October 8th, 2017 Michael Pica
The news page here on CollectorsEdition.org hasn’t seen much action in a while, but I received a phone call from one of the first industry contacts I made through this site. He was reminded of, and wanted to tell me, a little story that I’m sure most collectors will find interesting. You see Dave used to work for Scanavo; the company that manufactures SteelBooks; he recalled a story about when they were working on the first SteelBook to be released for the Wii: Cursed Mountain Limited Edition.

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July 22nd, 2010 Michael Pica
Edge Magazine posted up an interview with James Glover. He works for Fluid Design, a company that makes Collector’s Edition release as well as press kits.

The interview covers a lot of topics, to the staff behind the packaging to the kind of work that goes into it, and the costs involved. It’s worth a read if you’re interested in a behind-the-scenes look at CE and Press Kit packaging.
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January 4th, 2010 Michael Pica
GameSetWatch has an interview with Justin Carroll (who worked on Modern Warfare 2’s box) about what goes into designing box art. Interesting stuff for those of us who love the Collector’s Edition packaging and the extras they entail.
As elaborate packaging becomes more prevalent, does it still stand out?
JC: … More elaborate packaging communicates a deeper story about the game, and also connects to the passion the gamers and developers share about the game. To me it’s about authenticity. We created the collectors edition packaging for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. The Mythic/EA teams sweated over every tiny detail of that package with us, and that really shows in the final results. You can’t bullshit a core audience.
Also, the majority of packaging on the shelf is still in the 1st party templates, so the elaborate Collectors packs grab your attention. If you had a hundred Collectors Editions sitting on the same shelf it would be a different story.
Does that create an arms race, in effect, where packaging becomes more elaborate? Some things we’ve seen in limited editions are a bit ridiculous.
JC: I guess it does start an arms race but still, if it’s an authentic experience it adds value. There comes a point though where the economics will stop supporting it.
… with the killer AAA titles it will always make sense. Look at Infinity Ward’s “unboxing” video for Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2: Prestige Edition on YouTube (we did the packaging). Over three million views to date. Obviously someone thinks that over-the-top package offers something valuable.
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Justin Carroll, who worked on Modern Warfare 2‘s box
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