Dishonored (Future Shop Steelbook Edition)

Platform: PC Edition: (Future Shop Steelbook Edition) Format: DVD-ROM
Published by Bethesda
Released in Canada on Oct 09, 2012 at a price of $59.99

The Future Shop SteelBook Edition of Dishonored is an empty G1 sized SteelBook included alongside the standard Edition of the game.


This Steelbook is exclusively available for pre-order at Future Shop Canada


  1. Letrico:
    Full Game Name: Dishonored
    Edition Name: Special Edition
    Platform(s): PS3/XBOX360/PC
    Region(s): Australia
    Publisher: Bethesda
    Release Date: 11/10/2012
    Price (RRP): AUD 88/88/68
    Bar Code: (if known)
    Package Description: Metal Pak, Tarot Card, DLC
    Content Description: Arcane Assassin DLC Pack:
    -Void Channel - Powers duration/damage bonus
    -White Rad Friend - White rats will not be hostile
    -Gutter Feast - White rat consumption for mana
    -Whale in-game statue - unlocks one additional slot for bone charm bonuses (start with an extra slot earlier on. Also includes book and 500 coins)

    Link(s) to source(s):
    Other Info/Pics:

    Unfortunate it's a metal pak. Why is steelbook releases are getting lesser and lesser?

  2. comaamen86:
    nice,uk hopefully aus seem to get exclusives like this though

  3. themidlandmaster:

    Can see this getting bargain binned

  4. Bloodman:
    only some card and tin? meh

  5. Neilikki:
    This is only for Australia ?

  6. Letrico:
    yes only australia as it is EB games AU exclusive. We've been getting tons of Metal Pak exclusives. Makes me sad its not steelbook

  7. Neilikki:
    Too bad, importing from Australia is a real pain even more if the shop refuses to send things outside ;x

  8. Letrico:
    Lol neilikki, you can always find someone to import to you, there are a few that does it including me.

  9. Neilikki:
    Yeah, but... Shipping costs from Australia are really high on top of game prices itself being high.
    Maybe if price drop...

  10. Javius:
    In Game.Uk is available but i think without steelbook, if you can confirm it?

  11. Madigan:
    Yeah, looks like the UK special edition only includes the tarot cards and some DLC

  12. comaamen86:
    Originally Posted by Javius View Post
    In Game.Uk is available but i think without steelbook, if you can confirm it?
    yeh i think that is what it is, tarot cards no steel, i have it on order but im hoping uk gets a better edition

  13. adam1289:
    Can't believe this actually sold out completely. Was certain it would end up in the bargain bin

  14. Dreamcazman:
    Originally Posted by adam1289 View Post
    Can't believe this actually sold out completely. Was certain it would end up in the bargain bin
    Shit, it has too, glad I got my preorder in.

  15. vhal_x:
    Yeah, I noticed this yesterday. So gutted Was hoping to pick this up at some point xx

  16. Letrico:
    I knew this would happen lol. usually EB exclusive doesnt get much amount if there is not much order 1-2 month before. Judging by the amount of sales they probably stopped production of it and end up limited amount of it.

    If anyone really want it I could try grab some if I found any in my local EB. Usually they have some left.

  17. Dreamcazman:
    Originally Posted by Letrico View Post
    If anyone really want it I could try grab some if I found any in my local EB. Usually they have some left.
    That's a good idea. The manager at my EB is a good friend so I can see what I can do too, can't promise anything though.

  18. vhal_x:
    How much are they? I'd maybe be interested in one if it's possible xx

  19. Dreamcazman:
    Originally Posted by vhal_x View Post
    How much are they? I'd maybe be interested in one if it's possible xx
    $88AUD + postage.

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