Fallout New Vegas Collector's Edition
Platform: PC
Edition: Collector's Edition
Format: DVD-ROM
Published by Bethesda
Released in Asia on Oct 19, 2010 at a price of $69.99
Published by Bethesda
Released in Asia on Oct 19, 2010 at a price of $69.99
The Collector’s Edition of Fallout New Vegas comes in a large box and includes the following:
- A set of “Lucky 7” Poker Chips each from a different casino in New Vegas
- A Fallout: New Vegas Deck of cards
- A Lucky 38 Platinum Chip
- The hard cover Graphic Novel “All Roads” written by Chris Avellone in conjunction with Dark Horse Comics.
- “The Making of Fallout New Vegas” Documentary DVD
I'm sure you already saw this but here you go:
This one is looking pretty sweet if you ask me.
My local gamestop just called me to tell me
Definitely looks sweet.
They used to call me until I started working there... Jerks.
I am a fan of the series. So this is a buy for me. Most likely I will pick up the PC version due to the fact you can add mod.
That looks the business, obvious purchase for me.
added (finally
photos added...
I should note that while this only has a handful of poker chips, they're much better quality than the ones included with the Dead Rising 2 High Stakes Edition
Picked it up tonight. The stupid thing is my preorder from Gamestop website is listed as Backordered. I was pissed. So I decided to head to Gamestop and found the last Xbox360 CE copy. All in all I am waiting for the PC version Collector edition, but Xbox360 is nice to have.
I tried to order from Gamestop as well. Is Bethesda making more, or is that pretty much it? I don't remember Fallout 3 CE's being all that rare.
Sorry to double post, but gamestop.com has more CE's in stock, it seems.
I wonder if thats from pre-orders that didn't pick up or if they actually got more in...
Got the UK edition of this CE today in the mail. Apparently, they're limited to 8950, according to the sticker on the front.
is that total world-wide. UK only? 360 only?
always great to have numbers like that but it helps if there is context.
Not sure, truth be told. It says UK Collector's Edition #4524 of 8950, so I'm guessing it's limited in the UK to 8950 copies, but I don't know if it's only for the Xbox 360 or PS3 too.
My copy was the PS3 version it was numbered out of 6650, not sure why the Xbox version had more copies.
awesome info guys
I just picked one of these up recently, and I must say that I'm very pleased. It's an atrractively themed package, and I like the weight of the poker chips.
Full Game Name: Fallout: New Vegas Ultimate Edition
Edition Name: Ultimate Edition
Platform(s): Xbox 360, No idea if there is a ps3 version
Region(s): NA, PAL
Release Date: NA Feb 7th. EU Feb 10th
Price (RRP):
Bar Code: (if known)
Package Description:
Content Description: This bundle will include the main game and all of the DLC expansions: "Dead Money", "Honest Hearts", "Old World Blues", "Lonesome Road", "Courier's Stash" and "Gun Runner's Arsenal"
Link(s) to source(s): http://www.trueachievements.com/n621...n-incoming.htm
Other Info/Pics:
I got all excited for a minute then for a CE