2016, 11:32 AM
forgot to say that they ship internationally for 60PLN but i'm not sure how long the delivery takes.

Wow, that's bloody cheap for what they're shipping!

Might have to reconsider that depending on delivery times. :beer:

03-25-2016, 11:44 AM
Wow, that's bloody cheap for what they're shipping!

Might have to reconsider that depending on delivery times. :beer:

it says international shipping and you can choose every country on the planet as your delivery address but when i'm trying to ship items to the US i'm getting an error :scratch:

03-28-2016, 02:06 PM
New statue from M.K !

Reptile ! from Pop Culture Shock

Look very amazing and High Quality !

Price : 749,99$ + Shipping

Pre-order open today with 15% OFF

Link : http://www.popcultureshocktoys.com/shop-by/reptile-exclusive.html




03-29-2016, 04:04 AM
I got my PO in, anyone else POed Reptile?

Keep telling myself 1/3 is too big and expensive but have POed all 3 MK Ninjas..

03-29-2016, 04:44 PM
Reluctantly yes. Now I'm gonna need to get Scorpion to complete the set.:suicide:

Oh and I said I was going to pass on the cyborgs but I saw the pic of Cyrax from wondercon and that's not happening lol.

03-30-2016, 05:21 AM
Reluctantly yes. Now I'm gonna need to get Scorpion to complete the set.:suicide:

Oh and I said I was going to pass on the cyborgs but I saw the pic of Cyrax from wondercon and that's not happening lol.

Hahaha! I know you wanted to skip Reptile! :poke:

I have been wanting the Cyborgs for a long time so I'm all in for Sektor and Smoke too, if they make them.

And.. 1/3 seems to be going pretty smooth for PCS so that's not good news.

04-01-2016, 01:16 PM
New limited edition statue by Pure Arts!!!


That you see is the statue of Akasha (Might and Magic VI Hereos) created to complete a fantastic diorama with the statue of the Archangel Michael which surely you know or may have heard about!
Guys, they are something special... :) :) :) Do you like?

Both statues can be purchased directly from Pure Arts contacting the company by mail to: info@purearts.com

Days ago I posted my personal photos of these beautiful statues, if it interests look at it, you can be found on this thread: http://collectorsedition.org/forums/showthread.php?t=19669

04-01-2016, 04:29 PM
^ that's quite fascinating! <3
I have Michael, but I don't think I'll have Akasha joining his stone podium ;)

04-01-2016, 06:10 PM
Why not? What doesn't convince you?
I like a lot, especially as it has been realizate his body... :)

04-04-2016, 09:50 PM
Hahaha! I know you wanted to skip Reptile! :poke:

I have been wanting the Cyborgs for a long time so I'm all in for Sektor and Smoke too, if they make them.

And.. 1/3 seems to be going pretty smooth for PCS so that's not good news.

Got a Reptile AP!

I just read that PCS probably isn't doing an MGS line anymore. So disappointing, would have been epic.

04-04-2016, 10:06 PM
Hello all, no idea where to post this in the fourms. But have any of you had any items from chronicle collectibles? Gamestop has exclusive rights to their borderlands psycho mask and psycho buzzaxe and I was wondering if they're a quality company. Gamestop has had some horrible exclusives in the past like the recent Fox Mccloud statue in terms of quality.

Link for reference.


04-05-2016, 02:23 AM
Got a Reptile AP!

I just read that PCS probably isn't doing an MGS line anymore. So disappointing, would have been epic.

AP! Solid stuff! That should convince you then.. haha!

Yea no MGS from them then but I saw this in the latest Q&A thread..


Battleborn 1/6 Statues!

04-07-2016, 04:57 PM
looks like Prime 1 Studio is about to release some witcher 3 statues, here is a teaser pic... cant wait to the the final painted versions!



04-08-2016, 10:27 AM
looks like Prime 1 Studio is about to release some witcher 3 statues, here is a teaser pic... cant wait to the the final painted versions!

They look great already.

Heh, pity there's so much out, can't justify the price of these to myself even though I'd kill for the Prime 1 Harley Quinn. :P

04-08-2016, 01:58 PM
Gaming Heads have a new skyrim glass armor statue up for preorder :D

04-11-2016, 01:52 AM
Love those Witcher statues! :drool: Really a fan of vibrant color statues though - even though their nice, I'll likely pass on them because of that.

04-11-2016, 09:38 AM
Love those Witcher statues! :drool: Really a fan of vibrant color statues though - even though their nice, I'll likely pass on them because of that.

That's just a teaser image of the renders for making the prototypes :) They will be painted :) xx

04-11-2016, 03:37 PM
That's just a teaser image of the renders for making the prototypes :) They will be painted :) xx

As soon as I posted that I thought to myself "I sure hope someone responds and tells me how silly I am because they're just prototypes or something". Thanks for being the one Vhal! :thumb:

My wallet doesnt thank you though! :)

04-15-2016, 01:56 PM
BATTLE RYU 1:3 Statue

04-15-2016, 04:35 PM
^ I'm trying to choose between regular and evil Ryu.


Not easy!

04-17-2016, 03:35 AM
Bayonetta Replica Gun Sage
“Built from an alloy the Devil himself would kill to get his hands on. Don't break these, cause they're one of a kind”
This was a limited preorder bonus for Bayonetta with around 1500 units made.

Can't see the pictures.
Are these the maroon ones or was their another colour as well?

04-19-2016, 09:43 PM
Anyone else get a Ryu? I got reg. The site crashed and the PO was delayed by a few hours but the evil and reg still sold out in a minute. Crazy!

edit: Got an AP. I'm on a streak :D

04-20-2016, 03:24 AM
Another AP? You are on a roll! Congrats!

04-28-2016, 11:01 AM
Final Fantasy XIII Static Arts Bust - Lightning (W 80mm x D 80mm x H 170mm)

04-28-2016, 05:53 PM
Final Fantasy XIII Static Arts Bust - Lightning (W 80mm x D 80mm x H 170mm)

How I wish they made a full scale figure instead just a bust :( oh well I will be picking this up and I notice on amiami the figure will be release around September on their website? I might pick it up there and get EMS shipping since its 5190 yen on their webite

05-02-2016, 01:04 AM
F4F King. Preorder for exclusive version ends May 3.


05-04-2016, 01:28 AM
Overwatch tracer statue back in stock at blizzard store.
link (http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/overwatch/overwatch-tracer-statue.html)
felt bad for a guy that bought it from eBay for $325 a couple weeks back.

05-04-2016, 05:31 AM
Only 20 made worldwide



05-04-2016, 05:38 AM
Only 20 made worldwide



It has been 4 hours since the original post, and the 20 pc still haven't been sold out... Hopefully each one will be individually numbered so we know they are truly limited to 20

05-04-2016, 05:45 AM
It has been 4 hours since the original post, and the 20 pc still haven't been sold out... Hopefully each one will be individually numbered so we know they are truly limited to 20

Yeah glad I was able to snap one up but should of sold out by now im guessing the price is too high for some people

05-04-2016, 05:51 AM
I think I got 1. The checkout got stuck after going through paypal, but I got an order confirmation.

05-04-2016, 05:58 AM
Just noticed that ND tweeted it out. I don't think there's any way this is actually limited to 20 unless they cancel orders.

Toasty the Baker
05-04-2016, 06:12 AM
Just ordered mine and got my confirmation email.....

05-04-2016, 04:11 PM
ESCToys' official Twitter account just replied to my question. I asked if they are individually numbered, and the replay is

no. They're almost gone too

So I am pretty sure it's not limited to 20.

05-04-2016, 04:13 PM
Overwatch tracer statue back in stock at blizzard store.
link (http://gear.blizzard.com/index.php/default/overwatch/overwatch-tracer-statue.html)
felt bad for a guy that bought it from eBay for $325 a couple weeks back.

Yeah I feel bad for them too. I assume it is not numbered and is essentially a "in stock" "out of stock" "in stock again" type open edition?

Almost want to get one to unbox.

It has been 4 hours since the original post, and the 20 pc still haven't been sold out... Hopefully each one will be individually numbered so we know they are truly limited to 20

Yeah I agree. Not going to grab this myself as there are far bigger fans who deserve their shot.

05-04-2016, 05:18 PM
ESCToys' official Twitter account just replied to my question. I asked if they are individually numbered, and the replay is

So I am pretty sure it's not limited to 20.

What was the retail price of the regular version?

Looks like they're lying about the ES to justify a higher price (and obviously create fake urgency). They belong in the fraudulent sellers thread.

05-04-2016, 05:21 PM
What was the retail price of the regular version?

Looks like they're lying about the ES to justify a higher price (and obviously create fake urgency). They belong in the fraudulent sellers thread.

The original set is $40.

I spoke with a friend about this, he thought that not many people saw this posting. But it hasn't been more than 12 hours, and ND retweeted it...

05-05-2016, 12:34 AM
Didn't realize there was a Tracer statue! I might get one. Doesn't seem like it is numbered/limited. We shall see.

Has anyone seen one in person? How's the quality?

05-05-2016, 05:17 AM
ESC said Erick Scarecrow (artist) decided not to put the number on boxes. If go to the website you'll see there's only 6 or so left(add to cart)

05-05-2016, 05:31 AM
Interesting that something LoU related would be so slow to sell out though, and that at least 4 or 5 of you on here already bought one. That means there's only another 10 or so worldwide who got one? VERY strange... Maybe they meant 200??

StayFree( ' 3')
05-05-2016, 02:29 PM
I was summoned here for this?? I see esc is being shady once again...

...still bought one. smh

05-05-2016, 07:51 PM
ESC said Erick Scarecrow (artist) decided not to put the number on boxes. If go to the website you'll see there's only 6 or so left(add to cart)

It's always been like that. Don't think it means anything.

Interesting that something LoU related would be so slow to sell out though, and that at least 4 or 5 of you on here already bought one. That means there's only another 10 or so worldwide who got one? VERY strange... Maybe they meant 200??

At least 7 are accounted for here. A number of people on twitter also claimed to buy it. ESC also said 20 on twitter so unlikely it's a typo.

05-06-2016, 02:35 AM
Decided to say "fuck it" and ordered my Tracer statue. I hope they make more AND keep them this affordable.

05-06-2016, 03:26 PM
Looks like the Tracer statue is sold out again. Glad I jumped on it when I did!

05-06-2016, 03:28 PM
Looks like the Tracer statue is sold out again. Glad I jumped on it when I did!

I got one too, arriving today :D I really wanted to unbox it (and if I like it I may keep it :D Well this is assuming I am not still broke).

Hopefully will have the unboxing up for tomorrow or Sunday.

05-06-2016, 03:51 PM
I got one too, arriving today :D I really wanted to unbox it (and if I like it I may keep it :D Well this is assuming I am not still broke).

Hopefully will have the unboxing up for tomorrow or Sunday.

How long did it take for yours to ship? Mine is still "processing."

05-06-2016, 03:58 PM
How long did it take for yours to ship? Mine is still "processing."

I picked next day shipping so that is probably why (it was $8 for ground vs $8 more for 1 day).

It says at checkout if you pick standard shipping processing can take 3 business days (which is another reason I picked 1 day option).

05-06-2016, 03:59 PM
I got one too, arriving today :D I really wanted to unbox it (and if I like it I may keep it :D Well this is assuming I am not still broke).

Hopefully will have the unboxing up for tomorrow or Sunday.

How long did it take for yours to ship? Mine is still "processing."

If its anything like what what I bought it should be fast. Ordered the OverWatch character logo shirt on Tuesday night and received it Thursday. Looking forward to my CE of the game and I bought every funko pop on the game. Going to be a good birthday present to myself. I been using basically Agent 76 in the beta so far

05-06-2016, 04:00 PM
I picked next day shipping so that is probably why (it was $8 for ground vs $8 more for 1 day).

It says at checkout if you pick standard shipping processing can take 3 business days (which is another reason I picked 1 day option).

I picked priority over ground, but neither mentioned the length of time it would take. I hope it actually ships and isn't stuck on processing because they ran out.

05-06-2016, 04:01 PM
I picked priority over ground, but neither mentioned the length of time it would take. I hope it actually ships and isn't stuck on processing because they ran out.

For me there was only 2 options... Ground and Next Day. Seems odd if you picked next day too and mine shipped first (bought mine around noon est yesterday). Did not really think of it but wow mine got shipped really fast.

05-06-2016, 04:02 PM
For me there was only 2 options... Ground and Next Day. Seems odd if you picked next day too and mine shipped first (bought mine around noon est yesterday).

Yeah, there was no next day option for me. Just priority.

05-06-2016, 04:04 PM
Yeah, there was no next day option for me. Just priority.

Ah, weird. Did you use a physical address or maybe a PO Box?

In any case it is a bit odd (we are in the same exact area of the country after all).

05-06-2016, 04:05 PM
Ah, weird. Did you use a physical address or maybe a PO Box?

In any case it is a bit odd (we are in the same exact area of the country after all).

My home address. Oh well, hopefully it'll ship by the end of the day and arrive early next week.

I'm also waiting on something that was released from customs in NYC on 4/29 that still hasn't shown up. Mail must be moving slow!

05-06-2016, 04:52 PM
Figured I'd have a bit more of a window to decide if I was going to keep the game before I had to purchase the Tracer statue, looks like it sold out quick after the Beta went public -- still haven't had a chance to play it anywhere but PAX. I don't recall them saying anything about it being "limited" or a number on it though right (the statue that is), so maybe they'll make more if demand is large enough?

What's weird is the one unboxing of the CE that shows the NTSC rating on it also has the steelbook and postcards in it, but yet I didn't see those listed ANYWHERE on any US retailer, not even BLizzard's own site has them listed, which is weird? Do you guys think the steel and postcards will be in the US CE or do you think those were just basically free "promo items" for those who got to unbox it early?

05-06-2016, 09:48 PM
Sorry to hear you did not decide in time (almost happened to me too), I am sure there will be more though in the future :thumb:

Here is a teaser to my unboxing... I took a comparison shot of the old version's face (people were calling it monkey face) versus the new versions fixed face. I am glad they fixed this as it looks terrible before.


05-06-2016, 09:55 PM
Sorry to hear you did not decide in time (almost happened to me too), I am sure there will be more though in the future :thumb:

Here is a teaser to my unboxing... I took a comparison shot of the old version's face (people were calling it monkey face) versus the new versions fixed face. I am glad they fixed this as it looks terrible before.


New face looks way better! Are people with the old face statues getting replacements?

05-07-2016, 12:10 AM
anyone think that they will be making more of these? I see they are sold out again. I been loving the beta and think I might try and get one.

05-07-2016, 03:09 AM
My Tracer still hasn't shipped. :(

05-07-2016, 04:17 AM
The Tracer you're really looking for;



05-07-2016, 03:28 PM
Overwatch Premium Polystone Tracer Statue Unboxing & Review - 2nd Run Fixed Face Version



Something I wanted to point out that I noticed later on. First is the light up feature... it is not good at all. While it looks kind of neat during the day once you light it up at night you realize it is a terrible execution of a light up feature. They should have made the blue in her armor light up, that would have really been neat and functional (as far as actually lighting up the statue at night).

New face looks way better! Are people with the old face statues getting replacements?

I doubt that highly :D

It was not like a issue with them breaking or something like that, it was just how the original sculpt was... I am actually surprised they even fixed it at all (if they were not going to fix it beforehand why do it now).

My Tracer still hasn't shipped. :(

Sorry to hear that hunter. Look on the bright side, you are still one of the few that got one before they sold out again (and from my review it is worth it).

The Tracer you're really looking for;



I have seen pics of that! Would love to have it (and every other Blizzard life size statue.... they are all simply amazing).

05-07-2016, 05:15 PM
Overwatch Premium Polystone Tracer Statue Unboxing & Review - 2nd Run Fixed Face Version



Something I wanted to point out that I noticed later on. First is the light up feature... it is not good at all. While it looks kind of neat during the day once you light it up at night you realize it is a terrible execution of a light up feature. They should have made the blue in her armor light up, that would have really been neat and functional (as far as actually lighting up the statue at night).

I doubt that highly :D

It was not like a issue with them breaking or something like that, it was just how the original sculpt was... I am actually surprised they even fixed it at all (if they were not going to fix it beforehand why do it now).

Sorry to hear that hunter. Look on the bright side, you are still one of the few that got one before they sold out again (and from my review it is worth it).

I have seen pics of that! Would love to have it (and every other Blizzard life size statue.... they are all simply amazing).

I'm just worried maybe I didn't get it in time and my order will end up cancelled.

05-08-2016, 01:50 PM
Esc toy is doing another Nathan Drake item from what they tweeted out Friday night. Im assuming that it will be released Tuesday

05-09-2016, 01:05 AM
Saw this on another forum..


05-09-2016, 09:47 AM

05-09-2016, 03:44 PM
Saw this on another forum..


I saw that too, I actually saw a video that was on a website with that pick. The making of video is here:


New face looks way better! Are people with the old face statues getting replacements?

An update:

I found out that those who did contact support did get replacements according to a reddit post i just saw.

05-09-2016, 10:45 PM
Mine arrived today! I guess Blizzard just didn't want to send me a shipping update. :p

Looks awesome! Definitely has a nice heavy feel to it and definitely hand painted (even the base). I wish the light in the base was stronger, but I won't use it often anyway. Here's to hoping for more characters!

An update:

I found out that those who did contact support did get replacements according to a reddit post i just saw.

Well done, Blizzard!

King Peter
05-10-2016, 10:27 PM
New Samus figurine coming soon


05-18-2016, 03:34 AM
Anyone heard anything about another Tracer restock? Really wanting it after playing the beta, but not feeling those ebay prices.

05-18-2016, 03:35 AM
Anyone heard anything about another Tracer restock? Really wanting it after playing the beta, but not feeling those ebay prices.

I don't think it was a restock. I think they just sold the updated version of the statue.

05-18-2016, 10:16 AM
This one is pretty odd&ridicoulus, but well...

You can get this Assassins Creed Statue if you buy it along with the movie ticket (or get the movie ticket along with a statue, don't what comes first. :D ).


600 $

Source Kernel.com (https://www.kernel.com/packages/RDW5DXW6/assassinscreed-triforce-aguilar-premier-scale-statue)

Ubi Blog (http://blog.ubi.com/assassins-creed-movie-presale-begins-on-kernel/)

05-18-2016, 05:58 PM
No longer need to hunt down ebay for complete set of figurines
Battleborn Figurine Box Set

link (http://store.2k.com/store/Tk22k/en_US/pd/productID.1925830700)

05-18-2016, 06:13 PM
Sold out. I saw them awhile back but they look like little tiny figures.

BTW not sure i eve properly thanked you for posting the Tracer Statue link... so: Thanks!

05-18-2016, 06:23 PM
No longer need to hunt down ebay for complete set of figurines
Battleborn Figurine Box Set

link (http://store.2k.com/store/Tk22k/en_US/pd/productID.1925830700)

They've been out of stock since at least release day for the game.

05-18-2016, 06:57 PM
it's in stock last time I check (but now out)
I manage to purchase yesterday morning both with and without sunglasses
I can still added to cart this morning that's why I post it on the threads.

Sorry for the confusion

05-20-2016, 09:08 AM
Just an FYI update, my waitlist reservation for the exclusive polystone batman got converted to an order today.

Got notice today that Prime1 Exclusive Polystone AK Batman apparently in stock and Sideshow shipping tomorrow. Almost a year wait so hopefully worth it.


05-25-2016, 10:28 AM
Got notice today that Prime1 Exclusive Polystone AK Batman apparently in stock and Sideshow shipping tomorrow. Almost a year wait so hopefully worth it.


Mine is scheduled for delivery today and was already to crank out first unboxing video...

But this guy on YouTube did a really good job and kinda beat me to the punch so...


Still super excited to get it and will post pics.



05-26-2016, 08:37 PM
Mine is scheduled for delivery today and was already to crank out first unboxing video...

But this guy on YouTube did a really good job and kinda beat me to the punch so...


Still super excited to get it and will post pics.



Did receive the Prime1AK Exclusive yesterday. So first off, the box is HUGE and HEAVY and I'm glad Sideshow used foam corners inside the shipper because the otter shipper box was pretty much obliterated by UPS ground service. (While I doubt UPS purposefully damages these things, I personally think they aren't not taking any real effort to protect it or treat it gently regardless of the multiple FRAGILE stamps all over it). Anyway, few Pics close-up of Headsculpt......


Gotta say, in person this one does it for me and what they say about pics not really doing it justice is true, because in person it does have the wow factor (which of course I paid for)...


...did make an unboxing video, but the one from the guy linked above is good and makes mine redundant...


I will post more pics if I have the chance but I am certainly happy with my first Prime1 purchase.


05-26-2016, 09:57 PM
... another few shots ...

I liked the look of the standard grapple gun in the right hand, but wanted the batarang in the pose too, so figured out how to get it slotted into the fixed left hand with it appeared that he is grasping the batarang as well.

The exclusive version also came with a heavier metallic batarang that I guess is just supposed to sit on the display.

Anyway, cheers


05-31-2016, 02:32 AM
So that Tracer statue is now selling for up to $4000+ on eBay. Part of me wishes I had bought two so I could sell one. I could pay off all my credit card debt with that kind of profit. :p

Toasty the Baker
05-31-2016, 02:53 AM
I thought it would be an in-stock / out-of-stock type of statue. It didn't say anywhere on the page it was limited. Wish I bought just one. :/

05-31-2016, 03:34 AM
So that Tracer statue is now selling for up to $4000+ on eBay. Part of me wishes I had bought two so I could sell one. I could pay off all my credit card debt with that kind of profit. :p

I think the value right now is about $500-600. Those $4000 auctions looked really fake. Still very impressive though, now I'm kicking myself for not buying when the value was around $250. Hopefully as the overwatch hype dies down so will the price, I need it.

05-31-2016, 04:16 AM
All 4 statue that went beyond 1,000 was bid buy 3 bidders that probably in the scheme.
one a***h with 33 feedback, v***a with 38 feedback and a**z with 0 feedback

even less stupid auction that end $770 still won by 0 feedback dude above.

Let just wait til the craziness die down. (Or death of those 3 asshole) probably go for $350.

05-31-2016, 08:57 PM
This is AWESOME! It is a life size Tracer Figure in Box (such a neat idea):


All 4 statue that went beyond 1,000 was bid buy 3 bidders that probably in the scheme.
one a***h with 33 feedback, v***a with 38 feedback and a**z with 0 feedback

even less stupid auction that end $770 still won by 0 feedback dude above.

Let just wait til the craziness die down. (Or death of those 3 asshole) probably go for $350.

Yeah I noticed this too, same bidder won both the $4,000 auctions. Then the same one got the $2,000 on up to where it is. Seems odd. It very well could be legit, just 2 rich guys duking it out. Sucks for everyone else though that is raised the prices so high on people, like you say even if it was a scam it changed the landscape for awhile to come.

05-31-2016, 10:06 PM

He is in France. Tracer is in the US, Genji in France and Pharah in South Korea (there may be another not sure). I will add Pharah to this post if i find the id.




06-01-2016, 08:53 PM
What characters would y'all like to see Blizzard make into statues? I'd love a Mercy statue, personally. And a lot of the emotes for the characters would make nice statue poses.

06-01-2016, 08:58 PM
Right now I want Genji.

I think Reinhardt and Mercy would be the next best. But the truth is they are all good characters.

06-01-2016, 09:01 PM
Right now I want Genji.

I think Reinhardt and Mercy would be the next best. But the truth is they are all good characters.

True, but I think some would need better poses than others to make a nice statue. I feel like McCree would need an action pose for an interesting statue while Mercy would have a nice statue just standing with her wings extended.

Either way, Blizzard needs more to go with Tracer! And all the info about Tracer on the box seems like it would be indicative of multiple statues being made.

06-01-2016, 10:44 PM
What characters would y'all like to see Blizzard make into statues? I'd love a Mercy statue, personally. And a lot of the emotes for the characters would make nice statue poses.

Zenyatta, Widowmaker, Pharah

06-01-2016, 11:03 PM
For all the DS fans, F4F released a sneak picture of Sif. Can't post image atm but I'm sure someone can or I will later.

06-01-2016, 11:06 PM
For all the DS fans, F4F released a sneak picture of Sif. Can't post image atm but I'm sure someone can or I will later.

Any thoughts on what it might cost?

06-01-2016, 11:34 PM
For all the DS fans, F4F released a sneak picture of Sif. Can't post image atm but I'm sure someone can or I will later.

https://scontent-lga3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t1.0-9/13346874_10153668860571732_4774692969924177278_n.j pg?oh=1bc197d8607e1a3b839f1e1c6a85a826&oe=57D71E6A