Two CEs announced for Bioshock Infinite
Irrational Games recently announced two Collector’s Editions for the upcoming Bioshock Infinite.
The Premium Edition will retail for about $80 USD and includes:
- a 64 page “Art of Columbia” hard cover artbook
- a 25mm resin-cast handyman figure
- a “Devils Kiss” Lithograph
- a 3 inch resin-cast hand-painted “Murder of Crows” keychain
- a Digital Soundtrack download
- a three exclusive in-game power-ups
- a additional exclusive dlc (costumes for the Xbox 360 and themes for the PC and PS3)
The Ultimate Edition will retail for $150 USD and includes everything from the Premium Edition in addition to a limited “Songbird Statue”. Designed by Robb Waters (concept artist at Irrational Games) the Songbird Statue is resin-cast, hand-painted and stands 9.75″ tall.
Bioshock Infinite along with these two editions are scheduled for release on Xbox 360, PS3 and PC on February 26th 2013. Additional info and detailed photos of all included items can be found on the official website.
I'll just hope for a steelbook.
I am not sure if pay 70USD only for statue ?? :/
This is gorgeous. Can't wait
Yessshhhhhhh I hate statues but I love this one. Ultimate edition please.
PD: Hey Irrational Games, where's my ultra nationalist columbia flag!!!!
Yes $80 including the statue then read further down and the mysterious hefty price tag appeared like magic.
I was waiting for this annoucement for a long time! Beatiful editions, especially ultimate one. However I'm quite dissapointed with packaging. I was expecting something special - like fan made old school traveler's suitcase, really special concept. Anyway I'll wait for price check here in Czech rep. and will decide which one.
in the US the price of Bioshock 2 collectors edition crashed hard.that two was said to be "limited edition"..not sure if paying full upfront is a good idea.
i hope futureshop comes up with a steelbook offer for this game.
not sure, but I think I will pass this :/
Screw it I'm waiting for the price to be $60 for that statue mwahahahha
Now Available for preorder from eb games Australia both versions all platforms
Yeah just pre-ordered the PS3 Ultimate Songbird Edition from EB despite the hefty $168 price tag.
Hope assassin's creed 3 turns out to be a crappy game so I can save money for this premium edition lol.. Though I don't think it is going to happen...
Well you might a chance for a cheaper price when the holiday season comes around, its less than 2 months after the game releases
Edit: I thought I'm on the AC thread sorry
yeah I've also preordered this but im not sure if this will end up plummeting like the last bioshock edition.
Another limited CE from 2K Games? I'll pass
I always have a feeling when i dont pre order CE, it wont bomb and actually sell out...
Nice! Thanks for helping me decide to let go of my savings lol