May 12th, 2012 Michael Pica
I’m going to be producing a one time run of t-shirts. These will come sealed with a numbered certificate. I will only be producing 50 of these shirts however we may increase that up to 100 depending on demand between now and April 20th. If you would like to buy one please post in the official t-shirt thread in the forum. Be sure to include whether you want a men’s or woman’s cut shirt, what size you would like, and if you have a number preference, what number you would like. There is no time frame or pricing yet as the planning is still very early, though it will likely be two or more months and expect the pricing to be slightly more than your typical t-shirt due to the special packaging that these will receive. I will post more details once I have them.
The design will be a metallic print on a black shirt, this may change depending on the capability of the printer.

Where did this design come from?
Back in 2008 I commissioned a graphics designer acquaintance of mine to develop a new logo for the site, he came up with 3 concepts. The logo you see on the shirt above was one of them. I liked this better than the other logos although it didn’t work well with the layout and color style of the site. I decided that I would hold on to the design anyway and use it for a t-shirt some time later. As time went on the idea of making it a limited run grew in my mind. Here we area nearly 4 years later and now feels like the right time.
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June 8th, 2011 Michael Pica
Mike here, if you don’t know me I’m the guy who started It’s fairly rare that I use the Collectors Edition news feed to speak candidly but I thought it would be a good idea to let everyone know the kinds of improvements we’ve made to the site recently, and the kinds of things you can expect in the near future.
A brief history:
I started because, as a collector of CE video game releases, I was frustrated that there was no good single source for information on the subject. I also had a hard time finding other collectors like me online. I had a lot of experience building applications with PHP and Database design so I had a “If I build it, they will come” mentality when I started CE.o
This has proven so, as we now have several hundred regularly active users in our forum and a small dedicated team of “DB Proprietors” who have done some awesome work adding and updating the releases in our database. This has been beneficial as I’ve been able to dedicate more time to adding new features here to the site instead of spending all of my time just trying to keep up with information about the various CEs out there.
Recently Added:
A short while ago we started adding CEs from last generation consoles: GameCube, Playstation 2, and Xbox 1. More recently I’ve made modifications to the database to support PC CEs as well as portables such as the PSP, DS, and 3DS. I know these kinds of additions were on the tops of a lot of our member’s wish lists for the site.
While these sections have been created they are still missing a lot of content. You can help us by fleshing out the details in any of the appropriate topics in the forum. We don’t typically add anything to the database unless we have solid verifiable information to go by. Legible photographs of the game box (especially the back) is usually the best piece of information we could receive.
I’ve also been able to clean up a lot of the existing functionality making the site easier to navigate and easier to read, as well as a number of improvement in the forum. If you haven’t noticed we also have a Facbook Page as well as a Twitter Feed and a YouTube Channel so people can keep up on the CE.o news in ways that best suit them.
Coming Soon:
We plan on making better utilization of the various social networks as time goes forward. I feel this is an essential part of CE.o as the most important aspect of the site is bringing together game collectors from every corner of the world, there is no better way to do that than to reach out as far as we can.
Perhaps the most anticipated upcoming feature is the “My Collection” feature. Next to expanding the platforms covered by our database, this has been the most requested feature for the site. I plan to have it up and running within the next month. Once available you will be able to create a virtual game collection here on CE.o Not only will it help you keep track of which CEs you have in your collection but it will let you maintain a wish list for CEs you would like to add to your collection, mark certain CEs in your collection as available for sale, and keep track of things such as when the game was added to your collection and how much you originally paid for it, as well as other associated features.
I really hope you’re as excited to use these new features as I am to deliver them.
Going Forward:
I would also like to thank all of you for making CE.o what it is today, if it weren’t for people spreading the word about this site, and helping to fill the holes in the database by providing your awesome knowledge about the CEs out there CE.o wouldn’t be half the site it is today. This kind of support is vital to our continued growth and always appreciated.
As always, I would love to hear you ideas for things that you feel would make CE.o better, so please, if you have an idea, let me know by posting up in our forum.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, and helping make CE.o the site it is today.
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December 19th, 2010 Michael Pica
If you’re a fan of what we do here on but forget to check back here for updates then you’re in luck. We now have our own Facbook Page as well as our own Twitter account. Liking our Facebook Page or Following us on twitter you’ll be able to see all of our news updates automatically appear in your Facebook or Twitter news feeds. So please if you’re on either of those sites add us and tell your friends.
As time goes on we hope to add even more features and integration with sites like these so stay tuned.
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December 16th, 2010 Michael Pica
Looking through the release list for this year it seems that there are no more CE releases scheduled for the remainder of 2010, it’s time we look back at what CEs were released throughout 2010 and honor those that stand out. Read the rest of this entry »
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