View Full Version : Last CE/LE/SE you purchased or got
07-14-2012, 05:21 PM
They are not really used. They are the left over that did not sell, and after a while of having it they put it as used. But it's still brand new factory sealed just in used price.
07-14-2012, 11:39 PM
I also like the look of that might grab one.
Hmmm it's a real steal at the moment, just a shame I've never really heard of the game/series....Might get one anyway for that price.
Damn :drool: just looking at it
Yeah, it's real wood and leather straps too. :D Here' the chest closed too. :D
Also, my GF got this for me which is nice! :D Another nice steelbook to add to my shelf! ^o^
Also, my GF got this for me which is nice! :D Another nice steelbook to add to my shelf! ^o^
You with your girlfriend: :hug:
Me in the corner: :sorry:
I'm Jealous hahahahaha, Never knew they made a directors cut steelbook
07-15-2012, 03:29 PM
You with your girlfriend: :hug:
Me in the corner: :sorry:
I'm Jealous hahahahaha, Never knew they made a directors cut steelbook
Awwww... Poor you... :(
Haz a hug... :hug:
07-15-2012, 06:51 PM
anno 1404 still the best value/quality ce i have bought this year
07-16-2012, 08:17 AM
In the mail today, the extras that came with the sonic 10th anniversairy, i will buy a complete set with game and box later, this ones just for me :D
07-16-2012, 02:54 PM
Nice! Can we have a close up of the medal in the middle?
07-16-2012, 02:57 PM
Sure, soon as i get home
07-16-2012, 03:27 PM
anno 1404 still the best value/quality ce i have bought this year
No doubt. I can't wait for mine to arrive.
07-16-2012, 03:55 PM
Sure, soon as i get home
Cool thanks :)
No doubt. I can't wait for mine to arrive.
Are these Anno 1404 CE's limited in numbers or are they numbered at all? Not that I'm to bothered about numbers but it would be nice to know.
07-16-2012, 03:57 PM
Are these Anno 1404 CE's limited in numbers or are they numbered at all? Not that I'm to bothered about numbers but it would be nice to know.
They're numbered out of 30,000. If you look at my pic with it open, you will see a gold sticker on the inside of the lid which has the number on... :D
07-16-2012, 05:12 PM
oh right yeah I missed that...D'ho!
30,000 is not very limited, I sort of understand why they are cheap now.....Still well worth the measly £18 they are going for on Amazon no doubt!
Can't quite read what number yours is.....14000 ish?
07-16-2012, 05:20 PM
Still more limited than some of the "Limited" Editions that are released! XD Mine's 10757/30000. :D
07-16-2012, 05:47 PM
Nice! Can we have a close up of the medal in the middle?
Here you go
Sorry about quality, its the best the iphone can do and i dont have any lenses for the slr that will focus that close to the coin >.<
07-16-2012, 06:23 PM
Still more limited than some of the "Limited" Editions that are released! XD Mine's 10757/30000. :D
Yeah I know what you're saying........"Buy the extremely limited to 1 million copies version of xxx game now"....Takes the piss.
Here you go
Sorry about quality, its the best the iphone can do and i dont have any lenses for the slr that will focus that close to the coin >.<
Thanks for the pics the coin is pretty sweet....I wonder if they made a real gold one?
Does your SLR have macro setting? That's the best for getting close up images as far as I know.
07-16-2012, 06:44 PM
Yeah I know what you're saying........"Buy the extremely limited to 1 million copies version of xxx game now"....Takes the piss.
Thanks for the pics the coin is pretty sweet....I wonder if they made a real gold one?
Does your SLR have macro setting? That's the best for getting close up images as far as I know.
None of my lenses are macro sadly, lenses cost a bit and games tend to win out against a $500 lense, il try again tomorrow with the other lenses and settings and see what i can get
oh right yeah I missed that...D'ho!
30,000 is not very limited, I sort of understand why they are cheap now.....Still well worth the measly £18 they are going for on Amazon no doubt!
Can't quite read what number yours is.....14000 ish?
There were at least 2 batches of "Collector`s Edition" of 1404.
Greedy ( (
07-16-2012, 08:18 PM
yep dubious numbering on anno, but gotta love the chest and compass
07-16-2012, 08:25 PM
The 30,000 run is the second print xx
07-17-2012, 12:31 AM
So the 37,250 run is the 3rd?....Greedy bosh'tets
07-17-2012, 03:49 AM
ok dusted of the slr (Literally)
I remember why i love the camera though
Sadly photobucket shrank it
07-17-2012, 09:03 AM
Just recently got the Collector's Edition Gunlord for the Dreamcast which came with three posters which I had laminated to protect the posters and also some stickers and postcard.
07-17-2012, 09:11 AM
Just recently got the Collector's Edition Gunlord for the Dreamcast which came with three posters which I had laminated to protect the posters and also some stickers and postcard.
Those are some damn nice posters. I personally wouldnt have laminated them though as if you decide to sell up it devalues them. Some nice picture frames would have been the go:)
07-17-2012, 09:18 AM
Yeah I know what you mean, I've laminated my posters for as long as I can remember as to me it keeps it's shape, hold or whatever you wanna call it while it's in storage. I'll probably never sell them or get rid of them anyways so to me it's no big deal, but when my son grows up he might have other ideas when I'm in a nursing home :lol:
07-17-2012, 11:24 AM
Those are some damn nice posters. I personally wouldnt have laminated them though as if you decide to sell up it devalues them. Some nice picture frames would have been the go:)
Same actually i think i would have gone with frames or some kind of thin perspex sheeting and sealing plates
07-20-2012, 07:00 PM
My Mass Effect 3 alliance edition arrived today and I bought 2 ME3 lithographs (Thessia and Vancouver) from the bioware store :D
07-21-2012, 04:07 PM
My Mass Effect 3 alliance edition arrived today and I bought 2 ME3 lithographs (Thessia and Vancouver) from the bioware store :D
The thessia litho looks really cool, i cant wait for prothean battle litho as well
07-21-2012, 06:32 PM
Yeah I really like the Thessia artwork, It's my favourite one they have released in a long time. I've always preferred the lithos with white borders over the ones with black borders, though the foil N7 logo that comes on the black bordered ones is cool.
Have you seen the SDCC exclusive ME3 lithos? Liara, Garrus and Tali. They are going for crazy money on ebay:
07-21-2012, 08:06 PM
Yeh i know they look awesome, need to figure a way of getting them in the cheapest way
07-21-2012, 08:32 PM
Have you seen the SDCC exclusive ME3 lithos? Liara, Garrus and Tali. They are going for crazy money on ebay:
I wish all the lithos looked like that. I'm going to try win a Garrus or Liara one. They're awesome.
07-21-2012, 09:19 PM
I'd love a Liara one but damn it's gonna be expensive to win one. I doubt I will even try.
There are 200 unsigned Liara lithos floating around out there somewhere, maybe I will be able to snag one of those for a reasonable price?
07-22-2012, 11:46 PM
Theres some really nice lithographs..on sale but 99% of them are on us online store..and we all know the shipping costs to EU :c
Received it Monday
Bioshock 2 Welders Mask Réplica
07-22-2012, 11:48 PM
Okay, it's about time I did an update. This isn't everything I've gotten recently, just a portion (tired, and couldn't be bothered taking more pics, or decent pics tbh haha).
Some are from my birthday (a few weeks ago) and some are just other recent purchases :)
Dead Island Promo Disc.
Uncharted Press Kit.
Dead Island AUS CE.
Halo 2 Steelbook.
Prince of Persia Steelbook (ignore the weird reflection haha).
Dead Island Russian CE.
Dead Island NZ CE.
Metal Gear Solid Limited Edition Konami Style 3DS Bundle.
inFamous Press Kit [incomplete - missing sleeve & demo disc].
inFamous 2 Press Kit [incomplete - missing envelope].
Portal 2 Cube Edition [number 0980].
Dead Island Promo Flip flops.
Uncharted 3 Asian Steelbook [sealed].
Goldeneye 007 Steelbook, apologies for awful pic [sealed].
London 2012 Steelbook pack, really dark pic, sorry! [sealed].
:) xx
07-22-2012, 11:51 PM
Damn press kits are so cool..but the ones i want i never seen them on sale :c
07-22-2012, 11:55 PM
Okay, it's about time I did an update. This isn't everything I've gotten recently, just a portion (tired, and couldn't be bothered taking more pics, or decent pics tbh haha).
Some are from my birthday (a few weeks ago) and some are just other recent purchases :)
:) xx
Me thinks you really like Dead Island :think:
07-22-2012, 11:58 PM
Haha yeah nipper :) On a mission to have a complete Dead Island collection. Almost there... almost... xx
07-22-2012, 11:59 PM
Me thinks you really like Dead Island :think:
Nahhh you crazy :ghey:
07-23-2012, 12:02 AM
Great update, especially Uncharted Press Kit and the Cube Ediiton, very nice and depressing thanks for that :(
07-23-2012, 12:16 AM
Great update, especially Uncharted Press Kit and the Cube Ediiton, very nice and depressing thanks for that :(
Yeh i know what you mean, i really like the cube edition - i didnt know they were numbered
07-23-2012, 03:04 AM
Love the Metal Gear Solid snake eater LE Konami style 3DS Vhal....Jealous!
May I ask where you got it and how much it set you back?...Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there some sort of lottery to be able to preorder these?
Any chance of some more detailed pic of the contents?....It doesn't look sealed.
I also like the konami 3ds in my eyes this the best 3ds bundle thats on the market.
I hope i can buy one next week in japan for a good price.
07-23-2012, 09:13 AM
Love the Metal Gear Solid snake eater LE Konami style 3DS Vhal....Jealous!
May I ask where you got it and how much it set you back?...Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't there some sort of lottery to be able to preorder these?
Any chance of some more detailed pic of the contents?....It doesn't look sealed.
Yeah, sure :)
Yeah you had to enter an online lottery type thing and if you won, it enabled you to order one.
I purchased mine from Solaris Japan, and it cost £240ish shipped (I think).
The Konami Style box was sealed, which is an outer brown cardboard box with "Konami Style" written on the side. And inside that, was the MGS 3DS and the clearfiles (I think that's what they're called) although I've not pictured those here yet.
The box for the 3DS itself wasn't sealed. I'm guessing it never came sealed considering the outer Konami Style box was sealed. I open my things anyway, so even if it had been sealed (by sticker seal or cellophane) I'd have opened it.
The actual 3DS was sealed inside the usual silvery/white/grey pouch thing that normal 3DS's come in, with a small piece of tape (in fact, might have been a sticker? Can't remember now tbh)
Hope I helped :)
They're pretty hard to come by now, although there are a few on ebay, but listed at over £350 last time I checked.
Will get some more detailed pics up soon for ya :D xx
07-24-2012, 06:34 AM
Picked up the limbo special edition, so not much special atm, out of funds, rego due and all that lol
07-24-2012, 06:10 PM
Thanks for the info Vhal :) I've seen some costing even more than £350 on ebay.
I had a look at Solaris Japan and they seem like a decent place for stuff. I'll have to bookmark them.
I got my MGS3 Subsistence (signed by Kojima) in the post this morning, got a really good deal on it as well :D
07-25-2012, 01:20 PM
Latest piece for my bioshock collection
Little sister ceramic figurine
07-25-2012, 04:24 PM
Latest piece for my bioshock collection
Little sister ceramic figurine
Vey nice arent they. Did you get the little certificate of authenticity with it??
Have a few newbie things myself,when i can get some pics organised will throw them up here for all to be nosey:)
07-26-2012, 12:21 AM
Vey nice arent they. Did you get the little certificate of authenticity with it??
Have a few newbie things myself,when i can get some pics organised will throw them up here for all to be nosey:)
No i didnt :c it was an offer, so i cant complain, i think its official and all but im gonna try to get one with the certificate.
07-26-2012, 12:30 AM
No i didnt :c it was an offer, so i cant complain, i think its official and all but im gonna try to get one with the certificate.
They are cheap enough,i bought one not long ago from the US for $15 delivered with a little cert. Having two little sisters will fill the little spaces:)
07-26-2012, 12:35 AM
the problem is that if i buy from the 2k store ..thats where theres alot of stuff that i miss and i really figure is 10 bucks but with 48 dollars shipping
07-26-2012, 05:31 AM
i will be getting:
God of war 3 : Ultimate edition
Resistance 2 : Collectors edition
Metal gear solid 4: Guns of the patriot Limited edition
(used for 75$ for the three)
07-27-2012, 08:19 AM
Today's find is a sealed copy of the avatar game collectors edition for $20.. the figure is loose but i don't intend to open it to fix that as im probably never going to play the game anyway lol
07-27-2012, 09:29 AM
Havent updated in a long time so here are a few things ive got
Iron Man Xbox 360 Steelbook
The steelbook is in good condition the slight dirt/scuffs in the image are on the inside of the plastic cover but since taking the pic ive cleaned it up abit (
GameBoy Pocket Yellow
All instructions are complete and also comes with the plastic bag and battery cover. (
Tales of Vesperia Sealed (
Also got Sonic Generations Collectors edition sealed but thats packed away at the mo as im moving in next few weeks. Also Picked up a great condition Yoshi Island on the SNES.
Damn it, just bought NBA 2k10 Anniversary Edition on ebay posted as "Brand New", and its unsealed, no game, and lots of scruff marks on the locker -.-
07-31-2012, 05:21 AM
final fantasy online xiv pc ce
will post more pics when i get a few ce together they go on ebay for £30 pound so was pleased to pick up new in game for £12.99
07-31-2012, 09:30 AM
final fantasy online xiv pc ce
will post more pics when i get a few ce together they go on ebay for £30 pound so was pleased to pick up new in game for £12.99
Good price, i picked one up on ebay last year for £10.50 but without the game code which didnt bother me as only wanted the bits.
08-01-2012, 03:30 PM
This came through the post today! ^o^ Picked one up for my GF on the weekend where I ordered 2 at, but his supplier only sent him one. >.< Got this one off ebay for about the same price, so I'm happy. Feel lucky to have one. Would've been well gutted if I missed out... :S
And here it is with my other 2 Normandy models! :D
08-01-2012, 03:42 PM
So you got the silver one too! Cool isn't it?
08-01-2012, 03:57 PM
Yeah. Each one was better than the previous. Lol
They've actually got the Alliance and Cerberus ones on offer on for anybody who wants one who hasn't got one already. Their packaging is awesome too! :D
08-01-2012, 06:54 PM
Thanks for the heads up about the sale but I can't get the website to work, I want a Cerberus variant.
Did you see the SDCC exclusive bronze variant? Limited to 200 pieces. This the only one I've seen on ebay, should have grabbed it....ahh well:
08-01-2012, 09:40 PM
Thanks for the heads up about the sale but I can't get the website to work, I want a Cerberus variant.
Did you see the SDCC exclusive bronze variant? Limited to 200 pieces. This the only one I've seen on ebay, should have grabbed it....ahh well:
Damn... :( Thanks... -_-' You've just added another item to my hitlist! >.< Never knew about these. If I had seen this I would've bought 2! Lol Well gutted now... :(
Also, what's wrong with the site? 0.o I had problems at first adding my debit card details, but it was sorted out in a live chat. If you're still having problems I can order one for you if you wanted? Just drop me a PM! :D
08-02-2012, 03:13 AM
yeah I really want that bronze version now too. If you see any for sale let me know, but I have a suspicion they will be mega expensive now.....:(
If you could help me get the Cerberus version I'd be grateful, I can't even get the site to load unless I use the cached feature of google, then when I search from there I get the same white blank page...............What's the shipping cost to England?
BTW did your girlfriend enjoy the Liara figure? I never opened mine and would like to see some decent pics if you have any.
08-02-2012, 05:34 AM
Yeah I reckon it will be too! :S there have been a few sellers with them over the past month, but nothing since the 24th. >.< Won't drop more than £100 on it personally, but I'm a tight arse! :P
Just checked the TFAW site and the Cerberus variant is only $33 including p&p to the UK! 0.0 The Cerberus one was really well painted. Better than the alliance one! >.<
Yeah she loved the Liara figure. She said its alot nicer than the pics looked. I think it is too! Lol will get some pics for ya next time I go round, if I remember my camera! Lol
08-02-2012, 10:22 AM
I'm a tight arse! :P
I'm sure the homosexuals will appreciate that :lmao:
08-02-2012, 12:22 PM
I'm sure the homosexuals will appreciate that :lmao:
Such as yourself...? ;)
08-02-2012, 05:02 PM
not sure if it counts, but I Queued up at the MCM to get aa dragonage 2 litho signed by the voice of male hawke, and some mass effect 3 lithos signed by liara and ashley. havent actually got any others recently..
08-02-2012, 05:30 PM
not sure if it counts, but I Queued up at the MCM to get aa dragonage 2 litho signed by the voice of male hawke, and some mass effect 3 lithos signed by liara and ashley. havent actually got any others recently..
Awesome! Which mass effect lithos did you get signed?
Was Mark Meer or Jennifer Hale (Cmdr Shepards voices) there to sign things as well?
08-02-2012, 08:04 PM
I got thessia signed by liara, and the n7 litho by Ashley. Shep was expected, but can cancelled.
08-02-2012, 10:58 PM
Picked up Stranglehold Steelbook for xbox 360 all complete and great condition for £4.
08-02-2012, 11:09 PM
I got thessia signed by liara, and the n7 litho by Ashley. Shep was expected, but can cancelled.
What's the N7 litho? Also just clarify for me when and where this was?
The Thessia litho is awesome, It's my fave of the ME3 ones by a country mile. Ali Hillis is the best sig you could have got for it as well, I'm very jealous.........Let me know if you're going to any other events where Mass Effect people are signing, I'll pay you to get me a sig.....Sadly they rarely come to England and if they do it's London, which is an expensive outing for me.
Femshep's VO Jennifer Hale is going to be at the sacanime con this month, anyone here live in Sacramento and is planning on going?
08-02-2012, 11:38 PM
Femshep's VO Jennifer Hale is going to be at the sacanime con this month, anyone here live in Sacramento and is planning on going?
Holy shit, thanks for the info. I would appreciate it, if a member could help me get a signed copy, too (I'm willing to pay a lot for it including the game)
08-03-2012, 12:58 AM
Holy shit, thanks for the info. I would appreciate it, if a member could help me get a signed copy, too (I'm willing to pay a lot for it including the game)
No problem. I made a thread asking if anyone was going and willing to do me a HUGE favour....I hope someone will answer the call to arms LOL
08-03-2012, 06:22 AM
Not really ce relatet just c related
Picked up a working n64 and 3 controllers for $10, a snes and a sheen 10 game system, (yet to test either) also picked up another halo 2 promo cd tin
08-03-2012, 09:19 AM
Not really ce relatet just c related
Picked up a working n64 and 3 controllers for $10, a snes and a sheen 10 game system, (yet to test either) also picked up another halo 2 promo cd tin
Still got my SNES set up on the TV in the bedroom and the N64 on another TV.
Pandoras Tower special edition dropped through the post today.
08-03-2012, 04:37 PM
What's the N7 litho? Also just clarify for me when and where this was?
The Thessia litho is awesome, It's my fave of the ME3 ones by a country mile. Ali Hillis is the best sig you could have got for it as well, I'm very jealous.........Let me know if you're going to any other events where Mass Effect people are signing, I'll pay you to get me a sig.....Sadly they rarely come to England and if they do it's London, which is an expensive outing for me.
Femshep's VO Jennifer Hale is going to be at the sacanime con this month, anyone here live in Sacramento and is planning on going?
the N7 litho is the normandy one. I have two, so one is in the box and one is signed.
08-04-2012, 10:58 AM
Still got my SNES set up on the TV in the bedroom and the N64 on another TV.
Pandoras Tower special edition dropped through the post today.
I have a limited number of televisions and way too many consoles
Picked up sonic generations today and got the steel book as they still have some left in jb, might see if i can score another tomorrow from a different store with the reciept, sneaky :D, or might try a friend of a friend
08-05-2012, 04:40 AM
Jess's mass effect birthday haul, not the entirety of her ME collection but most of its in the pic
Shes not a sealed collector off anything so it was all cut open though i saved some of the boxes for her lol
Im dissapointed in the action figures though, they can barely hold thier guns and we got a crap miranda, her leg knee snapped when coming out of the plastic, will get her a new one later
08-05-2012, 04:49 AM
Finally got some things to show:
Dark Souls Black Knight Statue
I'm just seeing this for the first time. The guy that won this statue had agreed to sell this to me. I had paid him for it and it was basically just minutes from being shipped to me. Then the seller told me that he broke it and couldn't sell it me because of this. I see now that he was full of shit.
08-05-2012, 02:18 PM
@ kitty, those figures aren't great are they, I have the first release of them (with the Mass Effect 2 logo) and I think they're ugly.....I love that blackwidow ME3 keyboard, I really want one.
Here are my latest arrivals along with some lithographs that I've never taken pics of:
08-05-2012, 02:28 PM
@ kitty, those figures aren't great are they, I have the first release of them (with the Mass Effect 2 logo) and I think they're ugly.....I love that blackwidow ME3 keyboard, I really want one.
Here are my latest arrivals along with some lithographs that I've never taken pics of:
So jealous! >.< how much did that set you back, if you don't mind me asking? :D
I quite liked the figures. My GF has them displayed in her room. Although, I was a little unimpressed that the guns didn't sit right in the characters hands... :( Looking forward to the play arts ones coming out. TFAW have them on pre-order for $54.99 each, just as an FYI! :D
08-05-2012, 02:36 PM
The Alliance edition cost me £150 + about £12 in postage. As for those figures I'm just not feeling them that's why they are staying sealed.
I guess I've been spoiled with the playarts MGS ones....I'll have to check out TFAW and see if it works out cheaper importing the ME ones, depends on customs I suppose.
08-05-2012, 02:52 PM
The Alliance edition cost me £150 + about £12 in postage. As for those figures I'm just not feeling them that's why they are staying sealed.
I guess I've been spoiled with the playarts MGS ones....I'll have to check out TFAW and see if it works out cheaper importing the ME ones, depends on customs I suppose.
Great price. That's about the price I would be prepared to pay for it. lol Did it come with the Italian version of the game or was that just for the Alliance Ed box?
Actually, I forgot about the customs charges! XD I've only ever ordered comic books from them, so I've never had a customs charge! lol
Yeah, the Play Arts figures are well smart so will most likely grab the Mass Effect ones! :D Only have 2 play Arts figures myself though! XD One FFXIII-2 Lightning and a Kingdom Hearts 2 Sora Wisdom Form! :D
08-05-2012, 03:01 PM
Yes it came with the Italian version of the game, it has a sealed steelbook and all the extras......So yeah not a bad price :)
Oh I'll definitely be getting the ME playarts they look awesome, especially Ashley Williams and Garrus....I hope they do a femshep one.
There's also gonna be a Sideshow version of Shepard, not sure if they'll do a femshep but the male version looks awesome, expect a £150ish price tag though :(
08-05-2012, 03:05 PM
Cool. :D That wasn't a bad price at all. :D
I'm not sure if I'll get the play arts or not... :S Got potentially 2 statues to pay for in the next 6-12months and already don't have room for those.
That Shepard looks awesome! :D Same dilemma as before though, got no room... :( Will have to give him a miss. Did you pre-order any of the Triforce guns? My GF has the blue Predator on order limited to 150pcs, which is sold out now. Looking forward to seeing that! lol Wish I had the cash to pre-order one myself at the time! >.< Ah well. lol
08-05-2012, 03:21 PM
No I didn;t get any of the guns, I wanted a predator but it's to expensive for me, especially if you don't import, they want £350 for it from forbidden planet and that's just the red one limited to 500. There are people on deviantart that make and sell them but I have no idea how much for...They look great though..
Anyway I'm kinda slowing down so that if they announce the 3A metal gear RAY I'll have enough to pay it right away.....REX should be shipping soon! Can't wait :D:D
08-05-2012, 06:26 PM
I'm just seeing this for the first time. The guy that won this statue had agreed to sell this to me. I had paid him for it and it was basically just minutes from being shipped to me. Then the seller told me that he broke it and couldn't sell it me because of this. I see now that he was full of shit.
Looks like the sword is missing.
But I think Ominous ended up also selling all the statues because of bills....
08-05-2012, 06:32 PM
I may be wrong here, but I've got a feeling that there was something wrong with the statue, and that's why he posted a pic without the sword?
I may have just imagined that though xx
08-05-2012, 11:26 PM
@ kitty, those figures aren't great are they, I have the first release of them (with the Mass Effect 2 logo) and I think they're ugly.....I love that blackwidow ME3 keyboard, I really want one.
Here are my latest arrivals along with some lithographs that I've never taken pics of:[IMG]
Is there any difference toy wise? Or was it just the packageing and dlc inclusion?
08-06-2012, 12:36 AM
I may be wrong here, but I've got a feeling that there was something wrong with the statue, and that's why he posted a pic without the sword?
I may have just imagined that though xx
The seller told me he broke an arm and part of the armor.the sword was fine as far as I know.
08-06-2012, 03:16 AM
That's very smart of him to take a 1 of a kind statue and break it. :facepalm:
08-06-2012, 04:43 AM
That will kill me if I see that one of a kind statue broken. When I got home from work one day I saw my game room door unlocked and when I went inside I saw my kids inside grabbing all my drake vinyl figure. When I saw they grabbed my neo Tokyo drake figure that it's only limited to one, I went crazy, thank god nothing happened to them.
08-06-2012, 04:44 AM
From what i can tell it looks like its only a packaging difference between the figures for mass effect 2 and 3, maybe it was some attempt to get sealed collectors to but 2 coppies just for a different pack?
It's still one of a kind if you break it :D
08-06-2012, 04:58 AM
Yeah it's still a one of kind, you could just tell everyone that you have a broken one of a kind figure lol
08-06-2012, 09:48 AM
From what i can tell it looks like its only a packaging difference between the figures for mass effect 2 and 3, maybe it was some attempt to get sealed collectors to but 2 coppies just for a different pack?
Yeah that sounds about right to me, damn money grabbers. I know the first set were released well before ME3 came out and there were some problems with the manufacturer, they were going to discontinue them at one stage due to huge delays.
08-08-2012, 06:26 PM
Halo 2 Collector edition all complete for £4.99
08-09-2012, 04:48 AM
Dreamcast collection vinyls
815, 816, 817
08-09-2012, 05:13 PM
I just came back from Japan and thought I'd post my pick ups. The amount of choice over their unreal but new games re EXPENSIVE. I also pickup a PC Engine Duo and a Hori Real Arcade Pro Arcana Hearts PS2 Arcade Stick. I had to send the stick home in the post as the box wouldnt fit in my bag.
3DS LL and games
360 pickups mainly Shmup's. I also just trying to get a copy of Raiden Fighters Aces to complete my Shmup collection.
This cost 6750 yen which is £57. I thought I'd pick it up since its up in the air as to whether Sega will release it in europe.
Misc Games
08-09-2012, 08:23 PM
Nice pickups dlc28.....Was this your first time in Japan? Are you planning to go again?
08-09-2012, 08:55 PM
It's actually my 3rd visit to japan. The first time was in 2006 when I was backpacking so I didn't pick up any games as I was travelling on a budget. The second time was in 2010 when I mainly got 16 bit hardware and software. This was my first trip where I bought more current gen software.
I can't see myself going again anytime soon but I will MOST definitely go again. It's not a cheap but it's so worth visiting if you get the chance..
The game stores over there are unreal. I also found den den town in Osaka to be a better place for games than Akihabara in Tokyo. Osaka is cheaper for used games than Tokyo in my opinion.
08-09-2012, 09:06 PM
Nice! I'd love to go one day and have a spending spree at some of the awesome stores over there, I just wish we had places like that over here. If I do ever go I'll keep your advice in mind and visit den den town.
Did you visit the Konamistyle store in Tokyo? That is my Mecca LOL.
08-09-2012, 09:32 PM
I did go to the capcom store, not that great.
I did also go to a Biohazard/Resident Evil themed restaurant. It was bizarre beyond belief at one point the lights went out and the waitresses ran in and shot fake guns at a picture of the nemesis from resi 3 and then a dance routine to the spice girls. I think their is a clip of it on YouTube that someone has posted. It's quite funny.
08-09-2012, 09:36 PM
08-09-2012, 11:24 PM
2 more play arts on the way, snow and vanille
08-10-2012, 08:09 AM
in addition the dreamcast vinyl's 818, 819, 820
in addition the dreamcast vinyl's 818, 819, 820
Wow awesome
Is there any chance you could sell me one?
I have no luck to get this item at all :'(
08-10-2012, 08:15 AM
Wow awesome
Is there any chance you could sell me one?
I have no luck to get this item at all :'(
sure, i have no need for 6 of the things.. 5 maybe but 6 is too many, pm me an offer or trade offer and address. and possibly a safe way to ship vinyls, Ive never posted one before
08-11-2012, 10:56 AM
The only bioshock variation edition that i was missing..
Bioshock rapture edition sealed - 10€
I whas also in japan ( tokyo ) from 28-7 to 09-08 so iff you have fly whit britain airways on 10.50 then whe where in the same airplane
what i have seen in akihabra whas that the prices where go up alot for the retro and next gen.
I have been also in 2009 and 2010 in japan
What you say about den den town ( niphonbashi ) is correct the prices are cheaper there
Also in osaka are allot of nice retro shops ( not on denden town ) but in athor regio's
But you need to know where they are or els you cant find them there are the prices a lot cheaper then in dendentown
I just came back from Japan and thought I'd post my pick ups. The amount of choice over their unreal but new games re EXPENSIVE. I also pickup a PC Engine Duo and a Hori Real Arcade Pro Arcana Hearts PS2 Arcade Stick. I had to send the stick home in the post as the box wouldnt fit in my bag.
3DS LL and games
360 pickups mainly Shmup's. I also just trying to get a copy of Raiden Fighters Aces to complete my Shmup collection.
This cost 6750 yen which is £57. I thought I'd pick it up since its up in the air as to whether Sega will release it in europe.
Misc Games
08-11-2012, 06:11 PM
The only bioshock variation edition that i was missing..
Bioshock rapture edition sealed - 10€
Nice price.
08-12-2012, 04:13 AM
Picked up stars wars since it was 30.
Also got this vinyl post:bday:
08-14-2012, 04:20 PM
Here's my recent pick-ups! :D
First up, Kingdom Hearts Mark of Mastery Edition. :D Glad I grabbed one of these. ^o^ Just crap that Nintendo Region lock 3DS games... -_- Have bought the game twice now! XD
Next, Risen 2 CE. :D Already have the Keg and seeing as the CE game was only £40 from amazon for xbox, I had it. Wanted to play the game too though! :P there was also an outer cover which is console branded which has been put away.
Not a CE, but I picked this up because it was £5 and is sealed. :D Will go nicely in the Collection box which I got off Club Nintendo! :D Just gotta get the other 2 now! :D
Also got this off ebay too, because I liked it. Not a CE, but still nice! :D
And I picked this up just on Saturday when I went to Tesco. Only had to put a £5 deposit on it. Can't complain. Might go back up and get another so I can wear the shirt and keep this box sealed. :D It comes in large size. Not sure if Tesco are getting the CE though... :(
08-14-2012, 05:03 PM
nice new stuff cosmic, im jealous of the halo thing
08-14-2012, 05:19 PM
Lol I'll see if there's any left when I next go up there if you like? Might be this weekend. ^^
08-14-2012, 05:24 PM
Great new additions everyone, Cosmic how big is the risen CE's especially compared to the Keg edition.
08-14-2012, 05:35 PM
Here's a comparison of the 2 risen CEs and Anno 1404 CE on my drawers! :D
It's quite big tbh. About as tall as the Keg when the box is standing, as you can see! :D
08-14-2012, 05:38 PM
Wow that is big, well either that or the keg is much smaller than I imagined.
Very nice, thanks for pics
08-14-2012, 06:02 PM
The keg is a good size. The CE is bigger than I expected it to be! lol In hindsight I would've just waited and got the keg Edition for xbox, but was unsure whether it was going to get a definite console release. Would've saved money from not buying the game twice! lol Might pick up the treasure chest edition soon... Will see how money is! XD
The Ch1eff
08-14-2012, 06:12 PM
Dead Space 2 - Collectors Edition with plasma cutter
This weekend I might pick up a Mass Effect - Collector's edition (!) almost mint, for only 35,00 EUR
08-14-2012, 07:11 PM
Dead Space 2 - Collectors Edition with plasma cutter
This weekend I might pick up a Mass Effect - Collector's edition (!) almost mint, for only 35,00 EUR
Is that sealed, if so bargin.
The Ch1eff
08-14-2012, 07:29 PM
Is that sealed, if so bargin.
Not sealed Gee, sowwie. :(
08-14-2012, 07:57 PM
Still, getting the first Mass effect CE in mint condition is unbelievably hard. The plastic slip cover is so fragile they either bend or worse break off, especially the edges.
Also for some weird reason the plastic slip seem to be too big for the tin case, I would like to speak to the person who organised that.:hammer:
The Ch1eff
08-14-2012, 08:00 PM
Still, getting the first Mass effect CE in mint condition is unbelievably hard. The plastic slip cover is so fragile they either bend or worse break off, especially the edges.
Also for some weird reason the plastic slip seem to be too big for the tin case, I would like to speak to the person who organised that.:hammer:
It has some stress cracks in it, but nothing too severe, I'll send you pics of it when I get it.
08-14-2012, 08:07 PM
Thanks, will just remind me of the one I sold on. LOL
Actually even though I haven't been collecting recently, I got the Olympic steelbook edition from Amazon as a gift. Surprised it came in a cardboard sleeve and sealed over too, glad to see that.
08-14-2012, 09:47 PM
Still, getting the first Mass effect CE in mint condition is unbelievably hard. The plastic slip cover is so fragile they either bend or worse break off, especially the edges.
Also for some weird reason the plastic slip seem to be too big for the tin case, I would like to speak to the person who organised that.:hammer:
Yeah it's very fragile, the plastic cover splits as well, also the paint wears of really easy.
I got mine from a friend who was selling all his xbox stuff, I paid the princely sum of £12 for it years ago, it's not mint but pretty good....I want a sealed one but the prices are crazy.
08-14-2012, 09:48 PM
My Sleeping Dogs LE shipped today, as did Super Mario Bros 2 xx
08-15-2012, 12:47 PM
sleeping dogs ce just came through the door cant wait to play it
08-16-2012, 09:45 AM
Game and watch!
08-17-2012, 05:42 AM
My purchased from couple of months
Finally got my hand on Rondo of Blood
Thanks to Cosmiclink for ordering and shipping
I got this for $15. :D
Received this yesterday:
Got it directly from an ex blizzard employee, sealed, at a great price!
Next step: make him sell me his employee's exclusive mounted orc statue (sealed), and his steins (with one exclusive to employees too) :v:
He's making me a nice price too, just need to get the money and they'll be mine :drool:
08-18-2012, 11:07 PM
Received this yesterday:
I just felt like that particular picture just HAD to be shown :drool:
08-19-2012, 03:39 AM
I just got fro EB GAMES:
Marvel vs Capcom 3 steelbook G2 PS3 only $14.00 mint!!!
Lost Planet Extreme Condition steelbook G1 Xbox 360 $4.00 ok condition!
From Future Shop:
Prototype 2 steelbook G2 Sealed $10.00
08-19-2012, 06:23 AM
Got quite a few things whilst in Germany (still am), will post when I'm back though. Struggling to use this crappy phone internet. Can't even update my site or anything. Grr xx
08-20-2012, 08:02 AM
2 more sonic steels.. (I may have to set up a trade page), ffxiii-2 ce, the 10 anniversairy ffxi memorial book and a hard cover halo artbook... I forget the name
08-20-2012, 09:42 AM
Nice price.
I still think that its a resealed copy but for 10€ i cant really complain. i was screwed today by a US book store, so when something arrives safely..i just continue to be happy lol
08-22-2012, 12:51 AM
Its my first post here and here are my new ces from the last few weeks:bananayes: (
Uploaded with (
08-22-2012, 03:59 AM
Not a CE but I recieved my Last Story First edition[US] today. Quite nice and the character/emblem is embossed which is pretty cool
08-24-2012, 04:03 PM
Other than the RE6 Steelbook what else did you get?
08-24-2012, 04:19 PM
My last receipt
- Devil may Cry 4 Press kit (T-Shirt not on pics)
- Street Fighter 4 Press kit
- Alan Wake Press kit
- Prototype 2 Press kit
- Fable 1 (Xbox) Press kit
08-27-2012, 12:11 AM
Arkham Asylum CE and Arkham City CE, really impressed with the batman statue, it kind of made up for the not so detailed batarang model. I really want the steelbooks for Arkham City though, some of them are still a bit expensive but oh well.
08-28-2012, 08:06 PM
I won some Halo4 Dog tags from Microsoft that dropped through the other day.
08-28-2012, 08:53 PM
I won some Halo4 Dog tags from Microsoft that dropped through the other day.
Cool. :D Any pics? Where did you win them from?
08-28-2012, 09:45 PM
I need that fable kit O.O
Ffxiii-2 ce arrived in the mail as did the fable cancelled content
Awaiting super meat boy ultra rare edition, agarest generations of war zero ce and legends of heroes ce
08-29-2012, 10:27 AM
Cool. :D Any pics? Where did you win them from?
I won them from a Microsoft Training site that i have access to through work called Microsoft Expert Zone.
After i took the photos ive noticed that some of the sticky stuff from the protective film was still on the tags which has now been removed. ( (
08-29-2012, 11:40 AM
I received Max Payne 3 Special Edition boxset with the PC game that I will sell and just keep the larger boxset, since they are all the same for any platform, excepto for the DLCs.I'll get the 360 version of the game later when price drops even more. I can't believe Amazon actually sent that edition protected inside THREE cardboxes. One box (the original shipping box) inside another box inside another box. It's the first time I've ever received something like that
Also received Risen 2 Keg Edition for the Xbox 360 yesterday from Polland, amazing stuff!
08-29-2012, 04:19 PM
I have picked up a few new things and I was hoping to do a themed update with the new items I got, but I was so excited to get one of these items that I just had to share it right away! :D
First the not so interesting items... :P
Darksiders 2 Premium Edition.
Mass Effect 3 Dog tags.
Now for my exciting item! ^o^ I am so happy that I was able to get this. Thank you ElectronicElation for helping me get this item. :D You're a legend! ^o^
Now for the actual Model. :D
Look how beautiful it is. :D Image doesn't do it justice! lol One thing I didn't know about this version was they were individually hand numbered on the base. :D
Shame about the scratches on the base. Was like this when I got it out of the box. possibly from manufacturing or from being handled by whoever wrote the number on it, not handling it properly. lol I don't mind though! :D
Here's a few pics of it along side the rest of my Normandy models. :D
Thanks btw Gazereths. Because of you making me aware of this model, I just had to have it for completeness. You set off my OCD! XD I was content, being ignorant in thinking that I had the full set of Normandy models. :P Seriously though, it's awesome! :D
08-29-2012, 04:21 PM
Love it Cosmic :D It's really, really gorgeous :)
I really need to do my own update soon, but I'm too lazy! xx
08-29-2012, 04:25 PM
Jealous of the Normandy - I want one - Didn't even know it existed :(
08-29-2012, 04:28 PM
Thanks guys! ^o^
Yeah, I didn't know it existed until Gaz pointed it out when I got my silver Normandy. Once he mentioned this one, I just had to get one! lol
08-29-2012, 04:36 PM
Awesome update I want one of them :)
08-29-2012, 07:14 PM
Cosmic, you still need to pre order the SX3 Alliance Fighter Replica :D
Same scale as the normandy :beee:
08-29-2012, 07:24 PM
Cosmic, you still need to pre order the SX3 Alliance Fighter Replica :D
Same scale as the normandy :beee:
Already pre-ordered! :P Not coming out til next year though. >.< So long to have to wait! :(
08-29-2012, 09:33 PM
I need those tags
08-29-2012, 09:38 PM
I need those tags
Which tags?
Mass Effect ones, £12.99 from
Also, I spotted this whilst looking to see if Dark Horse would be making a Gold variant of the Normandy. lol
Waiting for more info off Dark Horse now as I can't find any info about it on their page... :(
08-29-2012, 09:40 PM
Awesom will definatly get that.. Are you getting the shoes? Lol
08-29-2012, 09:45 PM
I haven't really thought about it tbh. $85 isn't a bad price for a nice pair of shoes, but I would want to wear them as the shoes I have atm are in tatters and I need new ones! XD Also, need to take into account, postage and import fees. We'll see how I feel. lol
08-29-2012, 09:48 PM
I want the usb sticks but they are just so ugly :(
08-29-2012, 09:53 PM
lol I think they're brilliant! XD Not paying $30 each for them though. Prob would get them for £10 each at the very most.
Didn't realise they're only making 2,000 pairs of shoes... o.0 I wonder if that is per size or 2000 only.
08-29-2012, 09:54 PM
Im not sure but i know size 9 is sold out lol
08-29-2012, 10:02 PM
Those bronze normandy are all over ebay now lol, most at the $120 - $150 mark
08-29-2012, 10:14 PM
Im not sure but i know size 9 is sold out lol
It's showing size 6.5 out of stock for me. o.0
Those bronze normandy are all over ebay now lol, most at the $120 - $150 mark
There's a couple on there. Want to try and get one for my GF. Feel kinda guilty because I have one and she doesn't. We've both took it in turns buying each other the retail Normandy models and now I'm the only one with the Bronze one... :(
08-29-2012, 10:19 PM
Me and jess kinda have a joint mass effect collection, i started collecting, then she got into mass effect, so i just buy her stuff as i dont need 2 of everything as we live together, that and if she collects that she cant complain about the other collecting :D that and she just got the razor headset and ezonans books..
08-29-2012, 10:28 PM
lol Me and my GF can't play nice, so we must have 2 of everything if it's something we both want. One for me and one for her. Also coupled with the fact that we don't currently live together, it would be pointless having one between us, only to sit at one person's house and the other can't enjoy it! XD
08-29-2012, 11:11 PM
lol Me and my GF can't play nice, so we must have 2 of everything if it's something we both want. One for me and one for her. Also coupled with the fact that we don't currently live together, it would be pointless having one between us, only to sit at one person's house and the other can't enjoy it! XD
If only my Mrs enjoyed games and collecting.
08-30-2012, 06:56 AM
Todays gatherings are, tales of graces day 1, fantastic 4 for gamecube, perfect dark zero ce and yet another sonic steel, making a total of 5 atm... Lets hope im this lucky with the assassin statues..
08-30-2012, 07:10 AM
I got:
Force Unleashed steelbook G2
Lost Planet steelbook G1 (x2)
Halo Wars steelbook G1
Mass Effect 2 G1
Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City G1 (x2)
Ghost Recon: Future Solider Sealed G1 (x5)
NHL 12 G1
Also all of these are for TRADE PM Me!
08-31-2012, 04:12 AM
200 Normandy Bronze Replica! o_o
Wow it must be quite expensive!
As for the Reaper replica, it's been more than one year since it was first annoucned, and still no release date.
08-31-2012, 12:59 PM
200 Normandy Bronze Replica! o_o
Wow it must be quite expensive!
As for the Reaper replica, it's been more than one year since it was first annoucned, and still no release date.
$75 - $150 on ebay
08-31-2012, 01:02 PM
Today in the mail
Super meat boy Ultra rare ed, little crushed in the mail
Legend of heroes CE
Wwf 2008 ps2 steel in pawn shop
Received yesterday:
Ken's rage: fist of the north star steelbook, in excellent condition.
I had it for 15€ with shipping :bananayes:
08-31-2012, 06:24 PM
Wwf 2008 ps2 steel in pawn shop
Nice. Do you know if there is a ps3 version of this steelbook?
08-31-2012, 07:14 PM
After much suffering and waiting and waiting ... and some more waiting ... finally added some more collection
08-31-2012, 11:25 PM
My Guildwars 2 Collectors edition arrived :) ( ( ( (
08-31-2012, 11:30 PM
Nice. Do you know if there is a ps3 version of this steelbook?
A ps3 version exists, havent seen one for sale though
09-01-2012, 12:31 PM
Nice. Do you know if there is a ps3 version of this steelbook?
Yes definitely. There are 2 variants for this too. I have them :thumb:
09-01-2012, 02:08 PM
EDIT - wrong thread xx
09-01-2012, 02:40 PM
So, who bought the Mirror Edge PS3 Steelbook yesterday? me! :D
09-01-2012, 06:11 PM
So, who bought the Mirror Edge PS3 Steelbook yesterday? me! :D
:thumb: Nice one!
09-01-2012, 07:58 PM
Nice, how much was the Steelbook Pinoy?
09-01-2012, 08:02 PM
3(10^2 / 2) :d
09-01-2012, 08:04 PM
Wow, nice price Pinoy! xx
09-01-2012, 08:36 PM
supermeatboy rare t-shirt edition on amazon got it for £9.99
09-03-2012, 10:38 AM
Got my Tales of Graces f Day One Edition the other day. Complete with pre-order art cards. ^o^
And here are the art cards. Nothing too special, but I thought they were nice. :D
09-03-2012, 11:09 AM
Damn i want those cards now
09-03-2012, 11:19 AM
lol You might be able to find them on ebay, or seem to still have the game listed with the cards. I'll give them a call later and tell then that I didn't receive my cards and see if I can get a set for ya! :D
09-03-2012, 11:51 AM
lol You might be able to find them on ebay, or seem to still have the game listed with the cards. I'll give them a call later and tell then that I didn't receive my cards and see if I can get a set for ya! :D
That would be amazing if you could, i got my copy that came with no pre order things
09-03-2012, 08:36 PM
^Congrats Cosmic
Love those cards .. i'm waiting for my copy to arrive " I've also order another one for one of my friends " :D
but too bad no cards .. i need to find them on ebay ;(
I also need a good camera to take pictures for my new collection ><"
and share them with you .
09-04-2012, 03:40 AM
Not really a game ce, but a ce none the less
09-04-2012, 10:39 AM
Had a couple of steelbooks come through the post yesterday! :D
Also picked this up from Blockbusters for £1.99. :D
Couldn't moan. lol
09-04-2012, 12:47 PM
gotta ask where everyone gets those steelbook protection baggies
09-04-2012, 12:56 PM
I get mine off eBay! :D was about £5 for a pack of 100 I think...
09-04-2012, 01:10 PM
Recent arrivals for me :bday:
09-04-2012, 01:14 PM
I get mine off eBay! :D was about £5 for a pack of 100 I think...
100 is not enough :nono:
09-04-2012, 01:24 PM
100 is not enough :nono:
It's enough for normal people! :P
Anyway, I've just checked and it was actually £5.45 for a pack of 200. :P Still not enough I assume!? XP
09-04-2012, 03:36 PM
It's enough for normal people! :P
Anyway, I've just checked and it was actually £5.45 for a pack of 200. :P Still not enough I assume!? XP
Just get 10 packs of 200 and you'll be set :P
Btw I just realised the exposed boobs in your sig seem to be missing something. No nipples? :poke:
09-05-2012, 09:16 PM
Got my Tales of Graces f Day One Edition the other day. Complete with pre-order art cards. ^o^
And here are the art cards. Nothing too special, but I thought they were nice. :D
Got mine through 2 days ago from zavvi though because they were cheap =p
Came slightly damaged on the outer box in the corner but no biggie as got it for cheap plus cashback.
09-05-2012, 11:22 PM
Got Halo Reach Legendary edition statue and box through from ebay today which makes my limited edition game into the legendary one :) (
09-06-2012, 07:11 AM
thats a nice edition.. i wish halo 4 did something that cool with thiers
09-06-2012, 07:29 AM
thats a nice edition.. i wish halo 4 did something that cool with thiers
Halo Reach Legendary was out there in the cool bracket because it was supposed to be the last Halo ever. So they made something memorable much like Halo 3 Legenndary,unfortunately Halo Reach was the last for Bungie studios,just not the last Halo so they suckered us all for awhile into buying the exspensive legndary edition. Halo 4 has got a lot to live up to,i hope it does
09-06-2012, 07:41 AM
Halo Reach Legendary was out there in the cool bracket because it was supposed to be the last Halo ever. So they made something memorable much like Halo 3 Legenndary,unfortunately Halo Reach was the last for Bungie studios,just not the last Halo so they suckered us all for awhile into buying the exspensive legndary edition. Halo 4 has got a lot to live up to,i hope it does
If it doesnt live up to the trillogy i will cry
09-06-2012, 11:59 AM
Getting lots of new stuff recently. :D Was going to have a themed Mass Effect update, but was too excited to show my Normandy last time! :P Have also got one other ME item after this which I am hoping will come. lol We'll see... ;)
So anyway, this came this morning. Parcelfail managed to find my address alright this time, so I'm even happier! ^o^ Thank you very much to CriX for helping me get this! :D
The USB stick in this picture is a 2GB stick and unfortunately doesn't have anything on there... :( Was hoping for artwork and such, but maybe I'll fill it myself with all that stuff later! XD
The 2 books at the bottom. One appears to be the instruction manual and the other I assume is a game guide?
Absolutely love the Digipak that comes with this Edition. :D
All the contents are immaculate! :D The CE is just missing the T-Shirt, but I purchased it knowing this anyway. lol So pleased with this and am so happy to have got one! ^o^ Thanks CriX! ^o^
09-06-2012, 01:30 PM
Been a while since I've last posted so trying to remember what I got since then. These few I know I only got fairly recently.
School Days HQ Collector's Edition PC
Front Cover of Box
Back Cover of Box
CD Cover
Mouse Pad
Key Ring
The Last Story Limited Edition (PAL) Wii
Pandora's Tower (Pal) Wii
And in about 2 weeks should have two copies of Mists of Pandaria
09-06-2012, 01:56 PM
hah.. boobie mousepad >.<
09-06-2012, 03:29 PM
haha yeah, it's goes nicely with my Arcana Hearts one.
09-07-2012, 07:38 AM
Arrived in the mail today, all 5 palisades final fantasy spirits within figures.. they are no play arts figures.. not even barbie quality, maybe ken...$%28KGrHqYOKokE6ffuE7,sBOwd1i0GP!~~60_35.JPG
09-07-2012, 05:35 PM
Got one or two things but rather than put up a bunch of double pics,just click the link to my intro thread. Enjoy:D
09-09-2012, 08:46 PM
No longer getting my Uncharted PK but am getting instead
1 of 7 the last of us artcard signed by both voice actors
1 of 7 (outside of naughty dog) the last of us tshirt (the one that you see one of the debs wearing in the Patch 1.13 video they show on uncharted tv)!
So excited for when these arrive! I may also be getting a Comic Con Ellie shirt and possible a Pax version aswell.
The Grim Reaper
09-10-2012, 09:43 PM
Last one was darksiders 2 for Xbox 360, and if nothing strange happens I should receive a sealed SC2 collector this week from ebay.
09-10-2012, 11:34 PM
The last one was : Tales of Graces f Day 1 Edition
+ this lovely collection .
got it all MGS Stuff include shipping = $90.48
09-11-2012, 05:38 AM
Last thing i bought is Assassin's Creed Broterhood Auditore edition for 30$ new, unopedend
Sent from my iPad 2 using Tapatalk HD
Give me Assassin's Creed CEs!!!!
09-13-2012, 06:21 PM
dead island riptide steel from us, got my sister to get it for me off ebay £17 with postage turned up after a week not a bad price i think
ttag 2 we are tekken tommrow
09-13-2012, 09:02 PM
lol? coma ... not bad should of asked me though mate
09-13-2012, 09:47 PM
lol? coma ... not bad should of asked me though mate
would of offered the link around the seller had 2 and 1 had sold, did'nt have high feedback but was worth a go for that money
09-13-2012, 11:10 PM
Just got Mafia II CE from Amazon, used but pretty much in new condition for only £11 inlcuding shipping. Not a bad price to be honest.
09-14-2012, 03:30 AM
Recieved my FF 25th anniversary poster and Tales of Grace F UK edition.
Edit:For some reason they're rotated and idk why, stupid photobucket :banghead:
last monday i have reciev my 3 biohazards limited editions 1x15th ps3 and 1x raccoon xbox360 and 1x wii limited edition :) (
also have recieve allot off virtual boy items like my Japan store display unit and my Faceball store promo flyer booklet and some more
09-14-2012, 11:11 AM
Most recent pick ups (not updated for a while so just gonna do this weeks pickups!):
Darksiders II Steelbook.
Dead Island Riptide Steelbook.
Hunger Games Steelbook.
Jaws Steelbook.
Shaun of the Dead Steelbook.
The Frighteners Steelbook.
Serenity Steelbook (on it's way).
Hunger Games Bluray Mockingjay pendant CE.
Shutter Island Steelbook (on it's way).
Forrest Gump Steelbook (on it's way).
Avengers Steelbook (on it's way).
Soul Calibur V CE Guidebook.
Link on Epona Gold Nintendo Club statue (will arrive today).
:) xx
09-14-2012, 02:24 PM
Most recent pick ups (not updated for a while so just gonna do this weeks pickups!):
Darksiders II Steelbook.
Dead Island Riptide Steelbook.
Hunger Games Steelbook.
Jaws Steelbook.
Shaun of the Dead Steelbook.
The Frighteners Steelbook.
Serenity Steelbook (on it's way).
Hunger Games Bluray Mockingjay pendant CE.
Shutter Island Steelbook (on it's way).
Forrest Gump Steelbook (on it's way).
Avengers Steelbook (on it's way).
Soul Calibur V CE Guidebook.
Link on Epona Gold Nintendo Club statue (will arrive today).
:) xx
How do you afford this all vhal? :beee:
09-14-2012, 02:35 PM
Drug running
09-14-2012, 02:42 PM
Haha, nono :) Severe budgeting every month. I literally do my budgets months in advance and do my best to stick to them as strictly as possible. It does mean that I can't just randomly spend money here and there, which sucks, but at least it means I get the most out of my money (CE-wise at least!)
As of now, I've budgeted all the way to September 2013. Albeit a rough budget for next year as I don't know what games/movies will have CEs coming out, but at least it's a start :) I'll just alter it as I go along :) xx
09-14-2012, 02:46 PM
Was so tempted to make a comment about 'Scottishness' LOL! ;)
Wish I could budget like that - might have got Loot... :(
09-14-2012, 02:49 PM
I've been doing this insane budgeting since March 2011 (when I first moved into my own house) and when I started collecting in around June 2011 it got worse (more things to budget for!), so I've been doing it for over a year now, and every now and then I still fuck up :/ it's pretty damn difficult to stick to it, plus remember to add thing to my budget as soon as I preorder them haha :haha: xx
09-14-2012, 02:55 PM
Can you do my budget too?!? :D
09-14-2012, 02:57 PM
Im thinking not as many next year, this year marks the trillogy number for a few games and a few companys are starting new games, ce's for first games are usually smaller, or at least i hope
09-14-2012, 03:27 PM
Yeah me too, I've budgeted a set amount each month for CEs next year, for both me and Allan (I do his budgets too!) and then a set amount to put to savings (since we have none right now!) and that way we'll hopefully be able to get most, if not all of the CEs released next year with the money in our budgets, and if anything else crops up that we like/want, we can just use a bit of our savings :) xx
09-14-2012, 03:28 PM
Tekken Tag Tournament 2 We Are Tekken Edition arrived earlier. Completely destroyed.
Arrived in a stupid white bubblewrap envelope type thing.
Box was crushed but I wanted to see the damage inside, so opened it and wow. Metalpak crushed beyond recognition. Nasty.
Sending it back for a replacement tomorrow :( xx
09-14-2012, 03:43 PM
My Darksiders 2 Steelbook Arrived today with much thanks to Lemur and Vhal :) Fantastic packing - it looks lovely! :D
09-14-2012, 03:43 PM
You're welcome :P xx
09-14-2012, 07:08 PM
Got my hands on a Borderlands 2 Presskit, that includes the 16bit "version" of the game also playable on the web, but this one comes on a floppy, just like an old school video game.
also comes with a USB floppy drive.
Im very happy with this :3
09-14-2012, 09:56 PM
got we are tekken for the 360 not blown away but was not expecting to be like the game, extra 20 for the content was not bad, also picked up nhl 13
09-14-2012, 11:14 PM
Also got Tekken Tag today xbox and arrived immaculate - got lucky I guess :)
Also got my Heavy Rain Press Pack :) :) :)
09-15-2012, 05:37 PM
Picked up a Infamous special edition today.
09-15-2012, 08:49 PM
Got my hands on a Borderlands 2 Presskit, that includes the 16bit "version" of the game also playable on the web, but this one comes on a floppy, just like an old school video game.
also comes with a USB floppy drive.
Im very happy with this :3
Reminds me of Megaman 9 Awesome find.
09-15-2012, 09:38 PM
Got my hands on a Borderlands 2 Presskit, that includes the 16bit "version" of the game also playable on the web, but this one comes on a floppy, just like an old school video game.
also comes with a USB floppy drive.
Im very happy with this :3
I want one
09-15-2012, 09:40 PM
Im still waiting for someone to drop one of these on ebay to see for how much this is gonna go for.
09-16-2012, 12:33 PM
Latest items to drop through my door. :D
09-16-2012, 01:20 PM
Got these in the last couple of months:
09-16-2012, 08:46 PM
My find for the past few months.
09-16-2012, 09:06 PM
Is that animus edition from ebay? How much does it cost?
Odesláno z mého LG-P350 pomocí Tapatalk 2
~Pardon my English~
09-17-2012, 01:15 AM
Is that animus edition from ebay? How much does it cost?
Odesláno z mého LG-P350 pomocí Tapatalk 2
~Pardon my English~
I bought it from one of the members here.
09-17-2012, 02:36 AM
Todays pickup is a brink steel book, 2 tiny paint chips, but over all pretty good condition.
09-17-2012, 03:46 AM
24.95 for Steelbook version of BRINK:clap:
scourdx - Nice pick up. Jealous you found FullMetal for 2.97.
09-17-2012, 03:55 AM
Picked up Tekken Unlimited Tag Tournament 2 (Asia Prestige Edition) and I love the art book as it's just fantastic, and besides I just love Tekken since the PS1 days.
Just a heads up for those who are interested in knowing, this is a NTSCJ version and it does run on PAL as I've tested it on my console.
09-17-2012, 04:02 AM
Is it still available mate?
09-17-2012, 04:07 AM
Is it still available mate?
I got mine from PA and it's sold out, don't really know any other stores in the region that have it for sale still. Perhaps a member here on this site my be able to assist for pickup locally....sorry fella.
09-17-2012, 04:14 AM
Thanks mate ;). Just confirming if it was available or not, guess ill have to live with the We are tekken pal edition >:
09-18-2012, 05:41 AM
Mirror's Edge PS3 SteelBook
09-18-2012, 09:18 AM
Mirror's Edge PS3 SteelBook
so...what was the damage!?
09-18-2012, 12:26 PM
Steelbook envy.... :/ : / :beg:
Nice buy! :)
09-18-2012, 12:28 PM
Todays pickup is a brink steel book, 2 tiny paint chips, but over all pretty good condition.
That's a good buy! Full collector edition too - Europe only got the steelbook - no extras... Does it have tattoos and artcards still?
Looks great condition! :) :notworthy:
09-18-2012, 06:30 PM
I've been drastically cutting back lately but today I bought a Mass Effect collectors edition hardcover 'Homeworlds' graphic novel, it has a signing plate with a pencil sketched version of the exclusive cover artwork, signed and numbered by Jeremy Barlow, limited to 700. It will go nicely with my others :)
Not the final artwork, will be released in mid Nov:
EDIT: So jealous of that Mirror's Edge steelie..........I bet that put a huge dent in your wallet iNCREDiPiNOY :P
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