Brink Special Edition, another not so special Edition have listed Brink Special Edition for pre-order. The item description states that the Brink Special Edition includes the following in-game packs:
- In-game DOOM pack: Bulpdaun SMG skins, Cacodemon body tattoo, two DOOM t-shirts, two DOOM caps
- In-game Spec Ops pack: Hockler machine pistol, Sloani mask, greeneye scope, dogtag tattoo
According to the website listing, the game is set for release on the 5th of May 2011 for a price of £39.99
Bah. The Usual DLC stuff
The art concept for this game is really interesting, but I was hoping for some more... physical items in the special/collector's edition.
This is just..... *snore*.....
Oh, for fuck's sake! Bloody micro-DLC special editions should be fucking banned. Total waste of time and money.
I'm with you guys! Why can't they just include this stuff in the game as standard to begin with? What possible use is this stuff to a collector in a few years time? These publishers are so ANTI-COLLECTOR and don't want us to have anything. As soon as they decide to stop supporting the game, this DLC becomes worthless
Take a look on the other side of the planet:
Good god in heaven, whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy they always get the cool CE's? Time to move my stuff to australia!
There's the link to pre-order: ZELDA
I really hope splashdamage will make another CE for europe or UK only, I don't care. I mean, it's not a EA CE's, is it?
Another Australian release that is superior to the rest of the PAL regions, I steelbook looks quite nice aswell.
Thanks for the heads up Anjelaoni.
I think i may get A aussie to get me both shiro and this and send them together