Collector’s Edition Forums is proud to announce that we now have community forums available. What started as a simple database of collector’s Edition games has been growing and we felt that in order for the community to truly flourish a forum was needed.

The forums have been integrated into the main site such that your comments on news posts will now be handled by the forums, also if you had previously registered on the main site in order to post comments, then there is no need for you to register on the forums as your account information has been transferred over.  (UPDATE:  Some are reporting that the forum wont accept their password, if this happens simply use the Forgot Password feature and have the forum reset it for you, contact us if you experience any problems after that)

This is just the beginning of the new and exciting features we hope to be able to bring you, we certainly have more planned so stay tuned.



  1. throwingks:
    Awesome. This is a great addition to the site.

    I like it.

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