Child of Light (Limited Edition)

Platform: Playstation 4 Edition: (Limited Edition) Format: Japan
Published by Ubisoft
Released in Japan on May 01, 2014 at a price of ¥2,138

The Limited Edition of Child of Light – チャイルド オブ ライト comes packaged in a cardboard box and in addition to the digital version of the game includes the following content:

  • 天野喜孝氏描き下ろしポスター – A2 Poster designed by Yoshitaka Amano
  • ART BOOK 24ページ  – 24 page artbook
  • ボーナスダウンロードコンテンツ(ゴーレムの苦しみパック、闇のオーロラパック) – Bonus Digital Content (Dark Aurora Customization Pack & Golem Pack)

The Deluxe Edition of Child of Light comes with a cross-buy option meaning that you are able to play on both platforms (PS3 & PS4) at no additional cost.

Child of Light Limited Edition


  1. Letrico:
    Full Game Name: Child of Light
    Edition Name: Deluxe Edition
    Platform(s): PC/PS3/PS4
    Region(s): Europe
    Publisher: Ubisoft
    Release Date: 30th April 2014
    Price (RRP): ?
    Bar Code: (if known)
    Package Description:
    Content Description:


    The official Deluxe Box
    Digital version of the game
    The exclusive lightening Igniculus key ring
    A 24 page artbook with unrevealed artworks
    An exclusive A2 Poster designed by Yoshitaka Amano
    Bonus Digital Content

    The Golem Pack: free the golem during an additional quest and make him join your party as an additional character!
    The Dark Aurora Customization Pack: an exclusive Dark Skin for Aurora and a pack of runes to improve your skills.

    Link(s) to source(s):
    Other Info/Pics:

    Seems like this edition is exclusive to UK and EMEA regions in Europe only.

  2. Dan:
    Awesome! I was disappointed this was going to be a PSN/Xbox Live release only but with a proper CE.... i'm definitely getting this

  3. Redmagster:
    Wow check out the artbook

    I'm with you on that one Dan

  4. toxicatom5:
    I will patiently await an announcement for the US....

  5. ceaddiction1228:
    I think I should pick this up . . That looks awesome

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  6. ceaddiction1228:
    Can anyone tell me how much this is seeing as I can't find any sites that sell it

    Edit: the digital content will I have access to that No right because I would need a EU account

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  7. Dan:
    Originally Posted by ceaddiction1228 View Post
    Can anyone tell me how much this is seeing as I can't find any sites that sell it

    Edit: the digital content will I have access to that No right because I would need a EU account

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  8. Letrico:
    I've been digging all the sites as well. GameUK, AmazonUK, ubishopUK. No listing appeared yet.

  9. ceaddiction1228:
    Originally Posted by Dan View Post
    1) its a uk release only so I assume you cant buy on us ps store.

    2) I want a solid copy not digital lol.

    3) looks like ill be waiting patiently

    Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk

  10. Dan:
    its a uk release only so I assume you cant buy on us ps store.

    I heard it was going to be released for the US as a Download only until this was posted.

    2) I want a solid copy not digital lol.

    This CE will not have a solid copy either if you see the picture it says "digital download" so instead of buying it twice you can download the DLC using an UK PSN account

    3) looks like ill be waiting patiently

    This probably wont be released in the states... (I could be wrong)

  11. ceaddiction1228:
    Well what I meant by solid copy was that the box and stuff you get with this, aka in hand type CE. The game is digital which I do understand but this CE is just too nice for me to want to say no to. Until I find out the price eventually lol

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  12. Letrico:
    Seems like ANZ region is getting the CE too. Waiting patiently for the price

  13. Artemisthemp:
    Looking forward to getting mine

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  14. NikeFerrari:
    I hope it won't be a Ubistore exclusive. Otherwise, we will need a group buy!

  15. Artemisthemp:
    Originally Posted by NikeFerrari View Post
    I hope it won't be a Ubistore exclusive. Otherwise, we will need a group buy!
    It won't be, because their no option for PS4 or PS3 digital Deluxe Edition

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  16. Vikingo82:
    A totally must have occidental RPG...

    Will grab a copy for sure...

    A collector edition with no phisical game....interesting....

    Will be the future of CE's???

    Really like the idea...

  17. canuckcollector:

    Japan is getting this too. Just NA is excluded?

  18. Artemisthemp:
    Originally Posted by canuckcollector View Post

    Japan is getting this too. Just NA is excluded?
    PC version ain't region lock is it?

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  19. Ayiu:
    Big meh for no X1 version

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