Ice-T Unboxes Gears of War 3 Lancer and CE Console
Following close on the heals of last week’s Uncharted 3 unboxing starring Nolan North we receive yet another star powered and surprisingly entertaining unboxing video, this time staring Rapper and TV Star Ice-T.
I actually enjoy these kind of unboxing videos by the voice actors. They're really down to Earth, and nice to see that these guys are gamers and collectors the same as any of us!
It's also great to see these guys talking about the CE's unscripted and impromptu not sure about the Nolan North one, but it seems genuine enough, rather than scripted)! I think I prefer to see these kind of unboxing videos over the official promo videos and retailer videos which usually surface prior to release
Ice-T is cool, and always will be in my opinion. It's great that he voices so many games, and I love how he is so on the level and gives his fans and followers exactly what he knows they want!
Now all we need is a Tank Girl game, and a sexy Tank Girl Xbox console featuring Ripper artwork, and I'll be happy!
Where is Coco with her "un-boxing" video ?
haha class video
" aaaah shit, this is taped"
kinhell ice, what you expect mate? superglue
Hehe Ice T is bad ass.
is the lancer NA gamestop exclusive?
that gun is massive but i cringed when he just casually tossed the box to one side lol
isn't that the GOW2 lancer? I thought they were releasing the "retro" lancer for GOW3...
AFAIK the US is getting this one...
...and UK/AUS are getting this one.
I kinda like the US version, but what can you do? Im stuck with the Aus edition....
AFAIK the US is getting this one...
...and UK/AUS are getting this one.
Nah, the gold one is Gangsta!
I kinda wished we would've gotten the normal lancer at first, but after seeing the gold one more and more it has grown on me, not that I have much choice.
aww man, so tempting to get both versions
EDIT: Can we still get the Chainsaw one locally? I wanted to get one when they came out but they were $200 then. These new ones are cheaper.
Real pic of "Gold" Lancer, not as shiny as promo pics
I called my local Gametraders (Fountain Gate in Vic) and they told me they had sold out of the gold versions, and were only taking orders for the black version.. Kind of left me confused as to whether or not the gold one is rarer...