View Full Version : Wanted Items
Pages :
- Anybody have a spare XBox Live trial code they don't need
- [WTB] Full Metal Alchemist DVD Volumes 11, 12 & 13
- WTB Assassins Creed 3 Art Book Limited edition (500 copies)
- Ezio Hot Toys
- [WTB] Sytem Box only and Reproduction box (SNES EURO)
- WTB: All Asura's Wrath Items
- Heroes VI CE
- Wanted - Steelbook - far cry 3
- Missing Assassin's Creed editions
- Steelbooks Wanted
- Assassins creed 3 join or die
- Looking for Need for Speed Steelbooks
- Want Brink, Dead Island 1, Rage Steelbook
- WTB Lollipop Chainsaw Press Kit
- Looking For Any Nice 360 Steelbooks
- And finally.... , my wanted list of steels!
- Want kingdom of amalur reckoning signature edition ps3
- Need help from an Aussie
- Fallout New Vegas collectors edition
- WTB: Banjo Kazooie/tooie rareware Promo merch
- Assassin's Creed press kits
- Hi, I?m from Spain!!!!
- Bleach: Soul Resurreccion / Bleach Soul Ignition Press Kit
- Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Bundle Box
- Assassins Creed Figures
- Lookinf for Dragon age steelbook
- Wanted: Collectors Edition Xbox/PS3 games, pokemon gamecube, Blu Ray Steelbooks
- ps3 EU CEs wanted
- J Veron's Wanted Items
- Far Cry 3 Monkey Business DLC.
- WTB: Assassin's Creed Prints
- Naughty Dog Items
- My Wanted Items
- GTA Vice City and Portal 2 Rubik's Cube
- Wanted - Little big planet bookends
- Assassins Creed Revelation Ubisoft Prints
- forza limited esition
- Official Waiting List AC Prints
- Collectors Editions wanted
- Wanted G2 Battlefield 3 steelbook
- WTB: World of Warcraft CE
- Want to buy Mask of Assassin's Creed 2
- Farcry 3 ULC codes
- PS3 Agarest Generations of War Collectors Edition Sealed Wanted
- Assassin's Creed and Farcry russian editions
- Assassin's Creed and Farcry russian editions
- Want to buy Assassin's Creed 2 Launch kit and AC3 Launch kit
- WTB 4 x Australian Exclusives - Please help :-(
- Wanted : Tales of the Abyss 3DS NTSC + Resident Evil 2 Gamecube NTSC
- Assassin's Creed Brotherhood - Auditore Edition
- Wanted Uncharted CE's and press kits
- Empire and Napoleon Total War
- Kian's wanted Steelbooks!
- Wtb farcry 3 steelbook
- Assassins Creed Collectable Items Wanted!
- WTB DMC Premium Edition Hoodie
- Enslaved odyssey to the west diorama/statue
- Ni No Kuni Steelbook
- Uncharted Esc toys wanted
- My Wanted Items
- Assassin's Creed III 3 Connor Kenway Early Concept Art Print
- Steelbook Wanted : Ni no Kuni
- Want to buy
- Top two steelbooks wanted!!!
- to buy/manhunt 2 (pc)
- Wanted Steelbooks
- Ni No Kuni Wizard's Edition USA Version
- Tales of Symphonia
- Dead Space III Dev Team Edition for Pc
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch ClubNamco Wizard's Edition
- [WANTED] Halo Reach Press Kit
- Wanted Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition (NTSC)
- Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition USA
- Assassins Creed brotherhood Gift edition
- Dead Island: Riptide Survivor Edition stuff
- Wanted Fallout 1+2 Original package Mint condition
- WANTED: DS3 and Crysis 3 FS Steelbooks
- Twisted Metal merchandise
- Wanted: Assassins Creed CE PS3 slipcover or box
- WTB: Rez, Jet Set Radio, and Space Channel 5 Games Merch and Swag
- WTB: rare Gran Turismo titles
- WTB: Any Fallout Or Elder Scrolls Promotional Items
- Gimme all the steelbooks you got!
- Item Wishlist
- WTB: PS3 Slim Faulty Swap for Press Kit or Cash
- Seeking: Ni No Kuni items
- URGENT! Looking to buy DMC Steelbook
- Faith's Messenger Bag
- WTB - Dead Space 3 FS Steelbook
- WTB a KIMI RAIKKONEN 1/2 scale 2012 helmet
- WTB G2 Nano Edition Steelbook
- G2 Nano edition
- Heavy Rain Collectors Edition UK SEALED !! AND PRESS KIT
- Farcry 3 steelbook australia or germany
- Seeking the "EZIO Developers Limited Bust of Assassin's creed revelations"
- WTB : NG / Rtro Hardware System Empty Box
- Wanted: Ratchet & Clank and Sly Cooper stuff
- comaamens stuff he would maybe like to own one day
- Want Tomb Raider steelbook G1 size
- Skyrim CE Guide
- WTB > Assassin's Creed Steelbooks
- Icewind Dale 2 Collectors edition
- Please Help. Want to Get Dead space 3 future shop steelbook
- Uncharted joypad and steel that jazzmartini was selling
- LBP Karting special/limited edition?
- Tomb Raider Steelbook to UK
- Sniper elite V2 Collectors edtion
- Ni No Kuni Wizard Edition COIN
- American Mcgee's Alice White Rabbit figure & other stuff
- Metal gear rising CE guide and Shinkawa steelbook
- Sylfaris stuff he wants for his path of world domination
- Wizardry
- LF Last of Us post pandemic edition
- Old games
- Dark Souls Press Kit (PS3)
- Want tomb raider steelbook
- Dead island Survivor Edition OR Limited Treasure + Assassins Creed Editions (SPAIN)
- Heavy Rain UK CE and Metal gear Rising PROMO edition ORIGINALS MGS POSTERS
- WTB Battlefield 3 Wake Island Lithograph
- wanted: Looking for Walking Dead CE (Telltale)
- Aselwyn1's Want to Buy: Assassins creed 3 and Simcity steelbook's and more
- Yakuza White PS3 (Wanted)
- Assassin'S Creed Wanted's
- WTB > Assassin's Creed DLC
- Aussie friends pls Help me find this!
- Can a Kiwi or Aussie help me?
- WTB DmC son of sparda edition content
- My wtb/must have list
- Silent Hill Homecoming Pyramid Head keyring
- WTB > Assassin's Creed Stuff (check inside)
- Ni no kuni anyone?
- WTB-Darksiders Press kit-Book of War & promo items
- Want: Cheap ce's
- WTB: GTA, ME, MGS, Steelbooks, more
- Playstation Plus 30-day trial code
- HELP WANTED from Italy!
- WTB: Futureshop Steels
- WTB Jak &Daxter 10th ann precursor orb statue, & Uncharted Drakes Fortune pax ring.
- God of War Ascension:Promo
- WTB: Dark cloud & Dark Chronicle Items
- Assassin's creed press kit
- Daniel's Wanted Thread
- Looking for Splinter Cell steelbooks!
- WTB / WTT Some Items
- Wanted more metal gear rare items
- [wtb]Starcraft 2 Heart of the Swarm steelbook
- Kian's wanted Steelbooks!
- looking for witcher
- E3 expo - 2001-2003.. Wanted item
- WTB GTA Stickers
- WTB Press Kits
- Dark Souls Press Kit
- WTB: Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Edition Dual Shock 3
- Want some kind of things
- WANT: Ratchet & Clank items
- Looking for new release Steelbooks!
- Iron throne artist proof
- WTB Tomb Raider Undeworld Ultimate Fan Pack Edition
- WTB Bioshock Infinite and more
- Assassins Creed Altair 10 Inch Request
- Fallout and Skyrim Lithographs
- OP RAINFALL. Xeno | Last | Pan
- Help with pre-ordering the AC 4 Black Flag Uplay Exclusive
- WTB Persona 4 Arena LE from Game
- WTB: Gears Of War Judgment Related Items
- 6 Inch Kratos Sackboy
- Want: AC2 Spanish, AC Anthology or Call of Duty 4 Stealbook
- Want: Uk xenoblade bundle wii
- Wanted items - trade prefered.
- WANTED: Myst V Press Kit and URU Press KIT
- [WTB] Steelbooks & EU Games (X360)
- Assassin's Creed russian editions
- Gears of War Judgement steelbook EB Australia
- Sylf's stuff he wants for his path of world domination
- want: bioshock infinite/zelda collectible
- Slip covers wanted
- Want List
- WANT: Any Official Bioshock related items
- Gran Turismo Items Wanted
- AC3 Midnight Launch Coin - Feedback.
- [Wanted] Dead Space stuff
- fink MFG steelbook
- Hi need kingdom of amalur reckoning signature edition ps3
- [Wanted}sly cooper and jak daxter stuff
- WTB: inFAMOUS Press Kit
- WANTED Risen 2 telescope promo item
- [b]Want To Buy[/b] Bioshock Infininte Midnight Launch Poster
- WTB Uncharted promo items
- [WANT]Bioshock MoC r?plica and press kit
- The Last of Us GOW:A Code
- Wanted uncharted and last of us!!! Anything!
- Fallout Collectors Items
- Few specifics
- WTB Bioshock Midnight Posters SF and LA
- Wanted - AUS EB Riptide Survivor Edition
- looking for Futureshop steelbooks
- WTB: Skate Press Kit
- Harry Potter Collection Futureshop steelbook
- V's Wanted List!
- Lithographs Wanted! Offer nearly anything. (Maybe other art items too?)
- Fallout 3 Survival Edition
- Wanted: Lithographs + Deadspace Dev Edition
- NES Games
- God of War Ascension Collector's Edition DLC Code (NA|Canada)
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
- Retro Gaming
- WANT: AC1 limited edition
- WANT: ACII Black Edition
- WTB for PC: Gothic 3, Risen 1 + 2 CE
- WTB: Misc AC stuff
- Stalking these
- US member with iTunes account wanted!
- Wanted Assassin's Creed Altair's crouching figure
- [WTB]Dead Island: Zombie Bait Edition(s)
- Dead Island Riptide Polish Collectors Edition
- WTB: The witcher figure by sota toys 2008 & other things
- comaamens stuff he would maybe like to own one day v2
- WANTED: Assassins Creed - New To Collecting
- WTB: The Sky: The Art of Final Fantasy (Not the entire boxset, just 1 part of it)
- Knight's WTB: Bioshock Memorabilia
- dead island riptide JRC Czech version
- WTB : Mass Effect Books
- WTB: Kotobukiya Raiden DNA model kit
- [Wanted] Ni No Kuni: Wizard's (US); Hyrule Historia Limited
- WTB: Demon souls, Dark Souls (1 and 2) Rare/cool items
- What Lyrical Really Wants..
- Dead Island Riptide Steelbook
- Wanted: id Games: " Commander Keen","Wolfenstein 3D" and Bethesda`s "Battlespire"
- WTB: My List of Wanted Goodies
- Wanted!
- WTB: Heroes of Might & Magic Complete Edition / V Super CE, various PC games
- Uncharted 2 PRESS KIT
- Wanted: Who Framed Roger Rabbit Bluray Steelbook
- WTB Injustice Collector's Edition Statue (PAL Version)
- Psp or ps vita and games
- WTB Bioshock CE
- WTB: Book "The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia" CE
- S.T.A.L.K.E.R. CoP czech retail metal box
- WTB: Borderlands 2 & Dishonored (Future Shop) G1 SteelBook
- Assassin Creed Altair Crouching or Standing Figure
- Assassins Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition
- The Matt's wanted list
- Webheads wanted list
- [WTB] Road Rash sealed (for PS1)
- New Metal Gear Solid 4 Limited
- Zavvi Exclusives Blu-ray steelbooks
- Lily's AC+
- WTB - Dead Space Aegis 7 lithograph
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