View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
04-18-2013, 10:17 AM
lol not much. Just working. >.< Haven't been on chat for a while. Whenever I have though, you haven't been in there. :P Dropping my sis to work now, but will be back in about an hour, so if you're still on, we can catch up! :D
04-18-2013, 10:18 AM
Argh where to get that FireEmblem Artbook x_x
GAME UK sent mine! ;) I'll PM ya.
04-18-2013, 10:21 AM
lol not much. Just working. >.< Haven't been on chat for a while. Whenever I have though, you haven't been in there. :P Dropping my sis to work now, but will be back in about an hour, so if you're still on, we can catch up! :D
Yeah, I've been rather quiet on the forum and chat lately. Too many distractions IRL :haha: Will be on chat today though, talk to ya then :) xx
04-18-2013, 12:31 PM
GAME UK sent mine! ;) I'll PM ya.
Your girlfriend is awesome!!! <3
She's a keeper :)
04-18-2013, 12:34 PM
Your girlfriend is awesome!!! <3
She's a keeper :)
For sure! :1:
04-18-2013, 12:36 PM
For sure! :1:
But obviously more because you love her and she's lovely than that she buys great stuff for you!! :LMAO:
King Peter
04-18-2013, 10:38 PM
Last LE I bought was the DOA 5+ (Japanese version) and Borderlands 2 vault edition (30$ only, sealed)
A shame there won't be GTAV LE
04-18-2013, 10:39 PM
Last LE I bought was the DOA 5+ (Japanese version) and Borderlands 2 vault edition (30$ only, sealed)
A shame there won't be GTAV LE
Nice pickups
Was it stated somewhere that there won't be a CE for GTAV?
King Peter
04-18-2013, 11:18 PM
I checked the rockstar warehouse website and didn't see an LE for sale, only the normal edition so I doubt they'll make one
04-18-2013, 11:22 PM
I checked the rockstar warehouse website and didn't see an LE for sale, only the normal edition so I doubt they'll make one
Tbh I really want a CE but wouldn't be surprised if there wasn't
Still probably a little early to tell for sure though
04-18-2013, 11:29 PM
Yeah, if there's gonna be a CE, there's still time to announce one. My bet is late June-early July for an announcement xx
04-18-2013, 11:33 PM
Yeah, if there's gonna be a CE, there's still time to announce one. My bet is late June-early July for an announcement xx
That would be great as I for one actually loved the GTAIV CE
Still use that duffel bag to lug my fat PS3 around :rotf:
04-19-2013, 12:16 AM
They just recently revealed the box art. Wouldn't expect a CE announcement so soon.
I think there will be one, though.
04-19-2013, 10:03 AM
The Black Flag ship is gaining wind under its sails
Thanks xmo for the shirt
I'm really impressed with the detail on the skull
04-19-2013, 10:43 AM$T2eC16FHJGoE9nuQeWioBR,-YI6K(Q~~60_57.JPG
04-19-2013, 11:38 AM$T2eC16FHJGoE9nuQeWioBR,-YI6K(Q~~60_57.JPG
You win
04-19-2013, 01:12 PM
the yeah was 2007, war was not easy, the bloodshed, all the lives lost, my camel perished in the bitter bitter bloodshed
my back story behind medal to be continued
04-19-2013, 01:40 PM
the yeah was 2007, war was not easy, the bloodshed, all the lives lost, my camel perished in the bitter bitter bloodshed
my back story behind medal to be continued
I just did a lol
04-20-2013, 11:23 AM
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Lowly is now officially renamed as Lovely!!
Thanks to Lowly I had a huge box in the post today and I am now the overjoyed owner of one Infinite Songbird!!!
And the full collector's edition and the collector's guide and a t- shirt
I know there have been pics of songbird edition already so won't post more but it is so much bigger than I'd anticipated - stunning!!
Thank you so much for your help with it Lovely :hug:
Best post in ages :) :P <3 <3
04-20-2013, 11:28 AM
Congrast Mags for it :)
04-20-2013, 11:44 AM
:banana: :banana: :banana:
Lowly is now officially renamed as Lovely!!
Thanks to Lowly I had a huge box in the post today and I am now the overjoyed owner of one Infinite Songbird!!!
And the full collector's edition and the collector's guide and a t- shirt
I know there have been pics of songbird edition already so won't post more but it is so much bigger than I'd anticipated - stunning!!
Thank you so much for your help with it Lovely :hug:
Best post in ages :) :P <3 <3well mags
You send so many lovely gifts to other members
It was about time someone sent one too you
Did it all turn up in good condition
(Notice how it said fragile in super massive red letters with numerous this way up symbols {courtesy of amazon})
04-20-2013, 12:02 PM
well mags
You send so many lovely gifts to other members
It was about time someone sent one too you
Did it all turn up in good condition
(Notice how it said fragile in super massive red letters with numerous this way up symbols {courtesy of amazon})
Your packaging was superb and Amazon give us a lot to be thankful for with reusable packaging :)
Honestly it was like my birthday :) it's always nice when an edition exceeds your expectations - so many don't :)
The Russian Bear
04-20-2013, 03:46 PM
Few photos of whats been delivered recently. So happy to finally get my hands on the Singapore Dragon Age: Orgins CE since the UK got screwed over with a slipcase.
04-20-2013, 09:06 PM
A few recent highlights... ;)
You don't see many of these around... :drool: (
And great to have this - part of a trade deal :) ( (
And the lovely lovely Lowly package... <3 <3 <3 (
04-20-2013, 09:38 PM
Great update Mags! Love that Ac tshirt
04-20-2013, 09:51 PM
Great update Mags! Love that Ac tshirt
Thanks :) corrected it so you can see front now too - it's a great image!
04-20-2013, 10:03 PM
There's clearly a part of the care package missing
Where did you get the ac2 shirt from mags?
As I noticed it looks new and mine wasn't :(
04-20-2013, 10:13 PM
There's clearly a part of the care package missing
Lol! The guides still up in my bedroom - being lazy!! :2cool:
Where did you get the ac2 shirt from mags?
As I noticed it looks new and mine wasn't :(
It was part of a trade with a member here with a Cazador edition and not sure if its new but def very good :) it's a great design :)
How's the shelves???
04-20-2013, 10:16 PM
Hope you will post the update when you get my stuff Mags :)
04-20-2013, 10:20 PM
Hope you will post the update when you get my stuff Mags :)
Lol!! When the pigeon limps by I shall be sure to.... ;) :thumb:
04-20-2013, 11:41 PM
And great to have this - part of a trade deal :) ( (
I have that shirt too. :D It's a very nice shirt. My GF got it when she was working at GAME. She wore it for a little while when AC2 came out, to promote the game, then I managed to convince her to let me have it! XD
04-21-2013, 04:15 AM
My local JBHIFI had a table of them, so I got 8.
04-21-2013, 09:26 AM
Wow, I'm jealous! That is awesome looking xx
04-21-2013, 09:45 AM
Wow, I'm jealous! That is awesome looking xx
Don't get too excited though - they're relatively small. About A3 size.
Although, they did release a MEGA one as part of a promotion, and the catch was, that you had to find them around Melbourne, scan a QR code, and if you got it first, it would be yours. There was about 200 or so.
04-21-2013, 09:52 AM
Yeah, a member here has one of the giant ones :) Matrix6 :) xx
I have that shirt too. :D It's a very nice shirt. My GF got it when she was working at GAME. She wore it for a little while when AC2 came out, to promote the game, then I managed to convince her to let me have it! XD
if she wore it can i have it
"lurks in corner" :beer:
04-21-2013, 04:35 PM
It's no Miami beach, but best i could do :)
04-21-2013, 04:38 PM
It's no Miami beach, but best i could do :)
Haha that's awesome. :thumb:
04-21-2013, 04:48 PM
Lol i live 1 minute walk from the beach, always wanted to do it, felt a bit of a fool but whatever, made for good pics i guess :)
04-21-2013, 06:47 PM
Lol i live 1 minute walk from the beach, always wanted to do it, felt a bit of a fool but whatever, made for good pics i guess :)
It does look awesome Mos :D
Where's the pillow from?
04-21-2013, 06:58 PM
A guy that lived 5 minutes from where i live :) i met him on ebay. It was brought from Rockstarwarehouse many years ago.
The chair i have had a while but thought they look cool together.
04-21-2013, 07:01 PM
lol I wonder if there is a master list of rockstar warehouse merch somewhere as they've had a huge variety of stuff over the years
04-21-2013, 07:21 PM
It's no Miami beach, but best i could do :)
Where was the picture taken?
04-21-2013, 07:25 PM
Worthing beach :lol:
04-21-2013, 07:37 PM
Awesome pics Mos :) xx
04-21-2013, 10:57 PM
Superb pics!! I am impressed! ;) Pink suits ya Mos ;) :thumb:
04-22-2013, 12:08 AM
Yeah thanks :blush: embarrassingly i persuaded a girl walking by to stand with me to pretend it was her's, took the pics and headed home quick sharp shortly after.
04-22-2013, 12:13 AM
Hmmmmm :think: sounds like a fine excuse for chatting up birds on beaches...
04-22-2013, 12:27 AM
That girl walking by was my GF :lol:
I totally see what you mean though, "come on grab the pink pillow and chair we're hitting the beach"
Seriously though, i was afraid that thing was getting blown away in the wind, it's meant for a small child really.
I didn't want to go that far out and get it wet but i didn't want to be seen either lol.
04-22-2013, 12:31 AM
That girl walking by was my GF :lol:
I totally see what you mean though, "come on grab the pink pillow and chair we're hitting the beach"
Seriously though, i was afraid that thing was getting blown away in the wind, it's meant for a small child really.
I didn't want to go that far out and get it wet but i didn't want to be seen either lol.
Ha ha!! Let you off then :thumb:
You should have taken the grenade too - would have cleared the beach... :swoon:
Do a video blog next time... :bananayes:
04-22-2013, 02:02 AM
Haha on the way to work early in the morning and I see this.. Good one Mo! Yea you should have made good use of the grenade! :rotf:
04-22-2013, 02:16 AM
I actually took the grenade with me to meet the guy who sold me the pillow in case he tried any funny stuff, but it just ended up as 2 geeks in the street 1 with a pink pillow, 1 with a grenade, we looked a right pair :)
04-22-2013, 03:25 AM
I actually took the grenade with me to meet the guy who sold me the pillow in case he tried any funny stuff, but it just ended up as 2 geeks in the street 1 with a pink pillow, 1 with a grenade, we looked a right pair :)
:rotf: Hahahahahaha! That's real funny man, imagining that scene in my mind..
04-22-2013, 09:02 AM
nice chair :swoon:
Guess ich should make some pics for my achievs in March @_@
I wanted'em to be done by this WE but was playing minecraft all day D: *gr* damn you notch for making such a great game :rant:
04-22-2013, 08:32 PM
Just got ACIII freedom sealed for PC for 215 PLN, so happy :)
04-22-2013, 09:09 PM
I actually took the grenade with me to meet the guy who sold me the pillow in case he tried any funny stuff, but it just ended up as 2 geeks in the street 1 with a pink pillow, 1 with a grenade, we looked a right pair :)
Lol what a bluff that would have been taking a grenade in case he tried anything:rotf:
04-22-2013, 09:34 PM
witcher 2 ce sealed .... tomorrow some pics of the items i was getting in the past .....
i swear ..... :banghead:
04-23-2013, 02:02 AM (
Massive thanks to Javius for a great trade :) :thumb:
Great to have this edition :banana:
04-23-2013, 06:15 AM (
Massive thanks to Javius for a great trade :) :thumb:
Great to have this edition :banana:
We'll done on a lovely edition
04-23-2013, 12:36 PM
hippe steel come with other awesomeness, only thing just to clarify the dvdr has brave, wreck it ralh etc which is great
but the police are probably watching me now
worst choice of words for a dvr ever 8D
04-23-2013, 12:41 PM
also secret santa from hippe thank you o like shiny stuffs
and dlc dvd to watch as well, thanks again mate
i have started collecting silly stamps smurf one turned up today
04-23-2013, 12:50 PM
Nice stuff Coma :) The ring is awesome :) xx
04-23-2013, 12:53 PM
Surely that was a secret Easter Bunny?!?.... ;)
Loving your ring Coma :thumb:
04-23-2013, 12:55 PM
Surely that was a secret Easter Bunny?!?.... ;)
Loving your ring Coma :thumb:
santa turned up wearing shorts and tee, easter bunny gone in a stew somewhere
04-23-2013, 01:57 PM
Loving your ring Coma :thumb:
:lmao: to easy..... must resist.....
04-23-2013, 02:37 PM
:lmao: to easy..... must resist.....
O_O :blush:
Ooops.... think before typing.... :censored:
04-23-2013, 02:58 PM
:lmao: to easy..... must resist.....
jesus we think alike i held back though
04-23-2013, 03:18 PM
jesus we think alike i held back though
I held back the best I could :P
04-23-2013, 05:41 PM
So finally .... dunno tho if there is any interesst in here :D
Picture No. 1:
Left - Right -->
MGS: RR Zavvi Exclusive (PS3)
Alone in the Dark CE (Wii)
Lego City: Undercover Le (WiiU)
Cathrine Sheep Stray Edition (PS3)
Starcraft 2: Heart of the Swarm CE (Pc) 3x
MGS: RR Steeli (G2)
Dead Rising 2: Zombrex Edition (Ps3)
Darksiders 2 Steeli (g2)
DarkSouls: Prepare 2 Die Edition (Pc)
Simcity: LE (German PC)
Naruto Shippuden Ultimate Ninjastorm 3 CE ( True Despair & Will of Fire) (Ps3)
Resident Evil Racoon City LE (German Ps3)
The Witcher 2 CE (PC)
F3ar CE (Pc)
Tombraider Survival Kit (Ps3)
Thanks to Mag for The Darksiders 2 Steeli <3
Thanks to Questate for Zombrex and Cathrine Sheepstray Editions <3
Picture No. 2:
Defiance Ultimate Edition (Ps3 & PC)
Tombraider Steeli (G1,G2, G3)
Assassins Creed Anthology (Ps3) 2x
God of War (Ps3)
Bioshock: Infinite Ultimate Songbird Edition <3
Now for Mag the open Defiance Ultimate Edition (I somewhere red mag wanted to see it):
04-23-2013, 05:56 PM
You took too long, nobody cares now! :P
Just kidding mate! :hug: Nice pick ups! ^o^ Need to get me the Naruto True Despair Ed. :D Was gutted when I found out that Naruto is region locked after buying the Club Namco Bundle! >.<
04-23-2013, 06:00 PM
So finally .... dunno tho if there is any interesst in here :D
nah good stuff mate nice pics
Texas Fire
04-23-2013, 06:46 PM
Dead Island release (NTSC): ( (
One of the better pickups for me. Not so much because of the game, but because I got the steelbooks & Kingdoms: Reckoning strategy guide for FREE...
04-23-2013, 07:08 PM
Dead Island release (NTSC): ( (
One of the better pickups for me. Not so much because of the game, but because I got the steelbooks & Kingdoms: Reckoning strategy guide for FREE...
swweeetttt, zombie bobble head dance party seeing as you have two
Texas Fire
04-23-2013, 07:18 PM
swweeetttt, zombie bobble head dance party seeing as you have twoI didn't know you got a steel when you reserved the game. It definitely was a surprise to me...
04-24-2013, 09:10 PM
Oh well Sylf's...That's a great update..
04-25-2013, 11:54 AM
Oh well Sylf's...That's a great update..
well ... thanks :D
The Zombie Bait Edition just arrived ...
04-25-2013, 01:56 PM
buying stamps like a boss
04-25-2013, 01:58 PM
That's a phenomenal set of stamps!! But pleeeeeese don't even tempt me to start collecting ANYTHING else :suicide:
I'm turning into a Collectomaniac... :this:
04-25-2013, 02:02 PM
That's a phenomenal set of stamps!! But pleeeeeese don't even tempt me to start collecting ANYTHING else :suicide:
I'm turning into a Collectomaniac... :this:
they are lovely, i am collecting stamps but mainly cartoony stuff bloke at wor collects and he is very serious about it, he says i am undermining it with me stamp collecting
have a smurf, cookie, monster, game, simpsons, stamps, spngebob next 8D
04-25-2013, 02:05 PM
Kinda cool czech stamps for czech classic comics :)
04-25-2013, 02:37 PM
Wow coma, great stamps.. I wish they were here in Poland
04-26-2013, 08:18 AM
This beauty just arrived, didnt think the figurine is that big, lol. <3 <3
04-26-2013, 11:37 AM thanks gav <3
04-26-2013, 11:43 AM thanks gav <3
you got them ok then :thumb:
04-26-2013, 11:48 AM
This beauty just arrived, didnt think the figurine is that big, lol. <3 <3
Doesn't matter how big it is, it looks glorious! The blood spatter, the hood, the face, it's all there, and it rocks.
04-26-2013, 12:16 PM
you got them ok then :thumb:
All turned up great thanks.. They will be joining the horde of games later today, when a get around to deciding if I am displaying them all or not
04-26-2013, 12:44 PM
Harlequin mate you're completely right! It looks SO awesome!! I'm really happy that I got this baddie :D
04-26-2013, 01:46 PM
04-26-2013, 02:05 PM
I what is the thing with the screw drive rin its eye?
04-26-2013, 02:08 PM
walking dead season 2 ce
04-26-2013, 02:13 PM
walking dead season 2 ce
Its unfortunate they are not the same scale
But it does look really well detailed
Might have to pick one of these up in 3 years when there cheap hehe
04-26-2013, 02:23 PM
Its unfortunate they are not the same scale
But it does look really well detailed
Might have to pick one of these up in 3 years when there cheap hehe
hhmmm they just seem to get more and more expensive second hand 200 plus dollars now
04-26-2013, 02:25 PM
hhmmm they just seem to get more and more expensive second hand 200 plus dollars now
I know I don't think I'll ever own one unless my friendly game store has a spare one for me come next tuesday
04-26-2013, 02:28 PM
Got czech dead island ce and steelbook :)
StayFree( ' 3')
04-26-2013, 11:09 PM
Just received a mysterious package from an ol' buddy currently residing in Japan...
BlazBlue:CS LE signed by series Creator/Lead Designer Toshimichi Mori and Voice Actress/Singer Miyuki Sawashiro (
My first reaction..."Where's the Hentai??"
walking dead season 2 ce
04-26-2013, 11:42 PM
..... for me the bait edition is poor... lol
04-26-2013, 11:51 PM
..... for me the bait edition is poor... lol
So you got it and are disappointed with it?
04-27-2013, 12:00 AM
no i see it in store... Looks crap!
04-27-2013, 12:07 AM
no i see it in store... Looks crap!
Oh well the unboxings I've seen look pretty good to me but I guess it's a matter of opinions :shrug:
The :quote:great:quote: thing about Dead Island games is if you don't like a CE, you have about another dozen to pick from :rotf:
04-27-2013, 08:35 AM
Oh well the unboxings I've seen look pretty good to me but I guess it's a matter of opinions :shrug:
The :quote:great:quote: thing about Dead Island games is if you don't like a CE, you have about another dozen to pick from :rotf:
Like do many more games around
Isn't that the sad truth
King Peter
04-27-2013, 11:53 PM
Dead Island Riptide LE PS3, like the luggage box :D
04-28-2013, 12:23 AM
Dead Island Riptide LE PS3, like the luggage box :D
So rigor mortis edition then?
King Peter
04-28-2013, 12:35 AM
So rigor mortis edition then?
Yep, European one didn't interested me enough unlike the first one which I got the red edition w/towel and bag
Texas Fire
04-28-2013, 12:42 AM
..... for me the bait edition is poor... lolI've seen hit & miss with it, however due to controversy, I have to own it...:/
04-29-2013, 12:28 PM
My Dead Island: Riptide happy family :whew:
04-29-2013, 12:55 PM
Lol nice, you like the game so much, eh? :P
04-29-2013, 01:08 PM
Nice man! PPL and Ceska Posta will drop it as I will come home. How much was shipping for Zombie Bait? And the third is from PL?
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
04-29-2013, 01:32 PM
Yeah, I really like this game. First Dead Island was amazing.
Shipping for Zombie Bait was 7.59 GBP and yes - third edition is PL CE
04-29-2013, 01:37 PM
Thanks man. I didnt see it on phone.
Sent from my P350 Cyanogenmod 7 using Tapatalk
04-29-2013, 03:52 PM
My Dead Island: Riptide happy family :whew:
Nice tits :D
04-29-2013, 11:18 PM
My Dead Island: Riptide happy family :whew:
Which version is which?
Texas Fire
04-30-2013, 12:08 AM
My Dead Island: Riptide happy family :whew:! I'm anticipatingly awaiting for mine to arrive. The steel in the center, did that come with that edition?
04-30-2013, 04:06 AM
Yeah anyone know exactly where that steel came from in the center?
I saw it on a Dead Island thread somewhere but I can't seem to find it.
04-30-2013, 04:18 AM
Yeah anyone know exactly where that steel came from in the center?
I saw it on a Dead Island thread somewhere but I can't seem to find it.
It's from a czech edition
And stricly speaking it's not a steelbook
But of course I'm a bit of a snob when it comes to steelies :rotf:
Still never seen one quite like that before
04-30-2013, 04:19 AM
Not a steelbook? Yay, I feel no obligation to buy it. lol
04-30-2013, 04:20 AM
Not a steelbook? Yay, I feel no obligation to buy it. lol
Good to know I'm not alone in that thought then :D
Steelbooks are just the nicest metal case imo
04-30-2013, 04:21 AM
Good to know I'm not alone in that thought then :D
Steelbooks are just the nicest metal case imo
Yup. I'm a steelbook collector. I have to set some limits somewhere, or else it would just be madness. lol :bunny::bunny::bunny:
04-30-2013, 04:25 AM
Yup. I'm a steelbook collector. I have to set some limits somewhere, or else it would just be madness. lol :bunny::bunny::bunny:
Well too bad I'm just a collectors, I wish I could set limits..
I wonder if anyone is selling just the "steelbook"
04-30-2013, 04:27 AM
Well too bad I'm just a collectors, I wish I could set limits..
I wonder if anyone is selling just the "steelbook"
Other than steels I am happy with just having a single CE for each game that has one. I still want to get at least one CE, mind you, but just one is fine. It's the steelbooks that I "gotta catch 'em all". haha
04-30-2013, 04:30 AM
Well too bad I'm just a collectors, I wish I could set limits..
I wonder if anyone is selling just the "steelbook"
Be careful Lyrical
If you really want that, you should get it sooner than later
Sometimes Czech only editions stick around for awhile but they usually are small batches so once they're gone, they're gone :(
04-30-2013, 04:31 AM
Not a steelbook? Yay, I feel no obligation to buy it. lol
Good to know I'm not alone in that thought then :D
Steelbooks are just the nicest metal case imo
My thoughts exactly my brothers in steel! :notworthy:
04-30-2013, 04:37 AM
Be careful Lyrical
If you really want that, you should get it sooner than later
Sometimes Czech only editions stick around for awhile but they usually are small batches so once they're gone, they're gone :(
Ahh thanks for heads up.
Although since I am trying to focus on steelbooks "only"
I could overlook this lol
04-30-2013, 04:51 AM
Ahh thanks for heads up.
Although since I am trying to focus on steelbooks "only"
I could overlook this lol
Steelbooks "only" will keep you busy enough my friend! :thumb:
04-30-2013, 04:56 AM
Steelbooks "only" will keep you busy enough my friend! :thumb:
I'm trying to actually do G1 steelbooks only, unless they only come in G2.
But stickerbooks are the only thing that keeps me from doing this.
They sure look pretty
04-30-2013, 05:13 AM
I'm trying to actually do G1 steelbooks only, unless they only come in G2.
But stickerbooks are the only thing that keeps me from doing this.
They sure look pretty
lol true stickerbooks are steelbooks just a different form of them
Printed steelbooks and stickerbook steelbooks are both manufactured by scanovo (well techinally scanovo is the marketing arm but that's neither here nor there)
Anyways that metal case in the czech edition isn't even a stickerbook it's something strange and never before seen :rotf:
04-30-2013, 05:32 AM
lol true stickerbooks are steelbooks just a different form of them
Printed steelbooks and stickerbook steelbooks are both manufactured by scanovo (well techinally scanovo is the marketing arm but that's neither here nor there)
Anyways that metal case in the czech edition isn't even a stickerbook it's something strange and never before seen :rotf:
A rare beast?
Or something a bit deformed?
04-30-2013, 05:35 AM
Yeah it is :D
So, received x PC dead island czech edition, 2x PS3 edition, 1x xbox edition, 1x xzone PS3 edition and 1x xzone xbox edition. :) Lot of packong on the way :)
04-30-2013, 07:27 AM
Which version is which?
From left:
1. Czech Collector Edition
2. Zombie Bait Edition
3. Polish Collector Edition
"Steelbook" is for every preorder for free (for CE and standard game) in the Czech Republic
There are some details:
Some details:
Zombie Bait:
and some more pictures of Czech "steelbook"
04-30-2013, 03:34 PM
Here's one i've been searching for quite some time and finally nailed:
04-30-2013, 03:42 PM
From left:
1. Czech Collector Edition
2. Zombie Bait Edition
3. Polish Collector Edition
"Steelbook" is for every preorder for free (for CE and standard game) in the Czech Republic
There are some details:
Really!? Ugh
Now I want it since technically it's not part of any edition,
Any way you could help me get one bud? :)
05-01-2013, 02:23 PM
These turned up today
They where meant to go to kittychloe
But for some reason I ended up with them, ah well I didn't pay any postage for them and it was marked as costing 17AUD poor seller for not following directions
05-01-2013, 02:32 PM
These turned up today
They where meant to go to kittychloe
But for some reason I ended up with them, ah well I didn't pay any postage for them and it was marked as costing 17AUD poor seller for not following directions
Dont you love the wonderful postal services we put up with. Items so badly damaged you dont even recognise what its supposed to be,items marked as fragile that rattle & of course the standard postage delays. Currently i have 4 or 5 things i'm waiting on with an average of about 2 months since i ordered them & they were sent. Big sucky sucky waiting:(
Got a few things that have showed up,just havent gone around to posting it all yet. To busy re-organising the old games room for more shelf space & even more shelf space. At this rate i am wondering if i can hang some things from the ceiling,lol
05-01-2013, 03:33 PM
Dont you love the wonderful postal services we put up with. Items so badly damaged you dont even recognise what its supposed to be,items marked as fragile that rattle & of course the standard postage delays. Currently i have 4 or 5 things i'm waiting on with an average of about 2 months since i ordered them & they were sent. Big sucky sucky waiting:(
Got a few things that have showed up,just havent gone around to posting it all yet. To busy re-organising the old games room for more shelf space & even more shelf space. At this rate i am wondering if i can hang some things from the ceiling,lol
Oh really, you too? :D
05-01-2013, 03:45 PM
Oh really, you too? :D
I presume you mean hanging things from the ceiling,lol. Yes,i am. I dont have many things this could work for,i was thinking of getting some blu-tack & sticking the steelbooks i have to the ceiling,that way when i lie in bed i have something pretty to look at,lol.
05-01-2013, 03:47 PM
I presume you mean hanging things from the ceiling,lol. Yes,i am. I dont have many things this could work for,i was thinking of getting some blu-tack & sticking the steelbooks i have to the ceiling,that way when i lie in bed i have something pretty to look at,lol.
Haha u better make sure the blu-tack holds the steelbooks well or they gonna drop all over you :p
05-01-2013, 03:48 PM
I would suggest old vhs shelves from blockbuster so you can use more than just walls
05-01-2013, 03:49 PM
I presume you mean hanging things from the ceiling,lol. Yes,i am. I dont have many things this could work for,i was thinking of getting some blu-tack & sticking the steelbooks i have to the ceiling,that way when i lie in bed i have something pretty to look at,lol.
Yes that's what I meant lol.
It would be like a star filled night with steelbook stars lol
05-01-2013, 03:57 PM
Haha u better make sure the blu-tack holds the steelbooks well or they gonna drop all over you :p
Yep,thats true. Instead of the land of Drop Bears,it would be land of Drop steelbooks:D
I would suggest old vhs shelves from blockbuster so you can use more than just walls
Half the time is finding things like this & the other half is having enough space:( Only solution is stop visiting here & finding more things i want or feel i need,lol
05-01-2013, 04:00 PM
Half the time is finding things like this & the other half is having enough space:( Only solution is stop visiting here & finding more things i want or feel i need,lol[/QUOTE]
Yes, this place makes me want everything that I see
Or anything cheap that goes on sale lol
05-01-2013, 04:02 PM
I've cut down on CE due to lack of space. Now I am very selective on which CE I really want. It doesn't help that the CE boxes just get bigger and bigger. :ghey:
05-01-2013, 04:10 PM
I've cut down on CE due to lack of space. Now I am very selective on which CE I really want. It doesn't help that the CE boxes just get bigger and bigger. :ghey:
Bigger & bigger is true. I sold my Borderlands loot chest because i had nowhere to put it,i am also now selling alot of things simply to try to thin the herd out a little & stick to just a few things. Only problem is i get rid of one thing then end up with something else twice the bloody size. I just got an Attakus statue,didnt realise the true size of it & i am buggered if i know where the hell i am going to stick the damn thing:scratch:
05-01-2013, 05:43 PM
Half the time is finding things like this & the other half is having enough space:( Only solution is stop visiting here & finding more things i want or feel i need,lol
Yes, this place makes me want everything that I see
Or anything cheap that goes on sale lol[/QUOTE]
You said it! I'm buying many stuff that I probably wouldn't if I never found this site..
I'm wondering if this site is good or bad.. :scratch:
05-02-2013, 07:17 AM
Yes, this place makes me want everything that I see
Or anything cheap that goes on sale lol
You said it! I'm buying many stuff that I probably wouldn't if I never found this site..
I'm wondering if this site is good or bad.. :scratch:
it's evil D:
05-02-2013, 07:20 AM
It seems like a case of too much knowledge being a bad thing :rotf:
Would never have known the existence of so many items if I had never graced this place
05-02-2013, 07:56 AM
It seems like a case of too much knowledge being a bad thing :rotf:
Would never have known the existence of so many items if I had never graced this place
I would have a lot more money..that's for sure.
05-02-2013, 08:04 AM
Yea but then again.. Managed to get so many treasures here that I would have never thought possible.
I have also saved money. With people all over the world helping to export stuff especially. I remember getting the AC2 Black Edition, AC2 White Edition, ACB Animus Edition, ACR Codex Edition all on eBay for about twice the retail price. :facepalm: I had to have those statues back then and it's what started my statue obsession.. haha!
05-02-2013, 09:21 AM
Bigger & bigger is true. I sold my Borderlands loot chest because i had nowhere to put it,i am also now selling alot of things simply to try to thin the herd out a little & stick to just a few things. Only problem is i get rid of one thing then end up with something else twice the bloody size. I just got an Attakus statue,didnt realise the true size of it & i am buggered if i know where the hell i am going to stick the damn thing:scratch:
Hey Hippee!!
More than help you out with the Attakus... ;) sure I can find a little corner for him somewhere.... :thumb:
05-02-2013, 04:31 PM
Was going to save this for a rather large collection update I have coming at some point but seems fitting here (
I'll be first to admit that I take terrible photos so it looks much better in person
Was probably a developers gift or something but one was also given out in a competition and i think that's where this one originates
Better pics in my intro thread :D
05-02-2013, 05:40 PM
Hey Hippee!!
More than help you out with the Attakus... ;) sure I can find a little corner for him somewhere.... :thumb:
Yes,i am sure you would,lol.I actually thought you were bidding on the one i ended up with
Was going to save this for a rather large collection update I have coming at some point but seems fitting here (
I'll be first to admit that I take terrible photos so it looks much better in person
Was probably a developers gift or something but one was also given out in a competition and i think that's where this one originates
Better pics in my intro thread :D
Seen these come up once or twice but so far no luck getting any sellers to send me one:(
05-02-2013, 05:42 PM
Yes,i am sure you would,lol.I actually thought you were bidding on the one i ended up with
Seen these come up once or twice but so far no luck getting any sellers to send me one:(
Ah ok so not that rare then
Never saw one before this one but never really looked :shrug:
05-02-2013, 05:52 PM
Ah ok so not that rare then
Never saw one before this one but never really looked :shrug:
Sort of rare & sort of not. I have only seen a few come up so far but i am sure more will pop up sooner or later. I think yours was the one that went for $100+ (stilla good buy)& the last one i saw went for $70.
05-02-2013, 05:53 PM
Sort of rare & sort of not. I have only seen a few come up so far but i am sure more will pop up sooner or later. I think yours was the one that went for $100+ (stilla good buy)& the last one i saw went for $70.
So then do you know any more info on it?
Can you confirm it was an internal ubisoft gift etc.?
What did past listings refer to it as?
05-02-2013, 06:00 PM
So then do you know any more info on it?
Can you confirm it was an internal ubisoft gift etc.?
What did past listings refer to it as?
Some may have been a gift to Ubisoft employees but some were also part of Gamestop competition:
Assassin?s Creed III? Prize: The one (1) Winner will receive: (i) one (1) 60″ HDTV, with an ARV of $1,500; (ii) one (1) surround sound audio system, with an ARV of $600; (iii) one (1) Sony PlayStation?3 Super Slim Bundle with the Assassin?s Creed? III game, with an ARV of $299.99; (iv) one (1) Crystal White Sony PS Vita Bundle with Assassin?s Creed?III: Liberation game, with an ARV of $249.99; (v) one (1) limited edition Assassin?s Creed? III Laser Cel framed print, with an ARV of $99.99; (vi) one (1) Colonial Assassin?s flag, with an ARV of $49.99; and (vii) one Assassin?s Creed? licensed products swag bag, with an ARV of $158.42. The total ARV of this Prize is $2,958.38.
05-02-2013, 06:07 PM
this will make maggsy jealous i has this on the way next day shipping 50 pound bang on new and sealed or so they say
05-02-2013, 06:09 PM
Nice one Coma :) Can't wait for pics :)
My most recently received CEs are: Dead Island Riptide Rigor Mortis, Avengers Phase One CE and Sniper 2 Elite Edition xx
05-02-2013, 06:15 PM
Nice one Coma :) Can't wait for pics :)
My most recently received CEs are: Dead Island Riptide Rigor Mortis, Avengers Phase One CE and Sniper 2 Elite Edition xx
cheers v nice pickups yourself
the ds edition is on play asia for 30 dollars but you have to pay for shipping and possible tax, when i saw on amazon snapped it up as it was n the country and fulffilled by amazon, they also are stocking the ni no soundtrack sold and dispatched by amazon not cheap though
StayFree( ' 3')
05-02-2013, 06:16 PM
Can finally add this pretty steelbook to my tomb raider collection...
05-02-2013, 06:19 PM
Nice addition, StayFree :) I really want that (but for 360). Will get it at some point. Got the Futureshop steelbook already, so that will do for now :P xx
05-02-2013, 06:22 PM
Nice addition, StayFree :) I really want that (but for 360). Will get it at some point. Got the Futureshop steelbook already, so that will do for now :P xx
Are you looking for a sealed one (with the game) or just a steelbook?
StayFree( ' 3')
05-02-2013, 07:00 PM
...if only I had the 360 version ( :P
05-02-2013, 07:40 PM
Some may have been a gift to Ubisoft employees but some were also part of Gamestop competition:
Assassin?s Creed III? Prize: The one (1) Winner will receive: (i) one (1) 60″ HDTV, with an ARV of $1,500; (ii) one (1) surround sound audio system, with an ARV of $600; (iii) one (1) Sony PlayStation?3 Super Slim Bundle with the Assassin?s Creed? III game, with an ARV of $299.99; (iv) one (1) Crystal White Sony PS Vita Bundle with Assassin?s Creed?III: Liberation game, with an ARV of $249.99; (v) one (1) limited edition Assassin?s Creed? III Laser Cel framed print, with an ARV of $99.99; (vi) one (1) Colonial Assassin?s flag, with an ARV of $49.99; and (vii) one Assassin?s Creed? licensed products swag bag, with an ARV of $158.42. The total ARV of this Prize is $2,958.38.
I did mention the competition in my other posts as I'm aware of it and thought that's where my one originated but don't think so anymore
There are of course 199 other art cells that were given to someone for some reason
Only 1 was given away in that competition so are the rest ubi gifts?
I'm going to ask the person I bought it from
05-02-2013, 08:12 PM
Just purchased Tales of Vesperia [360] NTSC-U Special Edition near-mint for $45 w/shipping! Yay! :banana:
Also got a ME1 CE for $35 w/shipping.
05-02-2013, 08:31 PM
Just got in from work and found these waiting for me :D
Crap pictures as is customary for me.
StayFree( ' 3')
05-02-2013, 08:51 PM
@_@ oh my gawd where did you get that chun-li poster from??
05-02-2013, 08:58 PM
Just enjoyed browsing everyone's pick ups today - some really cool stuff :thumb:
That poster is awesome Matt!! :swoon:
Nice cel there Swifty :thumb:
And as for the Ninky Nonky stuff Coma.... :beg: lol!!
I did tell you I had the cape right?? :taunt:
05-02-2013, 09:03 PM
Just purchased Tales of Vesperia [360] NTSC-U Special Edition near-mint for $45 w/shipping! Yay! :banana:
Also got a ME1 CE for $35 w/shipping.
That's a great price for Vesperia!! :notworthy:
05-02-2013, 09:12 PM
Just purchased Tales of Vesperia [360] NTSC-U Special Edition near-mint for $45 w/shipping! Yay! :banana:
Great find!!
I found the Chun Li poster on ebay, was really cheap, only cost a poorly octopus.
I'll have a look if there are anymore :)
05-02-2013, 09:16 PM
Great find!!
I found the Chun Li poster on ebay, was really cheap, only cost a poorly octopus.
I'll have a look if there are anymore :)
Lol... Took me a while.... Sick squid :)
05-02-2013, 09:18 PM
Just enjoyed browsing everyone's pick ups today - some really cool stuff :thumb:
That poster is awesome Matt!! :swoon:
Nice cel there Swifty :thumb:
And as for the Ninky Nonky stuff Coma.... :beg: lol!!
I did tell you I had the cape right?? :taunt:
hows you get cape?
hope you wear it around the house
05-02-2013, 09:19 PM
Lol... Took me a while.... Sick squid :)
hehe you are correct :clap:
05-02-2013, 09:21 PM
hows you get cape?
hope you wear it around the house
Nice trade with Oniryo... We both had duplicate Ni No stuff the other didn't. The rest, as they say, is history... :clap:
05-02-2013, 09:23 PM
Nice trade with Oniryo... We both had duplicate Ni No stuff the other didn't. The rest, as they say, is history... :clap:
win win
i bet you stand in town square clutching drippy, wearing cape and reading tales from wizards book
05-02-2013, 09:25 PM
win win
i bet you stand in town square clutching drippy, wearing cape and reading tales from wizards book
Even had my hair cut shorter and mussed it up a it specially... The cat comes too...
05-02-2013, 09:27 PM
Even had my hair cut shorter and mussed it up a it specially... The cat comes too...
i can actually picture it cat sitting on your head and everything
05-02-2013, 09:32 PM
I did mention the competition in my other posts as I'm aware of it and thought that's where my one originated but don't think so anymore
There are of course 199 other art cells that were given to someone for some reason
Only 1 was given away in that competition so are the rest ubi gifts?
I'm going to ask the person I bought it from
The one you got was almost certainly from that giveaway as she was selling the bag listing in that giveaway too
05-03-2013, 02:33 PM
That's a great price for Vesperia!! :notworthy:
Thanks! As it was part of a low priced bundle of nearly 30 games someone was offering 1/2 way across the country I figured they might not have been aware of its rarity. I offered a fair price (certainly compared to what they had it priced at on average) and was willing to negotiate if necessary. Glad to have given them more than they were asking for and also got it for a fraction of where it was elsewhere, win-win! Toss in a CE for ME1 and its a win-win-win! :superman:
Totally liking that chun-li poster by the way! I'm looking to build a game-room/arcade room type thing down the road, and a chun-li poster is a must have!
05-04-2013, 01:39 AM
got them both cheap for 56 dollars
05-04-2013, 07:36 AM
Just bought a Mario figurines :)
It is same as the Nintendo Club had at some point.. But this only cost 17 dollars with shipping :)
So just waiting for it to come :p$(KGrHqMOKo4FF)Y8jskHBRfMPN8N2!~~60_3.JPG
05-04-2013, 10:07 AM
From the Namco Bandai Store, the bags has been sold out pretty damn quickly:
And a thank you note! :D
05-04-2013, 10:20 AM
Just bought a Mario figurines :)
It is same as the Nintendo Club had at some point.. But this only cost 17 dollars with shipping :)
So just waiting for it to come :p$(KGrHqMOKo4FF)Y8jskHBRfMPN8N2!~~60_3.JPG
Great figure - love that one!!! Hope it gets there safe :hug:
05-04-2013, 10:20 AM
From the Namco Bandai Store, the bags has been sold out pretty damn quickly:
And a thank you note! :D
Neato!! :thumb:
05-04-2013, 10:25 AM
Neato!! :thumb:
Indeed, i expected the bag a bit better quality though from the other pics i've seen, the bag is quite weak. Doesn't mean i'm unhappy about obtaining the bag though! :D
05-04-2013, 10:27 AM
Indeed, i expected the bag a bit better quality though from the other pics i've seen, the bag is quite weak. Doesn't mean i'm unhappy about obtaining the bag though! :D
Did you get yours direct from Namco?
05-04-2013, 10:35 AM
Great figure - love that one!!! Hope it gets there safe :hug:
I hope that too :)
But it is a guy I have bought from before, and has been safe shipping and all :)
He stand to have a lot more of them if you want one :p
05-04-2013, 10:38 AM
Did you get yours direct from Namco?
Yes, it's also a bit hinting on the Namco Bandai note i've included in the pic! :>
But this was only available at the Namco Bandai store, probably there will be Ebay auctions later on, but we'll see since it's quite limited.
05-04-2013, 10:41 AM
Yes, it's also a bit hinting on the Namco Bandai note i've included in the pic! :>
But this was only available at the Namco Bandai store, probably there will be Ebay auctions later on, but we'll see since it's quite limited.
Lol!! I thought it might be someone you know who works there :rotf:
05-04-2013, 10:47 AM
Lol!! I thought it might be someone you know who works there :rotf:
Oh, no way lol! Wouldn't that had been awesome? :D
05-04-2013, 11:00 AM
Oh, no way lol! Wouldn't that had been awesome? :D
Just a bit - you would be my new best friend!!! :lmao: ;)
05-04-2013, 11:01 AM
I hope that too :)
But it is a guy I have bought from before, and has been safe shipping and all :)
He stand to have a lot more of them if you want one :p
Would it be at that price?? I really like it - though it would end up in my sons room for sure... :D :facepalm:
05-04-2013, 11:23 AM
Just bought a Mario figurines :)
It is same as the Nintendo Club had at some point.. But this only cost 17 dollars with shipping :)
So just waiting for it to come :p$(KGrHqMOKo4FF)Y8jskHBRfMPN8N2!~~60_3.JPG
I really REALLY hope you're luckier than me with this!
I bought one off thiefbay for cheap..ish and it can be best described as....... How can a phrase this politely........ Dog shit!! My 3 year old niece could have made a better one :(
Have you got a link to the seller so I can see if its the same one that screwed me? Although reading your post it sounds like you know it's not official whereas the seller I used listed it as genuine so that's good at least.
05-04-2013, 11:25 AM
Would it be at that price?? I really like it - though it would end up in my sons room for sure... :D :facepalm:
If you want my crap one its yours!
What a sales pitch :lol:
05-04-2013, 11:29 AM
If you want my crap one its yours!
What a sales pitch :lol:
Is it just crap quality?? My son loves all the mario kart stuff so he'd like it - i'll pay the post for the pile of poo!! Lol :)
05-04-2013, 11:35 AM
Would it be at that price?? I really like it - though it would end up in my sons room for sure... :D :facepalm:
Yeah at that price :)
I really REALLY hope you're luckier than me with this!
I bought one off thiefbay for cheap..ish and it can be best described as....... How can a phrase this politely........ Dog shit!! My 3 year old niece could have made a better one :(
Have you got a link to the seller so I can see if its the same one that screwed me? Although reading your post it sounds like you know it's not official whereas the seller I used listed it as genuine so that's good at least.
I have bought a few times from this seller :) The Diablo Tyrael figurine I have is from him, and it came with box and all and was well protect and good quality.
Yeah it is not genuine, same with tyrael I got there there stands blizzcon and all that on it, and it look just the same.. Only reason the one that really is from blizzcon is from expensive is that they where given out there, and then some people will pay more for it.. So I think this is the same qualty as the one from people got from Nintendo club in 2010 :)
05-04-2013, 11:38 AM
Is it just crap quality?? My son loves all the mario kart stuff so he'd like it - i'll pay the post for the pile of poo!! Lol :)
Yeah crap quality, I haven't looked at it in months but I think it was one of the heads not fitting right and the paint is crap.
Not bothered about postage, I'll throw it your way on Tuesday :)
05-04-2013, 11:41 AM
I have bought a few times from this seller :) The Diablo Tyrael figurine I have is from him, and it came with box and all and was well protect and good quality.
Yeah it is not genuine, same with tyrael I got there there stands blizzcon and all that on it, and it look just the same.. Only reason the one that really is from blizzcon is from expensive is that they where given out there, and then some people will pay more for it.. So I think this is the same qualty as the one from people got from Nintendo club in 2010 :)
That's good then, seller was different from mine as well so I hope you really like it :)
Doing an internship and earning good money is killing my bank account right now
Dead Island Riptide Rigor Mortis Edition (
Dead Island Riptide Zombie Bait Edition (
Assassins Creed Revelations Animus Edition
Assassins Creed Brotherhood Codex Edition
Assassins Creed Anthology (
05-04-2013, 12:49 PM
Nothing much new yet, just AC4 poster
05-04-2013, 01:07 PM
That is a superb collection Platfus :D
05-04-2013, 07:32 PM
Recently bought this half an hour ago:
God of War: Ascension Limited Deluxe Collectors Edition PS3 New Sealed[/B]
Brand new sealed for 250 Euros included shipment.
I was looking for it for so long, that has been impossible not to pull the trigger and push buy now directly.
What do you think about the price? I think is a fair price couse is brand new selaed and it comes directly from Singapur.
And really hard to find edition (first one I see on ebay indeed)...have waited so much to see one appear...
05-04-2013, 08:35 PM
That is a superb collection Platfus :D
Thanks :)
05-04-2013, 08:37 PM
But still missing some steels and AC 1 editions :(
05-04-2013, 08:40 PM
How many steels of AC exist?
The preorder tin box one and the Master assassin big metal box?
There are no steelbooks of AC1, am I wrong?
05-04-2013, 08:43 PM
AC1 has steelbook but it has a stupid PC logo printed on it :taunt:
05-04-2013, 08:49 PM
Damn Pc logos.. lol...
Never heard about this one...will take a look for it...
05-04-2013, 10:59 PM
got some gamestuffs resi 6 and ni no ds in the post pics tommrow
05-05-2013, 06:49 AM
Found the Bioshock steelbook. Used: no scratches or dents in the slightest, but the retailer stickered and taped it to oblivion.
05-05-2013, 07:37 PM
my ni no collection is getting bugger waiting for a potato invoice 8D for steel but here is ds version, next in order will be soundtrack then sra guide next month
comes with wizard companion and card of some sort lovely art on box
also resi 6 badgers, god bless breaker uppers as i got the best bit of ce without paying ce price
05-06-2013, 12:23 AM
Last pick up
05-06-2013, 12:29 AM
Nice!! Are you going to open the Neptunia?!?....
05-07-2013, 04:07 PM
got slimer edition and a few other bits on way no idea where dhl delivery is today but oh well it will be here one day
i will not be posting here mucho on lst ce bought as i will be getting no new stuff june/july/august so here is some of me last bits before summer drought
was waiting for price drop but gave in as is not bad look forward to playing the game
seasonal soopy snow globes
maggspotato <3:hug::hug::hug::hug::bananalama::bananalama::bana nalama:
glad drought is coming as have about twelve games to finish and wanna save some omneys
05-07-2013, 04:15 PM
Wish the drought was coming for me, too. I've only got a few things over the next few months (June, July and August) but even those are crippling me :P xx
05-07-2013, 04:17 PM
got slimer edition and a few other bits on way no idea where dhl delivery is today but oh well it will be here one day
i will not be posting here mucho on lst ce bought as i will be getting no new stuff june/july/august so here is some of me last bits before summer drought
was waiting for price drop but gave in as is not bad look forward to playing the game
That sniper steelbook comes with the european CE?
If so, looks like I have to buy a few more things.
05-07-2013, 04:18 PM
Wish the drought was coming for me, too. I've only got a few things over the next few months (June, July and August) but even those are crippling me :P xx
well tbh i could buy stuff nonstop, would be easy but got polish di, slimer edition, de mortis on way
so i think after that will take a break for a couple months just to save as there is nothing much out, may get last of us joel will see but that will be it wanna save a little before christmas onslaught
will be tempting to buy ce's but wanna clear me backlog of games
05-07-2013, 04:19 PM
That sniper steelbook comes with the european CE?
If so, looks like I have to buy a few more things.
yeh is a really really nice stell if it was rubbish would say but it is nice embossed and stuff
hope the game is as good 8S
for 3999
you cannot ask for much more though soundtrack, dlc steel and cool book
05-07-2013, 04:30 PM
Seasonal snoopy gloves?
Soooo it!!! lol
Sniper is a great CE for this price...worths it totally...
And Ni no steel...what to of my favs...have it besides my miyazaki films steelbooks...
05-07-2013, 04:34 PM
yeh is a really really nice stell if it was rubbish would say but it is nice embossed and stuff
hope the game is as good 8S
for 3999
you cannot ask for much more though soundtrack, dlc steel and cool book
Lol well then I have to get it now haha
Where did you buy it from?
05-07-2013, 04:36 PM
Seasonal snoopy gloves?
Soooo it!!! lol
Sniper is a great CE for this price...worths it totally...
And Ni no steel...what to of my favs...have it besides my miyazaki films steelbooks...
snow globes 8D but now you said me thinking
Lol well then I have to get it now haha
Where did you buy it from?
05-07-2013, 04:49 PM
AC Black Flag PreOrder Box
05-07-2013, 04:57 PM
AC Black Flag PreOrder Box
Is this the Ubi preorder? Got mailed that mine was sent recently.
Don't like the map this way inside the box...saving money on postage of course...but anyway...
Would have prefer UK style...rolled...
05-07-2013, 06:27 PM
Lost Planet Extreme Condition, Call Of Duty MW3, Star Wars The Old Republic Arrived Saturday. Returning From My Great Aunts House Yesterday, Prototype 2 Blackwatch Edition Bundled With The Steelbook And The Guide (For $22 And $4 Shipping) Was Waiting:v:.... A Quick Off Topic Question, Is There A Thread Specifically For Pre-Order Bonuses, Collecting/Buy/Sale/Photos Etc? I Surely Can't Be The Only One Who :drool: At Them:)
StayFree( ' 3')
05-07-2013, 06:35 PM
...wut does the pegi mean in pegi18? :tumbleweed:
05-07-2013, 06:50 PM
Is this the Ubi preorder? Got mailed that mine was sent recently.
Don't like the map this way inside the box...saving money on postage of course...but anyway...
Would have prefer UK style...rolled...
Jep Ubishop Preorder
its in 5 languages
Box + Map (with Code for The Watch)
05-07-2013, 07:59 PM
...wut does the pegi mean in pegi18? :tumbleweed:
Pan European Game Information
The Grim Reaper
05-08-2013, 04:54 AM
There was a minor restock at that lasted like half an hour a week after its launch and it has taken till today to be delivered .
Also, two other purchases:
05-08-2013, 12:53 PM
god that annio is a thing of beauty i has two the only ce i has two of one sealed one open
05-08-2013, 01:14 PM
It looks good
05-08-2013, 03:39 PM
love love love this edition i dare say it best of riptide editions
my top three is noow anno, ni no and riptide mortis
little paddington bear suitcase is lovely, key bobble and the rest is great also come packaged with the stell which is a nice bonus
05-08-2013, 03:46 PM
love love love this edition i dare say it best of riptide editions
my top three is noow anno, ni no and riptide mortis
little paddington bear suitcase is lovely, key bobble and the rest is great also come packaged with the stell which is a nice bonus
Yes I just got mine, and I LOVE THE SUITCASE.
It's so nicely made.
And the was just right.
05-08-2013, 03:57 PM
got my persona 4 arena bright yellow vinyl today. pics later.
05-08-2013, 08:57 PM
My signed Tali'Zorah SDCC lithograph and my Itoya portfolio came today (Thanks nipperkipper :) ) so I finally have a good place to store my lithos when they aren't in frames:
05-08-2013, 09:02 PM
My signed Tali'Zorah SDCC lithograph and my Itoya portfolio came today (Thanks nipperkipper :) ) so I finally have a good place to store my lithos when they aren't in frames:
No problem, glad to see it got there safely it was quite an unusual item to pack and a challenge
Nice low number as well, do you have the other two from the SDCC set
05-08-2013, 09:08 PM
AC Black Flag PreOrder Box
So what IS the pirates trophy bonus content???
05-08-2013, 09:14 PM
No problem, glad to see it got there safely it was quite an unusual item to pack and a challenge
Nice low number as well, do you have the other two from the SDCC set
I'm supposed to have the Liara one coming but it's not been sent yet so I'm a little worried. I have an unsigned version of Liara framed and on my wall anyway. I haven't got the Garuus one and to be quite honest I'm not to fussed about that one.
Oh and the packing job you did was outstanding and UPS handled it well...Thanks again :)
Texas Fire
05-08-2013, 11:48 PM
Just got some Zombie Baits finally and the GameStop manager gave me the Assassins Creed and Watch Dog lithographs... ( (
05-08-2013, 11:54 PM
Nice... yeah I got lucky too and got one of the WATCH_DOGS ones.
05-09-2013, 12:55 PM
So a few things arrived today.... :banana:
Injustice Press Kit ( (
The last missing Army of Two steelbook - family pics will go on my thread... (
Finally got the Assassins Creed Canadian preorder tin ( (
AC2 Russian Edition ( (
Now they know how to make a decent pewter figurine... :clap:
A few of my missing bits and pieces... (
And my new friends... :hug: (
Bg big thanks to Stu for the Assassins additions :hug: :barsong:
05-09-2013, 01:07 PM
That Injustice PK is totally sick...
I'm so into the DC universe that I'm looking forward it as a madman on ebay...
But find no one... :(
Congrats for your new stuff Mag!!!
05-09-2013, 01:08 PM
Injustice PK is absolutely beautiful! :drool: xx
05-09-2013, 02:02 PM
So a few things arrived today.... :banana:
Injustice Press Kit ( (
The last missing Army of Two steelbook - family pics will go on my thread... (
Finally got the Assassins Creed Canadian preorder tin ( (
AC2 Russian Edition ( (
Now they know how to make a decent pewter figurine... :clap:
A few of my missing bits and pieces... (
And my new friends... :hug: (
Bg big thanks to Stu for the Assassins additions :hug: :barsong:
Awesome Mags! Gonna buy preorder tin as well :)
05-09-2013, 02:07 PM
That Injustice PK is totally sick...
I'm so into the DC universe that I'm looking forward it as a madman on ebay...
But find no one... :(
Congrats for your new stuff Mag!!!
There were about 5 of them couple of days ago across ebay.
05-09-2013, 03:00 PM
Awesome Mags! Gonna buy preorder tin as well :)
Thanks Dan :) It is a nice one to have finally :)
05-09-2013, 03:01 PM
Thanks Dan :) It is a nice one to have finally :)
Is it from the link I sent you?
That ACII pewter figurine looks fantastic.
I don't know if it really counts or not but I just picked up a slim pink PS2 with all the wires and a matching controller for ?15 which I'm pleased about. :) (Heh, although as is always the case with used consoles I'll need to thoroughly clean it before I'll feel comfortable touching it, maybe I'm just weird though :P)
Also picked up a light gun for ?4 that seems to be quite rare although I doubt it'll be worth much as there were tons of different ones.
05-09-2013, 04:19 PM
So a few things arrived today.... :banana:
Injustice Press Kit ( (
The last missing Army of Two steelbook - family pics will go on my thread... (
Finally got the Assassins Creed Canadian preorder tin ( (
AC2 Russian Edition ( (
Now they know how to make a decent pewter figurine... :clap:
A few of my missing bits and pieces... (
And my new friends... :hug: (
Bg big thanks to Stu for the Assassins additions :hug: :barsong:
Awesome Update Mags :thumb:
That injustice PK is beautiful
Albeit I like the army of two steel the best I think :rotf:
05-09-2013, 04:25 PM
Cool stuff Mags!!! (
I've never heard of 'snoitalever deerc snissassa', is this a new game or an Assassins Creed spinoff? :scratch:
05-09-2013, 04:37 PM
Cool stuff Mags!!!
I've never heard of 'snoitalever deerc snissassa', is this a new game or an Assassins Creed spinoff? :scratch:
Lmao!!! Stoppit Matt!!! :lmao:
Weirdly that pic is jinxed - I have rotated it about 20 times already... It shows up right then reverts.... :sorry:
Coma will fix it later.... ;)
05-09-2013, 04:41 PM
My fav Army of two mexican steel is the one with the Mexican Skull...soooo smooooth...
Just on my way to get the Austria exclusive to have the fourth variants... :)
05-09-2013, 05:31 PM
The Austrian Army of Two steel is really shiny! Top class steel there :clap:
05-09-2013, 06:12 PM
Lmao!!! Stoppit Matt!!! :lmao:
Weirdly that pic is jinxed - I have rotated it about 20 times already... It shows up right then reverts.... :sorry:
Coma will fix it later.... ;)
it always happens to me when I use the evil ipad :asplode:
Texas Fire
05-09-2013, 08:56 PM
Injustice Press Kit ( ( nice!
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