View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
10-15-2014, 05:04 AM
Yea , it's a great game .. glad he is back again ..
Hope to see more Horror games from him .. we missed him so much.
Right now , I'm Playing the Survival mode :barsong:
Always Sneaking Behind them :D
Now i'm thinking about the Nightmare Mode .. :think:
Its all about akumu mode
StayFree( ' 3')
10-15-2014, 06:34 AM
Probably never mentioned this but I'm a pretty big fan of the Battlefield series, so when a buddy surprised me with this poster signed by the actors featured in Battlefield Hardline, I was pretty stoked. At the time the cast for the game wasn't announced so when I found out that Benito Martinez of The Shield was in it, it gave me renewed faith in Battlefield's single player story.
I was also able to get it signed by lead multiplayer designer Thad Sasser during a recent EA event. Really cool guy.
Thanks to Titanfall and Destiny, Watch Dogs has the pleasure of being only the third most over-hyped game of 2014 (so far). Despite this, I found the multiplayer to be some of the most fun I've had in recent memory.
The press kit was signed by each of the team leads and directors that worked on the game.
Probably the most useful promo item that was sent to me in recent memory...a stress ball. :hammer:
10-15-2014, 02:02 PM
I think I should just give up collecting after seeing all these "signed" things lately. Between you, Jon, Wanderer, and a few others I feel like a noob - still don't think I have ANYTHING that's signed yet. Maybe I should just bring a U-Haul to the next con and have them sign everything?? :think:
Fantastic items though Nick! Love the WD Tin and I'm glad there's another BF fan on here besides me! (BF = Battlefield in my book NOT "Black Flag", though I do collect some AC too). Great pick-ups as always!
10-15-2014, 02:46 PM
I think I should just give up collecting after seeing all these "signed" things lately. Between you, Jon, Wanderer, and a few others I feel like a noob - still don't think I have ANYTHING that's signed yet. Maybe I should just bring a U-Haul to the next con and have them sign everything?? :think:
Fantastic items though Nick! Love the WD Tin and I'm glad there's another BF fan on here besides me! (BF = Battlefield in my book NOT "Black Flag", though I do collect some AC too). Great pick-ups as always!
StayFree only collects signed items as far as I know :secret:
10-15-2014, 11:19 PM
Shadow of Mordor and Alien Isolation Press Kit Unboxings coming tomorrow :D
10-15-2014, 11:32 PM
Shadow of Mordor and Alien Isolation Press Kit Unboxings coming tomorrow :D
Abu clue of Some especial packaging of Alien PK fla t???
Have the promos, patch of the sebastopol and Some more stuff, but have not seen any special packagement...
10-15-2014, 11:40 PM
(BF = Battlefield in my book NOT "Black Flag", though I do collect some AC too). Great pick-ups as always!
You collect Animal Crossing stuff too? ^^ Good choice. Nintendo Merch is always great. :D Not much AC merch about though. :( There was some plush toys about for the Wii AC!
10-15-2014, 11:45 PM
Abu clue of Some especial packaging of Alien PK fla t???
Have the promos, patch of the sebastopol and Some more stuff, but have not seen any special packagement...
Sorry, must be a few parts lost in translation because I have no idea what you are asking/saying :scratch:
If you are asking something about the Alien PK just wait until tomorrow and the vid will answer all your questions i am sure ;)
10-16-2014, 03:23 AM
You collect Animal Crossing stuff too? ^^ Good choice. Nintendo Merch is always great. :D Not much AC merch about though. :( There was some plush toys about for the Wii AC!
Haha, I mean AC as in "Assassin's Creed" but that's pretty funny! Nah, Animal Crossing is one of the only big Nintendo franchises that I've never played anything of, not even watched a video of it or anything. The other "big name" Nintendo franchise that I haven't really collected anything in is Kirby. I was tempted with the recent "Link/Sword Kirby" statue by F4F, but I decided against it.
Nope, don't collect Animal Crossing, but those plush toys are pretty darn cute! :thumb:
StayFree( ' 3')
10-16-2014, 12:09 PM
I think I should just give up collecting after seeing all these "signed" things lately. Between you, Jon, Wanderer, and a few others I feel like a noob - still don't think I have ANYTHING that's signed yet. Maybe I should just bring a U-Haul to the next con and have them sign everything?? :think:
Just throwing this out there. Knight, if you could get one item signed by any developer out there, who would it be?
Fantastic items though Nick! Love the WD Tin and I'm glad there's another BF fan on here besides me! (BF = Battlefield in my book NOT "Black Flag", though I do collect some AC too). Great pick-ups as always!
I dunno, in my sick immature mind BF means neither of those. :D
It pains me to know your on that other console. I could have called you my comrade in Battlefield, and you would've had honor and prestige as my clan's official towel boy.
...btw, "AC" will always stand for Armored Core in my book.
Shadow of Mordor and Alien Isolation Press Kit Unboxings coming tomorrow :D
10-16-2014, 01:07 PM
Just throwing this out there. Knight, if you could get one item signed by any developer out there, who would it be?
I dunno, in my sick immature mind BF means neither of those. :D
It pains me to know your on that other console. I could have called you my comrade in Battlefield, and you would've had honor and prestige as my clan's official towel boy.
...btw, "AC" will always stand for Armored Core in my book.
Bf means boyfriend
The best games series in the world, there is sooo many to collect
AC means ace combat (originally air combat 1992)
10-16-2014, 01:29 PM
Alien Isolation Press Kit Unboxing
10-16-2014, 01:55 PM
Middle Earth Shadow of Mordor Press Kit Unboxing
10-16-2014, 03:38 PM
So this turned up
Nice and unusual
10-16-2014, 03:40 PM
Nice "AC" shirt :D
You like what I did there?
10-16-2014, 03:44 PM
Nice "AC" shirt :D
You like what I did there?
Yea your real smarts
My next update will defo have an AC item in it :)
10-16-2014, 03:45 PM
The Evil Within Limited Edition
Sendt fra min Nexus 5 med Tapatalk
10-16-2014, 03:47 PM
Yea your real smarts
My next update will defo have an AC item in it :)
Lol... well the whole AC = "Anumal Crossing" thing made me laugh earlier.
10-16-2014, 03:51 PM
So this turned up
Nice and unusual
hate it
StayFree( ' 3')
10-16-2014, 07:21 PM
So this turned up
Nice and unusual
love it
10-16-2014, 07:21 PM
hate it
Won't fit you anyway
More sexy pics of me in clothes coming to this thread soon
10-16-2014, 07:29 PM
Far Cry 4 USB Necklace (wooden with a leather feeling rope, the cover is magnetic):
Far Cry 2 Zippo Style Lighter:
Destiny Collectors Cards:
KoA Reckoning E3 Limited Edition Fate Cards (Signed by Curt Schilling):
10-16-2014, 07:42 PM
Far Cry 4 USB Necklace (wooden with a leather feeling rope, the cover is magnetic):
Far Cry 2 Zippo Style Lighter:
Destiny Collectors Cards:
KoA Reckoning E3 Limited Edition Fate Cards (Signed by Curt Schilling):
Love them
10-16-2014, 07:43 PM
After nearly a year of waiting, Metal Gear Ray finally showed up to join the growing army. (
10-16-2014, 07:47 PM
Love them
Thanks! :D
After nearly a year of waiting, Metal Gear Ray finally showed up to join the growing army. (
Dude, Ray is HUGE!
10-16-2014, 08:30 PM
Won't fit you anyway
Shots fired!!!!
Get fucked
10-16-2014, 08:41 PM
Shots fired!!!!
Get fucked
Shots fired?
10-16-2014, 09:15 PM
Destiny Collectors Cards:
KoA Reckoning E3 Limited Edition Fate Cards (Signed by Curt Schilling):
Yes, I may have to kill you now for these... Nothing personal mind you, just business, that's all. See you soon...
10-17-2014, 12:01 AM
Yes, I may have to kill you now for these... Nothing personal mind you, just business, that's all. See you soon...
Lol... thanks, I think :scratch: :surrender:
Man Knight, Hitmen are not always the solution. :nono:
Although I have to admit it is clean.
10-17-2014, 12:32 AM
After nearly a year of waiting, Metal Gear Ray finally showed up to join the growing army. (
Ray looks awesome I wish I had ordered one now. Ahh well maybe one day.
10-17-2014, 03:04 AM
Just throwing this out there. Knight, if you could get one item signed by any developer out there, who would it be?
Wow, great question! The vast majority of series and whatnot that I really love are nearly all japanese in origin, so signatures such as Shigeru Miyamoto, Eiji Aonuma, or Yoshio Sakamoto.
There's also any of the original cast/staff for the Suikoden series such as Yoshitaka Murayama, Junko Kawano, or the like. Or
I suppose if I had a "3rd place" it'd be like a 4-way tie for any actors/producers/designers from the Halo series (moreso bungie than 343) or the new Tomb Raider reboot (though these are a little easier to comeby it seems) or Hironobu Sakaguchi from Final Fantasy or something from the Lunar series or as a less-Japanese and more-recent desire is the Witcher series.
I dunno, in my sick immature mind BF means neither of those. :D
It pains me to know your on that other console. I could have called you my comrade in Battlefield, and you would've had honor and prestige as my clan's official towel boy.
...btw, "AC" will always stand for Armored Core in my book.
And I'd be the best darn "towel boy" you ever saw son! :barsong:
Also... AC = Armored Core? Are you one of THOSE people who also thinks that "FF" stands for "Final Fight"?!? If so, I'm not sure I can be seen around here with you and your side-scrolling button-mashing fandom-self anymore... please say it isn't so!
It's skylanders time :beach:
10-17-2014, 02:27 PM
It's skylanders time :beach:
hate it
10-17-2014, 02:44 PM
Well, since I haven't actually posted ANY of the things I've picked up in the past few months here's just a random purchase that I made for myself and a couple of pals...
I entitle this update: "Hey Look! I'm TexasFire" ;)
StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 04:10 PM
Wow, great question! The vast majority of series and whatnot that I really love are nearly all japanese in origin, so signatures such as Shigeru Miyamoto, Eiji Aonuma, or Yoshio Sakamoto.
There's also any of the original cast/staff for the Suikoden series such as Yoshitaka Murayama, Junko Kawano, or the like. Or
I suppose if I had a "3rd place" it'd be like a 4-way tie for any actors/producers/designers from the Halo series (moreso bungie than 343) or the new Tomb Raider reboot (though these are a little easier to comeby it seems) or Hironobu Sakaguchi from Final Fantasy or something from the Lunar series or as a less-Japanese and more-recent desire is the Witcher series.
Preferably a dev that doesn't require me communicate with google translate or fly across the world. >_>
Only once was I able to meet Shigeru Miyamoto personally. I have never choked up talking to a dev but that was definitely an exception.
Bungie, Crystal Dynamics, and CDPR are doable. I'll keep you posted if I happen to run into these studios.
And I'd be the best darn "towel boy" you ever saw son! :barsong:
Also... AC = Armored Core? Are you one of THOSE people who also thinks that "FF" stands for "Final Fight"?!? If so, I'm not sure I can be seen around here with you and your side-scrolling button-mashing fandom-self anymore... please say it isn't so!
Oh hell no, what do you take me for!? "FF" clearly stands for Fatal Frame.
It's skylanders time :beach:
I hear they're putting Crash Bandicoot in skylanders...those activision bastards.
Well, since I haven't actually posted ANY of the things I've picked up in the past few months here's just a random purchase that I made for myself and a couple of pals...
I entitle this update: "Hey Look! I'm TexasFire" ;)
damn, where did you take this photo!? heaven?
10-17-2014, 04:13 PM
I hear they're putting Crash Bandicoot in skylanders...those activision bastards.
damn, where did you take this photo!? heaven?
What's wrong with Crash?
A "heaven" with only Nintendo... *cringe*
StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 04:26 PM
What's wrong with Crash?
A character in Skylanders is the best they could do with the Crash license...the license they're holding hostage from Naughty Dog.
A "heaven" with only Nintendo... *cringe*
:D I was referring to the billowing silk sheets in the background
I hear they're putting Crash Bandicoot in skylanders...those activision bastards.
not exactly what I had in mind for his resurrection, but it's a start :)
I love all those shiny and blinky skylanders :haha:
StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 05:15 PM
StayFree only collects signed items as far as I know :secret:
That sir, is ridiculous. I value all my items equally. Just to prove it, here's a collection update with with nothing but unsigned items...
Here's a boring unsigned copy of Borderlands 2...
some USB press item that never experienced the joy of being signed by a dev...
An un-unique copy of the Borderlands 2 LE strategy guide
...or is it??
Well...I tried. :D
10-17-2014, 05:18 PM
So YOU'RE the one who out-bid me on eBay for that one? I thought for sure I was gonna win after he posted about it on CAG! (the CE guide that is) :poke:
10-17-2014, 05:19 PM
That guide or art book is sweet.
StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 05:32 PM
So YOU'RE the one who out-bid me on eBay for that one? I thought for sure I was gonna win after he posted about it on CAG! (the CE guide that is) :poke:
May this be a lesson to you...never cross me in the battlefield that is ebay. :2cool:
I usually don't buy signed stuff second hand unless it's really rare but when I saw this thing with the sketch I just had to get it. btw, you sure you bid on it? At the price it went for it was practically given away. :D
10-17-2014, 05:35 PM
May this be a lesson to you...never cross me in the battlefield that is ebay. :2cool:
I usually don't buy signed stuff second hand unless it's really rare but when I saw this thing with the sketch I just had to get it. btw, you sure you bid on it? At the price it went for it was practically given away. :D
Yeah, it was a steal and I put in a small bid just so I'd be notified when it was ending. I had actually PMd him on CAG and eBay to see if he'd let it go for a BIN. It ended at a fantastic price but beyond what I was willing to pay for it -- some may call me "cheap" but I prefer budget-minded ;)
Edit: Plus Borderlands is one of the only games I've got regular editions for (cuz I had to play it even though I couldn't get the CEs at the time!) -- since I still haven't gotten much extra swag, the CEs, or even the CE guides yet, I couldn't bring myself to spend more for that than what I was bidding on a Zelda thing for -- though I DID get instructions from the seller on HOW he got those signatures and intend on seeing if I can do the same since I really am a big BL fan!
StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 05:54 PM
Yeah, it was a steal and I put in a small bid just so I'd be notified when it was ending. I had actually PMd him on CAG and eBay to see if he'd let it go for a BIN. It ended at a fantastic price but beyond what I was willing to pay for it -- some may call me "cheap" but I prefer budget-minded ;)
Edit: Plus Borderlands is one of the only games I've got regular editions for (cuz I had to play it even though I couldn't get the CEs at the time!) -- since I still haven't gotten much extra swag, the CEs, or even the CE guides yet, I couldn't bring myself to spend more for that than what I was bidding on a Zelda thing for -- though I DID get instructions from the seller on HOW he got those signatures and intend on seeing if I can do the same since I really am a big BL fan!
Same here, just started playing it recently (I know, I'm ashamed of myself).
You should definitely do what the seller told you...;)...Gearbox is infamous for doing cool stuff like that for their fans.
10-17-2014, 06:02 PM
Same here, just started playing it recently (I know, I'm ashamed of myself).
You should definitely do what the seller told you...;)...Gearbox is infamous for doing cool stuff like that for their fans.
Playing BL2 you say??? WHEN?
StayFree( ' 3')
10-17-2014, 06:15 PM
Playing BL2 you say??? WHEN?
when you get your ass off destiny. :poke:
10-17-2014, 06:16 PM
I love BL... but after BL2 I am still burnt out on it to this day. Also it made me learn a good lesson, never fall for buying DLC expansion packs early.
10-18-2014, 12:15 AM
Ray looks awesome I wish I had ordered one now. Ahh well maybe one day.
I'm still kind of disappointed that it requires a stand... but I guess it makes up for that in sheer size.
10-18-2014, 12:37 AM
Getting something really exciting on Monday, Uncharted related :bananayes:
10-18-2014, 01:33 AM
Well, since I haven't actually posted ANY of the things I've picked up in the past few months here's just a random purchase that I made for myself and a couple of pals...
I entitle this update: "Hey Look! I'm TexasFire" ;)
For a brief moment there you owned about 1% of total copies produced.
10-18-2014, 02:05 AM
For a brief moment there you owned about 1% of total copies produced.
Haha yeah! That's what I was thinking! I figured it was one of the only times I'd have 3 ~$500+ CEs so I had to share it (even if it was only temporary). Felt pretty awesome - I figured that's how TF feels all the time so I dedicated it to him ;) Hopefully Internet peeps didn't see that post and start ripping me apart on another forum somewhere as an ebay-flipper or something haha :)
StayFree( ' 3')
10-18-2014, 04:13 AM
Haha yeah! That's what I was thinking! I figured it was one of the only times I'd have 3 ~$500+ CEs so I had to share it (even if it was only temporary). Felt pretty awesome - I figured that's how TF feels all the time so I dedicated it to him ;) Hopefully Internet peeps didn't see that post and start ripping me apart on another forum somewhere as an ebay-flipper or something haha :)
*reposts image on CAG*
(evil laughter).
wait, they're worth $500+!?! I don't know what it is but I have the sudden urge to get one....:D
*looks on ebay*
10-18-2014, 07:42 AM
What's is CAG?
10-18-2014, 09:14 AM
The vast majority of series and whatnot that I really love are nearly all japanese in origin
Junko Kawano
Junko Kawano
And Junko Kawano is not only about Suikoden
Shadow of Destiny (Memories) still one of the best games i ever played
You are my hero for just remembering she's name!:beer:
. I'll keep you posted if I happen to run into these studios.
Stay.. you broke my heart. You forgot about me? About everything that we have gone through? :this::quote:
I mean. can you keep me posted too?::surrender:
Ok, this will be my first not off-topic post in this thread.
I've got this beauty few weeks ago:
Maximo, autographed and dated by leading Japanese Illustrator, Susumu Matsushita, this was originally a competition winning done on the release date of this title (1st of March, 2002)
Probably one of the best purchase that i've had.
And i absolutely love the backstory of this game copy..
Original owner: As it says in the title, the game is signed and dated by the renowned Japanese Illustrator Susumu Matsushita who, contributed in designing the characters seen in Maximo. How I came about to owning Maximo was through a friend who's father (being quite the Japanese cultural enthusiast), entered the competition and as you can see, actually won. Before they moved away, they decided to get rid of a bunch of storage with this game unfortunately being one such gem to be sold. Still being a kid at the time, I decided to trade it with my friend and walla! I've kept it ever since :)
10-18-2014, 03:58 PM
Loot crate arrived dead rising 3 pen would a been me favourite but they sent a cat skull tee
i have pick this up ( needs some cleaning first ) and need to look how it all works
10-19-2014, 03:40 PM
i have pick this up ( needs some cleaning first ) and need to look how it all works
Has it got all the ds's and things inside?
And all the carts?
this all inside no ds or carts
10-19-2014, 04:13 PM
this all inside no ds or carts
Where will you get the carts from?
I guess Nintendo reps pick them up when he drips the new carts off
I really dont know Where will you get the carts from up
Also i dont know iff i can put normall ds inside or it have to be a special ds or NFR version ?
will have to find out allot from this item
10-19-2014, 04:24 PM
I really dont know Where will you get the carts from up
Also i dont know iff i can put normall ds inside or it have to be a special ds or NFR version ?
will have to find out allot from this item
This will help?
this part is very intresting seems like there is a normal Retail ds in it so i only need to find the card whit games
The download station consists of a standard retail DS hidden inside a sealed box with a special DS Download Station cartridge inserted in it. The cartridge acts as a server for customers to download new game demos or videos. When Nintendo releases a new demo cartridge to retailers, they simply load the cartridge into the DS locked in the sealed box
10-20-2014, 01:20 PM
Ordered this last month forgot all about it
Was cheaper than buying a UK copy
Lamb of God signed DVD
10-20-2014, 07:07 PM
"HUGE" update of something huge! Some of you may seen them before but they are mine now :beach:
Signed Uncharted 3 poster
Uncharted 2 Vinyl poster
Last but not least, a smaller one
10-20-2014, 07:16 PM
That the missus
10-20-2014, 07:25 PM
That the missus
Yeah, I'm a gamer and I've got a girlfriend. I found it strange too
10-20-2014, 07:35 PM
Yeah, I'm a gamer and I've got a girlfriend. I found it strange too
 QYHCggGBolHBQUITEhJSkrLi4uFx8zODMsNygtLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGywkICUsLywsLCwsLCwsNCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLC wsLDQsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLCwsLP/AABEIAK8BHwMBIgACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAABBQEBAQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAQQFBgcDAgj/xABAEAABAwIDBQMKBAQGAwEAAAABAAIDBBEFEiEGMUFRYRMicQ cyM0JSgZGhscEUI3LRYoKi8RVTkrLh8AgkNBb/xAAaAQACAwEBAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAwECBAUG/8QALhEAAgIBAwMCBAYDAQAAAAAAAAECAxEEEiETMTIiUQVBcYE jYZGhsdEUM0MV/9oADAMBAAIRAxEAPwCQCEBeis5yzyhCEACEqVBAlkiVIUACEoQ gBAEqEIJESL0kQQCEJQgkRca3zHeB+i7Fca3zHeBQiY9zJo/SP8XfVOCm8fpHeLvqU4KTb5Hbh4mmbOf/ADRfp+5UkozZz/5Yv0/cpzXVQjb1VZSUVlmeNcrJ7YrkKyubH48Aow4u/oo97i43O9IuXZq5t+ng9Rp/g9MIficsdyVrzxsuLnHndcXygb+KSWXKL2v4JMrLJd2b69JRWv TFHUhIHEbiVxhmDtxXRV3SXzG9GqS8UOGVbxuKdw4ufWChZoXX zMNjy4FLT1ObQizhw/ZPhfZFZTyYbfhuns4ccP8AIs8WINk0GhUj+Ef7f9Lv2VOZLY90 6hSTccm/zDbwC30a+Paawcu74LOHNbyT/wCEf7fyd+yBTP8Ab/pd+yaUFTJL5krieIyhPBS1H+Y//SF04yUllHHlCUXiSE/Cv9r+l37I/Cye1/S79l7FLUf5j/8ASEfhKj/Mf/pCkqMggpQkSTlCJQiyEACVIlQAiEIQAqRCEACEIQAFIvSRACJU 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dYcmg2A+SAIVfUnkkqmtwumzuDe6ALkC9hwXy2tHrqguw2hbG5 wLQ4usSN7bKk7FBZZeMHJ4R9KMlB3EHwN16uvlah2hq4HDJO8W 5m496vGGeV6cNDJI2uedA/9wo60cNkuqSeDx5YcffR1oELbhzGveT7RNrLjslizqqEveADmI 06W/dQePYma+pLKgD83KAR6pG5T+y1GIGCEG+t7+NkP1RTRXGHhm04 EzLTxjk0J8udK2zWjkAuqYiGImGNxZoXD9P+4KQTXER+W73f7g pRB//Z
StayFree( ' 3')
10-20-2014, 10:32 PM
ohhh, me likey
...the uncharted stuff is pretty cool too I guess. :D
10-21-2014, 12:00 AM
"HUGE" update of something huge! Some of you may seen them before but they are mine now :beach:
Signed Uncharted 3 poster
That thing is sweet... looks great in the frame!
Yeah, I'm a gamer and I've got a girlfriend. I found it strange too
The girl or the AC2 poster? :taunt:
10-21-2014, 12:13 AM
Congrats 0329liuken .
You get an Awsome stuff ... Well done
" Ding " you unlock a trophy " :bday:
Hope you enjoy them :thumb:
Yeah, I'm a gamer and I've got a girlfriend. I found it strange too
:( come on . why it's strange .
it's depends on the person ..
some of the men/women may keep playing video games if they are interested and some may not.
Also , some may hide it because they are ashamed ..etc
lately , I've Seen A Lot of men/women want to married a gamer :D
I think A lot of things have changed these last 5/10 years.
10-21-2014, 12:17 AM
I just showed my conversations about "gamer and girlfriend" with other members to my girlfriend, she told me I should tell them we were together before I became a real game lol
10-21-2014, 12:19 AM
I just showed my conversations about "gamer and girlfriend" with other members to my girlfriend, she told me I should tell them we were together before I became a real game lol
but she still with you .. so that mean she like you for who you are..
we all have our positive/negative things .
So , Gamers FTW :D
10-21-2014, 12:23 AM
but she still with you .. so that mean she like you for who you are..
we all have our positive/negative things .
So , Gamers FTW :D
Either that or she likes you for your games... ;)
StayFree( ' 3')
10-21-2014, 12:27 AM
Either that or she likes you for your games... ;)
Knight, aren't you married with kids? How did you get your wife to cope with your gaming addiction?
10-21-2014, 12:27 AM
Either that or she likes you for your games... ;)
If you compare me with my games, she likes me for me for sure. She always threatens me that she'd throw my collection away (or sell everything for $10) but never said want to throw me away (maybe I'm too big) or sell me for $10 (maybe I'm not worth $10...?).
10-21-2014, 01:02 AM
Knight, aren't you married with kids? How did you get your wife to cope with your gaming addiction?
Yeah just one kid right now -- the second is on "her" way ;)
Easy - I don't let it rule me. <long answer> Despite how often I'm on here (cuz I like the community) I'm not really that attached to my collection. After getting rid of a much larger and more valuable collection years ago because it ruled me I was able to spend several years post-high school just focusing on properly prioritizing things in my life (school, health, working out, career, relationships, family, God, and the such). Having parted with the gaming things already, I don't really worry about it again. Now I collect, but only using money that I've earned elsewhere (beyond our budget) and I never take (much) time from my wife, son, friends, or church to do it. I also have flexibility with work hours so I don't disrupt that (often) either...
<tldr> it's all about balance and prioritizing! MY princess is first! (Zelda comes later) ;)
10-21-2014, 01:08 AM
it's all about balance and prioritizing! MY princess is first! (Zelda comes later) ;)
Princess Peach?
StayFree( ' 3')
10-21-2014, 01:15 AM
Yeah just one kid right now -- the second is on "her" way ;)
Easy - I don't let it rule me. <long answer> Despite how often I'm on here (cuz I like the community) I'm not really that attached to my collection. After getting rid of a much larger and more valuable collection years ago because it ruled me I was able to spend several years post-high school just focusing on properly prioritizing things in my life (school, health, working out, career, relationships, family, God, and the such). Having parted with the gaming things already, I don't really worry about it again. Now I collect, but only using money that I've earned elsewhere (beyond our budget) and I never take (much) time from my wife, son, friends, or church to do it. I also have flexibility with work hours so I don't disrupt that (often) either...
<tldr> it's all about balance and prioritizing! MY princess is first! (Zelda comes later) ;)
I envy you sir...I unfortunately live a life of secrecy where I require two ebay accounts so a certain girl doesn't kill me.
btw, you mentioned selling all your games. my girlfriend back in the day (now my ex) made me sell all my games when I was fresh outta highschool so I definitely feel your pain.
10-21-2014, 01:20 AM
I envy you sir...I unfortunately live a life of secrecy where I require two ebay accounts so a certain girl doesn't kill me.
btw, you mentioned selling all your games. my girlfriend back in the day (now my ex) made me sell all my games when I was fresh outta highschool so I definitely feel your pain.
Lol... nice. :taunt:
No one here to hold me back!
Not had a "relationship" relationship" since i started getting into gaming and collecting a lot. But hey, they never worked out anyways... :think:
StayFree( ' 3')
10-21-2014, 01:38 AM
Lol... nice. :taunt:
No one here to hold me back!
Not had a "relationship" relationship" since i started getting into gaming and collecting a lot. But hey, they never worked out anyways... :think:
well, with that one certain item you just recently picked up, I'm pretty sure any woman here would jump all over you for it. I know I would. lol
Ing better take you out to dinner first. ;)
10-21-2014, 02:13 AM
well, with that one certain item you just recently picked up, I'm pretty sure any woman here would jump all over you. I know I would. lol
Ing better take you out to dinner first. ;)
That wasn't very nice Stay... :nono:
10-21-2014, 03:20 AM
That wasn't very nice Stay... :nono:
<awaits the amazing reveal, or flatout's inbox to overflow with people PM'ing him to do said reveal> :spiteful:
10-21-2014, 04:01 AM
I envy you sir...I unfortunately live a life of secrecy where I require two ebay accounts so a certain girl doesn't kill me.
Good move Sir! It takes one skilled person to know another's skills.. :taunt:
10-22-2014, 10:01 AM
I really like the packing with Judges and artwork on discs.
Normal version and re-print are much cheaper but I finally found LE with good price - paid only 19eur :)
10-25-2014, 06:29 PM
Loot from Day 1 of Southeast Asia's inaugural gaming convention, GameStart in Singapore!
What's GameStart?
10-25-2014, 11:37 PM
Assassins Creed II 2 Employee Launch Kit Unboxing
Sadly the thumbnail didn't load immediately when I first saved the file... then when you upload the thumb finally it takes up to 24 frikin' hours to fully take hold. I find it unbelievably annoying... arg.
10-26-2014, 07:29 PM
:2cool:Assassins Creed II 2 Employee Launch Kit Unboxing
Sadly the thumbnail didn't load immediately when I first saved the file... then when you upload the thumb finally it takes up to 24 frikin' hours to fully take hold. I find it unbelievably annoying... arg.
I stopped uploading because I don't know how to add a thumbnail
Also out of interest what type of PC do you use for those video editing?
10-28-2014, 01:22 AM
Day 2 Loot from GameStart 2014!
Pretty much the same stuff but I queued to be the first 300 for the free loot bag. All I got was a EA Tshirt and a Dragonball? figurine & some other junk..
Playstation Tshirt from the BloodBorne Meet the Producer Event.
So disappointed to not get 1 of the signed BloodBorne Tees that were thrown into the crowd.
StayFree( ' 3')
11-01-2014, 07:02 AM
so someone gave me the idea of posting some of my non-gaming pickups, which I'll start sharing every now and then between my usually gaming updates.
Here's the Target exclusive steelbook of Edge of Tomorrow along with the WC exclusive poster signed by the true star of the film, Bill Paxton (you'll know what I mean when you see it).
One of my favorite Hayao Miyazaki films, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind signed by Sumi Shimamoto (Nausicaa).
Breaking Bad: Complete Series Special Edition
the photo I took ended up being blurry, so enjoy this stock photo! :D
11-03-2014, 01:59 PM
I just have to thank the local post office guy/gal here! I tip my hat to those fine folks who delivered me a delicate CE recently and SOMEHOW managed to not cause any damage whatsoever to the box, the corners, the art, or anything! The seller shipped the thing in a cheap thin bubble mailer!!!!! but yet the Post Office got it to me in near-mint condition. I literally have no idea how this happened seeing as it was shipped across the country... apparently that was the seller's definition of "safe and secure packaging" which I requested. Either way though, I guess I dodged the bullet on this one... really happy this didn't end up being another one of those mail horror stories!
11-03-2014, 02:15 PM
And what was lucky survivor?
11-03-2014, 02:16 PM
I stopped uploading because I don't know how to add a thumbnail
Also out of interest what type of PC do you use for those video editing?
Sorry, this message came in when the alert system was broken.
It is easy, it in the button that says "Add a custom Thumbnail" ;)
I use a laptop with windows. I use the very simply (and limited) Movie Maker.
I just have to thank the local post office guy/gal here! I tip my hat to those fine folks who delivered me a delicate CE recently and SOMEHOW managed to not cause any damage whatsoever to the box, the corners, the art, or anything! The seller shipped the thing in a cheap thin bubble mailer!!!!! but yet the Post Office got it to me in near-mint condition. I literally have no idea how this happened seeing as it was shipped across the country... apparently that was the seller's definition of "safe and secure packaging" which I requested. Either way though, I guess I dodged the bullet on this one... really happy this didn't end up being another one of those mail horror stories!
Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes you drop a glass in the kitchen and it does not break ;)
11-03-2014, 02:41 PM
And what was lucky survivor?
It was for a disc variant of one of my favorite games - also probably one of my all-time favorite CEs (though I'll talk some more about that when I eventually upload pics of my collection of these).
Here's a stock photo though of the CE I got & disc variants that I didn't have: BtgvSOYRKTj4sdns543
As you can see, the entire thing is in the outer box which has even more corners because the front cover opens up as a flap -- just amazing this thing wasn't dented to heck and back! :banana:
11-03-2014, 02:42 PM
I just have to thank the local post office guy/gal here! I tip my hat to those fine folks who delivered me a delicate CE recently and SOMEHOW managed to not cause any damage whatsoever to the box, the corners, the art, or anything! The seller shipped the thing in a cheap thin bubble mailer!!!!! but yet the Post Office got it to me in near-mint condition. I literally have no idea how this happened seeing as it was shipped across the country... apparently that was the seller's definition of "safe and secure packaging" which I requested. Either way though, I guess I dodged the bullet on this one... really happy this didn't end up being another one of those mail horror stories!
Lucky you! Meanwhile, I always have sellers on eBay who ship things like Xbox 360 consoles and controllers in a box with no padding/packing material. They just let it bump around in a box for a few days... And don't get me started on sellers who don't know how to properly label the condition of an item and claim "like new, no blemishes" when there are clear scratches in the paint/finish. Ugh.
Anyway, I got my white Xbox One controller the other day and my Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Xbox One should be here in a couple hours!
11-03-2014, 02:54 PM
It was for a disc variant of one of my favorite games - also probably one of my all-time favorite CEs (though I'll talk some more about that when I eventually upload pics of my collection of these).
Here's a stock photo though of the CE I got & disc variants that I didn't have: BtgvSOYRKTj4sdns543
As you can see, the entire thing is in the outer box which has even more corners because the front cover opens up as a flap -- just amazing this thing wasn't dented to heck and back! :banana:
Yes, I know that edition (beautiful box, as all Working Designs packagings) - lucky you :)
11-03-2014, 04:25 PM
Yes, I know that edition (beautiful box, as all Working Designs packagings) - lucky you :)
Yeah WD really had stellar designs, not to mention amazing games! It's a shame they closed in 2005. They were one of my favorite RPG companies, along with Atlus and SquareSOFT.
11-03-2014, 05:08 PM
Yeah WD really had stellar designs, not to mention amazing games! It's a shame they closed in 2005. They were one of my favorite RPG companies, along with Atlas and SquareSOFT.
:thumb: Good to know your package miraculously survived! You should PM the seller back and give him a good lecture..
11-03-2014, 08:36 PM
:thumb: Good to know your package miraculously survived! You should PM the seller back and give him a good lecture..
I would leave neutral feedback at best, I can't abide bad packaging. Some sellers, I swear, absolutely brain dead when it comes to packaging.
This whole CE in a USPS bubble mailer happened to me recently too, but it actually came from Amazon that way.
11-03-2014, 08:39 PM
I would leave neutral feedback at best, I can't abide bad packaging. Some sellers, I swear, absolutely brain dead when it comes to packaging.
This whole CE in a USPS bubble mailer happened to me recently too, but it actually came from Amazon that way.
Yeah Amazon is the worst -- even if you open a case with them and they refund you or send you a new one there's almost no guarantee that the next one will have any better packaging, kind of dumb.
EBay really needs a "packaging" rating from 0-5 stars as opposed to just shipping costs/time. We can certainly dock them on the "item as described" if it gets damaged en route, but that's the limit right there (besides neutral/neg feedback)
11-03-2014, 08:50 PM
Yeah Amazon is the worst -- even if you open a case with them and they refund you or send you a new one there's almost no guarantee that the next one will have any better packaging, kind of dumb.
EBay really needs a "packaging" rating from 0-5 stars as opposed to just shipping costs/time. We can certainly dock them on the "item as described" if it gets damaged en route, but that's the limit right there (besides neutral/neg feedback)
One thing I got from Amazon that had awesome packaging was the hardcover Zelda strategy guide box set from Prima. The outer box was all messed up but there was another box inside that was fine, and inside that were these foam end cap things I've never seen before or since that sort of suspended the box set in the middle of the box so it wasn't touching any of the sides. For such a heavy thing it arrived totally mint.
I totally support the idea of a packaging rating on eBay! :D eBay sellers need to understand packaging is a very important part of their job.
11-03-2014, 08:55 PM
One thing I got from Amazon that had awesome packaging was the hardcover Zelda strategy guide box set from Prima. The outer box was all messed up but there was another box inside that was fine, and inside that were these foam end cap things I've never seen before or since that sort of suspended the box set in the middle of the box so it wasn't touching any of the sides. For such a heavy thing it arrived totally mint.
I totally support the idea of a packaging rating on eBay! :D eBay sellers need to understand packaging is a very important part of their job.
Yeah, I don't think that was an Amazon-specific packaging job though. Mine arrived the same way -- I think that was from the publisher (though I could be wrong). The Sky: Final Fantasy artbook also arrived in a similar fashion (with a product specific box and safety packaging). I agree with you though, that Zelda box-set was packaged amazingly!
11-03-2014, 08:59 PM
I would leave neutral feedback at best, I can't abide bad packaging. Some sellers, I swear, absolutely brain dead when it comes to packaging.
This whole CE in a USPS bubble mailer happened to me recently too, but it actually came from Amazon that way.
Not sure i would do that as the item arrived fine. But I would warn the seller of how bad that practice is and maybe mention it in the feedback.
I think some people do not weigh how important feedback is to a seller... the thing is that seller probably just does not know better.
What needs to happen is what i have mentioned before, eBay needs a rating category for how well something was packaged (but of coarse this also need ot be in relation to what the item is too... so that might be hard to do right).
11-03-2014, 09:18 PM
One thing I got from Amazon that had awesome packaging was the hardcover Zelda strategy guide box set from Prima. The outer box was all messed up but there was another box inside that was fine, and inside that were these foam end cap things I've never seen before or since that sort of suspended the box set in the middle of the box so it wasn't touching any of the sides. For such a heavy thing it arrived totally mint.
I totally support the idea of a packaging rating on eBay! :D eBay sellers need to understand packaging is a very important part of their job.
I believe that was a publisher thing because of issues with them ending up severely damaged in shipping. Mine was packaged the same way.
Also, Treehouse Brand stores have really stepped up their packaging. They double/triple box items and pack them well. Plus, whenever I end up with something damaged, they send me a brand new one and let me keep the damaged one, too (even if it is a numbered, limited item like the Wolfenstein Panzerhund edition). No extra costs, they just want pictures of the damaged item.
11-03-2014, 10:20 PM
Hats off to Prima then, and sounds like Treehouse too. :thumb: :thumb:
Not sure i would do that as the item arrived fine. But I would warn the seller of how bad that practice is and maybe mention it in the feedback.
I think some people do not weigh how important feedback is to a seller... the thing is that seller probably just does not know better.
I agree with mentioning it in the feedback and e-mailing a warning. Still I don't think neutral feedback is going too far at all.
If feedback was really so important to that seller, they would have packaged the item better. Giving a seller positive feedback for a bad job is an abuse of the whole concept of feedback, which is supposed to be a measure of a person's reputation, publicly viewable by potential customers.
If I'm a potential customer, I want to trust that the feedback system will make me aware if a seller has a habit of poor packaging so I can avoid that seller. I don't want all of their past customers to take pity on the seller and artificially inflate their feedback rating.
If a seller made one bad packaging mistake and got neutral or negative feedback for it, depending on how much the seller sells, maybe it wouldn't even matter to them. If it didn't, I want to see that feedback and avoid them. But if it did matter to them (as I imagine it would to most of the sellers on our forum), they should resolve the issue with the buyer, change their packaging practices, and post a response to the bad feedback vowing to never make the same mistake again. I'd buy from a seller with <100% feedback if I could tell they were taking their bad feedback seriously and doing something about it. :D
11-04-2014, 08:29 AM
It was for a disc variant of one of my favorite games - also probably one of my all-time favorite CEs (though I'll talk some more about that when I eventually upload pics of my collection of these).
Here's a stock photo though of the CE I got & disc variants that I didn't have: BtgvSOYRKTj4sdns543
As you can see, the entire thing is in the outer box which has even more corners because the front cover opens up as a flap -- just amazing this thing wasn't dented to heck and back! :banana:
How much did you pay for that?
11-04-2014, 01:40 PM
How much did you pay for that?
As always, got it for a steal, but I'll PM you! :woohoo:
11-04-2014, 06:55 PM
Received my Dead Space 3 CE Guide today xx
11-04-2014, 10:34 PM
Huge BioShock Infinite Bundle! A lot of cool press only items I did not know I was getting!
11-04-2014, 10:38 PM
Huge BioShock Infinite Bundle! A lot of cool press only items I did not know I was getting!
Another Booker's box set??? :sorry:
11-04-2014, 10:40 PM
Christmas came early Flatout!! :nosleep:
11-04-2014, 10:41 PM
Another Booker's box set??? :sorry:
Christmas came early Flatout!! :nosleep:
Well christmas in this case is amazingly expensie (I suppose it is anyway).
BTW got something I need to discuss with you mags about your Plushie.
11-04-2014, 10:48 PM
Well christmas in this case is amazingly expensie (I suppose it is anyway).
BTW got something I need to discuss with you mags about your Plushie.
You wanna talk about my plushie?!? :nosleep: :blush: :swoon:
11-04-2014, 10:50 PM
You wanna talk about my plushie?!? :nosleep: :blush: :swoon:
Yeah! And the songbird :haha:
11-04-2014, 10:52 PM
Yeah! And the songbird :haha:
Oh yeah that, if course, err... :whew:
11-04-2014, 10:54 PM
I wanna talk bout plushies in general
StayFree( ' 3')
11-04-2014, 10:55 PM
...I like where this is going. :spiteful:
11-04-2014, 10:56 PM
I wanna talk bout plushies in general
You would......
...I like where this is going. :spiteful:
You would.....
11-04-2014, 10:57 PM
This convo turned quickly...
Meg gusta
11-04-2014, 11:01 PM
I'm talking about the huggable not the duckabble
Don't tarnish plushies
11-04-2014, 11:06 PM
And nice haul flatsy
11-04-2014, 11:08 PM
Yeah, the convo went south quick D
Thanks coma... really did to to help someone (although it helps me too but taking a decent risk though).
11-04-2014, 11:09 PM
Yeah, the convo went south quick D
Thanks coma... really did to to help someone (although it helps me too but taking a decent risk though).
Oooo this an auction you won?
StayFree( ' 3')
11-04-2014, 11:12 PM
Ken Levine probably owed him money.
I demand more photos flats. Not everyday someone comes across artist proofs of the vigor statues. :drool:
11-04-2014, 11:12 PM
Oooo this an auction you won?
Huh? No... man an auction that big would be insane. It was an old contact/friend who needed to make some quick $ and space.
11-04-2014, 11:14 PM
Ken Levine probably owed him money.
I demand more photos flats. Not everyday someone comes across artist proofs of the vigor statues. :drool:
Shhhhh!!! Lol
Yeah the Devils Kiss Vigor is a rare one for sure. Un-numbered and sent to only a few members of the press. It is either a prototype or artist proof (although they are kind of the same thing... kind of).
11-04-2014, 11:27 PM
I'll give you 20 dollars for all it
11-04-2014, 11:30 PM
My advice eBay it and buy a giant thanksgiving turkey
11-04-2014, 11:44 PM
My advice eBay it and buy a giant thanksgiving turkey
Well I would rather sell to members at a little less and have them get most of it.
Why a giant Turkey?
11-04-2014, 11:52 PM
Well I would rather sell to members at a little less and have them get most of it.
Why a giant Turkey?
I forgot bout members, yeah
But nothing says scrilla like a giant Turkey, p diddy style
11-05-2014, 01:21 AM
Well I would rather sell to members at a little less and have them get most of it.
Why a giant Turkey?
Hmmm you take installment Flat? :sorry:
11-05-2014, 01:25 AM
Can't right now sorry. Need to make sure I am going to pay my bills first.
StayFree( ' 3')
11-05-2014, 01:40 AM
Shhhhh!!! Lol
Yeah the Devils Kiss Vigor is a rare one for sure. Un-numbered and sent to only a few members of the press. It is either a prototype or artist proof (although they are kind of the same thing... kind of).
Shhhhh!! Why would you tell them that, I'm trying to help you sell them over here! :D
Are we sure the ones the press received weren't numbered? Maybe the one you got is in fact the artist proof.
11-07-2014, 01:38 PM
Thanks moomin
Hoodie is amaziiiiing
11-07-2014, 01:45 PM
Thanks moomin
Hoodie is amaziiiiing
Suits you Sir! :bananayes:
11-07-2014, 01:46 PM
Got something special today :D
11-07-2014, 01:51 PM
Got something special today :D
Four boxes of cereal?
11-07-2014, 01:51 PM
Shhhhh!! Why would you tell them that, I'm trying to help you sell them over here! :D
Are we sure the ones the press received weren't numbered? Maybe the one you got is in fact the artist proof.
Not sure. It is one or the other, either way there are probably only a few of them.
11-07-2014, 02:01 PM
Four boxes of cereal?
Four boxes of japanese pokemon games..
11-07-2014, 11:48 PM
What ( i got recently... :D
11-07-2014, 11:53 PM
What ( i got recently... :D
I just looked then had to look away. So much coolness. So much droolness. That art of last of us signed all over... :drool:
And I LOVE the King and Lionheart <3
11-08-2014, 06:31 AM
Mass Effect 1 collectors edition VGA graded 85
Mass Effect 2 Collectors Edition VGA graded 85+
Mass Effect EDI screenprint
Mass effect N7 Tagged litho
Mass effect Wrex Litho
StayFree( ' 3')
11-08-2014, 08:17 AM
Thanks moomin
Hoodie is amaziiiiing
That hoodie is far too cool for you coma, you should stick to your usual style...
...btw, how are you liking the walking dead season 2? ;)
What ( i got recently... :D
words can't describe the sheer beauty I'm currently witnessing... :drool:
11-08-2014, 05:01 PM
New stuffs! ^^
Has been a while since I posted an update, but thought I would share all the same. :D Thanks to all the people who helped me with any of the items below. :D ( ( ( ( ( ( ( (
Got this item from my local store when I went to collect my game! ^^ They had a couple of them and they let me have one. :D It had already been opened, but can't complain for free and goes nicely with the Limited Ed too. Makes up for the lack of proper CE for this game. ( ( (
Then these obviously weren't from my local store. Lol ( (
A cheap pickup from Zavvi! ^^ Glad I didn't get one before when I was tempted to. Lol ( (
A couple of nice finds from my local CEX! ^^ ( (
11-08-2014, 06:27 PM
Some nice stuff there! Have you opened the Zelda Monopoly set? If so, how's the quality?
Also, how'd you get the Xbox One controller stand? Really want one!
11-08-2014, 07:10 PM
Nice update Cosmic! I wish my local GameStops had people who did not want to keep the stuff they get! You are so lucky to have a GameStop that has people working there really just for the job (or do not like cool items for some odd reason).
Got a couple things in the mail yesterday and today.
Batman Arkham Origins Launch Kit (this this is massive, it is 19" x 12" and the lithograph inside is almost as big):
Anyone know what this is exactly? A Black Ops Kit of some kind (need to look into the disc contents later... that will help show what it is):
11-08-2014, 07:24 PM
Some nice stuff there! Have you opened the Zelda Monopoly set? If so, how's the quality?
Also, how'd you get the Xbox One controller stand? Really want one!
My GF opened her monopoly. It's a nice set! ^^ What you would expect with a monopoly board. :D
The Controller stand was sent to me with a box of stuff I got from a member who I frequently forward for. I believe he got it from his local store. :D
Nice update Cosmic! I wish my local GameStops had people who did not want to keep the stuff they get! You are so lucky to have a GameStop that has people working there really just for the job (or do not like cool items for some odd reason).
Got a couple things in the mail yesterday and today.
Batman Arkham Origins Launch Kit (this this is massive, it is 19" x 12" and the lithograph inside is almost as big):
Anyone know what this is exactly? A Black Ops Kit of some kind (need to look into the disc contents later... that will help show what it is):
Tbh, I don't often get stuff from my local store. Lol might get the odd T-Shirt, Lanyards, posters and tends to be one of those things, if you don't ask you don't get. XD I normally say to a guy there when getting guides and stuff "what extra goodies you got knocking about to go with this guide/season pass (or whatever else they try to sell with games). Lol Apparently they had a few of the Evil Within kits and each staff member had some stuff out of each one and saved the last one for me. :D I was buying a few copies of the game though! XD
About the Black Ops pack. It was a pre-order bonus here in the UK from GAME UK. :D I have one on my shelf. :D
11-08-2014, 07:36 PM
Man on YouTube says the Xbox stands are given out to gamestops by Xbox reps and they don't tell the gamestops what to do with them
I've seen a white on in a proper retail display packaging with sunset overdrive written on it
So I'm hoping they'll be sold soon as I don't want to pay 30-40 for a small stand
11-08-2014, 08:35 PM
Nice update Cosmic! I wish my local GameStops had people who did not want to keep the stuff they get! You are so lucky to have a GameStop that has people working there really just for the job (or do not like cool items for some odd reason).
Got a couple things in the mail yesterday and today.
Batman Arkham Origins Launch Kit (this this is massive, it is 19" x 12" and the lithograph inside is almost as big):
Anyone know what this is exactly? A Black Ops Kit of some kind (need to look into the disc contents later... that will help show what it is):
Is that launch kit the GS one Flatty? Just want to confirm before I ask around for one! Thanks! ;) Nice pickups by the way! And you too Cosmic!
11-08-2014, 10:38 PM
That hoodie is far too cool for you coma, you should stick to your usual style...
...btw, how are you liking the walking dead season 2? ;)
words can't describe the sheer beauty I'm currently witnessing... :drool:
Might have to pick up that rillkuma hoodie:nosleep:
Season 2 not as good as 1 but enjoyable, ruined it a bit as spent how game making decisions that would try and kill others on purpose
So bit linear
Playing wolf among us now, love it
Installed sunset and will get stuck in tommorow,sleep first
11-08-2014, 10:48 PM
Might have to pick up that rillkuma hoodie:nosleep:
Season 2 not as good as 1 but enjoyable, ruined it a bit as spent how game making decisions that would try and kill others on purpose
So bit linear
Playing wolf among us now, love it
Installed sunset and will get stuck in tommorow,sleep first
Sunset is amazing
I am female assassin
I love it
11-08-2014, 10:55 PM
My GF opened her monopoly. It's a nice set! ^^ What you would expect with a monopoly board. :D
The Controller stand was sent to me with a box of stuff I got from a member who I frequently forward for. I believe he got it from his local store. :D
Tbh, I don't often get stuff from my local store. Lol might get the odd T-Shirt, Lanyards, posters and tends to be one of those things, if you don't ask you don't get. XD I normally say to a guy there when getting guides and stuff "what extra goodies you got knocking about to go with this guide/season pass (or whatever else they try to sell with games). Lol Apparently they had a few of the Evil Within kits and each staff member had some stuff out of each one and saved the last one for me. :D I was buying a few copies of the game though! XD
About the Black Ops pack. It was a pre-order bonus here in the UK from GAME UK. :D I have one on my shelf. :D
Yeah that is still better then mine. They give away display stuff sometimes but never the mangers goods. The person I know there is regional manager and is kind of irrationally scared that he will get in trouble if he does give that stuff away= (or sells it) and then the other employees snag it all up.
Was hoping it was some kind of launch kit :(
Is that launch kit the GS one Flatty? Just want to confirm before I ask around for one! Thanks! ;) Nice pickups by the way! And you too Cosmic!
I think so, funny story though... I have never seen one before this one.
11-09-2014, 12:58 PM (
Assassin's Creed III Freedom Edition (Xbox 360)
Normally I don't collect such CE's but I got this pretty cheap (about 45€ shipped to me) and there is a steelbook inside which I haven't owned before.
It's in perfect condition and the figure is still sealed.
King Peter
11-10-2014, 01:44 AM
Went to my local futureshop today, got me these (Best Buy ownes FutureShop if you didn't know)
COD AW PS3 limited edition (normal price) and Halo 4 limited edition (5$ only, liquidation sale) :P fen02
11-10-2014, 01:53 AM
Ahhhh Canada.
King Peter
11-10-2014, 02:06 AM
Ahhhh Canada.
You'd be surprise to see how many limited edition games I can find in all of the store near my area. There're a lot of them still available
Hell, one of my store restocked Mortal Kombat limited edition, tournament edition and Batman Arkham LE (the one with the Joker statue).
Assassins creed fan would kill me if they knew I can access most their stuff here (gaming and clothes) :P
11-10-2014, 02:09 AM
You'd be surprise to see how many limited edition games I can find in all of the store near my area. There're a lot of them still available
Hell, one of my store restocked Mortal Kombat limited edition, tournament edition and Batman Arkham LE (the one with the Joker statue).
Assassins creed fan would kill me if they knew I can access most their stuff here (gaming and clothes) :P
Jealous! Wish I had that stuff around here.
StayFree( ' 3')
11-10-2014, 03:08 AM
You'd be surprise to see how many limited edition games I can find in all of the store near my area. There're a lot of them still available
Hell, one of my store restocked Mortal Kombat limited edition, tournament edition and Batman Arkham LE (the one with the Joker statue).
Assassins creed fan would kill me if they knew I can access most their stuff here (gaming and clothes) :P
but hey, there is a trade-off live in Canada. :P
StayFree( ' 3')
11-10-2014, 10:03 AM
Earlier this year when a buddy of mine, an editor at Juxtapoz told me that legendary Japanese artist Katsuya Terada would be visiting them from Japan for an interview...I lost my mind. For all you Nintendo fans out there, he was the original Japanese promotional artist ( for the first three Legend of Zelda games back in the ol' NES days.
Long story short, he hooked me up with these two sketches. :woohoo:
More examples of his awesome work...
11-10-2014, 11:32 AM
Some very nice pickups lately. Some free stuff but good stuff :P
11-10-2014, 11:36 AM
Some very nice pickups lately. Some free stuff but good stuff :P
Was the Ocarina Ed a freebie? :P Can you get anymore of the Pokemon code cards? 0.o
11-10-2014, 11:40 AM
Was the Ocarina Ed a freebie? :P Can you get anymore of the Pokemon code cards? 0.o
:P I wish it was a freebie but the price I got it was almost a freebie anyway :P
I can get more codes for Diancie and Pokemon ORAS beta only. But I don't think it works for UK? Codes seems to be nintendo store region locked.
11-10-2014, 11:49 AM
:P I wish it was a freebie but the price I got it was almost a freebie anyway :P
I can get more codes for Diancie and Pokemon ORAS beta only. But I don't think it works for UK? Codes seems to be nintendo store region locked.
Off-Topic: You got a Show and Tell Thread somewhere Letrico?
11-10-2014, 11:51 AM
Off-Topic: You got a Show and Tell Thread somewhere Letrico?
I..... wanted to but I stored them all in my wardrobe so I didn't take any pictures yet. Maybe next spring clean?
11-10-2014, 11:53 AM
I..... wanted to but I stored them all in my wardrobe so I didn't take any pictures yet. Maybe next spring clean?
Looking forward to it! We need more Australian Collections on here!!! It's spring now, so some time in the holidays?
StayFree( ' 3')
11-10-2014, 11:55 AM
I..... wanted to but I stored them all in my wardrobe so I didn't take any pictures yet. Maybe next spring clean?
:D I can already imagine... pikabellechu-d7rf97v.jpg
11-10-2014, 11:58 AM
:D I can already imagine... pikabellechu-d7rf97v.jpg
What a neat and very well organized Pokemon Collection you got there :P
OK, back on topic guys!
11-10-2014, 01:10 PM
:D I can already imagine... pikabellechu-d7rf97v.jpg
If there are some cat pictures in the room I can be sure that's coma's room
11-12-2014, 03:58 PM
Lords of the Fallen Collectors Edition w/ Polystone Bust Statue Unboxing
I customized the thumbnail image from the image below. Looks good... eh?
11-12-2014, 03:59 PM
As I don't have audio Flat, what was your opinion of the bust?
11-12-2014, 04:03 PM
As I don't have audio Flat, what was your opinion of the bust?
Why no audio?
It is amazing quality. I say in the vid that other companies that make these CEs need to take note. Really nice. Something that would easily sell for $150 retail on its own (if it was made for a website like Sideshow or something like that).
StayFree( ' 3')
11-12-2014, 04:29 PM
It wasn't easy, but I finally found the first print version of Steel Battalion brand spankin' new for Xbox. This is a game I completely regret selling as a kid, especially since it cost me so much of my allowance, but here it finally is! Was lucky to find one sealed and completely mint like this. It haunted me that I was never able to beat this bastard of a game. Now I finally have my chance. :prepaired:
Everyone that thinks the Demon/Dark Souls series is "hard" needs to play this game. Never have I played a game so brutal and unforgiving as Steel Battalion. It takes combat simulation to such a ridiculous level that once you die in this game all your save data gets automatically erased. :suicide:
And of course, every good Japanese game needs a ridiculous Japanese trailer to go along with it...
For all the Telltale Games fans out there, got a special update tomorrow. :D
11-12-2014, 04:52 PM
Never understood why people like games that are super hard and unforgiving. It is like the masochistic version of video games.
Where is the fun from the frustration of dying all the time? I know some people like this but it just seems strange to me. Personal thing I suppose.
11-12-2014, 05:19 PM
It wasn't easy, but I finally found the first print version of Steel Battalion brand spankin' new for Xbox. This is a game I completely regret selling as a kid, especially since it cost me so much of my allowance, but here it finally is! Was lucky to find one sealed and completely mint like this. It haunted me that I was never able to beat this bastard of a game. Now I finally have my chance. :prepaired:
Everyone that thinks the Demon/Dark Souls series is "hard" needs to play this game. Never have I played a game so brutal and unforgiving as Steel Battalion. It takes combat simulation to such a ridiculous level that once you die in this game all your save data gets automatically erased. :suicide:
For all the Telltale Games fans out there, got a special update tomorrow. :D
Nope, this can't be yours - its not signed! :rotf:
Nice pickup though (never played it myself). Also, nice Stanton turntable you got there! ;)
11-12-2014, 05:23 PM
Why no audio?
It is amazing quality. I say in the vid that other companies that make these CEs need to take note. Really nice. Something that would easily sell for $150 retail on its own (if it was made for a website like Sideshow or something like that).
Too much trouble to get headphones and plug them in at work - its why I usually don't watch all the vids you put up :(
Wow, wasn't expect that much of a positive review of that piece- nice. Hopefully word gets out and some others do similar high quality statue.
11-12-2014, 05:31 PM
Got castlevania 2 dracs tomb for 15 pound
For a friend at works Xmas birthday
Now that's value
StayFree( ' 3')
11-13-2014, 12:18 AM
Never understood why people like games that are super hard and unforgiving. It is like the masochistic version of video games.
Where is the fun from the frustration of dying all the time? I know some people like this but it just seems strange to me. Personal thing I suppose.
I'll never get it either, but then again I only played Demon Souls for about an hour so I was able to avoid addiction unlike everyone else. 7772eae77ce852.jpg
Nope, this can't be yours - its not signed! :rotf:
Nice pickup though (never played it myself). Also, nice Stanton turntable you got there! ;)
wha??...but...the seller told me it was hand signed!! 7085782c0d0e1f.jpg
11-13-2014, 12:27 AM
Too much trouble to get headphones and plug them in at work - its why I usually don't watch all the vids you put up :(
Wow, wasn't expect that much of a positive review of that piece- nice. Hopefully word gets out and some others do similar high quality statue.
Ah, I see ;)
Yeah it is really a great statue. Collector quality for sure, it is on par with my Kingdoms of Amalur Statue... and yes others CE developers need to take note.
On a side note, the cloth map was amazing too.
11-13-2014, 06:34 AM
Never understood why people like games that are super hard and unforgiving. It is like the masochistic version of video games.
Where is the fun from the frustration of dying all the time? I know some people like this but it just seems strange to me. Personal thing I suppose.
The opening should answer your question...
11-13-2014, 02:17 PM (
newish items
still waiting for all the ac unity editions
11-13-2014, 02:34 PM
Don't know what that is Meg but nice?
I got halo collection standard edition Ps owners be jelly
Mags too busy but she wanted me to post her
master chief collectors edition
11-13-2014, 02:35 PM
Don't know what that is Meg but nice?
I got halo collection standard edition Ps owners be jelly
Mags too busy but she wanted me to post her
master chief collectors edition
You can read my other post on the Master Chief Mjolnir.... :suicide:
11-13-2014, 02:40 PM
Don't know what that is Meg but nice?
I got halo collection standard edition Ps owners be jelly
Mags too busy but she wanted me to post her
master chief collectors edition
that reminds me of the donkey i saw at london zoo on monday <3
11-13-2014, 02:45 PM
that reminds me of the donkey i saw at london zoo on monday <3
That was me in costume trying to get closer to you
11-13-2014, 02:55 PM
That was me in costume trying to get closer to you
Costume... riiiiiiight.
11-13-2014, 08:42 PM (
newish items
still waiting for all the ac unity editions
Oh my
You have some end string
I have been looking for that for years
11-13-2014, 08:44 PM
Oh my
You have some end string
I have been looking for that for years
its the common red string, but i still haven't tracked down the rare orange string :(
11-13-2014, 08:45 PM
its the common red string, but i still haven't tracked down the rare orange string :(
Out trolled by megatron
11-13-2014, 08:49 PM
Lords of the fallen collectors edition from amazon. Got it finally after 2 shipment delays on november 11th. The shipping box came looking brand new and not a single dent. Open it up to find the collectors edition dented and the outer sleave torn to hell. Called amazon, they sent a replacement. Just got the new replacement no more than 15 minutes ago. Well the shipping box was dented to hell and had a tear going all the way down the side, and the tape wasing even holding the box closed. (Now jm worried). Open it up and the collectors edition is in immaculate condition, not even a single corner dent, not even the tiniest. Soo i have no idea. Amazon shipping is all kinds of 2hacky. But im happy now so theres that
11-13-2014, 08:52 PM
Today just got a little more exciting.... ;) ( ( ( (
11-13-2014, 08:52 PM
Out trolled by megatron,width=280,height=280,appearanceId=317.png/mens-tee-potato-squid_design.png
also damn mags :P
11-13-2014, 08:56 PM
Dude where did you get the assassins creed stamp?
11-13-2014, 09:06 PM
Nice work mags, scoring the bay all day every night
I let you get away with that one :D
11-13-2014, 09:07 PM
I got very very very very lucky with a preorder from
Two of us bundled out orders together for the steelbook edition and ordered 8 between us and lo and behold I opened the box tonight and discovered they'd included one of their random 100 gifts for preorders :cpatch:
11-13-2014, 09:07 PM
Nice work mags, scoring the bay all day every night
I let you get away with that one :D
Nope.... No charge. Zero zilch zippo - see above :) :P
11-13-2014, 09:08 PM
Nope.... No charge. Zero zilch zippo - see above :) :P
Yea in just bored :)
11-13-2014, 09:16 PM
today just got a little more exciting.... ;) ( ( ( (
whats that from!?
11-13-2014, 09:39 PM
I got very very very very lucky with a preorder from
Two of us bundled out orders together for the steelbook edition and ordered 8 between us and lo and behold I opened the box tonight and discovered they'd included one of their random 100 gifts for preorders :cpatch:
wow that's amazing :nosleep:
11-13-2014, 09:51 PM
Great grab mags... lucky! That thing is awesome!
11-14-2014, 12:57 PM
Since all of you are playing by the assassins creed embargo we have in this thread every launch week
I'll break it and say
This is all I am buying(along with LE art of and Imitate guide), and from now on I am only buying digital only
I know there is only one CE in that picture
I'm sorry for making you look at a brand new and still sealed assassins creed collectors edition
11-14-2014, 01:02 PM
Since all of you are playing by the assassins creed embargo we have in this thread every launch week
I'll break it and say
This is all I am buying(along with LE art of and Imitate guide), and from now on I am only buying digital only
I know there is only one CE in that picture
I'm sorry for making you look at a brand new and still sealed assassins creed collectors edition
It all looks very pretty, what's in the big unity box?
StayFree( ' 3')
11-14-2014, 01:11 PM
It all looks very pretty, what's in the big unity box?
Another AC Unity vibrator / doorknob kit perhaps?
11-14-2014, 01:13 PM
It all looks very pretty, what's in the big unity box?
We have
Top left: acRo CE
Top right: The executioner pack (exclusive to,or a shoe box)
Bottom left: across standard guide (not seen a CE one yet)
Bottom centre: special offer(that's what Amazon calls this edition)
Bottom right: Micromania preorder necklace
11-14-2014, 02:29 PM
from now on I am only buying digital only
Please do not do this! Well you can do it if you want but it is so not a good idea. The biggest reason is whatever you pay for it you are stuck at that forever (you can never sell it). That is completely unacceptable for me. Until they offer a digital trade in system or far lower prices for digital I will not switch unless they force me (in which case I will pissed).
11-14-2014, 02:43 PM
Please do not do this! Well you can do it if you want but it is so not a good idea. The biggest reason is whatever you pay for it you are stuck at that forever (you can never sell it). That is completely unacceptable for me. Until they offer a digital trade in system or far lower prices for digital I will not switch unless they force me (in which case I will pissed).
She couldn't wait three days and got unity on a us account
11-14-2014, 02:53 PM
Assassin's Creed Unity Collectors Edition Unboxing
She couldn't wait three days and got unity on a us account
11-14-2014, 03:14 PM
Since all of you are playing by the assassins creed embargo we have in this thread every launch week
I'll break it and say
This is all I am buying(along with LE art of and Imitate guide), and from now on I am only buying digital only
I know there is only one CE in that picture
I'm sorry for making you look at a brand new and still sealed assassins creed collectors edition
Nice stuff Lil!! Dont go digital!!!!! Also I totally just realized that there may not be a CE guide for Rogue?!? I didn't even think about that, but it annoys me moreso than the lack of a steel -- there'll be a gap forever in my guide collection :(
StayFree( ' 3')
11-14-2014, 04:10 PM
This nice goodie bag of stuff came in from the awesome folks over at Telltale Games. Huge thanks to my Telltale Games contact who I ironically can't mention, and lead game designer Harrison Pink, whom still has an incriminating selfie of me that he took back in E3 2013...and has been blackmailing me ever since...
...sooo uh, where was I? ah yes, some crap they scribbled over...
Was able to get the included CE compendium signed by Walking Dead creator Robert Kirkman :notworthy:
Never seen this shirt before...
Early pre-production concept art poster.
11-14-2014, 04:18 PM
SIGNED :drool:
11-14-2014, 04:20 PM
That's a pretty cool collection of Walking Dead stuff! :D
I got an interesting custom-made Xbox One controller arriving tomorrow (hopefully). I hope it looks as good as the pictures on eBay. I'll show it off here if it matches the description and doesn't warrant a return. It'll be the first custom-made controller I've ever purchased.
11-14-2014, 04:39 PM
I'm getting tired of seeing all the signatures already. I should ask you to get the over charge drink you sent me signed by the dev team lol
awesome updates as always
11-14-2014, 06:38 PM
Nice stuff StayFree! For once I'm not that jealous though - got no interest in that series/game. Really like that you've got contacts and such there, its always nice to "know a guy" :thumb:
11-14-2014, 07:01 PM
Nice stuff Lil!! Dont go digital!!!!! Also I totally just realized that there may not be a CE guide for Rogue?!? I didn't even think about that, but it annoys me moreso than the lack of a steel -- there'll be a gap forever in my guide collection :(
Going to return the Amazon pocket watch edition
But on a side note
Is it possible to get the ac unity pocket watch edition, a VGA certification? Its a bland white box in cello wrap and has a barcode sticker on it(mine has a barcode sticker over a barcode sticker)
I am wondering if they would be like..."dafuq" and then open it as the box is 'nearmint' and I can't find any scuffs nicks or scrapes in the cellowrap
Everyone is against digital, confused as to why
I got ACU and black flag digital (together) for $39.99 at the time I brought it, it converted to £26.11 for 2 games,
11-14-2014, 08:28 PM
Okay so a few items I got recently and some close up pics of the Lords of the Fallen Harken Statue as some people wanted to know how detailed it was.
Harken Statue:
Altair Statue:
Sunset Overdrive Microsoft Launch Party Launch Kit:
StayFree( ' 3')
11-15-2014, 02:30 AM
Okay so a few items I got recently and some close up pics of the Lords of the Fallen Harken Statue as some people wanted to know how detailed it was.
Harken Statue:
Wow, that is easily one of the better CE statues I've seen. Kinda makes you wonder why other publishers can't follow suit and release something of this quality. Then again, it is saving me money since I canceled my order for the two most recent Ubisoft statue CEs to be released...and that looked like ass (you know which ones).
Nice stuff StayFree! For once I'm not that jealous though - got no interest in that series/game. Really like that you've got contacts and such there, its always nice to "know a guy" :thumb:
...and for my next update, suikoden stuff. :spiteful:
seriously tho, still can't believe you never played TT's The Walking you'll tell me that you've never played The Last of Us...
11-15-2014, 02:50 AM
Wow, that is easily one of the better CE statues I've seen. Kinda makes you wonder why other publishers can't follow suit and release something of this quality. Then again, it is saving me money since I canceled my order for the two most recent Ubisoft statue CEs to be released...and that looked like ass (you know which ones).
...and for my next update, suikoden stuff. :spiteful:
seriously tho, still can't believe you never played TT's The Walking you'll tell me that you've never played The Last of Us...
I know right. I would take less of the garbage items (like pics, hats, cards, ect...) to have them be able to make a statue like this. It is right up there with my KoA statue... amazing value as this could retail for what the entire CE sold for and it had a quality cloth map and art book too!
I want to do an unboxing on that one but not sure i want to bother with it.
I have not played more then the first Walking Dead episode... just not my kind of game (did not grab me).
11-15-2014, 11:54 AM
Nice new shiny items this morning/afternoon ( (
11-15-2014, 12:03 PM
your welcome for the heads up megsup
11-15-2014, 12:04 PM
was in black pouch?
11-15-2014, 12:10 PM
was in black pouch?
the unity medallion :D
not on the super rare orange string though :(
11-15-2014, 12:11 PM
the unity medallion :D
not on the super rare orange string though :(
the super rare 8 pound ebay buy in club?
i jelly
11-15-2014, 01:15 PM
the super rare 8 pound ebay buy in club?
i jelly
I don't know what this is
11-15-2014, 02:01 PM
Those medallions are on eBay for pretty cheap is what he is saying.
11-16-2014, 02:31 PM
Sunset Overdrive Microsoft Launch Party Launch Bundle Unboxing
StayFree( ' 3')
11-17-2014, 01:20 AM
Sunset Overdrive Microsoft Launch Party Launch Bundle Unboxing
an unboxing without a box??...has the world gone mad!?!
11-17-2014, 01:23 AM
an unboxing without a box??...has the world gone mad!?!
The power of imagination :1:
I wonder though. What would you call a video like that (one that has no "box")? I always figured and unboxing is just an overview of an item... most tend to have boxes but some do not. Its a strange world.
StayFree( ' 3')
11-17-2014, 01:43 AM
The power of imagination :1:
I wonder though. What would you call a video like that (one that has no "box")? I always figured and unboxing is just an overview of an item... most tend to have boxes but some do not. Its a strange world.
You'd call it a travesty and a slap to the face of unboxers everywhere. You didn't even have the decency to toss this stuff into an empty box...
In all seriousness, hardcore unboxing fans scare me (yes, they do exist). I've seen a video where people were just going ape shit over a guy's unboxing just because the box was clearly opened prior to him making the video. Consider yourself lucky...In short: unboxings = serious business.
11-17-2014, 01:50 AM
I feel I am pretty serious. With things that come in boxes I usually open the box for people (like my CEs). But things like Press Kits do not come in boxed for the most part.
Also I always have considered unboxings the opening and showing off of the items. So more of an overview and review but Unboxing is jut the term to use to set the genre of my videos.
StayFree( ' 3')
11-17-2014, 02:38 AM
I feel I am pretty serious. With things that come in boxes I usually open the box for people (like my CEs). But things like Press Kits do not come in boxed for the most part.
Also I always have considered unboxings the opening and showing off of the items. So more of an overview and review but Unboxing is jut the term to use to set the genre of my videos.
And you've been doing an awesome job flats. The stuff you unbox (press kits, promos, etc.) is a completely untapped market. Just stay the course and maybe one day, with a little bit of luck, you will be ready to challenge the king of all unboxings...
11-17-2014, 05:41 AM
an unboxing without a box??...has the world gone mad!?!
I'm watching this like
How mad is this woman
She keeps rolling over tables
How many tables is she going to tip over before she stops :(
Also the world a greatest piece of trash coming up
11-17-2014, 08:30 AM
And you've been doing an awesome job flats. The stuff you unbox (press kits, promos, etc.) is a completely untapped market. Just stay the course and maybe one day, with a little bit of luck, you will be ready to challenge the king of all unboxings...
he will never be ready!!!
11-17-2014, 12:12 PM
Mass Effect Spectre ambassador watch, an early Xmas prezzie to myself :P
11-18-2014, 02:14 PM
That must have cost a pretty penny! Grats!
11-18-2014, 02:56 PM
Indeed it did but I missed out on the last two due to lack of funds so I thought to hell with it and snapped it up. The postage price was expensive but at least i know I dont have to pay any extra customs fees now, that's a good thing about Treehouse stores.
11-19-2014, 02:06 PM
Far Cry 4 Kyrat Edition Collectors Edition Unboxing
11-19-2014, 05:37 PM
11-19-2014, 05:59 PM
Geez coma... next month you will have a PS4 again at how often you switch consoles. How many of each have had now? :D
11-19-2014, 06:09 PM
Been x1 again since September
Never going back to Ps
Far cry is aaaammmaaazzziiing
11-19-2014, 06:10 PM
You didn't answer my question.
11-19-2014, 06:14 PM
You didn't answer my question.
Ahh just one x1
Started ps4 was faulty
Returned for x1
Got needy for remastered last of us went got ps4 back by got rid x1
Ps4 2 was faulty sa me fault got x1 now and never going back
11-19-2014, 06:22 PM
Ahh just one x1
Started ps4 was faulty
Returned for x1
Got needy for remastered last of us went got ps4 back by got rid x1
Ps4 2 was faulty sa me fault got x1 now and never going back
I thought your first XB1 had an issue as well... maybe i am mis-remembering.
I do remember you having awful luck with PS4s though. I had heard of a few issues like fans being loud and the console shutting down or something.
The biggest with I heard about XB1 grinding hard drive (happened to my friend).
Sucks either way, not matter which one you get. For me though I have not had an issue thank the stars, but it could happen. PS4 is still where i want to be for now.
11-19-2014, 07:39 PM
Nah first x1 was fine and I stupidly went for last of us
11-19-2014, 07:51 PM
Last of us is great but the remastered version is not worth buying a PS4 for. Sorry about your faulty ones, mines been fine, just a shame the most memorable game on it so far has been the P.T demo, scary as shit. Hopefully DA:I and MGS5 will change that. As exclusives go I'm only really looking forward to uncharted 4, maybe the order.
11-19-2014, 08:18 PM
Yeah the word "stupidly" is kind of a misguided use of the word. You need to accept the fact you were in the 1-2% of faulty consoles TWICE! Just think... it means you are lucky (in a sense)! :D :D
11-21-2014, 01:23 PM
Random update
The print is number 237
And also there was a standard, 'don't lose your head' shirt
Boring stuff
Move along
11-21-2014, 01:54 PM
The artwork is from Eurogamer isn't it?
Well can't really be down on free stuff. ;)
11-21-2014, 01:56 PM
The artwork is from Eurogamer isn't it?
Well can't really be down on free stuff. ;)
Is all free stuff
So free stuff update :)
The map and the print are the comp prizes (map and print from EGX signed by yogscast)
Lovely silver marker all over them lovely artworks :D
11-21-2014, 01:59 PM
Rogue press version - PS3
11-21-2014, 02:00 PM
Lol... yeah the sigs do suck if they do not matter to you. Oh well. Maybe try and sell them, might be worth more to someone?
11-21-2014, 02:43 PM
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Microsoft Midnight Launch Party Launch Bundle Unboxing
StayFree( ' 3')
11-21-2014, 03:43 PM
The print is number 237
And also there was a standard, 'don't lose your head' shirt
Boring stuff
Move along
signed. :drool:
Call of Duty Advanced Warfare Microsoft Midnight Launch Party Launch Bundle Unboxing
Already regretting not stopping by their midnight launch. That canteen looks nice.
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