View Full Version : General Collecting Chat

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  1. Places to Sell Pokemon Cards?
  2. Germany bans vague pre-order release dates
  3. Issues with Play-Asia
  4. Ps4 pro 500 million Limited Edition console
  5. Is there a debug Disc for Until Dawn?
  6. Are these editions legit or not?
  7. Resident Evil 2 Remake CE
  8. Xbox One Games Collecting: DLC or Digital Games on Physical Disc
  9. Far Cry Primal - is this legit or bootleg?
  10. GEO Steelbooks
  11. Has GAME.co.uk packaging improved?
  12. Ubistore not shipping physical editions to some parts of Europe anymore?
  13. Guinness World Record For Largest God Of War Collection
  14. Insuring your collection
  15. Am I too sensible about receiving damaged games?
  16. Delete please
  17. Resident Evil Collection
  18. Where can I find promo covers
  19. Is there a promo disk for AC III Remastered
  20. Where do these prints come from? (TLOU)
  21. So I bought a sealed Clicker statue...
  22. PAX South 2020 - Anyone going?
  23. Where can I have an estimation for my Press Kit ?
  24. Experience with Limited Run Games?
  25. Recommended shipping forwarding companies?
  26. Gran Turismo 5 Press Kit - Value?
  27. Your best 2020 purchase/find?
  28. Sideshow Events And Codes
  29. Nightmare Boy PS4 Collectors Ed. Cancelled?
  30. Mass Effect Legendary Edition CE?
  31. Service for shipping forwarding from Japan to EU
  32. Age of Conan CE with unnumbered sticker, anyone know why?
  33. Ebay Notes Chrome Plug in
  34. Wrapping boxes in shrink wrap?
  35. Regional Marketplaces
  36. Why is Resident Evil Village PS4 promo disc so rare?
  37. LRG is selling plates and proofs
  38. Which game has the best memorabilia ?
  39. Regional Stores
  40. Will NINTENDO be "forced" to go back to disc based games for the Switch Replacement?
  41. Australia Button Battery Compliance Law Passed
  42. How to import from Discogs (or from Europe in general)?
  43. The Last of Us Part I Remake /Moth & Wolf Launch Event
  44. Protective case Question
  45. Sander Cohen Bioshock Statue owners REUNITED
  46. Uk shops that ship to EU?
  47. Introducing Library Of Videogame Collectors
  48. Lovgc Collecting plugin for Chrome
  49. RIP Best Buy Steelbooks?
  50. Hello again everyone