Hello world!

Welcome to CollectorsEdition.org!

My name is TwistedSymphony, but you may refer to me as TS. I’m a collector of sorts. I’ve always been enamored with collecting things. I’ve also always had a strong love for console games. Combined I’ve begun to grow my collection of “Special”, “Limited”, “Collector’s”, and other “Edition” games. Basically any non-standard version of a console game released with the word “Edition” in the title is of interest to me.

This is not a blog, but I hope to grow this site into the foremost resource on the subject of Collector’s Edition games, delivering in-depth info on the various Editions that have been released in the past and providing news on the various Editions that are scheduled to be released in the future.

I will start with my own collection of games which are mostly games from the Xbox brand consoles in the NTSC region; providing pictures and information. I hope to grow this site beyond myself so if this is a topic that interests you and you’re from another region of the world, or collect games from another brand of consoles, and are willing to help out: please let me know. I’d love to hear from you. Similarly if you find any of the information provided here to be incomplete or incorrect, let me know. Ensuring that the information here is complete and correct is of the utmost importance to me.

Thanks for stopping by, sit back, and enjoy your stay.


  1. tareqsaudi:
    hey i would like to help you to bring to the world!! the joy of Limited editions=)

  2. twistedsymphony:
    use the “contribute!” link up top to shoot me an email and let me know how you’d like to help.

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