View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
02-19-2014, 09:26 PM
The print is super awesome. :D Had never seen one before, so am very pleased to have it. ^o^ I'm going to see whether I can get anymore info from NoA regarding it and see if there is any info they can give regarding numbers and such... o.0 Don't expect to hear back from them regarding it, but worth a try. :D
I've seen a few of those on the bay over the past several months but only one that had the COA. Please do tell if you find out numbers, very interested myself and only reason I didn't jump on it was cuz of the holidays ;). Glad to see it went to a great person and fan though if it was the same one!
02-19-2014, 09:45 PM
I've seen a few of those on the bay over the past several months but only one that had the COA. Please do tell if you find out numbers, very interested myself and only reason I didn't jump on it was cuz of the holidays ;). Glad to see it went to a great person and fan though if it was the same one!
This one was from ebay too. ^o^ It's very nice. :D Was a great pick up. ^o^
Yeah, I'm hoping somebody might get back to me, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Will let anybody know who might be interested if I find out more. :D
02-19-2014, 09:53 PM
This one was from ebay too. ^o^ It's very nice. :D Was a great pick up. ^o^
Yeah, I'm hoping somebody might get back to me, but I'm not going to hold my breath. Will let anybody know who might be interested if I find out more. :D
That's awesome. I'll be trolling ebay now to take a look :D.
02-20-2014, 08:16 AM
great update! enjoyed seeing the Zelda swag updated pics!
02-20-2014, 09:11 AM
Got the cool looking Field Guide to Kanto.
02-20-2014, 10:42 AM
bought it to a user from this forum at a very reasonable price ( 55€ )
02-21-2014, 05:05 PM
Got the cool looking Field Guide to Kanto.
This is brilliant
02-21-2014, 06:42 PM
Received this today.
And i bought it just for the little pieces of art included in that guidebook
have recieve a couple days ago my Sonic: Shadow the Hedgehog Statue ( exclusief Edition) from first for figures :) (
Now waiting to recieve my athor statue's that i have in pre order :
Tanooki Mario Exclusive (first 4 figures)
Sonic Generations Diorama Exclusive
Worms 2 Armageddon Diorama (Exclusive version)
have recieve a couple days ago my Sonic: Shadow the Hedgehog Statue ( exclusief Edition) from first for figures :) (
Now waiting to recieve my athor statue's that i have in pre order :
Tanooki Mario Exclusive (first 4 figures)
Sonic Generations Diorama Exclusive
Worms 2 Armageddon Diorama (Exclusive version)
wow, it's huge :tumbleweed:
wow, it's huge :tumbleweed:
yes it whas bigger then i whas tinking
02-22-2014, 12:25 PM
wow, it's huge :tumbleweed:
why thank you
02-22-2014, 01:33 PM
Update time. A few items have probably been shown before though: ( (
The new encyclopedia is awesome and contains a lot of hints at future developments.
Also 2 temporary items before they go to their new home: ( (
02-22-2014, 01:41 PM
meh moo quack
02-22-2014, 02:03 PM$_57.JPG
got me a badge cheapest i seen at a price i was holding out for
02-22-2014, 02:20 PM$_57.JPG
got me a badge cheapest i seen at a price i was holding out for
Those have been around for a long time... I could have sworn they have been a lot cheaper then that before.
The auction ones have gone for sub $10. But the issue probably is international shipping costs for you.
Nice grab though Coma! I wish there was more promos already for that game though. All I have seen is that pin and the poster.
02-22-2014, 02:51 PM
Those have been around for a long time... I could have sworn they have been a lot cheaper then that before.
The auction ones have gone for sub $10. But the issue probably is international shipping costs for you.
Nice grab though Coma! I wish there was more promos already for that game though. All I have seen is that pin and the poster.
yeh a lot of the cheap bin had shitty postage costs, the one i got was decent, sure there will be loads come release all sorts of stuff, got sackboy pinny and phone case so far
why no ce strat guide?
King Peter
02-24-2014, 03:57 AM
I bought Tales of Vesperia LE (complete) for 60$ at a local flea market
You'd be amaze the kinds of stuff that sell there :P
02-24-2014, 03:58 AM
My flea markets sucks. . Never anything good :(
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02-24-2014, 08:04 PM
Just managed to get another rare (or what i consider rare) AC item. Only one other member has it as far as i know :v:
Just managed to get another rare (or what i consider rare) AC item. Only one other member has it as far as i know :v:
no pictures? it doesn't count :P
02-24-2014, 08:13 PM
no pictures? it doesn't count :P
When it arrives, the listed pic wasn't the best :P
02-24-2014, 08:25 PM
When it arrives, the listed pic wasn't the best :P
Now I'm going to have to start guessing at what it is...
Maybe the UK AC1 PK? :think:
02-24-2014, 08:30 PM
now i'm going to have to start guessing at what it is...
Maybe the uk ac1 pk? :think:
ac 1 pk?
02-24-2014, 08:32 PM
ac 1 pk?
Assassin's Creed Uno Press Kit de United Kingdom and maybe one or two other countries?
Ingmar has it, not sure who else if anyone
02-24-2014, 08:33 PM
Assassin's Creed Uno Press Kit de United Kingdom and maybe one or two other countries?
Ingmar has it, not sure who else if anyone
Dont think i even know what it looks like :D
02-24-2014, 08:40 PM
Dont think i even know what it looks like :D
One moment I find le pics
Edit: Here we go
Now I'm going to have to start guessing at what it is...
Maybe the UK AC1 PK? :think:
:nono: it's probably the life size statue of connor.
Meg getting freaky with connor statue
02-24-2014, 08:56 PM
:nono: it's probably the life size statue of connor.
Meg getting freaky with connor statue
I love that there's actually a picture that works with that statement :rotf:
I love that there's actually a picture that works with that statement :rotf: 68f86368efe910.jpg
02-24-2014, 08:58 PM
:nono: it's probably the life size statue of connor.
Meg getting freaky with connor statue
That is one of the creepiest things ive seen in a while :s
Oh that press kit, yeah its definately not that :D
02-24-2014, 09:02 PM
The AC 1 E3 poster? :p
02-24-2014, 09:03 PM
Oh that press kit, yeah its definately not that :D
Hmm I shall ponder on it for a bit then :think:
Off the top of my head though I can only think of the Australian CE, the ACII journal, or one of the uber rare press kits
It's not really fair to keep pestering you though as you should be able to surprise us with us so please don't answer and I'll just wait impatiently :popcorn:
I'll just wait impatiently...
fixed :P
02-24-2014, 09:13 PM
fixed :P
02-24-2014, 09:23 PM
I'll narrow it down and say its from either AC III or IV :v:
Also i managed to get a white edition encyclopedia today :D
02-24-2014, 09:35 PM
I'll narrow it down and say its from either AC III or IV :v:
Also i managed to get a white edition encyclopedia today :D
hmm my thoughts are racing yes they are :spiteful:
I will keep my guess to myself though :secret:
Congrats on the white edition encyclopedia
02-24-2014, 10:44 PM
save you all the trouble douchey bought this$_12.JPG
real rainy day fund item you got there meg
02-24-2014, 11:40 PM
save you all the trouble douchey bought this$_12.JPG
real rainy day fund item you got there meg
If it is that then make it two others as I have one... :wave: ;)
And sorry for pushing your bid over 40gbp on the white encyclopedia Meg :blush:
02-24-2014, 11:41 PM
If it is that then make it two others as I have one... :wave: ;)
And sorry for pushing your bid over 40gbp on the white encyclopedia Meg :blush:
its okay mags your forgiven
foam club at 3 wwooooooooo
02-25-2014, 06:24 AM
Muhehegehe i still have the foamahawk
I'll narrow it down and say its from either AC III or IV :v:
Also i managed to get a white edition encyclopedia today :D
hmm, what could that be?
could you narrow it down once more :spiteful:
02-25-2014, 07:38 AM
Just went into my local EB Games, just in time to notice them hanging up some Diablo III: Reaper of Souls promo posters and such, managed to score one off them.
02-25-2014, 10:47 AM
Good timing! That's a great looking poster :thumb:
02-25-2014, 11:41 PM
Recently picked up awesome Killzone Shadow Fall Steelbook from mags, Tales of Symphonia PAL CE, Danganronpa NIS LE (finally arrive this morning).
02-26-2014, 09:57 AM
Some new items to my FF collection:
02-26-2014, 03:09 PM
Some new items to my FF collection:
wow where did you get the realm reborn stuff o.o? That is an awesome haul. I'm looking to expand my FF collection as well.
02-26-2014, 03:21 PM
wow where did you get the realm reborn stuff o.o?
It was pre-order bonus in NA (GameStop etc.) - quit easy and cheap to find in eBay ;)
02-26-2014, 04:57 PM
It was pre-order bonus in NA (GameStop etc.) - quit easy and cheap to find in eBay ;)
I think it might of been Canada only, as I don't think US got it. (I could be wrong though)
02-26-2014, 07:42 PM
I think it might of been Canada only, as I don't think US got it. (I could be wrong though)
I thought it was for both US and Canada.
02-27-2014, 11:27 PM
I rarely post anymore, but I finally got something.
Art book, steelbook, lenticular cover, and an autographed copy of the game, as well as issue 1 of the comic.
Unfortunately I'm unable to remember exactly WHO its autographed by.
I rarely post anymore, but I finally got something.
Art book, steelbook, lenticular cover, and an autographed copy of the game, as well as issue 1 of the comic.
Unfortunately I'm unable to remember exactly WHO its autographed by.
awesome stuff! How do you feel about the art book, do you like it so far?
i'm still on the fence regarding the artbook.
02-28-2014, 01:21 AM
Have yet to open it actually. Not wanting to spoil myself. It looks fairly chunky, but then again... I didn't pay for it. Prizes FTW
02-28-2014, 01:34 PM
Just picked up my Castievania lords of shadow 2 thingy. Got the draculas tomb thing, bit disappointed that the box is basically moulded cardboard but it's still nice.
The steelbook is VERY red, and unfortunately, at least on mine, the paint on the figurines isn't great. Only the Zobek figure is basically perfect.
03-03-2014, 01:35 PM
Finally got myself a TLOU Ellie Edition and CE Guidebook.....been wanting one for ages.
Also got some Beyond Two Souls promo cards.$T2eC16JHJF8FFp9DsYo3BSZ-!j7+cQ~~60_12.JPG
03-03-2014, 01:45 PM
Got a new Darksiders Press Kit in brand new condition, even the promo disc is still sealed. Thasnk Ing!
Also got a PAX litho card signed by Joe Mad. And I finally broke down and got the Darksiders 2 France Exclusive Steelbook.
Darksiders "The Book of War" Press Kit:
Darksiders PAX Litho Signed by Joe Mad:
Darksiders 2 France Exclusive Steelbook:
03-03-2014, 02:56 PM
Goddamn that's nice stuff.
You make me very jelly.
03-03-2014, 03:04 PM
Great stuff Flat!!!
A little bit dissapointed couse I thought that the Book of War PK was bigger, now that I see it open...a little bit dissapointed..
Even the Hellbook edition book looks bigger and better quality...but sadly it's not in a PK...
But really nice Darksiders goodies....and truly rare PK!!!
03-03-2014, 03:10 PM
Great stuff Flat!!!
A little bit dissapointed couse I thought that the Book of War PK was bigger, now that I see it open...a little bit dissapointed..
Even the Hellbook edition book looks bigger and better quality...but sadly it's not in a PK...
But really nice Darksiders goodies....and truly rare PK!!!
Thanks! Really wanted to get one that was in perfect shape... since my other one was in rough shape (but I still loved it because it was awesome looking and rare... and it is Darksiders :D )
Actually if you mean size the Press Kit is bigger. But the Hellbook Edition has more stuff to it on the inside. When I first got my other Darksiders PK I was a bit disappointed about the internals as well, was hoping for more pages. But the leather bound Bible look it has is just awesome.
As far as quality goes there is not comparison, the Press Kit is far better in the respect. The Press Kit is leather (or leather type material) and the Hellbook is just paper through and through, the Hellbook only looks nice due to its shiny coating.
03-03-2014, 03:16 PM
Yep...truly rare bud!!!
And the leather cover as you say is totally damn sick!!!
I know there's no comparison with the hellbook edition, becouse it's one of the rarest ones PK's...
Just a little bit dissapointed just with the inside content...but it's amazinganyway!!!
03-03-2014, 10:25 PM
Wow that darksiders PK is really neat. Envy Envy....
I received this today
side by side with the LoS limited edition
there are many more collectores on it's way. This month has been a real wallet killer for me.
03-03-2014, 10:47 PM
February and March.... Killer CE months... Money eaters...
Tales Of EU... NA, Castlevania Tomb, Lightning NA square LE ,Hakouki 3DS collector's, Hakouki Ps3 Collector's, NISA's Witch LE, Demon's souls Japan, Webhallen Edition, and some more that I may forget...
Totally killer months...
03-03-2014, 10:48 PM
Wow that darksiders PK is really neat. Envy Envy....
I received this today
side by side with the LoS limited edition
there are many more collectores on it's way. This month has been a real wallet killer for me.
Awesome stuff yourself... I really liked the LoS 1 Special/Limited Edition. It is like the Darksiders Hellbook Edition. Love the art style of LoS.
What is in the LoS2 Belmont Edition?.
03-03-2014, 10:52 PM
It includes the same artbook that comes with the Tomb Edition and game...
Would have been the perfect Collector's Edition If it have had included the steelbook.
Awesome stuff yourself... I really liked the LoS 1 Special/Limited Edition. It is like the Darksiders Hellbook Edition. Love the art style of LoS.
What is in the LoS2 Belmont Edition?.
the better edition that is not only WAY cheaper but it comes with the game and the artbook :)
(it's just missing the stupid steelbook :rant:)
February and March.... Killer CE months... Money eaters...
Tales Of EU... NA, Castlevania Tomb, Lightning NA square LE ,Hakouki 3DS collector's, Hakouki Ps3 Collector's, NISA's Witch LE, Demon's souls Japan, Webhallen Edition, and some more that I may forget...
Totally killer months...
dude if you order the witch and hundred knight you need to buy this.
03-03-2014, 11:00 PM
dude if you order the witch and hundred knight you need to buy this.
I almost screamed where from..but I saw the link.
I got the LE pre-ordered and a regular copy as well (on accident) of the game. So I am excited!
03-03-2014, 11:01 PM
February and March.... Killer CE months... Money eaters...
Tales Of EU... NA, Castlevania Tomb, Lightning NA square LE ,Hakouki 3DS collector's, Hakouki Ps3 Collector's, NISA's Witch LE, Demon's souls Japan, Webhallen Edition, and some more that I may forget...
Totally killer months...
Yeah I cancelled my Castlevania Tomb lol. I can't afford it anymore with CEs costing almost $200.
I got like ToS EU,NA,Titanfall CE, FFX LE NA, FFX LE EU, FFX CE Square Enix, NISA witch, D3:reaper of souls CE, Dark souls 2 CE PAL and Dark souls 2 CE Jap. + Infamous PAL CE
Might end up cancelling dark souls 2 ce jap :/
I almost screamed where from..but I saw the link.
I got the LE pre-ordered and a regular copy as well (on accident) of the game. So I am excited!
It should have came included in the LE, but a little chibi next to the full size will most definitely complete it. :P
linky link
Might end up cancelling dark souls 2 ce jap :/
Dont do it!
That might be hard to replace down the road. :X
Cancel one you might be able to get cheaper in a couple of months :yes:
03-03-2014, 11:06 PM
It should have came included in the LE, but a little chibi next to the full size will most definitely complete it. :P
linky link
It seems that pre-orders for the statue are sold out everywhere but Nippon
03-03-2014, 11:11 PM
You showed me this....and now I'm like...what I'm gonna do????
Forgot to add Titanfall CE and the Dragon's Crown Sorceress figure...
This month is gonna be soooo hard....
03-03-2014, 11:12 PM
Def cant afford titanfall ce. But so mad I didnt get witch and the hundred knight :(
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You showed me this....and now I'm like...what I'm gonna do????
Forgot to add Titanfall CE and the Dragon's Crown Sorceress figure...
This month is gonna be soooo hard....
you should def wait for titanfall CE that thing will drop in price... and buy the statue instead. Totally worth it :yes:
03-03-2014, 11:17 PM
Thats what im waiting for as well, titanfall ce to drop . .I bought a standard edition so we'll just have to wait
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Thats what im waiting for as well, titanfall ce to drop . .I bought a standard edition so we'll just have to wait
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i'm very jealous, titanfall is sooo fucking amazing... :,(
i need a xbox
03-03-2014, 11:20 PM
My little brother played the beta on xbox one with his friend (I only own a 360) and he said it was cool . . So im gonna get the ce guide and call it a day
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03-03-2014, 11:24 PM
Dont do it!
That might be hard to replace down the road. :X
Cancel one you might be able to get cheaper in a couple of months :yes:
I know :P That's why I cancelled Castlevania Tomb. I might have fund for it since I cancelled castlevania. Still trying to find money.
If not I'll see if any member wants it.
03-04-2014, 02:11 AM
i'm very jealous, titanfall is sooo fucking amazing... :,(
i need a xbox
Why Not PC ? at least better than nothing :)
03-04-2014, 02:40 AM
You showed me this....and now I'm like...what I'm gonna do????
Forgot to add Titanfall CE and the Dragon's Crown Sorceress figure...
This month is gonna be soooo hard....
Where did you pre-order your Dragon's Crown figures?
Where did you pre-order your Dragon's Crown figures?
Dragons Crown Amazon ( USD 73.52
Dragons Crown Elf ( USD 88.62 (I think this one is by far the best one)
Dragons Crown Sorceress ( USD 97.90
03-04-2014, 08:12 AM
I was talking about The last one sorceress pic...totally damn sick!!!!
This is a high quality one...
Had an eye on the elf too, but not sure If together They will fit well, as one sorceress boob May be 1/3 of the elf
03-04-2014, 02:01 PM
Dragons Crown Elf ( USD 88.62 (I think this one is by far the best one)
Wow, I don't care so much for the other statues/art etc. But this elf is killer! Really love the detail on that (even if her pose is a little weird). A great price too! If I cared about the game at all, this would be a must-buy even if I wouldn't get the others. Wouldn't have any problem paying sub-$100 for statues, its the $400+ ones that get my goat though! :)
Thanks for posting!
I'm really hoping to see the next few Fire Emblem ones that they've announced (I've seen 3 in total now)
Also, I was REALLY debating holding off on the TitanFall CE because I just KNOW there's going to be a ton of them left over at stores and with the size they're going to be marked down REAL quick to make room, but I imagine with this particular game there's going to be more people than usual thinking the same thing and trying to snag one as soon as they drop - its a gamble I would typically make, but with the size of the box, I just don't think these things will survive sitting on shelves/floors without being damaged beyond what I'm comfortable with.
I know BestBuy is doing a promotion for GCU members where they randomly gave people upgrades to the CE for free if they had the regular version pre-ordered, so companies will be trying to move these - but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Maybe I just won't open mine for 30 days and return it if the price DOES go down ;)
03-04-2014, 02:20 PM
What sizes do you think they will be??
Have found no info about them, but the sorceress looks least the two huge boobs... :lmao:
BTW, EU people are lucky, there are no fees for us from Nippon Yassan!!! :banana:
And Knight, one question...think that I have bought the Titanfall CE for XBOX ONE from, so totally 322 usd with taxes included, what means, 234 euros....
Think that here in EU just the CE are 300 euros...if I sell the game for 50 euros sealed...less the 234, are more or less 185 Euros....
Do you think it will drop so low to get all the CE content for less then that amount????
They will drop the price (but not madly), and having the dollar euro conversion, I think I got a nice deal here...
03-04-2014, 02:21 PM
Wow, I don't care so much for the other statues/art etc. But this elf is killer! Really love the detail on that (even if her pose is a little weird). A great price too! If I cared about the game at all, this would be a must-buy even if I wouldn't get the others. Wouldn't have any problem paying sub-$100 for statues, its the $400+ ones that get my goat though! :)
Thanks for posting!
I'm really hoping to see the next few Fire Emblem ones that they've announced (I've seen 3 in total now)
Also, I was REALLY debating holding off on the TitanFall CE because I just KNOW there's going to be a ton of them left over at stores and with the size they're going to be marked down REAL quick to make room, but I imagine with this particular game there's going to be more people than usual thinking the same thing and trying to snag one as soon as they drop - its a gamble I would typically make, but with the size of the box, I just don't think these things will survive sitting on shelves/floors without being damaged beyond what I'm comfortable with.
I know BestBuy is doing a promotion for GCU members where they randomly gave people upgrades to the CE for free if they had the regular version pre-ordered, so companies will be trying to move these - but I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Maybe I just won't open mine for 30 days and return it if the price DOES go down ;)
I like the Sorceress one myself :D
You really think the Titanfall CE will drop in price? It is sold out everywhere online it seems. Usually stores do not get a lot of these big type CEs either. But if it is a store that people do not buy games from much it could happen.
03-04-2014, 02:29 PM
I think Titanfall will not least a huge drop...
On line stores are sold almost sold out, and phisical retailers just will order the preordered ones, and they are not so much...
That CE will not flood the market....
03-04-2014, 03:10 PM
I disagree, everyone I talked to though the defiance ultimate would not be leftover, I can buy one with the box in cruddy condition for 60 at my local gamestop.
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03-04-2014, 03:16 PM
Comparing Defiance Edition with the Titanfall Edition is like compare a mice with and elephant...
There's a huuuuge big difference in content and quality...
03-04-2014, 03:20 PM
03-04-2014, 03:20 PM
Yes ill agree with content, and the quality of the statue will be tremendous. I just honestly dont see many of these selling in my area. If they do . .awesome, if not. . .I will grab one eventually. Can only wait and see
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03-04-2014, 03:21 PM
Awesome FF pickups trigger. In a couple weeks I should have a nice update but we will see
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03-04-2014, 03:33 PM
Well, maybe its different in the US than other places. I know a lot of people have preordered the CE from places like Gamestop but have no intention of picking it up. In particular as GS offered a bonus % towards trade-ins for it, and with the high price people could trade in a lot of things towards it. They do this and GS certainly can't keep them in their stores -- look how quickly they reduced the prices on Batman AO and SC:Blacklist just to clear some space. This CE is at least twice the size of those. Perhaps the demand will be so much that random people will jump on these right away, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing them drop significantly within a month's time if they don't move. Retailers just don't have the space for something like this.
Also, there's no other exclusive content besides the Statue in this CE really - no steelbook, no DLC, and the artbook is available separately. (Unless you count the "full-size schematic of a titan" but I mean c'mon, really?)
03-04-2014, 03:34 PM
Well, maybe its different in the US than other places. I know a lot of people have preordered the CE from places like Gamestop but have no intention of picking it up. In particular as GS offered a bonus % towards trade-ins for it, and with the high price people could trade in a lot of things towards it. They do this and GS certainly can't keep them in their stores -- look how quickly they reduced the prices on Batman AO and SC:Blacklist just to clear some space. This CE is at least twice the size of those. Perhaps the demand will be so much that random people will jump on these right away, but I have a feeling we'll be seeing them drop significantly within a month's time if they don't move. Retailers just don't have the space for something like this.
Also, there's no other exclusive content besides the Statue in this CE really - no steelbook, no DLC, and the artbook is available separately. (Unless you count the "full-size schematic of a titan" but I mean c'mon, really?)
Agreed, in fact I think im going to let my local gamestop store manager know that if he can keep one that doesnt sell in good condition I will pick it up.
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03-04-2014, 03:35 PM
I disagree, everyone I talked to though the defiance ultimate would not be leftover, I can buy one with the box in cruddy condition for 60 at my local gamestop.
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Are you sure that its the "Ultimate" edition? Is it for the 360? If so, let me know what store its at - I may be interested. I'm pretty sure they converted those to a USED SKU quite awhile ago, so you should be able to get it for the used price of a regular game now. ;)
03-04-2014, 03:37 PM
Yea its the ultimate and its 60 as far as I know unless its dropped more since ive last been. The box is kind of beat up, they also have blacklist ce as well fairly cheap. Box pretty beat up once again. If I find out dan can only get a limited number of signed ff from the gallery then I will probably pick those up myself lol. When I go in next ill double check and let you know for sure though ;)
Edit: and yes its for the 360
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03-04-2014, 04:07 PM
Yea its the ultimate and its 60 as far as I know unless its dropped more since ive last been. The box is kind of beat up, they also have blacklist ce as well fairly cheap. Box pretty beat up once again. If I find out dan can only get a limited number of signed ff from the gallery then I will probably pick those up myself lol. When I go in next ill double check and let you know for sure though ;)
Edit: and yes its for the 360
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Yeah, at the VERY highest, the Ultimate Edition should be $29.99, but I believe its even cheaper than that. Even their website has it for the $30.
03-04-2014, 04:09 PM
Yeah, at the VERY highest, the Ultimate Edition should be $29.99, but I believe its even cheaper than that. Even their website has it for the $30.
If I wasnt on mobile this would get a :thumb:
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03-04-2014, 04:18 PM
If I wasnt on mobile this would get a :thumb:
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Yeah, I would've grabbed one when they got converted to used SKUs but none of them in my area had stock, even if the game was horrible I really wanted one of these -- they are definitely used though if you're sure your store in MA still has one because its not showing up on the item finder as in-stock on their website.
Okay, well, I've got some things to post on-topic too, so I'll post that a little later. Haven't updated in over a week or so :)
03-05-2014, 03:25 PM
Fucking phone its sideways
03-05-2014, 03:28 PM
Right click the image on your computer and click "rotate". ;)
Or did you do this exclusively on your phone? If so most image hosting sites offer a rotate option as well.
03-05-2014, 03:36 PM
I was in rush so only took pics on my phone and uploaded through taptalk
03-05-2014, 03:54 PM
I was in rush so only took pics on my phone and uploaded through taptalk
I see.
Come to think of it your phones photo library should have an edit button to rotate them as well ;)
03-05-2014, 03:57 PM
I see.
Come to think of it your phones photo library should have an edit button to rotate them as well ;)
It doesn't appear on tapatalk correctly even if I rotate it :(
Muhehegehe 2x pocket watch
03-05-2014, 04:46 PM
Muhehegehe 2x pocket watch
I guess you know what time it is then, right? Time to send me one of those watches :v:
03-05-2014, 04:47 PM
I guess you know what time it is then, right? Time to send me one of those watches :v:
Need money :( it will probably go on ebay or something :(
03-05-2014, 06:52 PM
Want so badly one of these AC watches...
03-05-2014, 07:26 PM
My Package Arrived 2 days ago .. but, i got it today :D
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles Collector's Edition
My No.
03-06-2014, 09:15 AM
Today is a happy day for me
I Received the final fantasy 12 collector edition + the artbook (which was included in the strategy guide apparently). I was greatly surprised by the amount of content of this artbook. I thought it had something like 20 or mayb 40 pages max, but it ended up having more than that . I'm very pleased with this purchase as I always wanted to have a look at the artwork of what is for me the best final fantasy made so far.
and here are some artworks for the curious :P
03-06-2014, 09:33 AM
Nice one, underfox! :D
03-06-2014, 09:40 AM
Nice FF XII strategy guide and art book :)
P.S art book and strategy guide got also special slipcase what you missing; also seems that seller is replaced combo guide (has different cover) with normal version...
May I ask, what you paid for that lot?
03-06-2014, 09:44 AM
Thx guys.
@gametrigger, yea the artbook was glued to the strategy guide cover, but I removed it because I don't have the strategy guide ( and I don't plan to have it ).
Good thing is the glue was very elastic and I was able to remove the cover of the strategy guide without leaving a single trace on the artbook. I even kept that final fantasy 12 back page from the guide cover because it had quite a decent quality and I could use it as some kind of litho for my self.
03-06-2014, 06:34 PM
mr bean ultimate collectors set
metallica through the never steelbook
infamous badges, challenge coin and vac pac shirt
03-06-2014, 06:47 PM
Nice stuff Coma ;)
03-06-2014, 06:52 PM
cheers flatsy
03-06-2014, 08:07 PM
cheers flatsy
Shhh... I told you no pillow talk in the forum!
are you using my thief edition as a weight for that filthy paper thing?
are you using my thief edition as a weight for that filthy paper thing?
I would never :P
03-07-2014, 05:50 PM
WoW, thos AC artwork are really great pieces of art.
Great buy
You don't have to say if you don't want to, but how much coins
for it?
WoW, thos AC artwork are really great pieces of art.
Great buy
You don't have to say if you don't want to, but how much coins
for it?
cheap, it's still available at the ubistore ( If you interested I would buy it before it sells out and becomes super rare and will have to buy it for 3 times it's price down the road... :facepalm:
03-07-2014, 06:22 PM
it's so cheap but at the same time so expensive because of all the thing I pre oredered this month :banghead:
it's so cheap but at the same time so expensive because of all the thing I pre oredered this month :banghead:
haha welcome to video game collecting my friend :P
03-07-2014, 10:42 PM
Yeah, March is an absolutely horrible month on my wallet. The GCU discount is helping--especially if Titanfall comes back in stock. But it's still just a not nice month. lol
Yeah, March is an absolutely horrible month on my wallet. The GCU discount is helping--especially if Titanfall comes back in stock. But it's still just a not nice month. lol
Tell me about it, I decided to wait for the Titanfall CE to drop in price. It's nice and all but def not worth the 200 dollar price tag IMO. :shrug:
03-07-2014, 11:00 PM
Im considering to cancel my pre order on Titanfall CE.. been spending too much this month..
03-08-2014, 11:12 AM
On my quest for more final fantasy 12 art collectible I received this today. Cost me 6€ so...
I don't have a ruler for the dimension but I would say it is A4 format
Surprisingly enough they seems to be limited to 18k prints ( which isn't rare at all I know )
03-08-2014, 11:32 AM
Tell me about it, I decided to wait for the Titanfall CE to drop in price. It's nice and all but def not worth the 200 dollar price tag IMO. :shrug:
$200!?!? That's worlds better than the 250GBP ($400~) price tag we got here in the UK! >.< Needless to say I never pre-ordered it.
03-08-2014, 11:48 AM
$200!?!? That's worlds better than the 250GBP ($400~) price tag we got here in the UK! >.< Needless to say I never pre-ordered it.
Well, it's $250 - but BestBuy gives 20% off every new game you buy from them (including CEs) if you're a GCU Member with them. So for this it's a nice $50 savings.
Also, my GameStop had my order in yesterday already - this thing is so huge! Not even sure I can easily fit it in my back seat :-/ I also cancelled my 360 pre-order so now they've got an extra sitting in their back room, will be interesting to see how quick they move it :)
03-08-2014, 01:17 PM
Good thing I dont drive one of those![/IMG]
Well, it's $250 - but BestBuy gives 20% off every new game you buy from them (including CEs) if you're a GCU Member with them. So for this it's a nice $50 savings.
Also, my GameStop had my order in yesterday already - this thing is so huge! Not even sure I can easily fit it in my back seat :-/ I also cancelled my 360 pre-order so now they've got an extra sitting in their back room, will be interesting to see how quick they move it :)
Pics!!!! :yes:
On my quest for more final fantasy 12 art collectible I received this today. Cost me 6? so...
I don't have a ruler for the dimension but I would say it is A4 format
Surprisingly enough they seems to be limited to 18k prints ( which isn't rare at all I know )
It's still some lovely artwork :)
I liked FF12 I don't care what people say about it, I thought it was a better story And gameplay than FFX-2
03-08-2014, 04:04 PM
FF X-2 :sick:
I always had FF 7 as my favourite Final fantasy ( probably because of aerith death and it beeing my first FF ), but over the years since FF 12 realease, I grew fond of it.
Now if I had to be objective, I'd say FF 12 is by far the best FF to date for me, way more mature in it's story and character wise too.
And NO all you haters!! Vaan is not the protagonist, there is not 1 protagonist in this game, we follow the story of a group and not just 1 character.
PS: Balthier is the most charismatic FF character to me . Gifted with the silver tongue
03-08-2014, 04:14 PM
Pics!!!! :yes:
Oh haha sorry, the manager just let me see it in the back room - I didn't pick it up yet though. I can see how that'd be confusing ;) I may go to the midnight release but I was told they're not going to have too many promo things to give away, so maybe not.
King Peter
03-08-2014, 11:36 PM
South Park limited edition Xbox360. just bought it for the Cartman figurine :P
03-09-2014, 01:36 AM
On my quest for more final fantasy 12 art collectible I received this today. Cost me 6? so...
I don't have a ruler for the dimension but I would say it is A4 format
Surprisingly enough they seems to be limited to 18k prints ( which isn't rare at all I know )
Nice set and very good price - I'm still looking with decent price :(
03-09-2014, 08:22 AM
Let me know your price for that, and if I find omething on my side I will warn you about it.
for the moment, the lowest I found was here ( for 20? ( with shipping fees)
But it's a french site and I'm not sure they ship outside france, but I don't mind forwarding it for you if you want it.
Edit: Received this today
Some art because I like to share :)
I'm still a bit pissed that they canceled my limited edition... I would have love to hae thos signed litho and that limited hardbox / dustcover.
Life is unfair....
03-10-2014, 09:39 PM
Just got my C:LoS2 CE in the mail - opened up the box and was greeted with what at first appeared to be a wrapper around the CE box, I was super excited... Until I pulled it out and turned it over to discover it was just a sticker stuck to the cardboard box. Man how in the world did they think that was a good way to package this thing?! Especially at the cost for this -- whoever made that decision should lose their job! :-/
03-10-2014, 09:46 PM
Just got my C:LoS2 CE in the mail - opened up the box and was greeted with what at first appeared to be a wrapper around the CE box, I was super excited... Until I pulled it out and turned it over to discover it was just a sticker stuck to the cardboard box. Man how in the world did they think that was a good way to package this thing?! Especially at the cost for this -- whoever made that decision should lose their job! :-/
Uk ones didn't even get the sticker - count yourself lucky... Lol!!! :)
03-10-2014, 10:12 PM
cheap, it's still available at the ubistore ( If you interested I would buy it before it sells out and becomes super rare and will have to buy it for 3 times it's price down the road... :facepalm:
You do NOT mean ubisotre
You MEAN ubiworkshop
2 different subsidiary companies of the ubisoft group and neither have anything to do with each other
You do NOT mean ubisotre
You MEAN ubiworkshop
2 different subsidiary companies of the ubisoft group and neither have anything to do with each other
had no idea :shrug:
03-10-2014, 10:19 PM
Uk ones didn't even get the sticker - count yourself lucky... Lol!!! :)
Wow. I'll definitely post some pics later then of the one I got. It came in pretty good condition from all things considered. Since I'm picking up my Titanfall CE tonight at Midnight I'll have to upload some shots of all my latest pics... and so that Dan doesn't call me a "liar" and throw stuff across the web at me, I won't post a list just yet ;)
Wow. I'll definitely post some pics later then of the one I got. It came in pretty good condition from all things considered. Since I'm picking up my Titanfall CE tonight at Midnight I'll have to upload some shots of all my latest pics... and so that Dan doesn't call me a "liar" and throw stuff across the web at me, I won't post a list just yet ;)
:rotf: :hug:
03-10-2014, 10:29 PM
had no idea :shrug:
I forgive your ignorance
But seriously its not really a big deal I was board so I thought I would correct you before people visit the European ubistore/ uplay shop / uplay store / ubishop and complains that it is sold out or not available
Thats what you get for living in America
(I know your not american though, so ... You should have known better :P )
03-10-2014, 11:15 PM
Wow. I'll definitely post some pics later then of the one I got. It came in pretty good condition from all things considered. Since I'm picking up my Titanfall CE tonight at Midnight I'll have to upload some shots of all my latest pics... and so that Dan doesn't call me a "liar" and throw stuff across the web at me, I won't post a list just yet ;)
The good thing about the titanfall CE and buying it from Best Buy?
No chance of getting mugged because it's so big, people will think you just bought a new fridge at midnight :poke:
People picking up their Titanfall CE
03-10-2014, 11:40 PM
:rotf: if only I had the thumbs that post deserved :)
03-10-2014, 11:49 PM
:rotf: if only I had the thumbs that post deserved :)
I got you!
03-11-2014, 06:36 AM
Lucky you to be getting the Titanfall CE!
The box is so big, it's not even funny lol!
Just got this tonight.
Pretty happy with it.
03-11-2014, 06:41 AM
Lucky you to be getting the Titanfall CE!
The box is so big, it's not even funny lol!
Just got this tonight.
Pretty happy with it.
Good for you man! They had a couple of extras actually at my store when I was picking up the Titanfall but I wasn't interested in the game so I passed. Looked pretty cool though! I also snagged a cheap CE guide for Titanfall while I was at it ;)
03-11-2014, 06:44 AM
Good for you man! They had a couple of extras actually at my store when I was picking up the Titanfall but I wasn't interested in the game so I passed. Looked pretty cool though! I also snagged a cheap CE guide for Titanfall while I was at it ;)
Haha did it fit in your car?
I'm actually pretty sure the US Dark Souls 2 CE will have a price drop sooner or later. I cancelled my DAY-1 edition because I can either buy the metalpak on ebay later on or hopefully buy a PS3 CE for under 80 soon enough lol.
I'm going to actually play the game so I decided to buy the CE day 1.
03-11-2014, 06:48 AM
Haha did it fit in your car?
I'm actually pretty sure the US Dark Souls 2 CE will have a price drop sooner or later. I cancelled my DAY-1 edition because I can either buy the metalpak on ebay later on or hopefully buy a PS3 CE for under 80 soon enough lol.
I'm going to actually play the game so I decided to buy the CE day 1.
Yeah, it barely fit in my car - had to move the seat all the way back and tilt it at a bit of an angle to get it in the front door but it made it! I took some pics and will be uploading them in the next hour or so. Not the best quality and I didn't actually put the statue together yet, but its a pretty nice CE.
I'm very impressed with the quality of the box and the shipping/packaging components inside. Just wish we got a darn steelbook!!!!
03-11-2014, 11:03 AM
Is this titanfall ce really that big?
I mean is it really bigger then the crysis nano edition or ds3 dev team edition or borderlands loot chest
(they are the biggest CE's I know about
03-11-2014, 11:05 AM
Almost double size of nano edition
03-11-2014, 11:59 AM
As tomorrows arrives mine, will take Some pics besides the Nano Edition and other big CE's just for making a real size comparison...
Can't wait!!!! :banana:
03-11-2014, 12:14 PM
As tomorrows arrives mine, will take Some pics besides the Nano Edition and other big CE's just for making a real size comparison...
Can't wait!!!! :banana:
And a steel book
Always a steel book
Has anyone got the dimensions of this ce? As the only info I have seen, says that it comes with an 18' figure (now that either means eighteen inches or eighteen feet and well 18 inches would not make the box very big
03-11-2014, 12:18 PM
Ok Lyli... Will put Crysis 2 steelbook G1and G2 sized, so you make an aproximately idea...
Anyway, besides the pics, will post the measurements of the CE Box. :taunt:
03-11-2014, 12:20 PM
I bet it's close to 1m heigh :P
03-11-2014, 12:27 PM
I just got package from Square-Enix.
When I open that, I got big surprise - it was FF VII Limited Vinyl set from.
SE screwed my order - first they sent my order without vinyl set and when I discoverd that it was sold out!
I'm SUPER happy :bananalama:
03-11-2014, 12:28 PM
I bet it's close to 1m heigh :P
Ok so I just watched an unboxing
It doesn't look that big
I mean I had never seen a nano edition but the way people talk of nano editions I thought they where like 1metre high but its only like a backpack in a box
And the titanfall ce isn't that big
03-11-2014, 04:59 PM
I just bought the red dead redemption launch kit for 175 dollar excl. shipping. Good deal?
I just bought the red dead redemption launch kit for 175 dollar excl. shipping. Good deal?
hell of a deal mate, :thumb:
is it the wooden box with the hinged top or the wooden box with a removable top?
03-11-2014, 05:27 PM
to crap over everyone's dark souls joy, the collectors is a flat steel, the black Armour is embossed 8D
03-11-2014, 05:28 PM
I like my embossed case
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
03-11-2014, 05:30 PM
I just bought the red dead redemption launch kit for 175 dollar excl. shipping. Good deal?
Not sure really... I have seen incomplete ones for $35 + shipping on eBay before (had only the shirts, pamphlets, and lanyards) but never seen a complete one personally, also that seller probably did not know what he had.
I would say it sounds about right.
Oops you said excluding shipping... my bad. But still it seems to be rarer and nicer then most big title launch kits. So it really is almost on par with LKs like Fallout 3's.
hell of a deal mate, :thumb:
is it the wooden box with the hinged top or the wooden box with a removable top?
I think the Launch Kit is the slid-able top but do not hold me to that.
03-11-2014, 05:31 PM
to crap over everyone's dark souls joy, the collectors is a flat steel, the black Armour is embossed 8D
Well blame yourselves dark souls collectors, you should have bought both version :tomato:
03-11-2014, 05:33 PM
Well blame yourselves dark souls collectors, you should have bought both version :tomato:
i bought none
i got some porn and lemons instead
to crap over everyone's dark souls joy, the collectors is a flat steel, the black Armour is embossed 8D
nope, the European CE comes with a flat metalpak
the American CE comes with the actual black armor copy inside (sleeve and embossed)
US for the win :1:
03-11-2014, 05:40 PM
i bought none
i got some porn and lemons instead
porns + lemons... what was the lemon for ? XD
03-11-2014, 05:45 PM
porns + lemons... what was the lemon for ? XD
for my green tea makes it all nice
and dan america is still no good
for my green tea makes it all nice
and dan america is still no good bcfaa177216cd7.jpg
03-11-2014, 05:53 PM bcfaa177216cd7.jpg
huh huh i was on my other forum yesterday
i school mericans
Quote Originally Posted by Satanic Mouse View Post
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
fuck off its an internet forum not an application to harvard you can quote and fix the mistakes if that is how you fill your day i put absolutely no apostrophes in just for you
o hate it when people correct me on the net, and yes its a speakeasy for swearing there, which is why i go sometimes
03-11-2014, 06:00 PM bcfaa177216cd7.jpg
That is awesome. Takes arrogance to a new level... I like it.
huh huh i was on my other forum yesterday
i school mericans
Quote Originally Posted by Satanic Mouse View Post
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
fuck off its an internet forum not an application to harvard you can quote and fix the mistakes if that is how you fill your day i put absolutely no apostrophes in just for you
o hate it when people correct me on the net, and yes its a speakeasy for swearing there, which is why i go sometimes
Wait... you judge all Americans by the few retards? Seriously we all have them.
This will hit home for all of us... but the really smart ones are not spending their days on forums...
huh huh i was on my other forum yesterday
i school mericans
Quote Originally Posted by Satanic Mouse View Post
Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Tapatalk
fuck off its an internet forum not an application to harvard you can quote and fix the mistakes if that is how you fill your day i put absolutely no apostrophes in just for you
o hate it when people correct me on the net, and yes its a speakeasy for swearing there, which is why i go sometimes
People like to act like they're better and smarter then other people mate #smallpenisproblems
Don't let it get to you :hug:
Wait... you judge all Americans by the few retards? Seriously we all have them.
This will hit home for all of us... but the really smart ones are not spending their days on forums...
100% agree
03-11-2014, 06:11 PM
i thought all retards of every country, congregate on net forums because they cannot make it in the real world
yes i realize i implicate myself there
i am okay with that
03-11-2014, 06:36 PM
If it's the woodden Box is a total "bargain"!!!
So jelaous!!!! :D
03-11-2014, 08:25 PM
Ok so I just watched an unboxing
It doesn't look that big
I mean I had never seen a nano edition but the way people talk of nano editions I thought they where like 1metre high but its only like a backpack in a box
And the titanfall ce isn't that big
I took some pictures last night, uploading them now. Didn't think to put a steelbook there, but I did put the CE Strategy guide next to it. I'll post that in a bit.
Definitely bigger than any CE I've seen (Nano, Loot chest, etc.). Its funny though, cuz when I open it up it doesn't seem like there's a lot of wasted space there either. Its very nicely packaged in my opinion.
03-11-2014, 08:29 PM
porns + lemons... what was the lemon for ? XD
dude just dont google "lemon party"
03-11-2014, 08:31 PM
The Titanfall CE looks awesome, but not the 250GBP awesome that we were expected to pay over here. We got fucked with currency conversion, or lack of, should I say. >.<
03-11-2014, 08:43 PM
dude just dont google "lemon party"
You tell me not to do something and what was my brain reaction?
I searched for it..............
03-11-2014, 08:53 PM
You tell me not to do something and what was my brain reaction?
I searched for it..............
Me too.... Thank god for urban dictionary.... :whew:
03-12-2014, 05:59 AM
You tell me not to do something and what was my brain reaction?
I searched for it..............
Me too.... Thank god for urban dictionary.... :whew:
I feels for you.
You should of not searched for it..
Remember what is seen cannot be unseen! :poke:
03-12-2014, 06:14 AM
I just bought the red dead redemption launch kit for 175 dollar excl. shipping. Good deal?
Damn you Ingmar I was watching that I think :P
Bit expensive to be honest. I'd say 125 USD max value on it
03-12-2014, 07:34 AM
It's so pretty..
03-12-2014, 07:39 AM
Dead Island: Treasure Edition for PC. Was cheap so I took it.
And now I am waiting for russian Metro 2033 CE, Metro: Last Light CE, Dead Island CE. Also Dead Island: Red Edition and.. Dead Space Ultimate Edition O.O Worship me as your god, puny mortals!
03-12-2014, 11:01 AM
Dead Island: Treasure Edition for PC. Was cheap so I took it.
And now I am waiting for russian Metro 2033 CE, Metro: Last Light CE, Dead Island CE. Also Dead Island: Red Edition and.. Dead Space Ultimate Edition O.O Worship me as your god, puny mortals!
:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notwo rthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:: notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
03-12-2014, 11:24 AM
Dead Island: Treasure Edition for PC. Was cheap so I took it.
And now I am waiting for russian Metro 2033 CE, Metro: Last Light CE, Dead Island CE. Also Dead Island: Red Edition and.. Dead Space Ultimate Edition O.O Worship me as your god, puny mortals!
haha not bad ... must have been expensive :D
03-12-2014, 11:36 AM
:notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notwo rthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:: notworthy::notworthy::notworthy:
haha not bad ... must have been expensive
And yes. It was damn expensive.. But worth it O.O
Castlevania Steelbook just arrived. Can't compete with a Dead Space Ultra Edition :sorry:
03-12-2014, 12:39 PM
Castlevania Steelbook just arrived. Can't compete with a Dead Space Ultra Edition :sorry:
Hey. Be proud of your collection. I bet you have something I envy ;)
03-12-2014, 12:47 PM
You have the Czech dead Island Riptide edition?
03-12-2014, 01:04 PM
It's so pretty..
I envy you. Mine got canceled so I had to order the normal one -.-
03-12-2014, 03:31 PM
You have the Czech dead Island Riptide edition?
Check my collection thread and see ;)
Edit: Hups. You said Riptide. Yes. I have something from czech if I remember right
Edit:: (
Today's catch.
03-13-2014, 03:53 PM
Check my collection thread and see ;)
Edit: Hups. You said Riptide. Yes. I have something from czech if I remember right
Edit:: (
Today's catch.
Think you missing the Czech riptide one :)
I'm sorry it's rotated even if it's right on my phone and I don't have a Pc to update on.
03-13-2014, 03:54 PM
Nice Update, Platfus!
I like those Tomahawk USBs :D
You use the Beanie for yourself
03-13-2014, 03:58 PM
Think you missing the Czech riptide one :)
Wanna see a picture? ;)
03-13-2014, 04:01 PM
Nice Update, Platfus!
I like those Tomahawk USBs :D
You use the Beanie for yourself
the hat is like super big for me :D
None of those are for me though :(
03-13-2014, 04:03 PM
Here ya go Platfus (
Anything else? :D
03-13-2014, 04:19 PM
Here ya go Platfus (
Anything else? :D
Oh cool then :D
03-13-2014, 04:23 PM
Oh cool then :D
Thanks again. That one was even harder to find than Treasure edition.
03-13-2014, 04:24 PM
I saw someone selling a Deadspace Ultra Edition around here on Craigslist recently. Was a very good price from what I've seen on Ebay (and even FS threads here) but just didn't have that kind of money for something I'm not interested in playing... seeing all the love over it here maybe I should've gotten it just for the envy-points ;)
03-13-2014, 04:27 PM
Thanks again. That one was even harder to find than Treasure edition.
Really? It's still for sale here I think, thats why I asked
03-13-2014, 04:30 PM
I saw someone selling a Deadspace Ultra Edition around here on Craigslist recently. Was a very good price from what I've seen on Ebay (and even FS threads here) but just didn't have that kind of money for something I'm not interested in playing... seeing all the love over it here maybe I should've gotten it just for the envy-points ;)
You should have. Was it still sealed and how much seller was asking for it?
03-13-2014, 04:33 PM
Really? It's still for sale here I think, thats why I asked
Can you link it for me?
03-13-2014, 05:02 PM
You should have. Was it still sealed and how much seller was asking for it?
The one locally near me wasn't sealed I believe, it was opened if I recall, but never used apparently, listed as *MINT*. I believe he was asking $250 or $299 or so - though I don't recall exactly.
I don't see the listing up anymore so he must've sold it. There was another one down south for $699 sealed/mint recently too.
03-13-2014, 05:24 PM
PC or 360 version knight?
03-13-2014, 05:36 PM
It WAS 360. Like I said, looks like the listing has finally been taken down (was up for at least a week or two though).
03-13-2014, 07:57 PM
Can you link it for me?
03-13-2014, 11:19 PM
Okay.. Now I am officially pissed. If I get enought money soon. Could you hustle me couple of those?
03-14-2014, 01:11 AM
I envy you. Mine got canceled so I had to order the normal one -.-
Damn.... I may still be able to get one if you want ^.^. Just PM me and let me know.
03-14-2014, 01:42 AM
I'm tempted but with the refunded money I bought the normal artbook and went for the dark souls 2 japanes collector edition. Now I'm kinda broke mainly because the DS collector is way more expensive than my originaly 76GBP limited edition artbook budget.
Damn that weapon set hehe
03-14-2014, 03:52 AM
Here's an unboxing for the Dark Souls 2 CE and initial impressions on the game. I've also got the guide on its way, and I'll be getting the UK Black Armor for the different metalpak/slipcase.
I'm loving the game so far because it's more Dark Souls--my favorite IP from last gen! The objective, critical part of me, however, has a metric fuck ton of complaints. The game is just worse than Dark Souls 1 in nearly every single way. I'm going to wait to do a video discussing everything until I have the platinum, and I'm fully done with it. But I can't imagine that my opinion is going to change--my evidence will merely be bolstered.
03-14-2014, 04:37 AM
Not technically the LAST CE I've purchased, but it is the LAST once I've received (other new ones in my intro thread)...
and also (only took 5 months to get here haha)...
03-14-2014, 10:03 AM
Think you missing the Czech riptide one :)
I'm sorry it's rotated even if it's right on my phone and I don't have a Pc to update on.
You still getting usb tomahawks from somewhere
I'm impressed
03-15-2014, 08:14 AM
Woohoo! :bday:
03-15-2014, 08:16 AM
Woohoo! :bday:
You brought a mountain?
03-15-2014, 08:22 AM
Woohoo! :bday:
I was so tempted to open it and see it for myself :lol:
It looks beautiful bud!
You brought a mountain?
:lmao: :rotf:
03-15-2014, 08:44 AM
You brought a mountain?
Nah I bought a little shack by the river. If you look close enough at the bottom left of the pic, it's just by the fork. It came with a fish hatchery so once I get some fish in there I'll never go hungry again :P
I was so tempted to open it and see it for myself :lol:
It looks beautiful bud!
:lmao: :rotf:
Haha yes it is gorgeous. But the way it was packed, once it's opened it would need a whole new round of taping and padding. I tried to remove the tape carefully and failed so I just tore away all the thin foam padding.
Thanks for the help and putting up with my hounding buddy! :rotf:
03-15-2014, 08:46 AM
Nah I bought a little shack by the river. If you look close enough at the bottom left of the pic, it's just by the fork. It came with a fish hatchery so once I get some fish in there I'll never go hungry again :P
Oh I see it now, it looks lovely, I hope it is a good home to you, I'd love a place like that, I'm gutted I missed the chance to buy it
My own place just me and nature, it sounds perfect
thank you for playing along with my delusional fantasies
You are a true gentleman
03-15-2014, 08:46 AM
Haha yes it is gorgeous. But the way it was packed, once it's opened it would need a whole new round of taping and padding. I tried to remove the tape carefully and failed so I just tore away all the thin foam padding.
Thanks for the help and putting up with my hounding buddy! :rotf:
Of course, I should be sorry it took me so long. Specially since it was delivered in about 4-5 days :lmao:
I'm just glad it arrived safe without customs and their ways :ghey:
finally managed to wrap and upload my latest purchases :)
Just click the link below, too lazy to link all the pictures :haha:
finally managed to wrap and upload my latest purchases :)
Just click the link below, too lazy to link all the pictures :haha:
The kinectanimals looks familiar :think:
03-16-2014, 02:21 AM
finally managed to wrap and upload my latest purchases :)
Just click the link below, too lazy to link all the pictures :haha:
Darn you, making me look through all your stuff and drooling all over again ;)
03-16-2014, 05:13 PM
Woot! It finally came :D. Only damage was on that corner. It's a good thing I'm not super anal that kind of stuff. Pretty damn happy about the number though.
03-16-2014, 05:14 PM
Wtf im pissed I didnt get a number that low. . .shouldve just ordered through namco :(
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
03-16-2014, 05:16 PM
Wtf im pissed I didnt get a number that low. . .shouldve just ordered through namco :(
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
Surprisingly enough, this was from Amazon. I had to look at the number twice before it registered how low it was.
03-16-2014, 05:18 PM
:( I hate you lol
Sent from my SCH-I535 using Tapatalk
03-16-2014, 11:30 PM
Havent been posting much of late but i thought this was deserving of a post.
What a stroke of luck
03-17-2014, 06:35 AM
Havent been posting much of late but i thought this was deserving of a post.
What a stroke of luck
This does deserve its own post
You are right
03-17-2014, 06:53 AM
Havent been posting much of late but i thought this was deserving of a post.
What a stroke of luck
uhm what's that? Can't say which items this is .... may be i'm 2 dizzy ...oO
03-17-2014, 09:27 AM
It's a litho. If i'm not mistaken there are 4 diferente litho.
03-17-2014, 10:20 AM
Havent been posting much of late but i thought this was deserving of a post.
What a stroke of luck
Nice! :1:
03-17-2014, 10:43 PM
Bam top 3 hehe,congratz mate.
03-18-2014, 12:42 AM
uhm what's that? Can't say which items this is .... may be i'm 2 dizzy ...oO
Its a dark souls 2 metal art card, pre order bonus from Amazon UK
03-18-2014, 01:00 AM
nipper jump on irc a sec
Oh man. I am going to be broke. Thanks for the heads up on the Assassin's Creed Ezio litho a few pages back. I love art so will be ordering this when I get paid ^^
03-18-2014, 05:29 AM
Its a dark souls 2 metal art card, pre order bonus from Amazon UK
argh how did i miss that?! -_-" Well gues si have to wait for the spain one D:
03-19-2014, 02:43 AM
I am sure by now everyone has seen this but figured I would post this anyways, here is what the LE version looks like:
I am sure by now everyone has seen this but figured I would post this anyways, here is what the LE version looks like:
Where are you guys getting these so early? I need better connections :(
03-19-2014, 03:18 AM
Where are you guys getting these so early? I need better connections :(
Just eBay.
I found 4 on eBay last week... I posted the other 3 in the found deals section for anyone in the US who wanted them. But they sold very fast, they were less then retail too.
Oh I should also mention (as it is hard to see in the pics), the LE is shiny. Like Darksiders 2 LE... that silvery shiny surface to it.
Today, I received a package from Japan and I immediately knew what it was. I was a tad concerned considering how heavy the box actually was.. also the fact that I could hear metal things moving inside? so the thought of something broken inside came to mind. So with that being said here's my step by step unboxing :X
Love the fact that the inside of the box was wrapped in japanese newspaper
It was heavily packaged in bubble wrap
and TA-DA!
Side of the CE
Bottom of the CE
The only damage my actual CE got (which is not too bad)
Close up of logo
Side of the CE
you can actually see the damage in the corner
The game and the OST
Alternative PS3 game cover
Art book sleeve cover with the game logo
Side of the art book with sleeve
Front of the textured hardcover art book
Back of the textured hardcover art book
Weapon replica's info brochure
The box containing the replica weapons
Close up of Dark Souls 2 logo
Front of the wooden box containing the metal replica weapons
Inside of the wooden box
Without the clear protective plastic
The weapons actually have some weight to them and the shields have little handles on the back of them, so i'm assuming they might actually create a figure that might be able to use them???
I totally played house with my CE's
03-19-2014, 07:20 AM
Today, I received a package from Japan and I immediately knew what it was. I was a tad concerned considering how heavy the box actually was.. also the fact that I could hear metal things moving inside? so the thought of something broken inside came to mind. So with that being said here's my step by step unboxing :X
Love the fact that the inside of the box was wrapped in japanese newspaper
and TA-DA!
Side of the CE
Bottom of the CE
The only damage my actual CE got (which is not too bad)
Close up of logo
Side of the CE
you can actually see the damage in the corner
The game and the OST
Alternative PS3 game cover
Art book sleeve cover with the game logo
Side of the art book with sleeve
Front of the textured hardcover art book
Back of the textured hardcover art book
Weapon replica's info brochure
The box containing the replica weapons
Close up of Dark Souls 2 logo
Front of the wooden box containing the metal replica weapons
Inside of the wooden box
Without the clear protective plastic
The weapons actually have some weight to them and the shields have little handles on the back of them, so i'm assuming they might actually create a figure that might be able to use them???
I totally played house with my CE's
AMAZING :notworthy:
The like was for the last picture :P
03-19-2014, 08:18 AM
Today, I received a package from Japan and I immediately knew what it was. I was a tad concerned considering how heavy the box actually was.. also the fact that I could hear metal things moving inside? so the thought of something broken inside came to mind. So with that being said here's my step by step unboxing :X
Love the fact that the inside of the box was wrapped in japanese newspaper
It was heavily packaged in bubble wrap
and TA-DA!
Side of the CE
Bottom of the CE
The only damage my actual CE got (which is not too bad)
Close up of logo
Side of the CE
you can actually see the damage in the corner
The game and the OST
Alternative PS3 game cover
Art book sleeve cover with the game logo
Side of the art book with sleeve
Front of the textured hardcover art book
Back of the textured hardcover art book
Weapon replica's info brochure
The box containing the replica weapons
Close up of Dark Souls 2 logo
Front of the wooden box containing the metal replica weapons
Inside of the wooden box
Without the clear protective plastic
The weapons actually have some weight to them and the shields have little handles on the back of them, so i'm assuming they might actually create a figure that might be able to use them???
I totally played house with my CE's
Awesome CE! I've been pretty good about NOT ever getting Japanese CEs, but between the FF 25th and this one I think I'll be paying more attention to them down the road (and I'm not even a DS fan). The only thing that keeps me from getting them is that they're always PS3 exclusive and I don't have anything after PS2 for Sony (well, I guess I have PSP).
03-19-2014, 08:45 AM
Awesome CE! I've been pretty good about NOT ever getting Japanese CEs, but between the FF 25th and this one I think I'll be paying more attention to them down the road (and I'm not even a DS fan). The only thing that keeps me from getting them is that they're always PS3 exclusive and I don't have anything after PS2 for Sony (well, I guess I have PSP).
They do have a 360 version for DS2 :beach:
I'll post more pictures of the artbook contents when I get a chance :D
And there is a 360 version it's just not as popular so it sells for less.. I would totally grab one knight :yes:
03-19-2014, 04:13 PM
I'll post more pictures of the artbook contents when I get a chance :D
And there is a 360 version it's just not as popular so it sells for less.. I would totally grab one knight :yes:
Yeah, it looks pretty sweet, but I've never really been into the DS series. I hope the interest in this one though causes some companies to make some nicer CEs like that one though - looks to be VERY high quality!
I am surprised to see a 360 CE from Japan though as they usually seem to be heavily favored towards Sony (for obvious reasons). Hopefully we see some more of this!
03-19-2014, 04:42 PM
Beautiful Dan!! Absolutely stunning :swoon:
And that's just the hands.... ;) <3
CE not bad either...
Kidding - I've been googling site after site to work out the cheapest way to get this over - lyrical - pm me any tips??? Anyone know a site that understates value for import tax purposes??? :suicide:
It is superb - love the box catch - that did it for me! :thumb:
03-19-2014, 04:55 PM
AWESOME! That CE is top, really!
You better write an unboxing and send it to TwistedSymphony :)
Beautiful Dan!! Absolutely stunning :swoon:
And that's just the hands.... ;) <3
CE not bad either...
Kidding - I've been googling site after site to work out the cheapest way to get this over - lyrical - pm me any tips??? Anyone know a site that understates value for import tax purposes??? :suicide:
It is superb - love the box catch - that did it for me! :thumb:
Thanks Maggie <3
If I see another one available for a reasonable price I'll keep you informed (◉‿◉)
AWESOME! That CE is top, really!
You better write an unboxing and send it to TwistedSymphony :)
I tried believe me my post originally had 60 images lol
Had to cut it down to 30 as there's a limit :rant:
03-19-2014, 09:36 PM
Wow danidan sexydan girl boy dan thingy
Thats sooo lovely
I'll trade you that for anything you want
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