February 7th, 2008 Michael Pica
My man in the PAL region Grim picked up his copy of the Devil May Cry 4 Collector’s Edition today, snapped some photos and sent them to me to share here. Contrary to my previous assumption it would seem that while the PAL region did get completely different case art they also only got one disc and a paperback art book.

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February 6th, 2008 Michael Pica
I picked up my NTSC copy of Devil May Cry 4 Collector’s Edition for Xbox 360 today. Since it was a pre-order through Gamestop I also received a nice art book as a bonus. Unfortunately I was not one of the lucky ones who got an autographed copy.

Overall I must say I’m a bit disappointed with it. It’s your basic steel book case with an extra DVDs worth of content, and then the first disc of the animated series comes in a bi-fold cardboard slip cover that is simply shoved under main cases plastic slip cover. Had this been priced at the normal $69.99 for a CE I would say it’s above average but they charged a whole extra $20 over the regular edition. I realize they consider the Anime disc worth $25 but anyone who shops around could find it new for under $15 and that’s with a full real case. As usual the nice artbook thrown in by Gamestop made the bonus price pill a little easier to swallow but I would have received that even if I pre-ordered the regular version and unlike Assassin’s Creed the DMC4 case really doesn’t give me any place to put the Anime DVD or the artbook.
The PS3 version of the CE is essentially the same, and I suspect the PAL versions are also similar but with different case art and without the Anime disc.
If anyone has an autographed copy of the game, for either 360 or PS3 and is willing to part with it please let me know, in the mean time I’ll be watching eBay. I wont pay an astronomical price for it but I think it would be nice to have pictures of one for CEO here and I wouldn’t mind having it in my collection.
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February 5th, 2008 Michael Pica
Capcom’s Devil May Cry 4: Collector’s Edition (NTSC) for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 is released today to all major retailers in North America with an MSRP of about $80.
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January 23rd, 2008 Michael Pica
Recent online retailer listings in Europe and Australia have details listed for the upcoming release of Devil May Cry 4 Collector’s Edition. Unlike the fully loaded NTSC release the PAL region release will offer steel book packing and a “signed” (likely by a printer) Art Book. The NTSC version is slated to include a larger tin case, as well as the first disc of the Devil May Cry animated series and a soundtrack disc in addition to other goodies.

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January 18th, 2008 Michael Pica
Capcom has announced that 200 copies of the Devil May Cry 4 Collector’s Edition have been hand signed by DMC4 producer Hiroyuki Kobayashi (also producer of Resident Evil 4) himself. Not satisfied with the amount of extra goodies packed in with the upcoming Collector’s Edition they pulled 100 copies of the Xbox 360 version and 100 copies of the PS3 version to be signed resealed and randomly redistributed among the games going out for sale “Golden Ticket” style.
The signature appears in silver marker on the back of the case over Dante’s Shoulder with Kobayashi-san’s name written in Roman-ji (Japanese words with “Roman”/English style lettering). The placement of the signature was chosen because it will be hidden by the slipcover that goes over the case. This way no one will know which games have been signed until the seal is broken and the slip cover is removed.

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