View Full Version : Wanted Items

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  1. Anybody have a spare XBox Live trial code they don't need
  2. [WTB] Full Metal Alchemist DVD Volumes 11, 12 & 13
  3. WTB Assassins Creed 3 Art Book Limited edition (500 copies)
  4. Ezio Hot Toys
  5. [WTB] Sytem Box only and Reproduction box (SNES EURO)
  6. WTB: All Asura's Wrath Items
  7. Heroes VI CE
  8. Wanted - Steelbook - far cry 3
  9. Missing Assassin's Creed editions
  10. Steelbooks Wanted
  11. Assassins creed 3 join or die
  12. Looking for Need for Speed Steelbooks
  13. Want Brink, Dead Island 1, Rage Steelbook
  14. WTB Lollipop Chainsaw Press Kit
  15. Looking For Any Nice 360 Steelbooks
  16. And finally.... , my wanted list of steels!
  17. Want kingdom of amalur reckoning signature edition ps3
  18. Need help from an Aussie
  19. Fallout New Vegas collectors edition
  20. WTB: Banjo Kazooie/tooie rareware Promo merch
  21. Assassin's Creed press kits
  22. Hi, I?m from Spain!!!!
  23. Bleach: Soul Resurreccion / Bleach Soul Ignition Press Kit
  24. Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Bundle Box
  25. Assassins Creed Figures
  26. Lookinf for Dragon age steelbook
  27. Wanted: Collectors Edition Xbox/PS3 games, pokemon gamecube, Blu Ray Steelbooks
  28. ps3 EU CEs wanted
  29. J Veron's Wanted Items
  30. Far Cry 3 Monkey Business DLC.
  31. WTB: Assassin's Creed Prints
  32. Naughty Dog Items
  33. My Wanted Items
  34. GTA Vice City and Portal 2 Rubik's Cube
  35. Wanted - Little big planet bookends
  36. Assassins Creed Revelation Ubisoft Prints
  37. forza limited esition
  38. Official Waiting List AC Prints
  39. Collectors Editions wanted
  40. Wanted G2 Battlefield 3 steelbook
  41. WTB: World of Warcraft CE
  42. Want to buy Mask of Assassin's Creed 2
  43. Farcry 3 ULC codes
  44. PS3 Agarest Generations of War Collectors Edition Sealed Wanted
  45. Assassin's Creed and Farcry russian editions
  46. Assassin's Creed and Farcry russian editions
  47. Want to buy Assassin's Creed 2 Launch kit and AC3 Launch kit
  48. WTB 4 x Australian Exclusives - Please help :-(
  49. Wanted : Tales of the Abyss 3DS NTSC + Resident Evil 2 Gamecube NTSC
  50. Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Auditore Edition
  51. Wanted Uncharted CE's and press kits
  52. Empire and Napoleon Total War
  53. Kian's wanted Steelbooks!
  54. Wtb farcry 3 steelbook
  55. Assassins Creed Collectable Items Wanted!
  56. WTB DMC Premium Edition Hoodie
  57. Enslaved odyssey to the west diorama/statue
  58. Ni No Kuni Steelbook
  59. Uncharted Esc toys wanted
  60. My Wanted Items
  61. Assassin's Creed III 3 Connor Kenway Early Concept Art Print
  62. Steelbook Wanted : Ni no Kuni
  63. Want to buy
  64. Top two steelbooks wanted!!!
  65. to buy/manhunt 2 (pc)
  66. Wanted Steelbooks
  67. Ni No Kuni Wizard's Edition USA Version
  68. Tales of Symphonia
  69. Dead Space III Dev Team Edition for Pc
  70. Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ClubNamco Wizard's Edition
  71. [WANTED] Halo Reach Press Kit
  72. Wanted Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition (NTSC)
  73. Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition USA
  74. Assassins Creed brotherhood Gift edition
  75. Dead Island: Riptide Survivor Edition stuff
  76. Wanted Fallout 1+2 Original package Mint condition
  77. WANTED: DS3 and Crysis 3 FS Steelbooks
  78. Twisted Metal merchandise
  79. Wanted: Assassins Creed CE PS3 slipcover or box
  80. WTB: Rez, Jet Set Radio, and Space Channel 5 Games Merch and Swag
  81. WTB: rare Gran Turismo titles
  82. WTB: Any Fallout Or Elder Scrolls Promotional Items
  83. Gimme all the steelbooks you got!
  84. Item Wishlist
  85. WTB: PS3 Slim Faulty Swap for Press Kit or Cash
  86. Seeking: Ni No Kuni items
  87. URGENT! Looking to buy DMC Steelbook
  88. Faith's Messenger Bag
  89. WTB - Dead Space 3 FS Steelbook
  90. WTB a KIMI RAIKKONEN 1/2 scale 2012 helmet
  91. WTB G2 Nano Edition Steelbook
  92. G2 Nano edition
  93. Heavy Rain Collectors Edition UK SEALED !! AND PRESS KIT
  94. Farcry 3 steelbook australia or germany
  95. Seeking the "EZIO Developers Limited Bust of Assassin's creed revelations"
  96. WTB : NG / Rtro Hardware System Empty Box
  97. Wanted: Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper stuff
  99. comaamens stuff he would maybe like to own one day
  100. Want Tomb Raider steelbook G1 size
  101. Skyrim CE Guide
  102. WTB > Assassin's Creed Steelbooks
  103. Icewind Dale 2 Collectors edition
  104. Please Help. Want to Get Dead space 3 future shop steelbook
  105. Uncharted joypad and steel that jazzmartini was selling
  106. LBP Karting special/limited edition?
  107. Tomb Raider Steelbook to UK
  108. Sniper elite V2 Collectors edtion
  109. Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition COIN
  110. American Mcgee's Alice White Rabbit figure & other stuff
  111. Metal gear rising CE guide and Shinkawa steelbook
  112. Sylfaris stuff he wants for his path of world domination
  113. Wizardry
  114. LF Last of Us post pandemic edition
  115. Old games
  116. Dark Souls Press Kit (PS3)
  117. Want tomb raider steelbook
  118. Dead island Survivor Edition OR Limited Treasure + Assassins Creed Editions (SPAIN)
  119. Heavy Rain UK CE and Metal gear Rising PROMO edition ORIGINALS MGS POSTERS
  120. WTB Battlefield 3 Wake Island Lithograph
  121. wanted: Looking for Walking Dead CE (Telltale)
  122. Aselwyn1's Want to Buy: Assassins creed 3 and Simcity steelbook's and more
  123. Yakuza White PS3 (Wanted)
  124. Assassin'S Creed Wanted's
  125. WTB > Assassin's Creed DLC
  126. Aussie friends pls Help me find this!
  127. Can a Kiwi or Aussie help me?
  128. WTB DmC son of sparda edition content
  129. My wtb/must have list
  130. Silent Hill Homecoming Pyramid Head keyring
  131. WTB > Assassin's Creed Stuff (check inside)
  132. Ni no kuni anyone?
  133. WTB-Darksiders Press kit-Book of War & promo items
  134. Want: Cheap ce's
  135. WTB: GTA, ME, MGS, Steelbooks, more
  136. Playstation Plus 30-day trial code
  137. HELP WANTED from Italy!
  138. WTB: Futureshop Steels
  139. WTB Jak &Daxter 10th ann precursor orb statue, & Uncharted Drakes Fortune pax ring.
  140. God of War Ascension:Promo
  141. WTB: Dark cloud & Dark Chronicle Items
  142. Assassin's creed press kit
  143. Daniel's Wanted Thread
  144. Looking for Splinter Cell steelbooks!
  145. WTB / WTT Some Items
  146. Wanted more metal gear rare items
  147. [wtb]Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm steelbook
  148. Kian's wanted Steelbooks!
  149. looking for witcher
  150. E3 expo - 2001-2003.. Wanted item
  151. WTB GTA Stickers
  152. WTB Press Kits
  153. Dark Souls Press Kit
  154. WTB: Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Edition Dual Shock 3
  155. Want some kind of things
  156. WANT: Ratchet & Clank items
  157. Looking for new release Steelbooks!
  158. Iron throne artist proof
  159. WTB Tomb Raider Undeworld Ultimate Fan Pack Edition
  160. WTB Bioshock Infinite and more
  161. Assassins Creed Altair 10 Inch Request
  162. Fallout and Skyrim Lithographs
  163. OP RAINFALL. Xeno | Last | Pan
  164. Help with pre-ordering the AC 4 Black Flag Uplay Exclusive
  165. WTB Persona 4 Arena LE from Game
  166. WTB: Gears Of War Judgment Related Items
  167. 6 Inch Kratos Sackboy
  168. Want: AC2 Spanish, AC Anthology or Call of Duty 4 Stealbook
  169. Want: Uk xenoblade bundle wii
  170. Wanted items - trade prefered.
  171. WANTED: Myst V Press Kit and URU Press KIT
  172. [WTB] Steelbooks & EU Games (X360)
  173. Assassin's Creed russian editions
  174. Gears of War Judgement steelbook EB Australia
  175. Sylf's stuff he wants for his path of world domination
  176. want: bioshock infinite/zelda collectible
  177. Slip covers wanted
  178. Want List
  179. WANT: Any Official Bioshock related items
  180. Gran Turismo Items Wanted
  181. AC3 Midnight Launch Coin - Feedback.
  182. [Wanted] Dead Space stuff
  183. fink MFG steelbook
  184. Hi need kingdom of amalur reckoning signature edition ps3
  185. [Wanted}sly cooper and jak daxter stuff
  186. WTB: inFAMOUS Press Kit
  187. WANTED Risen 2 telescope promo item
  188. [b]Want To Buy[/b] Bioshock Infininte Midnight Launch Poster
  189. WTB Uncharted promo items
  190. [WANT]Bioshock MoC r?plica and press kit
  191. The Last of Us GOW:A Code
  192. Wanted uncharted and last of us!!! Anything!
  193. Fallout Collectors Items
  194. Few specifics
  195. WTB Bioshock Midnight Posters SF and LA
  196. Wanted - AUS EB Riptide Survivor Edition
  197. looking for Futureshop steelbooks
  198. WTB: Skate Press Kit
  199. Harry Potter Collection Futureshop steelbook
  200. V's Wanted List!
  201. Lithographs Wanted! Offer nearly anything. (Maybe other art items too?)
  202. Fallout 3 Survival Edition
  203. Wanted: Lithographs + Deadspace Dev Edition
  204. NES Games
  205. God of War Ascension Collector's Edition DLC Code (NA|Canada)
  206. Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
  207. Retro Gaming
  208. WANT: AC1 limited edition
  209. WANT: ACII Black Edition
  210. WTB for PC: Gothic 3, Risen 1 + 2 CE
  211. WTB: Misc AC stuff
  212. Stalking these
  213. US member with iTunes account wanted!
  214. Wanted Assassin's Creed Altair's crouching figure
  215. [WTB]Dead Island: Zombie Bait Edition(s)
  216. Dead Island Riptide Polish Collectors Edition
  217. WTB: The witcher figure by sota toys 2008 & other things
  218. comaamens stuff he would maybe like to own one day v2
  219. WANTED: Assassins Creed - New To Collecting
  220. WTB: The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy (Not the entire boxset, just 1 part of it)
  221. Knight's WTB: Bioshock Memorabilia
  222. dead island riptide JRC Czech version
  223. WTB : Mass Effect Books
  224. WTB: Kotobukiya Raiden DNA model kit
  226. [Wanted] Ni No Kuni: Wizard's (US); Hyrule Historia Limited
  227. WTB: Demon souls, Dark Souls (1 and 2) Rare/cool items
  228. What Lyrical Really Wants..
  229. Dead Island Riptide Steelbook
  230. Wanted: id Games: " Commander Keen","Wolfenstein 3D" and Bethesda`s "Battlespire"
  231. WTB: My List of Wanted Goodies
  232. Wanted!
  233. WTB: Heroes of Might & Magic Complete Edition / V Super CE, various PC games
  234. Uncharted 2 PRESS KIT
  235. Wanted: Who Framed Roger Rabbit Bluray Steelbook
  236. WTB Injustice Collector's Edition Statue (PAL Version)
  237. Psp or ps vita and games
  238. WTB Bioshock CE
  239. WTB: Book "The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia" CE
  240. S.T.A.L.K.E.R. CoP czech retail metal box
  241. WTB: Borderlands 2 & Dishonored (Future Shop) G1 SteelBook
  242. Assassin Creed Altair Crouching or Standing Figure
  243. Assassins Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition
  244. The Matt's wanted list
  245. Webheads wanted list
  246. [WTB] Road Rash sealed (for PS1)
  247. New Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited
  248. Zavvi Exclusives Blu-ray steelbooks
  249. Lily's AC+
  250. WTB - Dead Space Aegis 7 lithograph