View Full Version : Wanted Items
Pages :
- WTB: First 4 Figures (Metroid/Legend of Zelda)
- WTB Left 4 Dead1&2 Rusian Collectors Edition
- WTB - Assassins Creed Revelations Steelbook
- Wanted: Game Artbooks
- WTB: Silver Phantom Hourglass DS Lite
- WTB: BioShock Breaking the Mold Developer's Edition Art Book
- WTB PS3 Sign, PS3 Faceplates, and tin posters
- WTB - Rage Steelbook
- Want Anime Related LE for any system! List Inside!
- Super Mario kart and super Mario land steelbooks wtb
- PS3 Steelbooks
- Assassins creed Revelations Animus edition
- I need help with u.k. Ebay please!!!!
- WTB Sniper: Ghost Warrior Bulletproof Edition SteelBook (PS3)
- Wanted: Assassin's Creed 1 and 2 Press kits
- WTB: Donkey Kong Plushy Japan
- WTB Some Oldies
- Pleace can someone from France help. (steelbooks)
- Assassins Creed Templar Collectors Edition
- Assassins creed 2 Black edition
- WTB Devil May Cry 4 CE & Splinter Cell Conviction CE
- Anyone help get BioHazard: Revelations (e-capcom) Limited Edition ??
- Anyone in Japan willing to export PS VITA?
- Looking to buy (almost) any and all Xbox 360 Steelbooks!
- Anyone from Japan who could help me get a CE Game
- Pokemon Wishlist (PAL) Factory Sealed
- Infamous 2 press kit
- Crysis 2 Nano Edition
- Wanting to buy Pokemon!
- Wanted : a list ofdualshocks ;)
- The Legend of Zelda: Hyrule Historia
- WTB: Chimera Figure, Gran Turismo Car, Batman Statue
- Wanted: Assassin Creed II Steelbook Spain version
- WTB - Various Video Game Memorabilia
- Need help from Ebay UK
- WTB: Pokemon Yellow
- WTB Steelbooks!
- WTB Max Payne Special Edition PC
- Battlefield 3 promo
- WTB: Steelbooks!
- Oblivion game of the year strategy guide
- Batman Arkham Asylum and Arkham City
- WTB Final Fantasy 13 DualShock controller
- little big planet 2 ce voucher code
- Arkham City Press Kit
- Anyone still have spare to sell?
- Wtb xenoblade chronicles steelbook
- WTB R. Evil Stars Raccoon City CE
- Star Wars: The Old Republic: Collector's Edition
- MARIO KART 64 (Nintendo 64)
- WTB: Chinese+English FFXIII Lightning Edition(s) W/Pink Lightning DS3
- wtb : collector's editions and figures
- Please Help, searching for specials
- WTB: Dark Souls Press-kit (PS3)
- Press Kits at a high price
- WTB Total War CE
- WTB: God of War II 3D Poster
- <GTA Merchandise> PS3 Editions, Press Kit's, Various Random Stuff!
- Want Enslaved: Odyssey of the West Items. Anything to do with the game!
- WTB: Metal Gear Solid HD Collection Limited Edition
- WTB Castlevania Lord of Shadows EU CE (the one with the mask)
- Need help from somebody who has access to spain gamestop
- WTB Castlevania EU CE, saints row 3 steelbook,
- WTB Kingdoms of Alamur Reckoning Signature Edition
- Need God of War 3 Press Kit pay a lot of money!
- Wanted PSP press kits
- Want french Zelda steelbooks
- Wanted anything related to saints row & skyrim
- Need a forwarding address in Germany!
- WTB: Xenoblade Chronicles Collectors Edition with Controller
- Looking for steelbooks... I have some for trading...
- Tales of Vesperia Premium Edition
- WTB Mirrors edge yellow bag
- Help from Russia
- WTB: FEAR merchandise
- euphoriapt Wanted List Assassins Creed Games PS3
- WTB: Steelbooks
- Dead Island Treasure Box Edition (XBox 360)
- WTB Phantom Hourglass Collectors guide - sealed
- WTB Skyrim steelbook FS
- WTB FFXIII-2 crystal edition
- WTB Steelbooks and Game Guides
- WTB: Yoshitaka Amano art book SKY THE ART OF FINAL FANTASY
- WTB "Empire: Total War" Collectors Edition for Pc
- Looking for 10 different steelbooks! (G1)
- WTB: Final Fantasy VI Advance
- WTB: Soul Calibur V steelbook [SORTED]
- WTB: More Metal Gear Super Rare Items
- Saints Row 2 Collector Edition
- Uncharted related items
- [WTB] 3 different steelbooks needed please guys/gals - Need Dues Ex French G2 badly!
- WTB Heroes of Might & Magic games
- WTB - Batman Arkham Asylum CE Xbox 360
- WTB: PS3 steelbooks
- WTB: G1 Steelbooks/Stickerbooks!
- Need help from UK
- Wtb: Asura's wrath e-capcom edition
- Skyrim Steelbook
- Skyrim Empty PS3 case
- Mass Effect 2 CE (need help from U.S.)
- WTB a few CE's
- WTB AVP Hunter's edition PS3
- Need uncharted the Chronicles of Sir Francis Drake
- WTB Gears of War jumbo steelbook
- Kingdoms of Amalur Reckoning Signature Edition.
- WTB Need For Speed steelbook
- WTB Steels
- WTB Deus Ex: HR Collectors Edition and other items!
- Mass Effect 3 CE
- Halo Xbox 360 Mod
- Bioshock items
- Resident Evil Demos/Promos
- Wanted: Piggsy Statue / Manhunt Merchandise
- Hyperdimension 2 Collectors Edition / Preorder
- WTB - Xbox 360 Slim 320Gb HDD case
- WTB/WTT: Hyperdimension 2 Premum Edition / Preorder
- Wanted: MGS3: Subsistence Manual
- WANTED Skyrim Collectors box
- Mass Effect 3 Alliance Collector's edition
- Help from Italy??
- Xbox 360 ce's wanted
- WTB: Final Fantasy XIII Lightning Edition Bundle Deluxe Pack
- Mass Effect 3 Collector's Edition
- Kingdom of Amalur Signature Edition
- Mass Effect 3 Razer Onza Tournament Edition Controller.
- Wtb mass effect 3 collectors edition - pc
- WTD Uncharted 3 Collectors Edition
- Vanquish Limited Edition
- Witcher 2 Collector's Edition
- WTB Motorstorm RC download card
- WTB or Gameshare God of War 3 Deimos Skin (U.S)
- WTB Assassin's Creed II Master Assassin w/o game
- WTB: Mass Effect 3 CE (PAL) Steelbook (not MetalPak)
- WTB Grand Theft Auto IV Special Edition PS3 + Others
- WTB: Game of Thrones Genesis G1 Steelbook (PC, PAL)
- WTB Soul Calibur V collectors
- WANTED Gears of War Limited Collecters Edition New
- WTB: GTA IV TBoGT Coke Spoon
- Looking for any Ninja Gaiden Items!
- WTB: PAL Xbox 360
- Wtb: TRON
- Wanted - Sniper Ghost Warrior Collectors Edition
- WTB Xenoblade Chronicles Steelbook
- Dead island steelbook
- Wtb skyrim aus/French steelbook only g2
- Biohazard 5 [e-capcom Limited Edition]?
- WTB: Mass Effect 2 CE BBFC Logo & Assassins Creed Brotherhood (possibly ME 1 as well)
- WTB: The Walking Dead Omnibus Volume One First Printing
- WTB/WTT for Demon Souls Black Phantom Edition (New + Sealed)
- WTB Final fantasy XIII Collectors guide
- WTB Skyrim Collector's Edition
- WTB: Deus Ex Human Revolution Collector's Edition Xbox 360 PAL UK Outer Flap
- I'm looking for Steelbooks
- Wanted: Call Of Juarez The Cartel Outlaw Edition
- Until I can afford the kits I am taking off
- Killzone 3: Helghast edition BOX only
- WTB: Kid Icarus AR Cards from Club Nintendo UK
- Silent Hill Homecoming Soundtrack CD
- WTB/WTD Steelbooks.
- WTB: Mass Effect 2 CE PAL
- Wanted: ps3 press kits
- WTB : Asura Warth Artbook & Goodies
- Wanted: Metroid Samus First 4 Figures Gravity Suit
- Wanted: Deadwood ultimate poker collection
- WTB Warcraft 3 CE Sealed
- WTB: Naruto Storm Generations Zavvi Edition bonuses - A3 Poster wanted
- WTB-Assassins Creed 2 Black Edition XBOX360
- WTB: Fallout & Fallout 2 (US) original boxes
- WTB: SSX G1 Steelbook
- The Stalker CE's
- Wanted: Call Of Juarez Blood Ties CE
- Looking for these collectors editions
- WTB "Brink" Steelbook
- Assassins creed Brotherhood codex edition
- WTB - Hitman: Codename 47 (original BIG BOX release) PC
- Art of mass effect 3 collectors edition
- Rage Black Keys Chinatown Launch Kit
- WTB: Gears of War Items
- Wanted: Best Website To Buy Steelbooks
- Assassins's Creed 3 Steelbook
- WTB: Witcher ONE Polish Collectors Edition
- WTB Steelbooks: Assassin's Creed 2, Dead Island, Batman 2 Face
- Looking for steelbooks
- WTB Brink, Mirror's Edge, SSX, Saint Seiya, Assassin's Creed 2 (or others) Steelbooks
- Metro 2033 special edition ( come with watch)
- Metro 2033 special edition ( come with watch)
- WTB/TF: Dead Rising 2: Zombrex Edition, Kingdom Hearts: Birth By Sleep
- WTB - Mass Effect 3 femshep steelbook
- Huge wanted list all consoles
- WANTED: Ninja Gaiden 2 Sigma Collector's Edition (NTSC)
- Assassins Creed Collection Steelbook
- Jak and Daxter Collection promo?
- Help from Amazon Japan
- Help From
- Looking to rebuild some of my collection.
- WTB: Witcher 2 Signed Edition from
- Wanted: Total War: Shogun 2 Grand Master Edition
- WTB Xenboblade Chronicles Steelbook
- zhaff2004's Wanted List!!
- WTB STEELBOOKS + GAMES + Collectibles
- WTB: Halo & Assassins Creed Items
- HELP! Want PSvita MGS skin and game from Konami Style Japan
- WTB:Metro 2033 German SE
- nead help from rusian/poland memeber
- Heavy Rain press kit
- Uncharted Drakes Fortune Press Kit
- Dead Island Press Kit / Promo
- WTB a few figurines from Collectors' Edition and Others
- Risen Gnome Figurine
- Assassins creed items wanted!
- Preorder kit To Italy
- Searching for ghost recon FS avatar
- WTB Uncharted Drakes Fortune promo ring
- Assassins creed revelations playing cards
- Need starhawk press kit pllllz
- WTB: List of wants :)
- searching for prototype 2 DLC XBOX360
- Skyrim steelbook for a good price ;)
- WANTED: Vanquish (Zavvi Exclusive) Limited Edition
- Wanted: Skyward Sword Steelbook
- RyT want list :D
- Call of Duty Collection (Nordic GameStop/EB Games Exclusive)
- Italian Friend Help
- SSX steelbook, Vanquish promo items
- Wanted: Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood Edition
- WTB : Akai Katana Cave Shop Edition (XBOX360)
- Wanted: G2 PS3 Steelbooks
- Muppets Wanted list
- WANTED: Earth Universe limited special edition
- WTB: Test Drive Unlimited 2 Press Kit PC
- Need some help from US ebay
- Diablo III Collectors Edition
- Wanted: Metal Gear items
- PC, PS3 GAMES, Steel (Want List)
- Want to buy Final Fantasy XIII Hong Kong Deluxe Edition
- Soul calibre v ore order art cards
- Wanted: Metroid Samus First 4 Figures
- Wanted List!
- looking for some Assassin's Creed editions
- Not CEs but astro a40 speaker tags and stand
- Kick dring energy code
- WTB: Assassin's Creed items
- Star Wars Stuff (Force Unleashed steel case) etc
- WTB Xenoblade Chronicles Nintendo Club Points code
- WTB: MAG Steelbook
- Monkey Island Stuff
- Red Alert 2 Collectors Edition!
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