View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
StayFree( ' 3')
07-31-2014, 01:20 AM
A few months ago I had the opportunity to attend the Bayonetta: Bloody Fate premier which turned out to be a great movie to my surprise.
(relatable Kotaku review (
I also had the chance to meet director Fuminori Kizaki and original Bayonetta character designer Mari Shimazaki. Great experience overall.
07-31-2014, 01:38 AM
A few months ago I had the opportunity to attend the Bayonetta: Bloody Fate premier which turned out to be a great movie to my surprise.
(relatable Kotaku review (
I also had the chance to meet director Fuminori Kizaki and original Bayonetta character designer Mari Shimazaki. Great experience overall.
Woooow o.o
You are so lucky !! "Enjoy it "
I wish i knew someone to get them for me T_T
I love bayonetta so much !
But to be honest , i know my best friend love
Her more than me !! "She collect anything bayonetta"
Thats why i want to get them for Her first then for me !
Because i know she won't sleep from hapiness .
I'm sure she will be in a deep shock if she get anything related
to bayonetta :D
I really wish one day ,i will be able too get a draw and a signture
For her .
Anyone know if i can still get the bayonetta 2 e3 tshirt?
And for how much ?!
07-31-2014, 07:50 AM
A few months ago I had the opportunity to attend the Bayonetta: Bloody Fate premier which turned out to be a great movie to my surprise.
(relatable Kotaku review (
I also had the chance to meet director Fuminori Kizaki and original Bayonetta character designer Mari Shimazaki. Great experience overall.
Oh man...
I want to be StayFree when i'm grow up.
do you willing to sell this drawing?
i'm not the biggest bayonetta fan there..
but man, dat Queeny's message.. O:) you can make him and his friend so happy.
07-31-2014, 09:23 AM
inFAMOUS Second Son Press Kit Unboxing
StayFree( ' 3')
07-31-2014, 10:44 PM
@Queeny: Thanks! I too am hunting down that elusive shirt. One day...
Oh man...
I want to be StayFree when i'm grow up.
do you willing to sell this drawing?
i'm not the biggest bayonetta fan there..
but man, dat Queeny's message.. O:) you can make him and his friend so happy.
geez, why do you aim so low in life? :rotf:
...and this "when I'm grown up". Sir, not to shock you but there's a good chance you might be older than me. :beee:
wait a sec....Queeny's a guy!?!
07-31-2014, 10:52 PM
@Queeny: Thanks! I too am hunting down that elusive shirt. One day..
geez, why do you aim so low in life? :rotf:
...and this "when I'm grown up". Sir, not to shock you but there's a good chance you might be older than me. :beee:
wait a sec....Queeny's a guy!?!
If you find it please tell me .
If anyone can help me to get a draw and a signture for bayonetta
I will be happy . I will do my best to help too.
And i'm a lady not a man T_T
I think i should mention it in my singture :D
08-01-2014, 12:15 AM
Call of Duty Ghosts Launch Kit Unboxing
08-01-2014, 10:30 AM
@Queeny: Thanks! I too am hunting down that elusive shirt. One day...
geez, why do you aim so low in life? :rotf:
...and this "when I'm grown up". Sir, not to shock you but there's a good chance you might be older than me. :beee:
wait a sec....Queeny's a guy!?!
Hey, and why are you so humble? :poke:
Well, you right, i will need to surpass you, sensei! :ph34r:
Older than you?
if only physically...
my soul is young and pure as baby tear :D
So StayFree what about bayonetta drawing?
If you find it please tell me .
If anyone can help me to get a draw and a signture for bayonetta
I will be happy . I will do my best to help too.
And i'm a lady not a man T_T
I think i should mention it in my singture :D
I'm sorry, dear lady :sorry:
my english is messing with me.@_@
08-01-2014, 11:53 PM
So far behind on updates but thought I should post up a few recent Watch Dogs arrivals :)
Still looking for the safe one but, in the meantime.... ( ( (
And this is great!!! ( (
Ooh what's this for? (
Hey it makes it do this! :) (
And this.... (
Cool USB band ( (
And this isn't quite as it seems.. (
It is actually one of these... (
Oh.. And it does this!! :taunt: (
So far behind on updates but thought I should post up a few recent Watch Dogs arrivals :)
Still looking for the safe one but, in the meantime.... ( ( (
And this is great!!! ( (
Ooh what's this for? (
Hey it makes it do this! :) (
And this.... (
Cool USB band ( (
And this isn't quite as it seems.. (
It is actually one of these... (
Oh.. And it does this!! :taunt: (
I love the cube lamp <3
08-02-2014, 12:06 AM
I love the cube lamp <3
My son has already annexed it! :this:
StayFree( ' 3')
08-02-2014, 01:15 AM
very nice haul! The pen has to be my favorite seeing how I can easily see it being used in the game. That said, a lamp with more buttons than a TV remote is pretty awesome too.
StayFree( ' 3')
08-02-2014, 04:19 AM
Got some stuff in the mail from some buddies covering the cesspool of geekdom and the last place in the world you'll find a bottle of Purell, Comic-Con!
Among the offerings came some nice items relating to Insomniacs upcoming Sunset Overdrive.
...and I don't know how they did it (sexual favors?) but they also where able to snag one of the developer only Mondo variants signed by Insomniac (#30/65).
08-02-2014, 09:26 AM
Amazing stuff Mags!!
Got some stuff in the mail from some buddies covering the cesspool of geekdom and the last place in the world you'll find a bottle of Purell, Comic-Con!
Among the offerings came some nice items relating to Insomniacs upcoming Sunset Overdrive.
...and I don't know how they did it (sexual favors?) but they also where able to snag one of the developer only Mondo variants signed by Insomniac (#30/65).
Oh my God, the art looks amazing :nosleep: I hope they have some stuff to give away at the gamescom media briefing :taunt:
08-02-2014, 11:22 AM
Awful upates
08-02-2014, 01:14 PM
Watch_Dogs Microsoft Launch Party Launch Kit Unboxing
StayFree( ' 3')
08-03-2014, 11:11 AM
Stuff I picked up during the last two weeks relating to the recently released The Last of Us Remastered.
^random self portrait of Faith randomly signed by Uncharted 3 Director Justin Richmond (prior to the infamous/unfortunate Naughty Dog drama)'s cursed.
Oh my God, the art looks amazing :nosleep: I hope they have some stuff to give away at the gamescom media briefing :taunt:
Microsoft recently teased that they have their biggest plans of the year for gamescom, so I think it's safe to say you should be pleasantly surprised come August. ;)
08-03-2014, 12:53 PM
I am so jealous! Nice grabs Stay!
08-03-2014, 12:56 PM
Stuff I picked up during the last two weeks relating to the recently released The Last of Us Remastered.
^random self portrait of Faith randomly signed by Uncharted 3 Director Justin Richmond (prior to the infamous/unfortunate Naughty Dog drama)'s cursed.
Microsoft recently teased that they have their biggest plans of the year for gamescom, so I think it's safe to say you should be pleasantly surprised come August. ;)
Great stuff as always.
But ahhh you disturbed my wound :poke:
Still no chance that you sell that PAX cover?
It will be great birthday present for me. Just saying :D
08-03-2014, 05:42 PM
Stay , what's your secret ?!
You always get the Awesome stuff T_T
I really wish one day , I can sign some of my Fav Titles <3
You are really lucky ! you know that .
Enjoy ~
08-03-2014, 05:45 PM
Stay , what's your secret ?!
You always get the Awesome stuff T_T
I really wish one day , I can sign some of my Fav Titles <3
You are really lucky ! you know that .
Enjoy ~
He is in the industry and goes to gaming event ;)
08-03-2014, 05:48 PM
He is in the industry and goes to gaming event ;)
You don't say !!
No wonder o.o
Can he help get things ??
I wish i can get a sketch and a signature for bayonetta <3
08-03-2014, 09:10 PM
I appreciate you redmagster
King Peter
08-04-2014, 01:49 AM
Things I got on Ebay recently
Used Tales of Xillia CE + Tales of symphonia CE + Streets fighter 25th anniversary collection CE (all PS3)= 110$
Bravery Default CE sealed 65$
08-05-2014, 10:51 AM
King Peter
08-09-2014, 09:23 PM
I'm surprise my Eb games store still have them so I nabbed them :P
Final Fantasy XIII PS3 controller 59$
WWE 2K14 Undertaker Phenom edition 59$
08-09-2014, 11:03 PM
Mags where to get the wd lamp?
08-10-2014, 07:12 PM
managed to snipe an AC III notebook :v:
mags did you ship that lamp from that random french site?
08-11-2014, 09:48 AM
Got some ps2 games yesterday :p
All free! :D
The pile in front are games I am keeping.. Rest I think I will sell.. :p
08-11-2014, 04:47 PM
Bioshock Limited Edition Faceplate Launch Kit Unboxing
08-11-2014, 05:51 PM
Just got Last Of Us steelbook from and I managed to find SSX steelbook on eBay for 11 GBP (I'm sure it's quite rare! In any case, I loved the reboot.)
08-11-2014, 07:47 PM
For just 20 euros already :O
08-12-2014, 08:15 AM
that's crazy u got that SSX steelbook for just normally goes for far more.
StayFree( ' 3')
08-12-2014, 01:58 PM
He is in the industry and goes to gaming event ;)
You don't say !!
No wonder o.o
Can he help get things ??
I wish i can get a sketch and a signature for bayonetta <3
woh :swoon:. That probably wouldn't be a good idea since I'd be doing a disservice to Matt and his charity service ( (he'd also shank me). That would probably be the best option if you want to seek out specific studios/developers. In my case it's more the luck of the draw since I usually don't get to choose, it's just whoever I get assigned to..etc, etc.
I was gonna post stuff, but now I don't feel like it anymore...:beee:
08-13-2014, 12:40 AM
Destiny Limited Edition Lithograph Launch Kit Unboxing
08-13-2014, 04:14 AM
woh :swoon:. That probably wouldn't be a good idea since I'd be doing a disservice to Matt and his charity service ( (he'd also shank me). That would probably be the best option if you want to seek out specific studios/developers. In my case it's more the luck of the draw since I usually don't get to choose, it's just whoever I get assigned to..etc, etc.
I was gonna post stuff, but now I don't feel like it anymore...:beee:
Sorry :(
I was just asking nicely and trying ... better than nothing right :this:
and you should post your stuff .. I know you are j/k .
StayFree( ' 3')
08-13-2014, 04:56 AM
Ran into Keiji Inafune while he was TPing Capcom headquarters...
might sell one of these to help recoup the $500 Inafune stole from me to support his Mighty No.9 Kickstarter...which is a front for his liquor racket. :secret:
Sorry :(
I was just asking nicely and trying ... better than nothing right :this:
and you should post your stuff .. I know you are j/k .
I completely understand and I am. :poke:
I'm still waiting for Bandai to respond to my offer for this statue.
08-13-2014, 11:19 PM
That signed NeoGeo is a beaut!
08-13-2014, 11:33 PM
I completely understand and I am. :poke:
I'm still waiting for Bandai to respond to my offer for this statue.
Your neighbors would love you.....
08-14-2014, 12:52 PM
Bioshock Limited Edition Faceplate Launch Kit Unboxing
Love this Faceplate. :D Hard to find complete ones about now though... :S The card you was talking about also comes with a DLC code for a Bioshock XB360 Dashboard theme.
I'll take some pics of my card if you would like, so you can see properly. :D
May I ask how much you paid for your faceplate?
08-14-2014, 02:52 PM
Love this Faceplate. :D Hard to find complete ones about now though... :S The card you was talking about also comes with a DLC code for a Bioshock XB360 Dashboard theme.
I'll take some pics of my card if you would like, so you can see properly. :D
May I ask how much you paid for your faceplate?
Yeah almost impossible. You would have to buy 2 now a days to make one complete.
Lol... I have seen the card (not the back though).
I paid almost $40 shipped and passed it on to a forum member for $$45. Got it to do and unboxing for the most part.
08-14-2014, 06:50 PM
My latest buy for my retro collection! :D
Ice Climber C EUR 5 Screw version
Blades of Steel C NOE
Super Mario Kart C EUR
For N64
Pokemon Stadium 2 C EUR
08-16-2014, 02:54 PM
Uncharted 3 suitcase from Hong Kong :bananayes:
This is an official item of Sony and ND as far as I know :v:
08-16-2014, 08:25 PM
Transformers Fall of Cybertron Press Kit Unboxing
08-17-2014, 09:59 AM
Destiny Limited Edition Lithograph Launch Kit Unboxing
When will be available 2 and 3 litho flat??? :beg:
Have no clue...
08-17-2014, 10:01 AM
When will be available 2 and 3 litho flat??? :beg:
Have no clue...
That was a card.
The second one has been available for awhile on eBay. The last one will be coming between now and launch. ;)
08-17-2014, 10:06 AM
How did you saved the search flat?
Can not find that damn litho...
08-18-2014, 09:31 AM
08-18-2014, 12:34 PM
Hitman Absolution Press Kit Unboxing
08-21-2014, 11:51 AM
The only one PES 2014 steelbook?
08-24-2014, 07:34 PM
Infinite Crisis Press Kit Unboxing
King Peter
08-25-2014, 05:02 AM
Damn, the ToX2 CE is nearly twice as big as the ToX CE
Worthless Otakuthon, had every CE except this one, had to go to one of my store to get it
pain in the a** detour I had to make :P
08-25-2014, 11:34 AM
Been awhile since I last posted in here. Haven't been picking up much mainly due to the lack of game releases. >.< Also need to save some monies. lol
Here's what I have picked up since last update though. :thumb:
Thanks to all the members who have helped me with any of the below items. :D ( ( ( (
Click above image for more pics of Zelda CE. :D
Some T-Shirts. ^o^ ( (
And some more Zavvi Disney Steelbooks. :D ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
That's all for now. lol
08-25-2014, 07:12 PM
Watch_Dogs German Press Kit Unboxing
08-25-2014, 07:20 PM
Watch_Dogs German Press Kit Unboxing
I like how you just say "die" the english way there close to the end xD
08-25-2014, 07:36 PM
I like how you just say "die" the english way there close to the end xD
Haha... yeah I noticed that when I watched it back the first time. Would it just be "di" or "de"?
I do not "sprekens de duetch" (I know I just butchered that spelling).
08-25-2014, 07:43 PM
Haha... yeah I noticed that when I watched it back the first time. Would it just be "di" or "de"?
I do not "sprekens de duetch" (I know I just butchered that spelling).
Yeah it more "di" sound.. :p
Im not super myself in german, but live in Denmark so right next to germany.. So had it in school some years :p
It would be more "Ich spreche kein Deutsch" :)
08-26-2014, 03:54 PM
08-26-2014, 04:31 PM
Nice! Just got mine Wednesday! We should play!!
08-26-2014, 04:37 PM
Sounds good back work tommorow so weekend hopefully
08-26-2014, 04:49 PM
Sounds good back work tommorow so weekend hopefully
Sounds like a plan. I should be around this weekend, usually around most of the time unless on a job, but for the next few weeks at lease I will be gone during the say as my fathers long time right hand mechanic died suddenly so I have been taking over until he can find a suitable a replacement. I think he want me t take the position full time but not my kind of work as far as long term is concerned.
08-28-2014, 09:19 AM
Destiny E3 2014 SWAG Bundle Unboxing
I dont know, if i want wear Master Chiev's suspensor on my tshirt
09-02-2014, 12:24 PM
Darksiders Hellbook Edition & Pre-Order Bonuses
I dont know, if i want wear Master Chiev's suspensor on my tshirt
I saw that picture someone made, but it had "Master Chief" in it :poke: . Pretty funny but obviously not the case.
And it is his cod piece :D
StayFree( ' 3')
09-03-2014, 01:20 AM
In an attempt to get Master Chief's cod piece outta my head...:nosleep:
A while back BandaiNamco (or is it NamcoBandai?) sent out special posters to promote the release of Tales of Xillia. Since then they've been doing this with all of the Tales games.
09-04-2014, 10:06 AM
Just order my first LootCrate! :D
This month theme is Galactic.. And there will be 3 licensed exclusives from Firefly, Star Wars, and Star Trek (including a Funko Mystery Mini)! :D
If any is going to order would be nice if use my link here to order, then I get some dollars of my next order :)
09-04-2014, 12:30 PM
09-04-2014, 01:32 PM
Darksiders Best Buy Pre Order Bonus War Figure Unboxing
09-04-2014, 06:53 PM
Just order my first LootCrate! :D
This month theme is Galactic.. And there will be 3 licensed exclusives from Firefly, Star Wars, and Star Trek (including a Funko Mystery Mini)! :D
If any is going to order would be nice if use my link here to order, then I get some dollars of my next order :)
Still no Czech Republic shipment :(
StayFree( ' 3')
09-04-2014, 10:40 PM
About two weeks ago I auctioned off two kingdom hearts items that were signed by Kingdom Hearts series creator/directors Tetsuya Nomura and Tai Yasue. Both were won by the same buyer who looking back must have been a crazed oil tycoon. Later talking to that buyer, I let it slip that I had other autographed Kingdom Hearts items in my collection that I never plan to sell, EVER. Long story short, he sent me an offer I couldn't refuse and I will never see those items again. :suicide:
so I'm going to dedicate this post in memory of those items... (cue somber music)
09-04-2014, 10:43 PM
Awe that's always such a hard choice to make :hug: but maybe sometimes these things are just ours for a time and the enjoyment you had will now be someone else's..
And, besides, the dosh will go a long way!!!! :) :thumb:
09-04-2014, 11:32 PM
Awe that's always such a hard choice to make :hug: but maybe sometimes these things are just ours for a time and the enjoyment you had will now be someone else's..
And, besides, the dosh will go a long way!!!! :) :thumb:
Mag.. did you get my PM? Lol welcome back. Havent seen you around for a while..
09-04-2014, 11:33 PM
About two weeks ago ...
So... when you wanna treat me to a nice dinner?
09-04-2014, 11:33 PM
Mag.. did you get my PM? Lol welcome back. Havent seen you around for a while..
Hey! :wave:
Yeah I've missed being on here much but saved some money... :P
Thought I'd caught up on pms but clearly not... :think: let me check....
09-08-2014, 11:22 PM
Got all 3 God of War launch kits during the summer. The 1 and 2 are complete, the 3 might be (not sure). There might be multiple polos and masks but I only got one of each.
Special thanks to flatout helping me find the GoW 1 kit and price the GoW 2 kit.
09-09-2014, 01:59 AM
Kingdoms Of Amalur Reckoning Collectors Edition Prismere Troll Resin Statue Unboxing
Texas Fire
09-09-2014, 06:57 AM
Midnight launch complete. Now mail arrivals next unfortunately...*sigh*
09-09-2014, 07:00 AM
Midnight launch complete. Now mail arrivals next unfortunately...*sigh*
why did you get a Xbox One and PS4 version of the Ghost Edition?
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
Texas Fire
09-09-2014, 07:12 AM
why did you get a Xbox One and PS4 version of the Ghost Edition?
I always buy DUPLICATES ( Especially for games I deem hyped/OVERhyped. Since I own a PS4/X1, I pretty much don't buy old gen CEs anymore, unless they're one I want and they're only specific to 360/PS3. So in Destiny's case, I just bought the X1/PS4 versions. However after seeing everyone go apeshit over them, I went and bought PS3/PS4/360/X1 limited and ghost editions (Pending 360/PS3 Arrivals)...
Meh, I'm a wasteful dude...
StayFree( ' 3')
09-09-2014, 08:56 AM
why did you get a Xbox One and PS4 version of the Ghost Edition?
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
Let me introduce you to Texas Fire... :D
@TF: Great haul Tex!...I'll pray for the ones getting mailed to you. :beg:
Texas Fire
09-09-2014, 09:08 PM
@TF: Great haul Tex!...I'll pray for the ones getting mailed to you. :beg:
Well my 360/PS3 limited editions just arrived from Best Buy just now. Unscathed I might add..However it's the flimsy Ghosts I'm worried about...
So wish me luck sir! On a side note, anyone ever order any CEs from NewEgg? That's where the Ghosts are coming from..*yikes* (
09-09-2014, 09:15 PM
why did you get a Xbox One and PS4 version of the Ghost Edition?
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
Megarich he has a great job
One dollar an hour male for male hooker
Texas Fire
09-09-2014, 09:17 PM
Megarich he has a great job
One dollar an hour male for male hooker
Haha, and business is booming here in the
09-09-2014, 09:19 PM
Haha, and business is booming here in the
If you have no room for all those destiny can look after a ps 4 copy for ya
09-10-2014, 09:56 AM
Destiny PS4 Ghost Edition Unboxing
09-10-2014, 12:12 PM
Ooops... fixed.
09-10-2014, 12:12 PM
Got all 3 God of War launch kits during the summer. The 1 and 2 are complete, the 3 might be (not sure). There might be multiple polos and masks but I only got one of each.
Special thanks to flatout helping me find the GoW 1 kit and price the GoW 2 kit.
Awesome! You have the PSP ones too? Love the Ghost of Sparta one.
09-10-2014, 12:26 PM
Awesome! You have the PSP ones too? Love the Ghost of Sparta one.
Well what he has now is Launch Kits, the PSP ones only have Press Kits. I actually like the GoW Chains of Olympus PK better as it has that cool box with the figure and pop-up display. But the Ghost of Sparta kit is very close.
09-10-2014, 01:10 PM
Awesome! You have the PSP ones too? Love the Ghost of Sparta one.
Yes, I have the two PSP GoW PKs.
09-11-2014, 03:46 AM
Some rare steelbooks and stickerbooks I got in the past a few months.
Resident Evil 6 steelbook edition (Thailand exclusive, sealed), Saints Row 2 steelbook, Assassin's Creed 2 stickerbook, and Crysis 2 stickerbook.
3 of them were purchased from members here, thanks!
09-11-2014, 12:06 PM
Very very very nice Ken! :thumb:
But I do have a MASSIVE soft spot for steelbooks...... :drool:
09-11-2014, 12:27 PM
Very very very nice Ken! :thumb:
But I do have a MASSIVE soft spot for steelbooks...... :drool:
Thanks, steelbooks are attractive we all know that :-)
I always wanted to ask you about a Battlefield 3 (or 4?) steelbook that I have never seen before but I always forgot to ask. What did you get it?
09-11-2014, 12:31 PM
Thanks, steelbooks are attractive we all know that :-)
I always wanted to ask you about a Battlefield 3 (or 4?) steelbook that I have never seen before but I always forgot to ask. What did you get it?
Which one? Do you have a pic of it at all??
09-11-2014, 12:48 PM
Which one? Do you have a pic of it at all??
Took me forever to find it from your thread, too many steelbooks :notworthy:
Here it is, the BF3 from this pic of yours.
09-11-2014, 01:03 PM
And it's in desperate need of updating.... ;)
I thought you might mean that one. It's a really nice steelbook - Finland exclusive from a store called Prisma originally.
It's got a raised border and shows the whole figure unlike the others where the right arm is cut off on the left edge of the steel - I prefer this image :)
09-11-2014, 01:10 PM
And it's in desperate need of updating.... ;)
I thought you might mean that one. It's a really nice steelbook - Finland exclusive from a store called Prisma originally.
It's got a raised border and shows the whole figure unlike the others where the right arm is cut off on the left edge of the steel - I prefer this image :)
Finland exclusive :swoon:
It will took me 2x forever to find.
Thanks for the info!
09-11-2014, 01:17 PM
Finland exclusive :swoon:
It will took me 2x forever to find.
Thanks for the info!
I just messaged a contact... :secret:
09-11-2014, 01:30 PM
I just messaged a contact... :secret:
Thanks, are you asking your contact to specially make one for me :drool::drool:
09-11-2014, 02:32 PM
Thanks, are you asking your contact to specially make one for me :drool::drool:
pm sent... ;) :yes: :thumb:
09-11-2014, 02:32 PM
That's a pretty sweet AC2 stickerbook! Is that the only steelbook ever made for AC2? I guess I'll have to get one if so!
09-11-2014, 02:34 PM
That's a pretty sweet AC2 stickerbook! Is that the only steelbook ever made for AC2? I guess I'll have to get one if so!
I think so. The price is crazy though, but not as crazy as the AC Brotherhood stickerbook :facepalm:
09-11-2014, 02:42 PM
That's a pretty sweet AC2 stickerbook! Is that the only steelbook ever made for AC2? I guess I'll have to get one if so!
When you have a coupla hundred quid to spare..... :swoon:
09-11-2014, 02:46 PM
When you have a coupla hundred quid to spare..... :swoon:
True story - where were these released? Might have some international contacts who could try and hunt one down for me ;)
09-11-2014, 02:48 PM
True story - where were these released? Might have some international contacts who could try and hunt one down for me ;)
Spain I think.
09-11-2014, 02:56 PM
Spain I think.
Yup - Spanish exclusive that one... and Mirrors Edge, and Need For Speed.... :suicide:
09-11-2014, 02:59 PM
Yup - Spanish exclusive that one... and Mirrors Edge, and Need For Speed.... :suicide:
Trying to find the Mirror's Edge too... Won't have any money left for thanksgiving or Christmas :banghead:
09-11-2014, 06:27 PM
Yup - Spanish exclusive that one... and Mirrors Edge, and Need For Speed.... :suicide:
as soon as a stickerbook is mentioned mags appears like a ninja
09-11-2014, 06:39 PM
Some rare steelbooks and stickerbooks I got in the past a few months.
Resident Evil 6 steelbook edition (Thailand exclusive, sealed), Saints Row 2 steelbook, Assassin's Creed 2 stickerbook, and Crysis 2 stickerbook.
3 of them were purchased from members here, thanks!
Where did you get that Resident Evil steel? :)
09-11-2014, 06:42 PM
Where did you get that Resident Evil steel? :)
From eBay, around $85 shipped.
09-11-2014, 06:44 PM
I checked eBay every day few times, but I haven't seen that steel:/
09-11-2014, 06:48 PM
I checked eBay every day few times, but I haven't seen that steel:/
PM sent
09-11-2014, 08:09 PM
as soon as a stickerbook is mentioned mags appears like a ninja
Like you with ass creed then
How annoyed would you be Meg if I sent you a duckling?
09-11-2014, 08:28 PM
Like you with ass creed then
How annoyed would you be Meg if I sent you a duckling?
nah i've been meh about a lot of stuff recently.
No ducks
09-11-2014, 08:30 PM
nah i've been meh about a lot of stuff recently.
No ducks
Can't promise never
Sorry you coming eg?
Oh right, no, yeah?
People and all that
StayFree( ' 3')
09-11-2014, 11:39 PM
steelbooks are soo last year. it's all bout the bookbook ( now.
09-12-2014, 02:31 AM
steelbooks are soo last year. it's all bout the bookbook ( now.
Driving 200 miles to my closest IKEA tomorrow
King Peter
09-12-2014, 02:34 AM
Halo astro tags (too bad they aren't numbered) to go on my saints row headphone
Sweet :)
StayFree( ' 3')
09-12-2014, 02:41 AM
Driving 200 miles to my closest IKEA tomorrow
lol. it's worth the trip just for their meatballs. no joke.
Halo astro tags (too bad they aren't numbered) to go on my saints row headphone
Sweet :)
09-12-2014, 02:59 AM
lol. it's worth the trip just for their meatballs. no joke.
Are you serious or kidding me? Never been there before but heard about their food... Don't know it's good or bad but I heard they use horse meat to make meat balls :bunny:
StayFree( ' 3')
09-12-2014, 03:04 AM
Are you serious or kidding me? Never been there before but heard about their food... Don't know it's good or bad but I heard they use horse meat to make meat balls :bunny:
They could be using rat meat for all I's just so damn good! :drool: (don't judge me)
King Peter
09-12-2014, 03:56 AM
Just to please Stayfree....*sight* kids these days :P
09-12-2014, 11:13 AM
Driving 200 miles to my closest IKEA tomorrow
group buy?
lol. it's worth the trip just for their meatballs. no joke.
yeah i bet you drive that far to slide some balls in your mouth
StayFree( ' 3')
09-12-2014, 01:19 PM
Just to please Stayfree....*sight* kids these days :P
lol...hey I'm not the one putting stickers on my headphones. :D
yeah i bet you drive that far to slide some balls in your mouth
woh, these fantasies you have regarding "balls in guy's mouths" is very unhealthy coma, but who am I to judge? That is clearly your life choice and I respect it. :haha:
09-12-2014, 01:42 PM
group buy?
If you don't mind eating horse meat, I'll try. But I don't know if it's 'limit 2 per customer'
09-12-2014, 03:16 PM
i dont collect no more but do get promo discs to save moneys off rrp but did i buy donkey here as metro turns out is a budget rerelease$_57.JPG
or was this a decent buy as x1 promos seem fewer?
28 gbp paid
09-13-2014, 06:04 PM
Really cool edition, but price in Russia is too high - about $265 :(
If you interested... My unbox Destiny Ghost Edition ( :)
09-15-2014, 01:40 PM
DC Universe Online Press Kit Unboxing
09-15-2014, 06:00 PM
The blood deal paid off mags :) i just wish i'd got the other one as well.
Crouching altair new and sealed £32 :v: (
09-15-2014, 06:11 PM
The blood deal paid off mags :) i just wish i'd got the other one as well.
Crouching altair new and sealed £32 :v: (
Why wish got the other one?
09-15-2014, 06:17 PM
Why wish got the other one?
it would have been the best bday gift to my friend ever... and i would have got so much alcohol in return
09-15-2014, 06:18 PM
The blood deal paid off mags :) i just wish i'd got the other one as well.
Crouching altair new and sealed £32 :v: (
Wow... that's like a "me" level deal right there isn't it? So... ummm... about that "other" one? ;)
09-15-2014, 06:20 PM
Wow... that's like a "me" level deal right there isn't it? So... ummm... about that "other" one? ;)
one sold to god knows where... the others went to a certain ninja lurking as we speak
i see you there...
09-15-2014, 06:49 PM
Woo hoo!!!! :cpatch:
Just hope mine arrives tomorrow... Never had a box before..... :lmao:
Gotta head to Pilates but brb...
Nice nice nice find Meg! :barsong:
09-15-2014, 06:53 PM
Woo hoo!!!! :cpatch:
Just hope mine arrives tomorrow... Never had a box before..... :lmao:
Gotta head to Pilates but brb...
Nice nice nice find Meg! :barsong:
you now owe me one soul of my choice :twisted:
09-15-2014, 07:00 PM
32 pound too much
09-15-2014, 08:37 PM
Woo hoo!!!! :cpatch:
Just hope mine arrives tomorrow... Never had a box before..... :lmao:
Gotta head to Pie and lattes but brb...
Nice nice nice find Meg! :barsong:
09-15-2014, 08:38 PM
i read that as off to pub so well done coma :s
09-15-2014, 09:37 PM
You are welcome to my soul meg - not worth much anymore lol....
And it was not the pub it was Pilates - in my tomby t shirt :thumb:
09-15-2014, 09:44 PM
You are welcome to my soul meg - not worth much anymore lol....
And it was not the pub it was Pilates - in my tomby t shirt :thumb:
still think that's code for pub, just like you and your 'parent/teacher' meetings.
And i didn't mean your soul :v:
09-15-2014, 09:58 PM
still think that's code for pub, just like you and your 'parent/teacher' meetings.
And i didn't mean your soul :v:
Parent teacher meetings usually take place at the pub :yes: and, if they don't, they always end there.... :thumb:
Hmmmmm not many souls I have control over... :think:
09-16-2014, 06:08 AM
This beauty arrived in the mail today. Made out of Polystone, standing a solid 10 inches tall atop a 12 inch (diameter) base, Noob Saibot:v:
09-16-2014, 01:31 PM
Wow! That's pretty cool! Neat to see a different design vs. the other MK statues that have been released recently! Thanks for sharing!
09-19-2014, 04:39 PM
Today I bought new Wasteland 2 Russian Special Edition.
If you interested, my unbox (
StayFree( ' 3')
09-19-2014, 06:58 PM
If you interested, my unbox (
09-21-2014, 05:40 PM
Destiny Limited Edition Lithograph Launch Kit (Complete Set) Unboxing
King Peter
09-21-2014, 11:29 PM
My store still had some Destiny LE for sale, bought one :P
Guess they aren't sold out like they say
09-22-2014, 01:05 AM
My store still had some Destiny LE for sale, bought one :P
Guess they aren't sold out like they say
Yeah the LEs have been in stock since launch for most platforms I think. It is the Ghost Editions that are sold out.
I actually still have 360 Ghost Edition held up at GameStop... the screwed up the payment somehow.
09-22-2014, 12:19 PM
WildStar Press Kit Unboxing
09-25-2014, 08:42 AM
09-25-2014, 08:47 AM
Really nice 3DS CE - looks in great condition! :)
09-25-2014, 09:06 AM
Really nice 3DS CE - looks in great condition! :)
Yes, that is in perfect condition - SE + DHL made great job :thumb:
09-25-2014, 12:40 PM
The Last Of Us Limited Edition Press Kit Unboxing Remastered PS4 Update
09-27-2014, 12:47 PM
The Elder Scrolls Online PAX East 2013 Exclusive Limited Coins & Lithographs Unboxing
09-27-2014, 02:28 PM
been away for a while, a small portion of my recent acquisitions
Also i wasnt able to attend Eurogamer this year but someone very close to me who i know did and was able to get me all this stuff
Low number!!
09-27-2014, 02:32 PM
been away for a while, a small portion of my recent acquisitions
Also i wasnt able to attend Eurogamer this year but someone very close to me who i know did and was able to get me all this stuff
Low number!!
The witcher sleeves are individually signed?
Went yesterday got mordor stuff and orange cap
09-27-2014, 02:35 PM
Hey Nip, what's that Zelda "artwork collection"? Don't think I've seen that yet! Thanks!
King Peter
09-28-2014, 01:42 AM
Just for the fun of it, I added a third GTA V CE to my collection and preorder Persona Q 3DS console
Way too easy getting CE here :P
09-28-2014, 03:06 PM
Destiny Limited Edition Hardcover Strategy Guide Unboxing
10-01-2014, 01:00 PM
Destiny Music Box Launch Kit Unboxing
King Peter
10-02-2014, 04:33 AM
A photo to outbored me :P
10-03-2014, 03:27 AM
Got this in the mail today.
Now I'm broke.
10-03-2014, 05:07 AM
Hey Nip, what's that Zelda "artwork collection"? Don't think I've seen that yet! Thanks!
It's a bonus insert from Nintendo Dream magazine in Japan, issue Feb 2014.
10-03-2014, 10:44 AM
just pre ordered Pier Solar Reprint edition (restock)
iamge courtesy of Quebec (
10-03-2014, 10:53 AM
Some Funko Pop! :D
Some Funko Pop! :D
ah how the turtles
10-03-2014, 12:23 PM
inFAMOUS 2 Press Kit Unboxing
StayFree( ' 3')
10-04-2014, 10:29 AM
Been a while since I posted here. I'll try to make up for lost time...
so recently I had the awesome pleasure of attending the Naughty Dog anniversary event. After which I received a few requests to share a certain autographed item. You probably can guess what that is...
The Record of Agarest War Really Naughty Edition :banana:
signed by director Sugano Kenta and character designer Hirano Katsuyuki.
...did I mention this game has a boss character named Jumbo Cock? Ohhh Japan. :notworthy:
10-04-2014, 10:31 AM
Shadow of Mordor Metal Case Edition
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
10-04-2014, 01:03 PM
Destiny LCD Screen Video Launch Kit
Been a while since I posted here. I'll try to make up for lost time...
so recently I had the awesome pleasure of attending the Naughty Dog anniversary event. After which I received a few requests to share a certain autographed item. You probably can guess what that is...
The Record of Agarest War Really Naughty Edition :banana:
signed by director Sugano Kenta and character designer Hirano Katsuyuki.
...did I mention this game has a boss character named Jumbo Cock? Ohhh Japan. :notworthy:
Wow... dem Japanese are sumtin else...
Shadow of Mordor Metal Case Edition
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
That looks pretty cool actually.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-05-2014, 08:15 AM
Stuff from the naughty Dog event.
Shoutout to my wingmen Jonkhor, Taylor, Brett, and I forgot the last guy's name. Thanks to our little entourage we were able to hunt down every Naughty Dog dev there secretly hiding in the sea of people.
special shoutout to the girl behind us within the line having a nervous breakdown and later beating up her boyfriend. True story.
Highlights for me include trying out the bacon orange chicken for the first time at Panda Express, daring each other to ask why Neil Druckamn fired Amy Hennig, and meeting Naughty Dog presidents Even Wells and Christophe Balestra. The biggest treat of the night had to be running into Naughty Dog's first ever employee, Bob Rafei. The guy was the longest running animation/concept artist at Naughty Dog ever since the very first Crash and was THE guy that created Nathan Drake. Him and his wife were so nice, he was even kind enough to grace the artbook with a sketch of Crash. :notworthy:
(clicker doodle by Hyoung T Nam)
Got a big naughty dog surprise next week. :spiteful:
10-05-2014, 09:31 AM
Wow, amazing stuff you got there! Glad it was a great experience you had :D
Though I'm curious about the surprise you got ;P
10-05-2014, 09:49 AM
Nice Stayfree!!
10-05-2014, 02:07 PM
Man Panda Express sucks...
10-05-2014, 04:40 PM
Finally got the platinum for The Last of Us Remastered... I lent the promo version to my cousin so this disc stayed in my PS4 since I got it.
Special thanks to flatout!
10-06-2014, 08:00 PM
WHAT Surprise???? O_O
Something is missing from what you had posted... :think:
Stuff from the naughty Dog event.
Shoutout to my wingmen Jonkhor, Taylor, Brett, and I forgot the last guy's name. Thanks to our little entourage we were able to hunt down every Naughty Dog dev there secretly hiding in the sea of people.
special shoutout to the girl behind us within the line having a nervous breakdown and later beating up her boyfriend. True story.
Highlights for me include trying out the bacon orange chicken for the first time at Panda Express, daring each other to ask why Neil Druckamn fired Amy Hennig, and meeting Naughty Dog presidents Even Wells and Christophe Balestra. The biggest treat of the night had to be running into Naughty Dog's first ever employee, Bob Rafei. The guy was the longest running animation/concept artist at Naughty Dog ever since the very first Crash and was THE guy that created Nathan Drake. Him and his wife were so nice, he was even kind enough to grace the artbook with a sketch of Crash. :notworthy:
(clicker doodle by Hyoung T Nam)
Got a big naughty dog surprise next week. :spiteful:
10-07-2014, 04:33 PM
Finally got the platinum for The Last of Us Remastered... I lent the promo version to my cousin so this disc stayed in my PS4 since I got it.
Special thanks to flatout!
I fucking know that Couch ! What is your Ebay Name?
10-07-2014, 05:06 PM
I fucking know that Couch ! What is your Ebay Name?
Mine? Why did you ask?
Edit: Looks like it wasn't me. It will be a shame if people can only recognize me via my couch :suicide:
10-07-2014, 05:17 PM
Stuff from the naughty Dog event.
Shoutout to my wingmen Jonkhor, Taylor, Brett, and I forgot the last guy's name. Thanks to our little entourage we were able to hunt down every Naughty Dog dev there secretly hiding in the sea of people.
special shoutout to the girl behind us within the line having a nervous breakdown and later beating up her boyfriend. True story.
Highlights for me include trying out the bacon orange chicken for the first time at Panda Express, daring each other to ask why Neil Druckamn fired Amy Hennig, and meeting Naughty Dog presidents Even Wells and Christophe Balestra. The biggest treat of the night had to be running into Naughty Dog's first ever employee, Bob Rafei. The guy was the longest running animation/concept artist at Naughty Dog ever since the very first Crash and was THE guy that created Nathan Drake. Him and his wife were so nice, he was even kind enough to grace the artbook with a sketch of Crash. :notworthy:
(clicker doodle by Hyoung T Nam)
Got a big naughty dog surprise next week. :spiteful:
Is the big surprise next week the same one you told me a week earlier? :spiteful:
10-07-2014, 05:27 PM
Wow Stayfree!!! I could look at those pics for hours.... and hours.... that artwork! :drool:
And you all know me and my 'items with stories' thing :yes:
10-08-2014, 02:06 AM
Shadow of Mordor Metal Case Edition
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
This is Awesome !
I think there is 2 ver right ? one for Game uk "steelBook" and the 2nd one for HK "Metalcase" ?
Not sure if the Game uk ver Sold out or not :think:
10-08-2014, 02:17 AM
This is Awesome !
I think there is 2 ver right ? one for Game uk "steelBook" and the 2nd one for HK "Metalcase" ?
Not sure if the Game uk ver Sold out or not :think:
This is the Game UK one :) it is a metalpak with relief image as pictured and not sold out - in fact the xbox and ps3 ones aren't released until nov 11th
The steelbook is a German one - amazon and Saturn and numbered - up to 5500 for the g1 and up to 17520 for the g2 :)
10-08-2014, 02:20 AM
This is the Game UK one :) it is a metalpak with relief image as pictured and not sold out - in fact the xbox and ps3 ones aren't released until nov 11th
The steelbook is a German one - amazon and Saturn and numbered - up to 5500 for the g1 and up to 17520 for the g2 :)
Thanks for telling me :thumb:
Maybe I'll get it one day from ebay .. because I can't wait to play the
Game :D
Thanks Again Redmagster ~
10-08-2014, 12:37 PM
Motorstorm Apocalypse Press Kit Unboxing
StayFree( ' 3')
10-08-2014, 05:32 PM
Wow, amazing stuff you got there! Glad it was a great experience you had :D
Though I'm curious about the surprise you got ;P
In due time my dear deathhound, in due time... :spiteful:
WHAT Surprise???? O_O
Something is missing from what you had posted... :think:
No jon, already mentioned the bacon orange chicken. :thumb:
Wow Stayfree!!! I could look at those pics for hours.... and hours.... that artwork! :drool:
And you all know me and my 'items with stories' thing :yes:
It was all for you mags. :beer:
Is the big surprise next week the same one you told me a week earlier? :spiteful:
Oh no, unlike that surprise this is one actually exists. lol
I'm dying to tell you all where I've been and what I'll be getting but I want to have something tangable to show you guys first before I break silence so it'll have to be an extra few days. Until then I'll be sure to post other interesting things to help you all forget. :secret:
btw, I think I should get an award for most emoticons used in one post. :1:
10-08-2014, 08:06 PM
btw, I think I should get an award for most emoticons used in one post. :1:
No I legitamtely used 10 in one post once instead of words to exlain my entire reply to someone and it made sense
10-08-2014, 08:35 PM
No I legitamtely used 10 in one post once instead of words to exlain my entire reply to someone and it made sense
That has to be a knight-able achievement... we need to call the queen. :D
10-08-2014, 08:58 PM
That has to be a knight-able achievement... we need to call the queen. :D
Where's vhal when you need her
10-08-2014, 09:17 PM
That has to be a knight-able achievement... we need to call the queen. :D
Yes, I suppose that would qualify as a "me" achievement. Not sure where Mags is though?
Congratulations Lil!
"Rocked the Smileys"
Way to go! :1:
StayFree( ' 3')
10-09-2014, 12:58 AM
No I legitamtely used 10 in one post once instead of words to exlain my entire reply to someone and it made sense
you have much to teach me...:notworthy:
Yes, I suppose that would qualify as a "me" achievement. Not sure where Mags is though?
Congratulations Lil!
"Rocked the Smileys"
Way to go! :1:
eww, an achievement...aren't those worth like 1/100th of a trophy? :taunt:
10-09-2014, 01:01 AM
eww, an achievement...aren't those worth like 1/100th of a trophy? :taunt:
It seems like only Knight and coma are the ones here really care about Xbox 1 :taunt:
10-09-2014, 01:03 AM
eww, an achievement...aren't those worth like 1/100th of a trophy? :taunt:
Okay, that was a good one. :thumb:
NIGHT ALL! :hug:
StayFree( ' 3')
10-09-2014, 01:09 AM
It seems like only Knight and coma are the ones here really care about Xbox 1 :taunt:
The thing is, I used to be a huge Xbox fanboy ever since Xbox 1...the real Xbox 1 (not the stupidly titled Xbox One). I eventually saw the light about a year and a half ago.
I'll admit it though, Xbox 360 was a far better than the PS3...prior to 2012. XBL chat parties...nuff said.
10-09-2014, 01:12 AM
The thing is, I used to be a huge Xbox fanboy ever since Xbox 1...the real Xbox 1 (not the stupidly titled Xbox One). I eventually saw the light about a year and a half ago.
I'll admit it though, Xbox 360 was a far better than the PS3...prior to 2012. XBL chat parties...nuff said.
I purchase Xbox to play Kinect games with my friends... My girlfriend almost killed me when I traded in my Xbox 360 for a Xbox One (which now I regret a lot too)... That huge box just lying there (yeah, Xbox One can't stand) and collecting dust since I bought it...
StayFree( ' 3')
10-09-2014, 01:38 AM
I purchase Xbox to play Kinect games with my friends... My girlfriend almost killed me when I traded in my Xbox 360 for a Xbox One (which now I regret a lot too)... That huge box just lying there (yeah, Xbox One can't stand) and collecting dust since I bought it...
you bought an Xbox to play Kinect... O_O
10-09-2014, 01:40 AM
you bought an Xbox to play Kinect... O_O
You'll understand if your girlfriend loves Kinect games...
10-09-2014, 02:52 AM
It seems like only Knight and coma are the ones here really care about Xbox 1 :taunt:
Don't forget Aiyu! ;)
Nah, what's sad is that I don't even really "care" much about it. It's just the choice I decided to stick with for this gen and so I'm running with it. Besides Destiny I don't think I've played more than 20 minutes of any game on it yet. I played my 360 more since I got the 1 than I did the 1 (though right now 3DS has them all beat).
10-09-2014, 02:58 AM
Don't you guys care that the Kinect can see :P
10-09-2014, 04:38 AM
Don't forget Aiyu! ;)
Nah, what's sad is that I don't even really "care" much about it. It's just the choice I decided to stick with for this gen and so I'm running with it. Besides Destiny I don't think I've played more than 20 minutes of any game on it yet. I played my 360 more since I got the 1 than I did the 1 (though right now 3DS has them all beat).
Still waiting for Persona Q. Not very interested in Super Smash Bros for 3DS, maybe the screen is too small? I don't know... There is no satisfying handheld game for me for a long time..
10-09-2014, 07:43 PM
10-09-2014, 07:53 PM
I purchase Xbox to play Kinect games with my friends... My girlfriend almost killed me when I traded in my Xbox 360 for a Xbox One (which now I regret a lot too)... That huge box just lying there (yeah, Xbox One can't stand) and collecting dust since I bought it...
You secretly got Xbox One just to play D4!!!!
Developed specialy for Kinect by SWERY almighty!! :trogdor:
This cant be coincidence!
I guarantee that this will be the best 15$ you spent in your life!
StayFree( ' 3')
10-10-2014, 12:43 AM
You secretly got Xbox One just to play D4!!!!
Developed specialy for Kinect by SWERY almighty!! :trogdor:
This cant be coincidence!
I guarantee that this will be the best 15$ you spent in your life!
This has been the most painful exclusive MS got so far. They can have their Tomb Raider games but don't touch my Swery...
Someone should ban you from using cameras. :poke:
10-10-2014, 02:09 AM
Someone should ban you from using cameras. :poke:
What's wrong with a macro shot with depth of field? It's a teaser.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-10-2014, 02:54 AM
What's wrong with a macro shot with depth of field? It's a teaser.
ohhhh, teaser eh?...can I guess what it is?? :D
10-10-2014, 02:59 AM
Yes but if you get it wrong I might lose all respect for you :lol:
Edit: Actually what you can't tell from the pic is that this is not the European version. :D
10-10-2014, 07:53 AM
This has been the most painful exclusive MS got so far. They can have their Tomb Raider games but don't touch my Swery...
Yeah, i cried a lot. Ironically, there was no one else who supported Swery.
But then, MS just drop this project halfway through , they even didnt PR push before release... :facepalm:
Xbox One cant handle Japanese games.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-10-2014, 03:01 PM
Yes but if you get it wrong I might lose all respect for you :lol:
Edit: Actually what you can't tell from the pic is that this is not the European version. :D
okay, my turn. bet you can't guess what this is...
Yeah, i cried a lot. Ironically, there was no one else who supported Swery.
But then, MS just drop this project halfway through , they even didnt PR push before release... :facepalm:
Xbox One cant handle Japanese games.
MS has been treating D4 like crap. During E3 they literally were hiding his the game behind a pillar on the back edge of their booth. To make it worse, his game wasn't even listed by Microsft as being present at the show. -_-
StayFree( ' 3')
10-10-2014, 03:17 PM
Ran into the biggest Breaking Bad fan in Japan a while back...
Other MGS stuff I recently picked up...
10-10-2014, 06:18 PM
Ran into the biggest Breaking Bad fan in Japan a while back...
Other MGS stuff I recently picked up...
So... when you gonna put these up for sale? And this week almost ending, where is the surprise item :poke:
StayFree( ' 3')
10-10-2014, 08:47 PM
So... when you gonna put these up for sale? And this week almost ending, where is the surprise item :poke:
Only have one of these you'd have to pry these from my cold dead fingers.
In regards to the "secret", I gracefully backpedaled on my initial statement by saying it'll be an "extra few days". That's more like next week territory. I'll try to distract you with various eye candy until then. @_@
10-10-2014, 10:09 PM
okay, my turn. bet you can't guess what this is...
OK I'll bite. :D I haven't followed this edition too closely to be honest but I thought it wasn't supposed to be out until next Spring. What's the story?
10-11-2014, 01:53 PM
Heavy Rain Origami Press Kit Unboxing
Alien Isolation and Shadows of Mordor Press Kit Unboxings coming up soon!!!
Stay Tuned :D
10-11-2014, 02:38 PM
It seems like only Knight and coma are the ones here really care about Xbox 1 :taunt:
I gave Sony two chances, ps4 suffered sa!me fault both times
After playing both I will say Sony has smoother ui and installs, also lost of us
X1 more fun achievement syatem , better controller and bar last of us better first party
I do prefer x1
Also got simulator will be an x1 console exclusive
10-11-2014, 02:42 PM
Oh got this on release last week
Don't collect but was cheapest version got for 41
10-11-2014, 02:43 PM
I gave Sony two chances, ps4 suffered sa!me fault both times
After playing both I will say Sony has smoother ui and installs, also lost of us
X1 more fun achievement syatem , better controller and bar last of us better first party
I do prefer x1
Also got simulator will be an x1 console exclusive
Goat simulator?
Borne /kinect ui simulator?
10-11-2014, 02:46 PM
Goat simulator
Also shadow of mordor acheivment
Reign in blood
Good reference
Yeh prefer x1 forza, ryse
10-11-2014, 02:48 PM
I gave Sony two chances, ps4 suffered sa!me fault both times
After playing both I will say Sony has smoother ui and installs, also lost of us
X1 more fun achievement syatem , better controller and bar last of us better first party
I do prefer x1
Also got simulator will be an x1 console exclusive
You are the unluckiest guy I know when it comes to consoles (or you shove weird things in the disc trays... lol).
I do disagree on the controller, PS4 controller has surpassed all of them. The 360 one is right below that for me (they are about the same really). The XB1 overall was a downgrade in the controller IMO.
Overall PS4 is a better console, but XB1 has better points then PS4 and vice versa. All depends on what you want. Not into trophies or achievements, and i play solo. And then after that I actually prefer (other then Halo) PS exclusives. I would rather have Uncharted and inFAMOUS then Gears and Forza.
But it all comes down to personal preference, just like games... this whole thing is subjective.
Yeh prefer x1 forza, ryse
Dead Rising and Ryse are both on PC now. Not sure about Forza... is that still a true exclusive? Hate racing games though... right there with fighting games for me.
10-11-2014, 02:53 PM
I like the triggers on the ps4, they are really stiff and great for racing games,
There's a goat simulator on Xbox 1?
10-11-2014, 02:57 PM
I like the triggers on the ps4, they are really stiff and great for racing games,
There's a goat simulator on Xbox 1?
Yeah I agree. I HATE the bumpers on XB1... they are gimmicky ("oh now you just use the upper part of your hand"... but that feels shitty). Also the weight and hand grips on the new XB1 controller are worse then the old 360 one... but that is just me.
PS4 controller grips feel almost perfect and the angled how your trigger fingers land almost in between the triggers and bumpers (but slightly more towards the triggers) and this makes is comfortable to reach both trigger sand bumpers.
10-11-2014, 03:02 PM
Yeah I agree. I HATE the bumpers on XB1... they are gimmicky ("oh now you just use the upper part of your hand"... but that feels shitty). Also the weight and hand grips on the new XB1 controller are worse then the old 360 one... but that is just me.
PS4 controller grips feel almost perfect and the angled how your trigger fingers land almost in between the triggers and bumpers (but slightly more towards the triggers) and this makes is comfortable to reach both trigger sand bumpers.
I understand what your saying,
I need to research and see if I can put stronger springs in my x1 controller, it makes the triggers, I don't know, for me, it makes it easier to feather the triggers with higher resistance
10-11-2014, 03:10 PM
I hate racing games love horizon
The prob I had was bad luck twice but seems to be ps4 red ring
10-11-2014, 03:17 PM
Xbox ones are not perfect had couple app/game crashes but seemingly soft/firm ware related rather than hardware
Also close whatever ever you do before you turn x1 off don't like it if you power down mid Netflix
But damm ps4 sucked for me, made harder as game retail outlet, now I got my console from a supermarket an exchange is a dream
When ps4 collapsed they let me just straight switch for x1 no question
And all these fixes for ps4, I maybe in the minority but I feel you should not have to with a brand new expensive bit of kit
10-11-2014, 03:18 PM
Ps4 controller just don't feel right still slippy thumbsticks and me shoulder buttons squeaked like fuck after a month
10-11-2014, 03:20 PM
I understand what your saying,
I need to research and see if I can put stronger springs in my x1 controller, it makes the triggers, I don't know, for me, it makes it easier to feather the triggers with higher resistance
Yeah feathering with a light spring is very hard.
Ps4 controller just don't feel right still slippy thumbsticks and me shoulder buttons squeaked like fuck after a month
Man you are so unlucky. I got mine at launch and use it quite a bit... and it is still i perfect working order wit no issues. Console and controller.
I love the new thumbsticks and they grip perfectly (well for me anyways, but all of them are slipper after eating something greasy :D ). No squeaking here... that is weird.
10-11-2014, 03:23 PM
Its a large scale problem expect any company to sugarcoat it but Sony even done a video response
10-11-2014, 03:49 PM
That is just a help center vid, they have them for any and all issues no matter how small usually. They do this to avoid people calling in and costing them more money. It is like a FAQ solution.
Did MS ever make on for the red ring of death that happened to millions of XB 360s? The PS3 did have the much less common yellow light of death as well.
10-11-2014, 04:12 PM
Just saying 140 pages of thread
People saying happening to white consoles too
10-11-2014, 04:27 PM
Just saying 140 pages of thread
People saying happening to white consoles too
Probably... sounds similarly annoying as the grinding XB1 drive.
10-11-2014, 04:29 PM
Grinding sounds sexy
But that seemed like an early issue don't hear about that much any more
10-11-2014, 04:33 PM
Grinding sounds sexy
But that seemed like an early issue don't hear about that much any more
Maybe not sure, I have not heard of any of them since launch personally until you just mentioned it. Could be because I have not had a single issue myself and had not had or thought to go looking.
I am sure the failure rate on both consoles for a myriad of issues ia roughly the same percentage. And to be fair... that same percentage is about double the number of PS4s because the have about double on XB1 out there.
10-11-2014, 04:45 PM
Don't misunderstand me I wanted my ps4 just to work, I could happily play last of us forever, but I had shit luck and did not want to lug another ps4 back
My 360 got red ring I went through 3 in 8 years
But 2 ps4 in 9 months
Too much
10-11-2014, 04:50 PM
Don't misunderstand me I wanted my ps4 just to work, I could happily play last of us forever, but I had shit luck and did not want to lug another ps4 back
My 360 got red ring I went through 3 in 8 years
But 2 ps4 in 9 months
Too much
Yeah I do not blame you... but you have to admit you were very unlucky to get not one but two faulty consoles.
10-11-2014, 04:53 PM
Oh yeah shit luck hopefully in a few years
Ps4 will be fault free
Last of us 2 is out
I have money
It comes as cheap bundle
I get me end away
Ubi release one edition of an ac game
Cats hug me and I am named cat god
10-11-2014, 04:56 PM
Oh yeah shit luck hopefully in a few years
Ps4 will be fault free
Last of us 2 is out
I have money
It comes as cheap bundle
I get me end away
Ubi release one edition of an ac game
Cats hug me and I am named cat god
That'll be the day-ay-ay
That I die
10-11-2014, 05:16 PM
10-11-2014, 09:42 PM
Courtesy of a friend,
I think he managed to get me one
I hope he did
10-11-2014, 09:50 PM
ERMdont know what it is
10-11-2014, 11:18 PM
ERMdont know what it is
Ditto. :think:
10-12-2014, 12:16 AM
Don't usually post updates, but I got /so much/ stuff last week courtesy of my US and Japanese forwarders. highlights:
EX Sideshow Drake + J&D 10th anniv. orb.
ME Liara litho
Play arts kai GZ Snake Metallic version - got this with the play arts kai garrus (forgot to photograph it)
GTA Kubrick Triple Pack sealed
Also just framed that awesome Journey screen print
and recently received this as well, something that had been on my wtb list for years.
10-12-2014, 12:57 AM
Great update! I hope my drake statue has an AK as well... But the non exclusive ones are sold for much cheaper than the EX one
StayFree( ' 3')
10-12-2014, 01:38 AM
Obscure Japanese games update:
Not sure how many people here played this but this game was waay ahead of it's time and needs to be remade for current gen consoles immediately. This game is also unique for having probably the worst English dub I have ever heard, ever.
game signed by character designer Toshihiro Kawamoto (cowboy bebop, gundam, etc.)
prints signed by game's producer Yosuke Futami.
...and this little item is dedicated to a certain member here. :evil:
OK I'll bite. :D I haven't followed this edition too closely to be honest but I thought it wasn't supposed to be out until next Spring. What's the story?
It's something far better than the CE itself....
....a fact sheet of the CE. ( ' 3')
StayFree( ' 3')
10-12-2014, 02:16 AM
Courtesy of a friend,
I think he managed to get me one
I hope he did
Tony Moore AC Unity poster. :1:
10-12-2014, 04:50 AM
It's something far better than the CE itself....
....a fact sheet of the CE. ( ' 3')
lol! Well now. Congrats. :lol:
10-12-2014, 11:16 PM
...and this little item is dedicated to a certain member here. :evil:
It's something far better than the CE itself....
....a fact sheet of the CE. ( ' 3')
Great pick ups StayFree!
And those Tomb Raider items!! :this: :drool: :nosleep: Those are AWESOME! Any chance you happened to pick up some extras on your journey?! :beg:
Also, I haven't laughed that hard in awhile at your "fact sheet" reveal! I really was impressed that you had the CE already! Looks like I underestimated your "diabolical-ness"! Well played good sir, well played!
StayFree( ' 3')
10-13-2014, 01:21 PM
Great pick ups StayFree!
And those Tomb Raider items!! :this: :drool: :nosleep: Those are AWESOME! Any chance you happened to pick up some extras on your journey?! :beg:
Also, I haven't laughed that hard in awhile at your "fact sheet" reveal! I really was impressed that you had the CE already! Looks like I underestimated your "diabolical-ness"! Well played good sir, well played!
I don't have any extras, but I might be able to help you get your stuff signed. Pm'd
10-14-2014, 12:55 PM
God of War Chains of Olympus PSP Press Kit Unboxing
10-14-2014, 11:40 PM
I Was busy , but i just finished ch 2 :D
10-14-2014, 11:54 PM
I Was busy , but i just finished ch 2 :D
Its tough but great game
10-15-2014, 12:15 AM
Its tough but great game
Yea , it's a great game .. glad he is back again ..
Hope to see more Horror games from him .. we missed him so much.
Right now , I'm Playing the Survival mode :barsong:
Always Sneaking Behind them :D
Now i'm thinking about the Nightmare Mode .. :think:
10-15-2014, 12:29 AM
Oh uh I forgot this was out, gonna have to get me a copy. Maybe the Zavvi steelbook edition :)
Just ordered MGR collectors edition for a bargain price thanks to Mags :)
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