Rayman Legends (SteelBook Edition)

Platform: PC Edition: (SteelBook Edition)
Format: DVD-ROM
Published by Ubisoft
Released in France on Aug 29, 2013 at a price of €29.99
Released in Czech Republic on Aug 30, 2013 at a price of Kc649

This release of Rayman Legends comes with the Standard Edition of the game bundled alongside an empty G1 SteelBook case.

rayman legends steelbook edition

Pre-Orders on Playman.cz include a Rayman Legends Notebook.
Rayman Legends Notebook

Other games with Collector's Edition releases from the
Rayman franchise.


  1. KianRockz:
    Full Game Name: Rayman Legends
    Edition Name: Rayman Legends Steelbook Edition
    Platform(s): WiiU
    Region(s): PAL
    Publisher: Ubisoft
    Release Date: 28.02.2013
    Price (RRP): 49.99
    Bar Code: (if known)
    Package Description: Probably Game + Steelbook
    Content Description: Steelbook + (Dlc?)
    Link(s) to source(s): http://www.micromania.fr/vente/achat...0567-WIIU.html
    Other Info/Pics:

  2. OniRyo:
    Thanks for the link, do you know if they pay up in front?.

  3. Ayiu:
    Originally Posted by OniRyo View Post
    Thanks for the link, do you know if they pay up in front?.
    as far as I'm aware, Micromania.fr does not ship outside of France.

  4. OniRyo:
    Originally Posted by Ayiu View Post
    as far as I'm aware, Micromania.fr does not ship outside of France.
    Ah alright, well, atleast i might have someone willing to help me out here.

    But do you have to pay up in front at this website?.

  5. Ayiu:
    According to their buying conditions they charge you within 6 days after you placed your pre-order.

    "Les paiements sont encaisses en totalite sous 6 jours des la pre-commande passee."

    Edit: The amount is also fully refundable.

  6. OniRyo:
    Originally Posted by Ayiu View Post
    According to their buying conditions they charge you within 6 days after you placed your pre-order.

    "Les paiements sont encaisses en totalite sous 6 jours des la pre-commande passee."

    Edit: The amount is also fully refundable.
    Thanks a lot!.

  7. Ayiu:
    Originally Posted by OniRyo View Post
    Thanks a lot!.
    You're welcome and sry for not answering your question the first time. But most people are no longer interested in any payment details if they hear that the shop will not ship internationally.

  8. OniRyo:
    Originally Posted by Ayiu View Post
    You're welcome and sry for not answering your question the first time. But most people are no longer interested in any payment details if they hear that the shop will not ship internationally.
    Haha, no worries, i came a bit on the wrong side with that question right away, so that's why i editted my post. Didn't mean it that way!.

  9. Flackjack:
    Is this game only for Wii u?are you kidding me?Me and my friends had a blast playing Origins this better come out to ps3/xbox and pc somewhere,I remember seeing the trailer some months ago when it was announced and they spoke about other platforms.
    In any case I need this steel,looks amazing =|

  10. Twisted:
    please show us real life pics when u do get it ryaku..thank u!

  11. Ryaku:
    no problem

  12. Darkness157:
    I would buy the PS3 version but idk if it will have a G2 size of Rayman Legends :/

  13. Twisted:
    another forum confirmed via ubisoft G1 ONLY

  14. Platfus:
    And HMV is getting it as well. PS3 and X360 versions.

  15. mosavon:
    **Posts Moved**



  16. mosavon:
    ** Steelbook Edition for PS3, Xbox 360, Wii U & PC added to database **

  17. Platfus:
    *** Rayman Legends (Steelbook Edition) (PC) [DVD-ROM] Notebook Pre-Order bonus added to the Database ***

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